Book Review: Mind over Menopause

A Harvard Medical School book, borrowed frm the Nat Library. The menopause transition is a unique experience for each woman. Some cruise through with few problems but to some, life can be difficult and extremely trying. This period of fluctuating hormones may cause hot flashes, nite sweats, mood swings, headaches, problems sleeping, tension, anxiety and the list goes on. The book offers techniques and advice to manage the symptoms of menopause and improve your long-term health. There’s a lot of focus on relaxation techniques….Modulate our breathing to reduce stress and induce calm….Quiet the mind, calm the body; quiet the body, calm the mind….. Humour replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended….the following quote from the book: A sense of humour can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the unbearable. I give this book 4 silver hairs…..(on a scale of 1-5 silver hairs where 1 is a ok lah and 5 is a must read).

June Lim

13 thoughts on “Book Review: Mind over Menopause”

  1. June,

    I can milo-pause but cant let yr menopause review stand so forlornly for a day longer.

    If the menopause transition is a unique experience for women, it’s no less sobering & a learning experience for men, and I’ll tell you why.

    Thru the book, we learn that our female counterparts experience menopausal life with difficulties. So wiser now, we shd hide all roller pins, baseball bats at home lest they swing not their moods but these tools at us as we dutifully keep them company very quietly (in their condition, the kindest of words can be misunderstood as they flash heat going thru hot flushes).

    With so much information, it is one book we guys must buy & keep next to the scriptures as, we’re told, it offers techniques and advice on the symptoms of menopause thus pre-empting an assault from our loved ones.

    Not least, with the first hint of smoke billowing, we can turn to and show them the page on relaxation techniques, breathing to reduce stress and induce calm……

    What I like best abt the book was quoted by June and it says “A sense of humour can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the unbearable”.

    With that, what more do we men need say abt women but to live on happily ?

    I too give this book 4 silver hairs, heeeee, not my hair, June’s………

  2. Hi Tim and all,

    You seemed very OBSESSED with MENOPAUSE.

    Are you undergoing
    MALENOPAUSE and displaying your symptoms in our SHC website comments? Ha! Ha!

    Steven Chan

  3. Hi Tim and all ,


    Now,getting a TASTE of your own bitter medicine from me.

    Have you ever realise how other members felt when you always made FUN or JOKES of them ?

    Just a thought,
    Steven Chan

  4. Steven, go feed yr dogs with the same bitter medicine you feed yrself to become so tall but so empty, and together bark & bawl to share the feelings.

  5. Hi Tim,

    How about a game of
    BITTERminton at Clementi
    Sports Hall on Sunday 19/8 to eliminate all the bitterness in you ?

    Steven Chan

  6. It must be bitter to go abt so blatantly giving unsolicited heart feelings..yes, bitter medicine might help to ease the condition which if untreated can go mad hor…………

  7. Hi cutie Norlinda,

    Re(MALE NO PAUSE)(Tutup Kedai) and BITTERminton style belajar dari “SHC guru” yang TERKENAL sekali Tim lah.

    Looking 4 ward to c u at
    Pulau Ubin.

    Steven Chan

  8. Hi Norlinda,

    How are you getting on? Sorry,gave you the salah nama of the kedai kopi along siglap. It should be Kiliney Road Kopi Tiam not Ya Kung.Need to change my specs!!

    Cheers, Edwin Chen

  9. Hi Steven,

    I believe the word for ‘male menopause’ is andropause if I remember correctly. Would have liked to have joined your walk but its a little too early so the next time you organise an evening one, I will probably sign up. Meanwhile have fun!

    Catherine Y

  10. The cost of mortality is that with age comes a loss of fertility.

    Trust women to overdramatize and give it a fancy name.

    Do guys moan and write a book about it? They happily keep shooting blanks or no blanks. And they do it with an ever broadening smile on their face. Again and again.

    Nature may dish it out. The point is how you lap it up.

  11. Hi Catherine Yeo,

    Thanks for responding to my post and feedback.

    Perhaps on ad hoc, I may arrange in the evening some other time regarding Clementi Walk to West Coast Park.

    You are also welcome to bring your son along to join us in the
    leisure evening walk.

    Steven Chan

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