2008 Monthly Walk – Jan

After all the Christmas & New Year feastings, it is time for us to burn up some excess calories. Join us for the first monthly walk of 2008.

CharlesW,ChristinaC,VeronicaW & MaryT

Bishan Park and Lower Pierce Walk  
12th Jan 2008, Saturday, 4.30pm
Meeting place:  Bishan MRT , next to  Taxi/ Bus stop

From meeting place, we take a 7-minutes walk to Bishan Park . Walk through  Bishan Park 1, then  cross Marymount Road to Bishan Park 2 , after which we cross over Upper Thomson Road to Lower Pierce Reservoir .

Bishan Park is a matured park. Along the way we visit a small vegetable & spice garden , a beautiful lotus pond, and view a variety of flowering trees, shrubs and palms amidst ponds with Chinese style bridges. For dog  lovers there is  a dog run enclosure where the pets are let loose. See roller blading ring and visit  Aramsa, Singapore first garden spa. Identify the source of our famous Kallang River.

Toilets,  rest benches and rain shelters are easily available along the way .There is also a nice cafe near the big pond .

At Lower Pierce, enjoy the magnificent reservoir view and perhaps meet some real monkies and marvel at the cute babies hanging onto their mothers. We take the board walk by the waterside  and follow a short trail into the forest before  emerging at our destination the famous Casuarina Roti Prata  Café .

Total distance is about 6 kilometres and takes about 2 hours including rest breaks.

Author: Charles Wee

UPDATED: 25 May 2021 Interests: Make a difference to someones life, non-competitive cycling and walking.

87 thoughts on “2008 Monthly Walk – Jan”

  1. Dear Wonderful EOs,

    I must admit that this walk has been the longest path I had taken by far and good thing I managed like Dolly — hahaha — Many thanks and hope to join the next one.

    Dolly, OKAY you did well until Lily came to your rescue!


  2. Hi Charles, team n gang,

    Thank u for organizing this wonderful walk – walk one (Bishan park) and got another walk free (Pierce Park)… the lovely sunset was a bonus to watch. Overall no one melted under the drizzling n emerged out of fear of darkness n rewarded & satisfied with sumptuous dinner at the end instead.

    Oso nice meeting all new and old mbrs alike.

    Cheers, Lawrence

  3. Hi Charles & Christina C

    Thanks for organising the walk to Bishan Park. It was my 1st time there. Really enjoyed the view and also the company of the SHC members, new and old.

    Cheers, Dennis

  4. Hi guys!!

    I must admit that I was one of those who went MIA!

    But, you see, I did not have umbrella or poncho and didn’t relish the idea of “walking in the rain” despite the lure of roti prata.

    Anyway, thanks to the EO, OCs and whoever else for this great walk event. At least I got the group to the hawker centre for shelter!

  5. Si lor ANee, I was on par walking wif Caroline in d beginning n den, suddenly hor, she MIA liao.. so other SHCians seeing me so jialat were asking me where all my chow kor buddies leh.. so while i was calling their names hor.. i got replies frm tose front SHCians dat all of u hor.. vry vry in front liao lor.. hahahahaha.. Nevertheless, it is a good experience 4 me lor.. wander wen will be my next walk again hor…. :)

  6. Must thanks Charles, Christina, Veron & Mary for coordinating this walk…very very interesting and fun. I think this is the first time I walk the longest 6 km route, the fun is walking in the rain along the park and end the journey by walking in the dark….this wan Dolly very “jialat” but she manage to eat the delicious Roti Prata & Bee Hoon Goreng. It was nice to meet up with so many SHCians during the walk, I hope to see you all again…. :)

    Ah Nee

  7. Hi Every1, tis walk reli reli hor vry vry jialat 4 me, wahpiangz, 2 n half hr leh.. almost no energy 2 continue.. sekali.. i saw car, i saw lily n den i quickly iump in2 lily’s car toot toot all d way 2 eat roti prata.. heng ah…

  8. Many thanks to Christina C, Charles & Veron for the enjoyable walk last evening.

    Enjoyed the first part very much but towards the end, it was kind of dark, something I am very afraid of. It did not help that Charles told us there were pythons – something I am super afraid of – lurking in the bushes.

    But with great company and the roti prata and fish curry waiting at the end of the route, it was worth it.

    Looking forward to the next walk at Bedok Reservoir, and it is nearer home. Need not take the one and a half hour bus ride :}

  9. It was my first trip to Bishan park and Pierce reservoir. The crisp clean air after the rain was refreshing. The ultra romantic sunset was breathtaking. It is a beautiful place to go for a date. Oh no! The mozzies…

    Thanks Charles for leading the walk with the red umbrella which would have matched with my little red ang pow dress.

  10. Hello again Charles, ChristinaCLC & VeronicaW,

    What a rousing start to our first walk of the year! It rained buckets. Water, water, water and that’s wealth wealth wealth as the Chinese believe. :) Very auspicious!

    Thank you very much for organising this event. It was wet, but that didn’t dampen my spirits. Enjoyed the walk and fellowship. Beautiful sights, especially sunset after the rain, wow! Not so beautiful the last half an hour though :( when darkness seemed to set in so quickly. Nonetheless, we reached the finishing line before the moon emerged and received our rewards…fragrant, crispy curry roti prata. Yum!

  11. Hi Lina

    Thank you very much for sharing with me your umbrella and also for the poncho that you gave to CJ.

    It was nice talking with you and hope to see you again at other SHC activities.

    Charles, Christina and Veronica,

    It was a long walk and towards the end most were worried if we would be able to get out in time before it gets too dark. Whew! what a relief we finally saw light…

    Thanks for organising the walk. Got to meet some new friends and chat up with old friends too.

  12. Hi Tim,

    How come you don’t join the walks and cycling on Saturdays. But will do so if there is lunches and dinners. Must be tied to the cup like you say cup-tied.

    Well, if you come for the walk, I will share the roti prata with you. Anyway, hope this will be a good year for you, in every aspect.

  13. Hi Joy & Dolly,

    Thank you for canvassing my stroller service. I know Veronique will be delighted to do the uphill pushing. I can take care of the down slope part. A word of caution though. I have yet to receive a PRAM licence so no guarantee if “vehicle” pong, pong, pong into the inviting reservoir. Then it would be ULP, ULP, ULP lor… :)

  14. Well, well, Lina, hv you seen a roti prata before?

    So cant you stretch the roti prata into a raincoat first for the walk if it rains, then later cut it into pieces and share the food.

    Think when one is in a situation for other than providence (like winking at Charles for his shirt as cover), there’s self help………….

  15. Bira, Cheryl, JanetNg, JanetChan, Philip & Priscilla, look forward to seeing all of you. Rain or shine we will be there. The weather is unpredictable during this period, so come well prepared with your umbrellas, sunglasses, etc.

  16. weiwei joy, bo pink pink 1.. how har.. other cols 1 can anot leh.. kam sia 4 d offer hor… but den wif ur size, both of them can push la.. but added me, i tin, they bo lak liao… hehehe… cu 2molo…

  17. Hey Dolly, Gingko and Veronique are pushing me in a twin pram. You can have the other seat. Wear your pink frilly bonnet and bring your pink pacifier…

  18. Wei Dolly,

    You call for jiao kor surely all your buddies will do so!

    Ah Nee is right just keep thinking of ROTI PRATA “here I come for it”; must come hor. With your presence I am certain this walk is going to be filled with lots of fun!

  19. Hello Dolly, u’re doing well Dolly…. yes, c u at the walk. Also CG & Ah Nee, truly they did sign up…and Andrew TQ! :)

    Seems all have rested well and ready to do the walks again…response so bery good… felt very encouraged!

    Look fwd to meet the new faces and of course all the regulars and the not so regulars who will be regulars! :D

    Thank you!
    ChristinaCL Chan

  20. Hi Charles,

    Will try my best to join the walk (not hanging under helicopter)…

    Mary : Not sure if I’d met you before but hope to c u soon.


  21. “If I don’t appear at the Bishan mrt stn at the appointed time, it means my knee is not up to it that day…………….”

    Not necessarily. She might be hanging there forlornly under the helicopter after succeeding to get the 10 men to clap.

    Walkists can tie their hankies together, then wave to her and let her drop……………..then let go the enlarged hankie and see whether she makes a hole in the ground………

    Heee, the Power(ful thots) of Men

  22. Charles,
    Am having second thoughts about the 6 km walk.If I don’t appear at the Bishan mrt stn at the appointed time, it means my knee is not up to it that day. Sorry about that.

  23. Wei wei Grace K & Dolly,

    Glad that u both can join in the fun. Dolly, sure u can walk wan…just think of the Roti Prata…he…he…he…. :)

    Ah Nee

  24. Wei2 Organisers of Monthly Walk,
    Not sure hor i can walk 6km bo but temptation of roti prata cant resist leh.. i shall give it a try tis time.. Chris, i keep my promise 2u last yr dat i will try 2 join u n i did.

    Halo buddies (AN, Sue, Carly, Andrew), must jiao kor me ok…. cu folks… Dolly

  25. Yes, the more the merrier.
    Now we have JaneTham,Janet & hubby Peter; Dennis,Paul,Jenny & Wendy; MaryChan, Kristin, Joyce,Wendy, MeiFoo, Grace Kwok, SereneLow. Glad you all spending time with all of us.

  26. Hi Charles and Christina,

    Wonderful response for the 1st walk of 2008. Excellent start! I will be joining as my trip has been deferred so see you soon.

    Ah Nee, I will see you okay just remember to take the correct bus to Bishan.

    Cheers :)

  27. Hi Charles, ChristinaCLC, VeronicaW & MaryT,

    please take out my name, cause I got to work 2nd shift this sat. very sorry….see you all next walk, haiz!!!!!!!!!! poor me me

  28. Wow Charles,
    The walk sounds so interesting. I have resumed my morning walks since my knee surgery and think I should be able to join in as I have done about 2 km although not at a brisk pace. In any case, if I can’t catch up, I can always catch a cab home or to the famous Casuarina Roti Prata Cafe, haha. So please allow me to participate. Thanks.

  29. Hi Charles, ChristinaCLChan, VeronicaW & MaryT,

    We (Paul & Jenny Leong, Wendy & I) will be joing the walk to support and strengthen our friendship.

    Cheers, DennisW

  30. Oooh it’s Baby’s Day Out next Saturday! Second childhood, or rather babyhood, is upon me earlier than expected!

    Good night Gingko, Veronique and everybody…goo goo gah…

  31. Veronique,

    Joy can have the pram. You push, I tow. We will have the exercise and she will have the lax-ercise with her long legs sticking out of the pram and dragging along… heehee

  32. Hi Joy,

    I’ve fully recovered from my cough which dragged for a few weeks partly due to work stress. I’m now fully recharged and energised so the pram is for Gingko n U n I volunteer to push the pram. Ai Mai?

  33. Pearlyn & friend, Richard, Melissa, Joy, Siew Weng & Mike, all welcome to join our walk. Siew Weng, don’t worry you will be able to recognize us. Look out for a big rowdy crowd at MRT meeting point. Important that you come on time not to miss us. There is no registration required and also no limit to the number of participants for this event.

  34. Hi Charles and company,
    I am sure have met some of you earlier on out previous coffee meet. Are you taking the number calls, or the more the merrier.
    With our Singaporen ding-dong weather hope it will stay good on 12Jan2008. Hope can find the location. I will be there.

  35. Hi every member of SilverHairsClub,
    Have a blessed New Year! I am Lim Siew Eng and have registered myself since last year.
    I would like to join you for the walk on 12 Jan 2008. I hope I am not late in responding.
    If my participation is granted and being the first timer to participate in your event, how could I recognize members of the SilverHairClub?
    Siew Eng

  36. Hi Charles and gang

    Ooh la la. I can’t resist the roti prata. So I am coming! Oh the walk? Ok guess that will have to be part of the deal too. Gingko, don’t forget the wheel barrow.


  37. Charles W, Chris C, Veron W, Mary T,

    Melissa Khng told me this morning that she don’t want to miss the fun walk. She would like to join us, please write her name down. Thank you.

    Ah Nee

  38. Good morning everyone. Gwyneth, Ivy, Ginko, WeeChin, Daisy,Eliza,Serence, LinaT, CatherineC ….., soon we need marshals to do crowd control. Thanks for joining us, your presence will add to the fun. Have a good weekend. cheers

  39. Hi Charles/Christina/Mary/VeroW

    Happy to be able to join in the walk again after a lapse. Plse include me. See our Eliza N Nina run ahead already!! been to Bishan Park once 3 yrs ago now must revisit.
    Must exercise before our great feast in CNY.
    See You all !!!

  40. Hi Charles, ChristinaCLC, VeronicaW & MaryT,

    “The more the merrier”. Merrily, Veronique Lee and I are coming to join you all in the walk. Please sign us on.

  41. Hi,Charles Wee, Christina Chan, Veronica Wong and Mary Tan.

    Evelyn Ong n myself would like to join in
    the walk hor? so pls count us in thanks.


  42. Hello Eliza,

    Better not dance-the walk or walk-the-dance, it reminds me of the “tan kee” (medium). Whenever I happen to see a medium possession on the road, I will run for my life. So eerie and frightening…don’t like that leh, can walk properly or not? don’t frighten me leh.

    Ah Nee

  43. We all hv 2 legs so dont spoil the legs by letting them do the same thing again & again…….get 1 leg to walk & the other leg to danz.

    Let not the hands idle either. They shd carry the lion head and then go Ding Dong Ding Dong all the way.

    Heeeee, Terence will immediately be invited for another breakfast chat, this time to the zoo for breakfast with ah meng & to teach her & her offsprings how to do danz-walk-prance aka Terence’ Trance…..

  44. Hi Chris

    Pls register me and Nina for the walk. Now that some of us have developed ‘dancing toes”.. how about dance-the walk or walk-the-dance, this time round?


  45. Good morning everyone. Now AliceS, AnnTo, Rene, Bernadette joining us for walk. The more the merrier. cheers.
    Thanks to GraceK for providing bus info to Ah Nee.

  46. Ah Nee, in reply never stayed in your area at all but am aware that bus no. 53 ply along those routes. High possibility to be out of town between 09-12 Jan. Will try to make for the walk. Enjoy your bus ride!

  47. Yes! yes Grace, I just went to check, got bus no. 53 in front of my block. Wow! didn’t know so convenient for me. Thank you very much for your help. Btw, you stay here before huh, seems to know my place so well? So I see you on the 12th Jan for walking and eating Roti Prata. :)

    Ah Nee

  48. Hi Ah Nee,

    To travel by bus from Hougang (parallel to Ponggol seafood kopitiam)/Lorong Ah Soo to Bishan Bus Interchange/MRT take bus no. 53. It plys along the wet market near blocks 101 -103 and turns out to Lor Ah Soo in the direction towards Paya Lebar. Suggest you check if you are nearby that area. Trust this information would be helpful. Cheers :) Grace Kok

  49. Good morning everyone. How is the start of new year? Ah Nee said she and two of her shc friends are on mc today!! Taking a rest or really sick ?

    Thanks, Caroline, Andrew, Ah Nee & Susan for setting time aside to makan angin, jalan kaki and chakap mian with us at Bishan/Lower Pierce outing.

  50. Hi Charles – Happy New Year !!

    I am just staying next to Bishan Park and surely like to join you guys for the walk.

    Lena, see you there ?


  51. Hi Charles again, how to go to Bishan MRT by Bus from Lorong Ah Soo / Hougang? Susan & Nor, I am on MC today, but will join you all at the CSC for the dancing class this evening. Ccccc uuuu.

    Ah Nee

  52. Hello Charles,

    I can’t resist the famous Casuarina Roti Prata leh, Me, will walk with you all to eat the Roti Prata….he….he…he…..

    Ah Nee

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