FAQ Zoom Meeting on SHC Activities Matters

DATE:    Tuesday, 25 April 2023

TIME:    8:00pm – 9:30pm

MEETING ID: 417 852 5736

MEETING PASSCODE: shc (small letters)

Join Meeting – please include your name and DO NOT tick on *Turn off my video*

EO: Dolly Lim

A list of commonly asked questions: –

  1. How do I create an account?
  2. Where should I put my post? Or create…
  3. What do I put in the title of my post? Or what do I put in my post?
  4. Can I include screenshots or videos?
  5. Why did a moderator edit my post?

Moderators will edit posts when it’s required. If someone uses vulgarities, posts private information (like emails or passwords), or otherwise violates the guidelines, we will clean up the post.

  1. Other matters.

Please be on time and you can log in 15 mins before 8:00pm to self-intro yourself and getting the atmosphere warm up before we start.

Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

5 thoughts on “FAQ Zoom Meeting on SHC Activities Matters”

  1. Definitely a much safer platform. Keeping our fingers that more members will log into SHC Forum for more updates and/or to post an event too.

  2. Dear All,
    Both Sally and I hope to see more members will be attending this zoom session as we wish to see more members to be fully utilize this forum, be it to attend an event or to create an event for other members.

    And since both of us are still working at this moment, we also dont know when will be next zoom session be too.


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