Monthly Walk schedule – Q3 Update

Step, step, step Towards Better Health!          emoticon

Need to sort out some things in your head?
Go for a brisk walk, it will boost circulation in all parts of the body, including your brain.

Studies shown that walking regularly has the ability to lower your stress levels and that walking may
bring long-term benefits to your mental disposition by warding off both depression and anxiety.
Protecting and nurturing your mental health is an important part of overall wellness.

Q3 scheduled dates:  
(walk is on every 2nd Saturdays/month)

14 Jul    Waterfront/Admiralty (Post will be up on either 1st /2nd July.  We apologize for delay).

11 Aug  long weekend, no walk.  We had planned a special on 25Aug.

25Aug   Railway Xtreme, 26km (this might prove easier than our previous PipeLine Xtreme!)

08 Sep  Gardens by the Bay, Part 2

Details of each walk:
Post will appear approx 2 weeks or 10days prior to scheduled date for registration.
Rain or shine, CONFIRMED walks will not be cancelled; unless inclement weather that poses danger!

Let the joy of doing a pleasant activity be there always!          emoticon

Till then…. stay Cool!  Be Cool!        emoticon

The Walk Team EOs: 
Charles Wee, Veronica Wong, Mary Tan, Jeffrey Lim, Joyce Tan, Serene Low, Conrad&Sally Tang,
Lydia Soh and I, ChristinaCL Chan,,,,,,,signing off.

Author: ChristinA Chan (Walking group leader)

Interests: Health related and socials.