Divorcees, Widows, Singles & Married Singles – Are they for real?

To all you cheerful (and grumpy if any) folks especially the ladies at SHC

Here’s a controversial topic which we talk about almost every day in private but never dare to bring it up in the open. I hope to arouse your interest and put on your thinking cap to openly discuss it.

It’s about the WOMEN of SHC.

As an observer and after a period of scrutiny since joining SHC 2 weeks ago, I note there are basically four categories of women here. Leaving the happily married aside, there are the divorcees, the widows, the "desperate"singles, and the married singles.

Now, what are the trademarks and characteristics of each category of these women, i.e. are they cheerful? Lonesome? Happy-go-lucky? Quarrelsome? Weird? Sporty (don’t play play)? Independent? Aggressive? Dominating? Swinging? Prone to and desirous of love (I love that hunk, if only he would talk to me first)? Hurtful? Are they really desperate (Men, BAH! Who needs them)? Married but single (Yabadabadoo! That louse hubby of mine is out of town for another 2 weeks)?  Sensitive (It’s all that man’s fault!)? 

You need only to write about your own traits and grievances to dispel any misunderstanding and misgiving about you. Alternatively, you could pick on and write about one of the 4 categories you are most familiar with. That way, we can cooperate and socialise as a happy family henceforth.

The whole idea is to better understand them in order that we can tread more carefully when socialising with them in SHC. Your comments, either 2 cents worth or million dollar opinion, are welcomed here. Happily married ladies, your contributions will be invaluable too to cheer up the aggrieved singles (Oh, they got all the good and handsome ones!), and share the laughter with the rest.

Guys, feel free to chip in your 2-bid worth of remarks too, but please, no vulgarities or name calling . This is a decent forum and the ladies deserve our respect. Agree. Mr. Steven Chan?

Not to worry, ladies, you will get your chance to "hantam" the men on the next episode after this.

May I invite our outspoken Ms Lina Ng (Ooo…, don’t you love it when they still address themselves as Miss?) to cast the first ROCK and start the ball ROLL-ing.

Tan Chin Boon – Profile

Hi folks

Profile of a new kid on the block – Tan Chin Boon

At last, it took me two days to find this empty site just to add in my personal profile as "demanded" by our President and founder of SHC Mr. Terence Seah. So, to begin with, why not modify this website from time to time to make it more user-friendly. That’s my first comment for the day. See, I told you giving my FRANK thoughts sometimes hurt and there may be repercussion. Ok, sock it to me, pal.

That’s my basic attitude to you, but back to serious business i.e. my profile. Now, what can I say about myself? Oh, I’m a guy of course. Ex-banker, now happily retired and "gainfully unemployed". Spending my time on golf 4-5 days a week, two days on gym, internet news and trading, emails, walking my favourite pet dog Bam-Bam practically every day, cycling with him in a ragged bag on the handlebar,  listening to jazz music, and killing time on my 42" plasma TV with solid HBO, Star Movies, AXN, ESPN, National Geographic, Discovery, etc and a host of reality shows. But primarily to keep fit and trim at all times.

For the guys, I participate in Mahjong and Russian poker sporadically. Apart from golf, I used to bowl (pretty good at it but no longer), take active part in big walk, cycling on my mountain bike for miles on end but age forbids that nowadays, swimming at the beaches overseas while holidaying. I love to travel and did quite a bit too, to various countries mostly on own itinerary. In fact, WAYN website has me registered for travel up to 14% of the countries in the world. Of late, I travel with golfing friends to nearby countries like Thailand, China, Philippines, and Indonesia, the last being Guangzhou in January. So, any of you guys plan any travel programme with golf in mind, do let me know. BTW,  I travel more on budget airlines nowadays.

For the ladies, I am no longer the old-fashioned MBA, but a triple A (available Anytime, Anywhere, Anyplace) for karaoke, movie shows (only the blockbusters like the Red Cliff and The Mummy – tomb of the dragon emperor. Prefer to watch HBO for free), group gathering for makan, and now at SHC, social dance.  I’m not sure about golfing with ladies, coz they tee off at ladies’ teebox and you can’t talk the men’s talk, ya. Karaoke wise, I croak only the older English songs like Barry Manilow’s hits, and the newer Chinese songs like Jackie Chan. Normally I let the crowd sing first to feel the vibes before I select the appropriate songs. So bear with me, ladies.

There is something about SHC that attracts me. First of all, I wasn’t made aware of its existence through S.T. ads but a chance meeting and chatting for the first time with Steven Chan at a dog show 2 days ago. Browsing through the various forums at the SHC website, I note there are a lot of vibrancies and cheerfulness among the in-crowd. There are lots of activities to participate in apparently, and you ladies are such a wild and enthusiastic bunch. I was taken aback by the response when I chipped in my little comments here and there, people who don’t even know me or what I might look like. But they sound like old friends already with their spontaneous dialogue. This is so different from my usual groups like the NUS alumni, Dunearnites, and Ex-UOB colleagues with whom the usual activities are monthly gathering over lunch or dinner, occasional outings or karaoke, but that’s about it, no dialogue through forum on website, no active involvement to stimulate the mind, and any activities are mainly individual arrangments.

But there again, it’s too soon to judge the validity of this statement. I shall have to wait and see what goes on in the coming months at SHC. Basically, I’m a BIG BORE!emoticon