Walkers, bikers n outdoor people

ChowMeng, Sungei Buloh is not such a hot place.  There is no public bus to that park on weekdays, only on Sundays.  A lot of us do not have cars, and we are not that well off to take cabs unless its on a sharing basis.  Can I suggest an alternate place, like Kent Ridge Park where there is a sort of tree top walk, but much more people-friendly.  This place is kinder to old folks like us, unlike the MacRitchie Treetop.

As for travelling,  I will be going to Fraser’s Hill in early February.  Why not take this opportunity to get our members to join in.  I am sure it can be easily arranged.

Author: Ann Giri

Interests: Small business and scrabble.

2 thoughts on “Walkers, bikers n outdoor people”

  1. Thx Chow Weng (not chow meng) for the excellent idea.
    I have been to S Buloh many times with U students for studies on Ecology.
    I think there is a bus from the MRT station but S Buloh is quite a far off place and it is not shady to walk on those boards.
    You can perhaps plan it as a social outing with request for a guide but not practical for regular walking.
    I am not sure about Kent Ridge Park. Have not been there.
    MacRitchie has a seasoned walking track(Shady – short and long route available)
    3.30 to 4.30pm on Sat seems a good time.
    Perhaps you varied the venue once the group is formed.
    I will give my support.

  2. Ann & Chow Meng,
    Count me in for your Kent Ridge Park Walk. I have read about it but have not had the opportunity to walk the route. Sunday or Sat afternoon , sunset walk should be alright with me. Thanks.

    charles wee.

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