How to play the guitar, for beginners?

Every since I was a school boy, I had always wanted to play the guitar.  Today, 30 years later, I still cannot play the guitar.  I had bought a guitar, played it for a few days, and then, I forgot where it was.  Recently, I met a couple of friends, during dinner, and I was impressed by a 60 year old member, who could play the guitar, and was playing old songs that we all like, same age lah.  So, I am now hot up to learn how to play the guitar.

Dementia is a serious concern, although it can affect all oldies.  We forget our parents, the names of our children and where we left that gold coin.  In SHC, I learn that two kinds of activities can delay the onset of dementia.  One is learning a new language, the other is playing a musical instrument.  Of course, there is mahjong and soduko.

Well, I determine this time to learn how to play the guitar.  First, I bought a guitar song book of old songs.  Second, I subscribe to an online video of a series of "How to play the guitar" for USD 19.  All done in one day.  My next step is to look out for a second hand guitar, suitable for strumming.  Maybe if Jassmine permits in her online fleamart, I can advertise to buy an used guitar.  I like to buy it this week.

What I hope to do is to attract other like-minded Silverhairs to join me in this dementia delaying activity.  Then we can meet once in a while, somewhere and play together.  I have decided to go for online training because I don think I can find a patient teacher, and also I can practise and play at my own time.

Anybody else, like to go along the same line as me.  Helpers would be appreciated, in forming small groups.  A chance to teach an old bird how to sing.

Terence Seah

SHC Registration list for an online beginners group (Guitar strumming):

  1. Terence Seah – a real beginner.
  2. Caroline Gee – beginner, wants to sing along
  3. Tang May – Picked up guitar before, stop and restarting.
  4. Johnny Pow – Played guitar during school days, and formed a band.
  5. Andrew Yeung – mid level
  6. Bobby Bok – sounds more than a beginner
  7. Lina Ng – beginner, at least has a junior and senior guitar
  8. Yew Kwong – beginner
  9. Karen Thio – beginner
  10. Andrew Yeung – mid level
  11. HC Lee – mid level
  12. Ann Giri – got a guitar from son, sounds like a beginner
  13. Celia Ng – sounds like more than a beginner.
  14. ..
  15. ..


Author: Terence Seah


55 thoughts on “How to play the guitar, for beginners?”

  1. You are good,man. Once you put your mind into something you go for it! I admire you. I have a guitar for sale. Its new made in Indonesia by my friend. Can sell you at a reasonable price. Email me and i will send you the picture.

  2. Hi Rhinestone Cowboy

    I think the ukelele is an easier instrument to learn… besides, if you like singing, then you can singalong with the cows…

    Someone had posted earlier on about uke lessons…

    And don’t believe the old dog: Chess and mahjong are difficult to play well. You may just learn enough for him to hustle you… haha!

  3. Terence

    I tried but pressing of the guitar strings hurt quite bad so I stopped :(

    Maybe if its in a group, I may want to try again. Then we can all sing along :)


  4. Hi Caroline #4,

    I just can’t help but notice the beautiful AVATAR image of you. I have been hoping more SilverHairsClub members will use their own AVATAR image. It’s easy. Anybody needs advice, the current users can help.

    Nice one.

    Terence Seah

  5. Thank you Terence.

    This was taken by me with my new Tablet.

    I followed the simple steps given by you or Yew Kwong and yes, its nice to have a face to a name.


  6. Hi Terence

    Self learning a musical instrument can be rather difficult and frustrating…and then you lose interest. It’s better to go for 8-10 basic lessons (at CCs ) first, then continue on your own. Anyway i’ve got some old guitar self learning books which i think are very helpful for beginners. I’ll put them up for sale at the online flea mart. lol! :)

    btw, you can put up a ‘looking for…’ advertisement on the flea mart page. :)

  7. Hi Terence
    Yes, I’m interested. I took up guitar lessons very late in life (in my 40s). But had to stop after some lessons becos of work schedule. Would be nice to pick it up again. Probably can combine this to the ukelele .. a uke-tar class or a gui-lele class … should be fun.


  8. Hi everybody,

    How about this? I an keen to start an online guitar (strumming) learning group. We put our names down, we meet once every two weeks or once a month and play together.

    We have to invest in a second hand guitar and an online dowload video. We play at our own time, no fuzz, no impatient teachers, no traffic, all in the privacy of our own bedroom.

    Let’s try to use the same program, so we can tract each other progress. The cost is less than USD 20. Worth an investment against dementia.

    My apology for those keen in Ukele, I shall lead only in this beginners guitar group (strumming). Interested, register here please.

    Terence Seah

  9. Some of us may have a guitar hidden somewhere in the house and no longer wants to use it. Please indicate you want to buy a second hand guitar in Jassmine’s online fleamart, stating you are looking for one and to contact you at a particular email.

    And, for those who have one guitar on offer, please let us know via Jassmine’s online fleamart, stating condition and price.

    Have fun.

    Terene Seaj

  10. Like Caroline, I find playing the guitar very painful.I use to have callus on my finger tips. But then I have to do it to be popular with my teenage peers.

    Now there is no need to do that, so I bought myself a Yamaha electronic organ 2 years ago. I taught myself and manage play Ava Maria but no matter how I try I can never sing like Pavarotti. Today, I have even forgotten the only song I know.

    I want to attend organ classes but they are normally held with the whole class of kids. I will be their stupid Grandpa who cannot play the organ. On top of that I have to pay for 12 lessons and if I cannot make any classes due to travel, there will be no make up lessons.

    Can anyone tell me where I can learn to play with my organ together other Grandpas’ and Grandmas’.

    Maybe one day, I can accompany Terence with his guitar. We can play for the deaf and they will cheer us if we give them free food and drinks.

  11. Aiyoh! Terence #9

    What about the poor ukelele wannabees?? What do they do? They have to play on their own time, no fuss, no teachers, and in the privacy of their bathrooms (because they also want to sing)!

  12. Hi uke wannabes

    There is a jamming session every Thursday from 7 – 9 pm at Bishan CC. Interested, just drop by and c. No charge.

    I have been with this group for some time .. 2 years I think .. after learning the basics from Peter Sng, another SHC member.

  13. Hi Gabriella #15,

    It will be oddward if I try to lead the Uke group. I cannot only learn one thing at a time. Aiyah, brain getting smaller.

    Do try to gather a group. Anyone can hands up and start a new Post. This one for guitar beginners and strumming.

    Terence Seah

  14. TS

    I too would like to learn to play the keyboard. But I must try the guitar one more time and if I really cannot tahan the pain, then I will switch to keyboard. I know of some teachers who give private lessons, one on one basis. Dont know how much they charge. If you are keen, I can find out the fees.

    My nephew loaned me his guitar but I returned it to him cos it hurt so bad. Looks like I have to go and borrow it again.

    Looking forward to our first guitar lesson.


  15. Hi Terence,

    I play guitar during my school days and later form a band. Before learning to play I told my friends of my interest. One of them told me is very easy and said “Just press the top and play the bottom”. I replied “but very pain leh!”

    I understand the “hurt” when learning. It’s very discouraging especially for ladies. Actually one can use cap. Small and come with various size. This prevent developing calluses on the tips. Alternatively practice regularly. When the tips is toughen it will not hurt anymore. If I do pick up this hobby again I also need to toughen my tips. I don’t like to use cap. Season player will agree with me. Not shiok. Hope this tips is useful for learner.

    IMHO learning ukelele is better. Only 4 strings and small in size. Very handy to carry around. I got the thoughts of learning ukelele after watching our TCB strumming and singing “I Understand”. He put up this video after he lost the presidential election by a small margin.

    Terence, if you give up learning guitar and decide to take up ukele please let me know. We learn together.

    Cheers! :)

  16. Hi Terence,

    I would love to join in too but need to know when are your practice session. Hope they do not clash with my other classes.

    Tong Wai (FZ my alias, friends usually call me Tong Wai or Toon)

  17. Hi Terence/Caroline,

    I would like to learn the guitar too. Please include me. I have a Jr. Guitar and a Full Size one. Thanks.

  18. Hi Terence,
    You can also get your guitar both new or old one from Cash Converter shop. They have branches near Bedok Mrt, Tampines and Toa Payoh. I am also learning to play the guitar and yes dun mind to join in the group for jamming session. Cheers..
    Bobby Bok

  19. Terence
    I would like to join u too. Originally decided to learn the pipah to inherit the five finger qi power. That would come later stage.

  20. Hi TS # 13
    Can i recommend this music teacher to you?. He has lots of experience teaching retirees with little knowledge of music. He is self taught with 30 years experience playing with a band. He provides the music/song sheets for the student – no books. His rate is $150/mth for 4 45-min lessons at the student’s home.

    You can try him out for two mths. I think you can learn something from him.


  21. Terence

    Pls include me if u form a group .

    Like What Carly said – the fingers hurt so much when I try learning it in my younger day and I give up.


  22. In case we misunderstand one another, the intention is to gather a guitar beginners group, not to teach but to come together with your guitars, share the learning experience and play a few songs. I hope this will encourage practice, improvement and perserverence.

    Everybody finds their own way to learn, either through a teacher or online programs.

    The registration list simply means you would be part of the invited group to play and practise together. So, Tian Soo, Johnny, Tong Wai, you are invited too.

    Let’s support each other to get through the first complete song.

    Terence Seah

  23. For those who are in the beginners guitar group (strumming), let’s try to meet together at the PotLuck session organised by Rosalind and Dan.

    Bring your guitar, pick and song book. Find someone who you can synchronise with, and whom you can meet regularly to practise and encourage one another to get through the first song.

    And, of course, some food since this is also a potluck too.

    Terence Seah

  24. Jassmin #24

    Yes I will pay him $150 for 4 lessons a month. Ask him if he would come to Lim Chu Kang Road. Tell him we will learn in my aircon office……no mosquitoes or chicken dung smell. Pass him my email if he is interested.

  25. Hi TS #28

    Yes, i’ll inform him about your interest in learning from him. Could u give me your mob. phone no. and your home address thru my email: Will pass these to him.

    Get your Yamaha organ ready! :)

  26. As mentioned in my C#10, I know a bit very simple technique.

    If the group is formed, I can share about 4 simple chords which all the beginner begin with: C, Am, F and G7 and how they are used to sing with the song – “Youe Cheating heart”

    Yes, for the beginner, the finger tips will be quite painful and sure the callus will come out after some time. But I think whatever we want to learn should sure have some difficulties. The important is what we get afterward

    Can you imagine how awesome when one day we enjoy Carly sing a song and playing the guitar by herself!

  27. Andrew #30

    Yes Andrew. I am looking forward to the day I can strum the guitar and sing along. That would be a dream come true for me. For now, you strum and I sing Your Cheating Heart!

    OK Terence besides the picnic, which unfortunately I cant attend, when will be the next practice session?

    In the meantime, must go and get the guitar from my nephew :)


  28. Learning anything alone is difficult. This applies to learning how to play the guitar.

    This is an opportunity to get support from fellow beginners. We need to overcome learning the first song. If you join the group, I shall call for regular beginners sessions. Not to be taught, but really more to learn and play something nice.

    I am pleased to see Hou Chong and Andrew Yeung, both whom I know have more than the basic experience of playing the guitar. I too hope more guitarists will join the beginners guitar group too.

    So, beginners, start learning now, if now for pleasure, but for slowing down any coming dementia.

    Terence Seah

  29. I just got my guitar today, and start to view and listen to lesson 1. The first session is 5 minutes, and teaches how to hold the guitar and the parts of the guitar. Just spent 30 minutes, very nice, just like having a teacher in front of me. Now, I know what is a beat.

    Ok, right fingers starting to get sore. In our group, I must be the newest newbie. Everybody has a guitar?

    If you can, let’s meet at the Potluck. Andrew, will catch you so you can share some technique.

    Terence Seah

  30. Hi Terence

    Nice to know you have pick up the guitar and feel the first pain, this should be the most difficult part. After that, everything will become easier and easier.

    Sorry cannot join the Potluck as got another 3D2N event.

    Longing for the first meeting.

  31. Terence, I am keen to join this guitar strumming session.
    Currently, I am learning how to play acoustic guitar from BMCC. Although, I know my chords but my strumming is extremely lousy. At home no motivation to practice that often. I am sure practising guitar in a group is definitely more interesting as we can share each others experience.
    Please include me. Thank you

  32. Jassmine, your music teacher friend found out where is Lim Chu Kang and decide planet Mars may be nearer for him. So I am back to looking for an organ teacher.
    Anyone out there in Western part of Singapore, I will go to the teacher instead.

  33. Hi TS #37
    is there a halfway house where both of you can meet and have a lesson there? LOL!

    It’s a pity as i think u can learn something from him. Meanwhile, while waiting for an organ teacher, it’s good to practise the scales and re-learn your Ave Maria – keep the fingers supple and the foot ‘obedient’ :)

  34. Welcome to the SHC Guitar group, especially the beginners,

    Can I ask each of you to indicate at which stage you are in? So that every body can help track and support one another’s progress.

    For a start, I just learn Cmaj7 and C chords.

    Something caught me by surprise when I went to a guitar shop recently. Some guitars have steel strings and some have nylon strings. I then understand there is such a thing as an ascoustic guitar and a classical guitar.

    I have both. But, I am a bit lost because one of my guitar and 3 steel strings and 3 nylon strings. Shall have to sort this out.

    So, guitar members, tell us what is your level?

    Terence Seah

  35. Hi Terence,
    The Accoustic Guitar by nature of its material, shape and construction can produce a rich and warm sound. Those wishing to play finger style (instrumental) technique ie plucking the strings, should string it as a classical guitar, that is, 3 of the strings are nylon. Played well, it can derive the bass, accompaniment and melody, all by a solo guitarist. If you are buying this kind of guitar, check that the width of the guitar neck is comfortable for you. I attached a link to a youtube video showing Sungha Jung who was 10yo then, playing “Mission Impossible” using this technique. If anyone needs inspiration, go and watch him perform live in Spr later this month – I got my tickets already.
    I can strum a few tunes and hope to learn finger style (instrumental) techniques to play songs eventually. I have a long way to go.

  36. Hi Terence

    I think it is quite difficult for us to tell what stage we are in, as it is not defined. May be we can like HC, indicate what we have learnt.

    I am in a Folk Song group when I was young, I learnt my simple guitar technique from there.

    I brought my guitar from HK, and never touched it for more than 13 years. I picked it up again after I took part in my first DnD of SHC (I felt I become young again at that time). After my younger son saw me playing the guitar, he also interested, then he occupied the guitar for himself, and I never touch it till now.

    For me, I can share with the members who interested the relation among C, D, E, F, G, A, B and how this related to our Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti. Their locations in the guitar, then how to tune the strings of the guitar.

    I can also share the chords of C key and G key (totally about 10 chords), with some simple strumming and/or fingering and with the help of a capo, if you are not demanding, you can play many simple songs by yourself.

    Actually, the most difficult part of learning simple guitar is to overcome the fear of the pain of our finger tips and the callus thereafter.

  37. Hi Beginner guitarists,

    From your comments, I have an idea of your skill level. If I am wrong, my apologies. I am in Singapore next month, around 3rd week, and I hope to gather you around, if you are available. No intention to teach, but more to support one another in the learning process.

    It is my hope that towards the end of the year, we can have a guitar cum song group performance. Hope this gets you started if you have not.

    Terence Seah

  38. Hi,

    Brought a guitar 2 yrs back. Trying to learn to play it and till today still trying to try. Please add my name Julian in your registry.

  39. Hi Guitar Enthusiasts…

    I saw an advertisement in today’s Sunday Times – Lifestyle page 12. Christofori – the Guitar World has a special offer until 30.6.12:

    A guitar for $99.99 only for a $250 guitar

    Happy strumming to one and all……

  40. Gabriella #46,

    Thanks for the tip. At $99, a guitar is a good star to better SilverHairs years.

    Hi fellow guitarists,
    Please give an indication of your guitar skills.

    And, today, I just bought a software guitar tuner. It is Apps for my Blackberry, but is available on other smartphones. It costs USD 3, while a digital tuner costs me $15. It’s fun. I now learn the 3rd chord F.

    Terence Seah

  41. Hi Terence,

    Dementia is irreversible. As one ages, our brain cells are slowly deteriorating and there is no replacement. Thus our memory gets worse year by year.

    Once , I was in a hurry to go to the toilet and just drop my mobile phone on the sofa. When I return I could not remember where exactly I placed it. The very moment I left the phone down , the brain was not concentrating .

    I couldn’t find my phone as my black phone camouflages with the black sofa and went round the living room searching around. Next, I use my house phone to call my mobile phone in order to trace where I had just left it.

    Yes, I heard my incoming tune and it was still at the sofa it camouflages so well that it is not obvious to the eye. :(

  42. Hi Lina, Karen,

    Can you give an indication of your guitar playing level? I ask so that others know the stage you are in. I still think we can play together even thought we are beginners.

    Soon, I also hope to find someone within the guitar group to guide us along strumming.

    This group is strictly for beginners and those who have forgotten how to play or want to restart an old hobby.

    Terence Seah

  43. Hi,

    My son is a self-taught guitarist. He’s a base guitarist in a performing band. I could have learnt from him. When he got married, he removed his 3 electric guitars and one hollow guitar back to his own house 4 bus-stops away from mine, leaving behind one hollow guitar in my house for my use.

    But, my main interests are in reading, writing and holidaying abroad plus walking my dog. I love singing karaoke more than playing any musical instrument. So I am leaving his guitar untouched. At my age, I’m convinced my fingers are stiff and my reflexes are already so slow to be problematic with plucking guitar strings. I have to wake up to the reality of my elderliness.

    When my son drops in with his Mrs for a visit, he would play lovely tunes with his guitar. That is all there is to it. If he decides going home with his remaining guitar from my house, he is free to do so. I don’t regret it.

    I can’t lend his guitar to my friends as it is both improper and unethical to do so.

  44. I still have a large, classical gu zheng at home. While attending a Chinese cultural performance I was so bewitched by the lovely tunes emanating from the gu zheng that I decided to buy one and learn it.

    Both my wife and me attended a gu zheng course in Jurong East. It was a three-month course. But, our classical music instructor Mr Tan was so fierce, impatiently naggy that both my wife and me chicked out or “abandoned ship”
    after two months. His naggings were not musical to our ears.

    We both are not suitably born into playing musical instruments. We flopped disastrously. End of story.

  45. Hi Beginners guitar group,

    I have been using an online download of a “Beginners guitar course”. Memorable wise, I can remember 6 chords. C, Cmaj7, C, E minor, A minor and D chords.

    I hope you have got some basics going. If you like to see the online version, let me know, and I shall email you.

    Let’s try to meet sometime 3week of this month.

    Terence Seah

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