Anyone can help to hold the Nov’09 monthly gathering

I need help for members to come forward to organise the Nov’09 gathering. Any volunteers?? Pls come forward.  I am unable to organise this month gathering as I am very tied up with work in China and most of the time, hv to station in China.  Hence, any help would be much appreciated.


Author: Dolly Lim

ACTIVE 2005 / UPDATED - 31.03.2021_SF

7 thoughts on “Anyone can help to hold the Nov’09 monthly gathering”

  1. I don’t mind helping, please advise and guide me along,and I hope I’m not alone, there r others helping hands too…


  2. Hi Dolly! Please specify the date. If I’m in town and not minding my grandchildren, I will help in whatever way I can. Like Vivian, I’ll need instructions.


  3. Hi Geraldine, Vivian, Ros, thank you very much for the offer. SHC culture is that EO had d final say, just name a date thru’ pte email first n I will try 2 get YK n Terence 2b around just in case, I m not available. So ladies, give me your dates and rest assured that there will b other members helping you along.. Cheers.. Dolly

  4. halo halo ,

    to anyone who is de EO 4 nov gathering hor,
    if de date did not clash wif my appt. i will help u out whole heartly 1…rest assure others will aso help out lah!!! tio bo hiah ti & jie mui lar…

    can aso say i very de kaypo type !!! hahahaha

  5. Hi Dolly,

    As I will be in town for only 2 weeks, I will help instead if it falls within the time frame and if I am available.

  6. Hi Dolly,

    I would like to join the November’s monthly gathering as a helper. Pls provide with more details.


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