Making use of our experience and knowledge

Many SilverHairs feel that our knowledge and experience expire when we retire.  Our jobs are replaced by younger people, who have just finished formal education.  With the current environment, many SilverHairs feel that we are no longer employable, and have to take up jobs beneath our experience and knowledge.

Some SilverHairs are lucky.  And they do not have to worry about a job during their SilverHairs years.  From the membership, I see more SilverHairs ladies than men are well prepared for the future.   

But, for SilverHairs who need to have a job, what are the options?  Some of us do need a job to maintain our monthly expenses.  For others,  a job helps to pay for our desires to see the world.  And, of course, we have SilverHairs who simply enjoy being actively employed.

Complaining about the non-availability of jobs is not going to help.  It just makes us more unhappy.  Some SilverHairs have already taken up the positive step of taking up something for themselves.   We dont want to sit in the foodcourts from morning to evening.  Nor do we want to walk about the shopping centres from 10 am to 6pm.  Can we come up with some ideas to enjoy our retirement, and yet keep ourselves financially afloat?

Many SilverHairsClub members have expressed that we should do something in this area.  As a group, maybe we can do something.  We have years of experience and knowledge, developed over the years.  Let’s put our ideas here.  And, let’s respect every SilverHairs’s ideas. The more specific you are, the better.  No idea is a bad idea.

I would like to keep this topic alive, over the next two months.  At the end of Sept, we shall try to identify and summarise what we, as a group, can do for ourselves, in terms of jobs, and making use of our experience and knowledge.  I guess success will depend on what we finally do.

All SilverHairs are invited to participate.  And in line with SHC’s direction, let’s observe no religion, politics, sex, race, direct selling and MLM.

Terence Seah +65 9489-4360

Author: Terence Seah


4 thoughts on “Making use of our experience and knowledge”

  1. Hi Terence,

    It is ok , but you are still reading emails and
    replying them, that is good networking and that is idea that i am thinking of, that people can put their work, experience to work no matter where they are.

    Ideas i have a plenty, that is why i have signed up for an Entrepreneur Action Plan Traning programme, with Executive Directions, by Wendy Koh and partners most of them are National Enntrepreneur Award winners.

    I think they did fan the fire in me, that is why i got signed up with them. Also the fact that i have been reading you know the ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad’ books and more beliefs are strengthen that if we dont act of our ideas they just become that. Also as what Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches, that 2 group of people can have totally different ideas and both are not wrong only one envision their dreams while the other dare not dream.

    I guess being just retired, i probably have the
    momentum of wanting to do more, or maybe wanting to realise some dreams.

    One idea that i am trying to get started is that of making ePublishing more marketable and available to retirees as well as other interested parties.

    Why, due to Technology:-
    – ePublishing, does not cost anything for both the writer, and readers, and even pictures, videos, and sound are free literally,
    – Next with cost being so low, the next wave of
    ePublishing should make appeal to retirees for these reasons:-
    – Authors can start anytime, anywhere ( just like what you are doing, and revisions and co-editing can be done around the world by interested participants.
    – Due to these criteria, many topics, books, can be re-written and updated by retirees making them more customise, summarised and updated to particular regions,and communities.
    – ePublishing then will promise new benefits as

    1. eBooks, can be updated online, with forums andfeedback, reviews almost current,
    2. Pictures can be more generously displayed, with video clips, and sound ,etc.
    3. Most Books are wasting people time as they add a lot of reptitive passages and unnecessary ideas just to make the book thicker else no one wants to buy a very thin book for $10 or more. But with the cost of publishing , new eBooks can be more focus and effective, with attachments and links , thus reading and learning can more effective.

    Other benefits:-
    1. To set up a big website ( can be small intially) to house these eBooks, that people can access to whereever they are without having to carry them around.
    2. Pricing, can be made very cheap and directly
    proportional to what they read and how many times they read. That is they pay by the page, can continue paying till they own the right to the book,else they only pay what they have read. So if you dont like what you read you can stop after 10 pages and pay maybe only 50cts.
    3. So why buy a book and carry it around or store it at home and pay for it when you can read it where you want . Now the book is available to them anywhere.
    4. So retirees, can start writing in teams about any stories, experiences and make it to comic type of writing , that is fast, illustrative and right to the point .
    5. I think you probably get the idead by now, so how do we get people to write for us and start this website, where we hold the rights and also the marketing of it.
    6. With current technology i think this is not too difficult.

    7. Even to start this business on the website would not cost a bomb as compared to starting a book store selling books.

    Well , will continue the next time.


    Ronald Wi

  2. We are going to give this project a name. I was thinking of “Blue Helment”.

    The ideas will take some time to come in, but i would say Ronald Wi may have some thing. Obviously Ronald Wi will have to take the lead.

    Other ideas welcome.

    Terence Seah

  3. Hi Terence,

    Fully agree with your concept of “Making use of our knowledge and experience”. We should fully tap on our years of accumulated resources (which is our knowledge and experience) to make our minds active and at the same time generate some income for ourselves. It is a wonderful feeling to be able to generate income for ourselves when our hairs are greying. But one word of caution is we should not take unnecesary risk.

    Ronald Wi’s ePublishing idea is a good platform for silverhairers to share their experiences and earn some income at little cost and no risk.

    I am 53 years young and like Ronald Wi is currently attending a Diploma course in Enterprise Development for Entrepreneurs and for people who are thinking of becoming Entrepreneurs. It is an interesting and motivating course to keep me abreast of current developments.

    For those silverhairers who are interested in doing some business, I have a rice crackers product from Thailand which my company has been appointed to act as the Singapore Representative to promote their products for export to Singapore, Malaysia, China, Korea, Taiwan and Indonesia. Please get in touch with me for those who are interested. My email address is :

    George Sng

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