Death by Fat

Over the weekend, I had Luo-bo-gao (carrot cake) and   Hao-jian (oyster omellete) at a famous hawker center rebooted (Tiong Bahru). It was good enough to die for.  If I have to go just then I can’t find a better time to do so.

My left brain tells me to go abroad for a leisurely RV resort lifestyle. The flashes of hao-jian stops my right brain. Lucky my stomach has non-voting rights.

So I still game to go. Provided the two is on the menu.

Disclaimer: I don’t sell  Luo-bo-gao or  Hao-jian.

Author: Wong Kong Thean

Interests: Join any activity like stay and tour plans.

One thought on “Death by Fat”

  1. Hi Wong and All SHC members .

    Good news for all Asian Food lovers, i.a.w. today’s Forum page in the Straits Times.
    Eat all the Non-saturated fat, in any form,be it lard,ghee,coconut milk, butter, etc.
    They have been found that, contrary to what USA have made us to give up, and to take hydrogenated fats like Veggie old, etc.

    These hyrogenated fats have been found to be more harmful. That is why Americans and those who have been switching to them and giving up saturated Fats, are having heart attacks at any earlier age according to this new study.

    Why eat more Non-saturated fats (lard, ghee, etc). They are good and found to be anti-virus,anti-bacteria,, anti-fungus ,and our body help breakdown calcium, making for easier absorption, thus prevent osteroporosis from setting in. That is why some Chinese and Japanese living in Okinawa have logenity and good health.

    So cheers, and here is to Good old Singapore Food just the way it was and the way we like it. So let us have a Good national Day and feast to our hearts content. It may just what the doctors recommended and can keep us healthier stronger and live longer.

    I always believe the less, tampering we don scientifically with our food, the better it will be for our body.

    Ronald Wi

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