Individual born in JUNE – What it says about you!

Born in the 6th month of the year, JuneBs are known to be social butterflies because of their outgoing, charismatic, charming and creative traits… even though they can be more than a handful at times due to their extremely inquisitive and childlike optimistic nature.  They are great communicators and can easily attracts everyone’s attention.  Sensitive and caring towards other’s feelings.

The month in which you were born fall under the sign of Gemini, can reveal a lot more than you think about who you are as a person both on the inside and on the outside.  June’s birthstone is a pearl, which represents innocence and purity.  Often talkative, they enjoy debating and getting into deep conversations where they can exercise their active minds.

On behalf of SilverHairsClub – we’d like to wish all the June babies an amazing month.

PS – do drop a line or 2 to all who are celebrating their birthday month…


Sally Foo



Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

7 thoughts on “Individual born in JUNE – What it says about you!”

    1. Yo Yo Alan di di

      Sounds like Heaven Jade Emperor and Empress. We were neither or either of them as mentioned. So we will not be served and so thus you need to serve.

      Small corrections
      Yours humble friend ( instead of slave)

      Thanks for good wishes

  1. Thank you for the Birthday Greetings shared on this forum, as well as the exact personalities highlighted on us Geminians too!

    Before the Covid Pandemic, Terence would always suggest a get-together dinner for us born in June, which were organised steadily for the past few years without fail. Hopefully, we will continue to do so, once the Covid measures are more relaxed.

    On behalf of all June ‘Babies’, a Toast to us all as we age gracefully albeit a year older! ????????

    1. Hi Sue, I too wish we can organise a dinner for all June birds. I rememberJune dinners has been organised at Kong Saik street. Do think about doing something in the New Normal.

      And to all June birds, Happy Birthday.

      Tq SallyF for initiating this regular thread.

      1. Happy Birthday Terence and not only to the June Birds, we must not forget the June Chicks too….
        HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all Junies….


        1. Ha ha ha. Have chicks meh? At least 45 and most of them lao kok kok liao.



          June Peh

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