Stroke and Smile

A fellow SHC member sent to me what seems to be very good advice in a chain e-mail. I double check its authencity.

Here’s the abridged version

Identifying a stroke early can save life. Here’s how

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S – Ask the individual to SMILE.

T – Ask the person to TALK and SPE AK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently, i.e. It is sunny out today)

R – Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

S – Stick out Your Tongue. If the tongue is ‘crooked’, if it goes to one side or the other , that is also an indication of a stroke.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call for help.


Author: Wong Kong Thean

Interests: Join any activity like stay and tour plans.

9 thoughts on “Stroke and Smile”

  1. Moral of the tale,

    If she ask you to smile, smile.

    If she says “Tell me You Love Me”. Don’t reply “I Love You”.

    If she asks you to raise your hands, don’t smile and ask for the handcuffs.

    If she asks you to stick out your tongue, don’t rush to kiss her.

  2. Each year an estimated 10,400 people are admitted to Singapore hospitals for stroke or TIA. It is the No. 4 killer after Cancer, Heart Diseases and Pneumonia. There is no difference in stroke prevalence among Chinese, Malay, and Indian Singaporeans. Prevalence is highest among Chinese men and lowest among Malay women.

    I have relatives and friends who died from stroke. At this age, we are all a significant risk factor group. Our fairly sedentary lifestyle coupled by a decadent diet can wipe that smile off our faces.

    It is the silent killer. Unlike other illness, there is no physical symptoms until it attacks you. In many cases the first attack is so transient and fast, you may not realize it.

    Think of it like being drunk. You are then probably too drunk to know better. Only an observer can tell the difference. So make sure that your friends around you can detect it for you.

    Compulsory entry and exit exercise for next SHC makan. STRS

  3. Hi KT n all

    To elaborate further on stroke:

    FACE is it droopy.
    EYES trouble in seeing with one or both eyes.
    ARMS n LEGS weakness or numbness, especially on one side.
    SPEECH is it impaired n having trouble understanding others.

    Those most at risk are the ELDERLY, SMOKERS n those suffering from HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE, HIGH CHOLESTEROL n DIABETES.

    The latter category can reduce their risks by:

    Regularly monitorung the blood pressure.
    Lower blood pressure to l40/90
    Reduce cholesterol level
    Do not smoke
    Drink Moderately
    Exercise regularly.

    If the signs are there, rush the person to hospital immediately, without any delay. Patients arriving in the hospital must striaght go to the emergency room, who are deemed by the triage nurse to have suffered a stroke, are rushd to do a CT scan (computed tomography). If the scan shows there is a clot blocking blood flow to the brain, drugs can be given to break it up. International studies show that patients who get such treatment within THREE HOURS of suffering a stroke have a better chance of recovery. If the scan shows a clot which is so large it cannot be dispersed by drugs alone and will then have to be removed by surgery.


  4. Terence, Tks. We’re back up and running.


    This is a must read for all hypertensives.

    The natural history of borderline hypertension in a Chinese population

    K Wu, L Xie, D Chen and J Chen

    Hypertension Division, The First Affiliated Hospital of Fujian Medical College, Fuzhou 350005, PR China

    Make it simple. This is the main conclusion.

    “The main cause of death was stroke, accounting for 42.5% of the total death rate…. It is concluded that the main complication of borderline hypertension was stroke rather than coronary heart disease, which was similar to that of established hypertension in this area. Part of the borderline hypertensives need to be treated to reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications.”

    If you are borderline, remember this is not just the border between “not so good” and “not so bad”. It is the border between life and death.

    Don’t be complacent. Take your hypertension seriously. Cut that blood pressure and everything lifting it. Take the attitude that low level inflammation is an unacceptable condition. Not only will you add years to your life. But it’s the quality of life you add that is of immeasurable value.

  5. Under yr test, I have stroke for a long long time, and deliberately so.

    1. Ask me to SMILE? If the price is right, yes, I’ll do it otherwise why smile when it adds wrinkles which are expensive to remove for an ah pek.

    2. Ask me to say a sentence coherently? Knn is what i’ll say cos to cast a doubt like this is no small insult on an ah pek.

    3. Ask me to raise both arms? Ok, what you see in my armpits has the same color as what you see up on my head so no need to be curious.

    4. Stick out my tongue just bcos you want to see whether it goes to one side? I do that with less than straight men to scare them off but use it fruitfully in a tongue fight with chio bu.

  6. WKT/RonLai

    Thank you for all the infos on this rather peculiar title ‘Stroke,Smile’ hhmmmm..when got stroke, can still smile ah?..hehe
    when i think about it,quite scary cos it can happen to anybody, anywhere even if u r healthy!
    One don even know when it will strike.
    Do u think its all due to stress related syndrome? like high blood pressure,hypertension..lack of exercise & working too much & no play?no time to exercise?..there’s many alternative ways even if u r so busy!

    So, lets be happy.we are on the rite track of making frens in SHC & relax :)

    Last wk, i just came to know my cousin..only 45yrs old, got a mild stroke!the doc said there’s blood clot in her hv to rest & i know she worked so hard,everytime no time when i asked her out
    Yesterdy, while briskwalk at the park..a guy was on his mobile telling his fren that he wud definately choose health than so much wealth!..later i found out he is a lawyer,so busy no time for himself..sigh
    This may sound familiar…health is not everything but without health,everything is nothing

  7. Members of the world’s most famous societies identify each other by their secret handshakes. Some like the Freemasons, Illuminati, Mafia and the Bohemian Club are so powerful that they are believed in to control the world.

    Isn’t it about time that we in SHC design our own secret handshake too?

    Here’s my suggestion –
    Smile; say “how is your blood pressure”; raise both hands and stick your tongue out.

    Looks cool and you can quickly tell if the other member needs help with his stroke. Get the choreographer of our dance group to perfect the slick moves.

    Roll in your suggestions in time for CNY and D&D.

  8. Too late, KT.

    Yr “Smile; say “how is your blood pressure”; raise both hands and stick your tongue out” has long been adopted & practised by my monyet community, and it’ll be an infringement of intellectual property rights if SHCians were to do that.

    Perhaps, tweak it a little : raise 1 corner of yr upper lip, cross yr eyes & shaft both yr index finger in all 2 nostrils.

    I can help demonstrate how to raise 1 upper lip corner and you do the rest.


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