Monthly walk: Landmarks worth a 2nd look!

The 1st walk for 2017…..

This is an EC activity; feel free to bring your adult friends who are over 45!

Date: Saturday, 11 March 2017

Time: 4.30 pm SHARP!

Meeting Point: Toa Payoh MRT (NS 19), Exit A. Bread Talk is on the left as you come up the escalator.

Duration: Approx. 2.5 hrs

ECs : Azhari Cuttilan and ChristinA Chan

The festive seasons have ended… good time to stretch and walk off the flabs :D

Due to the recent incident of big trees being uprooted, our walk routes are limited.
In view of the safety for all participants during this rainy season, we have changed this walking route to a pleasant yet interesting trail!

For greenery, we will pass through 2 small parks; will see the only Buddhist temple outside Myanmar built in the traditional Burmese architectural style; a chic cafe; a villa built in late 1800s was restored and open to the public in 2001; Singapore’s first civil airport terminal built in 1937 but ceased operation in 1955 and used by various groups; other interesting landmarks like the longest HDB block.

There’s two end points, it depends on time, weather and participants’ energy level:
1) Kallang MRT or
2) Sports Hub

Bring water bottles, caps, umbrellas and cameras. Do wear comfortable walking shoes.

Look forward to your early registration! :D :D

from the Walk Team: Charles Wee, Veronica Wong, Mary Tan, Serene Low, Alice Seah, Azhari Cuttilan, Linda Chua and I, ChristinA Chan.



1) AzhariC
2) ChristinA
3) SusanCHT
4) Susan Tan (please note walk is on 11Mar not Feb)
5) CharlesW,
6) Daisy Phua,
7) Tony Ang,
8) Simon Wong
9) Steven Yuen
10) Bernie Chung
11) Victor Chee
12) Steven Chan
13) Judy Lim
14) Linda Chua
15) Henry See
16) Lee Ah Nee
17) Sam Goh (tentative)
18) Winnie Lim
19) Seok Cheng
20) Ronald Lee
21) Winnie Tan
22) Lina Tan
23) John Howe
24) Andrew Koh
25) Olivia Jiang
26) Ronald Lam
27) Evelyn Ong




Author: ChristinA Chan (Walking group leader)

Interests: Health related and socials.

44 thoughts on “Monthly walk: Landmarks worth a 2nd look!”

  1. hohohohooho hahahahhha a very good evening brothers & sisters ,

    after so many years in SHC…& only two time i participated in SHC monthly walk…

    yesterday was d best for me !! had a solid good long walk ya !!! and also good fellowship gathering plus food in kallang airport std seem drop ya !!!

    will look foreward for next month WALK ,if timing match me ya !!!

    cheers !! stay happy laugh more ya !! hahahahahha

    bro sam

  2. A friend pointed out to me that we have a good turnout of guys!

    I started counting… I believe this was an eventful ratio of 12:12. Hooray! :D :D

    Ladies & Guys… thanks for show up,,, keep coming to our walks!

    Have a great weekend!
    ChristinA and the Walk Team

  3. Seems like kindred spirit in the air when everybody was very happy to see each other- we went MIA for such a long time. A very nice warm fellowship of old friends. Heaven was very kind to us – the heavy downpour stopped just in time when the walk started. Our grateful thanks to Chris for doing the detailed write up and got everybody tempted to join, and Azhari, who took the trouble to recce such a long route that must have taken a lot of his time. Gratias gratias!

  4. Hi Sam,

    Noted. Come when you can but please do arrive by 4.30pm. :D

    WinnieL and Seok Cheng,
    Welcome back to our walks!


    Let there be Light & Sun :D :D
    Thanks for a sunny afternoon.
    Walk is ON …

    Thanks to “one & all” (borrow from SamG) for your support! :D

    See you…

  5. yo yo yo hohohohoho hahahahahha , ChristinA jie ,

    if today my recycle for d orphanges home can clear early , will join in your walk ya !!

    from JB coming ,so brothers & sisters ,do come one & all for a healthy & good fellowship gathering ya !! so ah jie .tentaively ,chope a place ya !!! hahahahahha

    do laugh & smile ,it brings good CELLS to our body ya !!
    brother Sam Goh aka ah huat

  6. Dear walkist,

    This walk we have two Stevens :D

    Steven, we shall pray for NO rain!

    Noted your support, namely BernieC VictorC, StevenC and Judy Lim.


    1. Oic. Thanks for your reply and explanation. Appreciated and looking forward to meet you again.

      FYI Hi Terence I thought of organising 1 day outing for SHC members to JB. What do you think ? However I limit to 10 pax if l am the only organiser. However if there is another volunteer organiser to help me then it will be 20pax. Each of us will responsible for 10pax.
      Can you please what’s app me so that I can send you the draft for approval. I am still quite new to what’s app features.
      Another SHC event will be a picnic gathering at West Coast Park . Most if not all have been picnicking at East Coast Park but not West Coast Park with many facilities too. How about a change to a different environment ?
      For both events I had recce the place and it’s surroundings.
      It is high time I need to contribute more to SHC events to have a sense of belonging to the club.
      I will also attach some photos to give you a better picture of what I had planned in the interest of our members at heart.
      Have a good day Terence ,
      Steven Chan

      1. Hi Steven,

        Please create a new post re your JB trip. I dont have to give any ok. It is all up to your creativity and planning,

        As for your suggestion on a West Coast picnic, you can defiitely discuss with me on Whatsapp.

        Have fun,

        Terence Seah

          1. steven chan
            i looking forward for the date
            will register if approved

  7. Wow! SusanCHT,
    This is your 1st since ?? years ago hehe

    Noted the following registrations, too –
    Susan Tan (please note walk is 11Mar not Feb),
    Daisy Phua,
    Tony Ang,
    Simon Wong (cant recall if we have met, will know on Sat :D).

    Steven … waiting for Terence to confirm ID.

    Thanks for your kind support. :D
    Look forward to see all of you.

  8. Hi Christina and others,

    Steven is back. Please register me for this interesting walk. And I appreciate very much the organisers who have been working hard all these years to ensure that our members enjoy their monthly walks. V. Good. Keep it up ! Miss all of you and looking forward to see you soon next Sat.

    1. Hi Christina or Terence I am a member of SHC . Why is it still under approval ? Please Register me for this interesting walk this coming Sat 11/3/17 please . Thanks.

      1. It is raining heavily in Clementi but I will definitely join in this SHC walk at 4.30pm. I missed all the members for a long time. Time to meet up with them.

      2. It was so GOOD to meet the SHC Walk members after a long abscence.
        The route was also well chosen and we manage to see a Burmese temple and a Wheeler’s Yard an old industrial ” warehouse” and later the 3 of us Azahari, Charles and continue our walk to the Stadium Hub.Thanks to the EO and committee members for organising this interesting walk. I am looking forward to our next Walk in April.

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