Fried Durian and 10 Fastastic Food for Over 50s

"Goreng Durian”  looks like goreng pisang at $1.60 at
piece,  – at Old Airport Road Hawker centre  #1-05 

Comment: Fantastic better than normal durain , as it feels hot , 10
times better than apple pie, I think if someone  MacDurian this
and be the latest hot cake in town like Papa Roti .

Anyone knows how bad or how good durain is ?  

10 Fantastic Foods that you should not miss  for Over-50s

the right food can hold back the years and keep us feeling and looking
good. As we get older, we need less food, but more nutrients to stay
healthy. Here are vitamin-rich options to include in your daily diet.

1. Brown rice. A lot of people shy away from carbohydrates because of
their reputation for causing weight gain, but they’re crucial for
maintaining energy levels. Stick to whole grains such as brown rice and
bread, and whole-grain cereals, which provide plenty of fiber. This can
help to lower cholesterol levels, reduce your risk of heart disease,
colon cancer, gall stones, diabetes and obesity, and is vital for
keeping your bowels healthy — they can become less active as we age.

2. Eggs. They’ve had a lot of bad press, but eggs are good for you —
and now it seems there’s no need to avoid them, even if you’re worried
about cholesterol. They’re a great source of protein and lutein, which
protects your eyes against degeneration and cataracts. Studies suggest
they can help to prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack
and stroke — a recent study found that eating six eggs a week lowered
the risk of breast cancer by 44 percent. Nutritionists now say having
one or two eggs a day doesn’t cause a noticeable increase in
cholesterol levels because the body makes its own from the saturated
fats in our diet and not from cholesterol-rich foods like eggs.

3. Milk. As we age, our calcium requirements rise, so it’s important to
include lots of calcium-rich foods in your diet every day. Low-fat
cow’s milk has loads of health benefits. It’s packed full of calcium,
needed for strong, healthy bones and for preventing osteoporosis. It
also helps prevent the bone loss caused by the menopause or rheumatoid
arthritis. Drink two glasses of low-fat milk every day, or include
low-fat yogurts and calcium-enriched fruit juices in your diet.

4. Spinach. Popeye had the right idea fueling up on this superfood.
Calorie for calorie, it holds more nutrients than any other food. It’s
a particularly good source of iron; vitamins C, A and K; and
antioxidants which may help to protect against heart attack and stroke.
Spinach can help protect you from colon cancer, osteoporosis and
arthritis. Like eggs, it’s packed with lutein — great for your eyes —
so try a breakfast of steamed spinach with poached eggs.

5. Bananas. Just one of these yellow fruits provides a whopping 467
milligrams of potassium, which is important for keeping your muscles
strong and healthy (particularly the heart) and even helps reduce high
blood pressure. Bananas are a good source of fiber, which can help
prevent heart disease, and they have an antacid effect, so they’re
useful for treating heartburn.

Add chopped bananas to oatmeal for a vitamin-rich breakfast, or blend
them with a bit of low-fat yogurt or milk and some fruit juice for a
power-packed smoothie. Other good sources of potassium are lentils,
sardines and dried apricots.

6. Chicken. Not only is it one of the most versatile meats, it’s one of
the healthiest. Stick to the breast, which has the least fat, and
remove the skin.

Chicken is packed with protein and helps prevent bone loss. It’s also a
good source of selenium, an important nutrient in preventing cancer,
and B vitamins, which help to increase energy and boost your brain

7. Salmon. It’s rich in omega-3 fats, which reduce cholesterol levels,
protect against some cancers, and prevent blood clotting. Research has
also shown that salmon can help ease depression and prevent memory
loss. It’s a good source of niacin, which has been shown to provide
protection against Alzheimer’s.

Aim to eat fresh or tinned salmon at least three times a week. Walnuts are another great source of omega-3s.

8. Blueberries. These little marvels are very low in calories, but
bursting with nutrients. They are packed with antioxidants that help to
prevent cataracts, glaucoma, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, stomach
ulcers, heart disease and cancer.

They have also been shown to help lessen brain damage after a stroke
and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract — helping to tackle
constipation and diarrhea.

9. Herbs. As we age, our sense of taste declines, and it’s all too easy
to chuck in tons of salt to make food more appetizing. But as salt
increases your blood pressure, it’s healthier to jazz up your meals by
adding herbs and spices. Fresh herbs tend to taste stronger, but for
convenience, keep a selection of dried herbs in the cupboard.

10. Garlic. For such a small vegetable, garlic has huge benefits. It
helps prevent cancers, heart disease and reduces the risk of stroke. It
also has an anti-inflammatory effect, helping to reduce pain and
swelling caused by osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. It can also
help those with diabetes. If you can’t stand the flavor, try taking
taste-free garlic capsules.

Four Things to Avoid:

    * Sweets: These will make you pile on the pounds as
they provide lots of calories, but no nutrients. Limit your sugar
intake, too.
    * Salt: Your sense of taste diminishes as you age,
but avoid adding salt as it increases blood pressure. And look out for
"hidden" salt in gravy mixes, etc.
    * Alcohol: Have no more than two small drinks a day
— booze is full of calories and can stop your body absorbing vitamins.
Red wine is a healthier choice.
    * Saturated fats: These are found in meats, cheese,
chicken skin and ice cream. They increase your cholesterol levels and
make you put on weight.
    * ****

55 thoughts on “Fried Durian and 10 Fastastic Food for Over 50s”

  1. Hi Ron Wie /others

    1) as a teenager, my dad told me son,

    You can’t eat durians and had
    alcoholic drinks immediately after that. He just said abt “to hot”

    Up to now i am still puzzled with his answer.

    Can anyone pls. explain using the scientific way ?


  2. Hi Ron Wie /others,

    It is difficult to eat steam brown rice alone.

    To share,I always mix 1/2 part of brown rice and 1/2 portion of white rice and steam them together.

  3. Hi ron wie,

    Thanks for your interesting post on fried durians and other health food.

    …Eggs ….> Studies suggest they can help to prevent blood clots, reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke — a recent study found that eating six eggs a week lowered the risk of breast cancer by 44 percent.

    Beware,if you read it from the internet, beware how RELIABLE is the source?

    Obviously eating 6 eggs a week will increase blood cholesterol levels and inviting premature death.

    It is not just 6 eggs/week but thru yrs. ,it will accumulates in our blood vessels and blocks up the blood flow and this can result in a stroke if blockage is severe.

  4. RonW,
    All this infomation on healthy food, but I’ve seen you eat twice or three times already and it was always chicken wings. Deepfried too! With rice and hardly any vegetables.
    I wonder if you practise what you put up here, haha.
    Btw, I think you have put on quite a bit of weight now, am I right? It seems harder to ‘lead’ you when dancing, hehe. Can you please do the ‘leading’ next time?

  5. RonW.
    Where got fun leaving out all the ‘goodies’? A little of everything is still my principle, even ‘bad’ things like sweets, chicken skin and ice cream.

    Don’t have to avoid any food unless there is a medical reason to do so. Sometimes, too much of the ‘good’ stuff can be bad for you. I avoid milk because I’m lactose intolerant, but I take alternatives like cheese and yoghurt in small amounts and if I really can’t avoid milk, I take an enzyme capsule with it.

  6. Heeee, Steven, you wont get breast cancer eating 6 or even 60 eggs a week but might get eggs protruding from yr breast lah so you hv my blessings to eat eggs as you like…….

    MaryC, sweets, chicken skin and ice cream are bad things meh? Np they arent, comepared with tim ah liu me and so if you really want to try a little of bad things, try me but you hv to pay @ $500/hour, silverhairs rate.

    The queue is long so put on yr make-up and start queuing………………….behind KT, Patrick, K Singh…………….and many more.

  7. Hi all,

    If you have a chance of passing by Old Airport road, try the fried durian. It is better than the fried ice cream that i have tried at one Medieval Carnival in Texas.

    Or anyone else has tried this somewhere else.

  8. Hi Ron Wie at 9,

    Thanks for yr sharing f fried durians. Never knew that durians can be cooked in this special manner.

    I had bought some very fragrant durians from ShSi and I am going two to fry them to validate the hypothesis below.


    Is it true that fried durian tastes better than fresh durian ?

  9. Hi Tim liu at 8,

    ….MaryC, sweets, chicken skin and ice cream are bad..try me but you hv to pay @ $500/hour, silverhairs rate.

    Are u working as a high class part time g_ _ _ _ o charging such an exorbitant rate ???

  10. Indeed, Steven, you have a smooth chest unlike mine with hair which KT and MaryC has laid a bet on and they’re making an apointment with me to count. I invite you as judge.

    Happy to see that you’re picking up again after a good rest……………

  11. …..and Steven yes you again, the word is “gigolo”, dont leave it uncompleted.

    I am not and I dont think you’ll ever make the cut.

    Heeee, you better be on yr toes otherwise huh, tim ah liu is no fun hor………….and you wd remember that.

  12. Hi Tim Liu,
    ..Happy to see that you’re picking up again after a good rest…( Thanks for your concern. )

    …KT and MaryC has laid a bet on and they’re making an apointment with me to count my hair.

    Ya lo . How can i compare with your hairy chest like James Bond.

    I think both MaryC and KT need a magnifying glass to count the mini ones too. Ha! ha!

  13. Steven @ #15

    No problem counting. Won’t break a sweat.

    I didn’t want to embarass new member. She probably had a glimpse of Tim’s chest and thought that the club is called “SILVER HAIR CLUB”.

    I have gently corrected her misconception.

  14. Steven..yes u r rite..durians are so much better in its natural state.
    when made into delicacies..tak shiok!

    btw,some tips when eating durian..have a sip of water put on the durian that u wont get sorethroat after eating too much..well, this wat my mom said..true or myth?..u try it

  15. Hi all,

    So much is said of durians, let me share:-

    My favorite dessert is XO Durians with
    Glutinous Rice , original recipe from Thailand and is called Khao Niao Ma-Muang

    How to prepare this dessert?

    Ingredients ( Set A )
    i) 300g glutinous rice

    ii)150ml coconut milk ( buy fresh coconut shavings from wet market and squeeze out the coconut cream
    using a special cloth bag )or too lecheh you can buy those in packets ready made from spkmkt but its smell is not as fragrant and does not have the full natural taste of fresh coconut. )

    iii) 1/2 tsp salt,

    iv) 3tbsp sugar

    Ingredients ( Set B )
    for making coconut sauce.
    i) 1 cup coconut milk

    ii)1 tbsp sugar

    iii) 1 tsp salt

    iv) 2 tsp cornflour

    v) 6 portions of durians

    From Set ( A ):-
    Soak the glutinous rice for abt 3 hrs or overnight.

    Add 5 pandan leaves ( cut into short strips) , coconut milk and glutinous rice , stirred gently with a wooden spatula and steam the mixture together.

    When cooked ,mix with sugar and salt and steam again for another 5 mins.

    From set B,

    To prepare the coconut sauce

    Add sugar,salt and cornflour to the coconut milk and bring to boil,simmering for awhile,stirring occasionally.

    To serve,for better decoration,scoop the rice into a small mould,overturn into a plate and top it with durians and then add 5 tbsp of prepared hot coconut sauce around the glutinous rice.

    Walau,it is ready to be served.

    Alternatively, you may replace durians with mangoes.
    ( Peel the mangoes and cut into slices by making longitudinal and horizontal cuts and top in the same manner. )

    Put a spoonful in yr mouth with durians and rice.

    Ooohm .Yummy.
    Oooh! It is out of this world.

    That’s all folks.
    Good food doesn’t come easy.

  16. Steven Chan, #11
    You are mistaken. Men DO get breast cancer. There have been reported cases.
    Check it out on the internet. Just type in “breast cancer in men”.

  17. Thank you Tim.

    What I’m going to say does not include you although some of your comments do irritate me a little. ;-)

    I just don’t want to be part of the bs that’s being tossed around by some people, not you of course, and don’t want my name to be used unnecessarily.

    All the quotes and ‘cut and paste’ really get my goat.
    I remember something my mum said in Teochew.

    Something about thick skinned and boastful people using famouse people’s buttock skin for their own facial skin just to appear smart or outstanding.

    Is there something like this in Mandarin I wonder? I prefer to ask you as I think you are very good in Mandarin, much better than some who boast that they are.

  18. Another useful one :

    ????(wu2 zhong1 sheng1 you3) – to beget something out of nothing.

    There are four meanings:

    a) to fabricate rumours and make mischief
    b) to accuse falsely
    c) imagintion
    d) a phrase of abuse

    Learned above from The Dictionary of Chinese Idioms page 407.

    Get one copy to read and understand 1,000 plus wise sayings.

  19. Alright, MaryC, you’re forgiven and when tim tim liu forgives, he gives smooches…..2 for you and 1 for Steven.

    Seriously, Lina is not always right but she is always right when it comes to observing me, that “you like to make people think that you’re humsup but you’re not humsup”.

    That shd make her everyone’s friend.

    Yes, if tim tim liu is humsup, by now there’ll be too many of his babies for the kerbau hospital to handle.

    I dont hv the correct phrases that you want off-hand. Domething close may be “ma bu zhi lian zhang” (the horse is unaware that its face is long, and goes abt talking of others faces) and “hu jia hu wei (the fox leans on or walks in front of the tiger to scare others).

    In this connection, I believe AndrewY, a hnogkonger wd hv enough of cantonese idioms which are appropriate……wd hv asked my mom if she’s still around.

    I do sometimes observe that the meek become very brave suddenly to join in rock throwing at one already taking arrows. “Luo zing sia shi” (fallen into a well, others start throwing & hitting him with stones).

    No, be the first to strike if there’s a reason to. And when the herd starts to rush in cos that guy is defenceless and makes easy meat, take on the herd if the only reason they descend on the fallen is bcos they see a free sandbag.

  20. Ooi Make some noise leh!

    What happen satu olang pun tak ada.

    Scooby Doo where are you? Yohoo!

    Must be at the Pines practising rehearsals for tomolo D n D night.

  21. Tim Liu, xiow di,
    Thanks for your phrases.

    I wasn’t asking for forgiveness. I was asking for a Mandarin version of my mum’s Teochew phrase. So, no smooches. Hehe.

    You ‘humsup’? Hahaha. I know a humsup lou when I see one. You pretend to be one only lah.

    I have a compliment for you. You come across as quite well read and you write good English, yet you are not boastful. I have no time for people who can’t even get their grammatical syntax correct yet boast about their proficiency in English.

    Ok, enough about this tiresome topic. I’m going to do something for myself for the D n D tonight, a manicure, pedicure, shampoo and I’ll be ready to… booooogie!

  22. Good, Mary.

    Please start English Proficiency Courses for beginner, intermediate and professional levels just like uncle Roland and several volunteers have done so with cheerful and big hearts.

    Look forward to your twosome excellent partnership for all SHCians’ wellness and benefits.

    We are all ears for the two-some teachings in excellent English.

    Definitely all will pay our share for the rental of a function room.

  23. ???? (hui2 wei4 wu2 qiong2) – The returning flavour is pleasant

    ?????(hui4 ren2 bu2 juan4) – Never tired of teaching others – delight to younger generations

    ???? (hui2 tou2 shi4 an4) – Turn the head and there lies the shore.
    1) salvation, 2. never too late to repent

    Let us sing Amazing Grace and Give Thanks this evening during our 2nd D & D for all the goodness, mercy and grace showered upon us in Singapore.

    Majullah Singapura.

  24. Hi Mary

    When you would starting dancing with your excellent English Fellowship? Need materials from Cambridge, Washington or Oxford, can help you to indent?

    Hope you can start soon, perhaps in May, just advise me if you need me to book Jasmine Room.

    Everyone, except you, would pay our share of the meeting room rental.

  25. Hi Mary chan,

    Just on it next mornig,
    if I had read it earlier,sure it is a pleasure to dance with you. You are above average ht for girls and if not tall enough,you can put on an extra 6″ high heel.

    Then I can see you eye to eye. Ha1 ha!

  26. Steven,
    You were having such a good time dancing ( how could anyone miss you? You were towering above everyone else) that I didn’t want to spoil your fun, hehe.
    Next time for sure.

  27. Just do it, Steven.

    With all towering inferno, show your prowess on a building with six-inch heels.

    Nike will sign you up for the coming Olympics in Beijing, next to Jackie Chan.

  28. Hi Mary

    1) When are you starting to teach your excellent English lessons?

    Perhaps, leave uncle Tim out. No good to have a chimney with impressionable ones around.

    2) Can start lessons with the story about the little lamb, Do Re Mi, Sound of Music with Julie Andrews and also the petite My Fair Lady for beginners. The sun and rain in Spore(Spain) fall mainly on the red land plains.

    I still have the Fiddler on the Roof and Les Miserable LDs, can use these musicals too.

    3) Rosalind (previously mentioned by Eleanor in Feb) was kind last evening.

    We have a micro rehearsal on “Perish in the name of love” a capella at the request of 2nd SHC D&D MC.

    Lessons would be colourful with breadth, width and depth when musicals are included.

    4) Like me to plan IR with English and Mandarin Fellowship at the Jasmine Room in May ?

  29. MaryC @#35, yes and indeed, what’s there for anyone to boast about?

    Many of us were kings or king-makers in our heydays. Having lived the lives of the have-beens, we move on, now seeking fellowship & solace in Terence’s Ark where everybody is equal……heee, like Patrick said, all are homo= genius” altho once in a while, there may be a tiger eating up a lamb but that will be quickly exposed (In any case, at our age, we shd know how to lok after ourselves). Those with a bit more strength & knowledeg in areas of his/her prowess cd share without being a “Lao Wang mai kua” (Poor Lao Wang, he has no buyer for his melons so he resorts to heaping praises of his fruits……but draws only curious on-lookers by his entertainment, and still no buyer).

  30. Oh, a lady boasts of her excellent English and praise a sex guru good English.

    Wonder, who was his only student?

    Encourage both with vast knowledge to share usefully, just like several volunteers : a) Uncle Roland Tong, a former national tennis coach teaches tennis with gladness b) Yew kwong, IT c) Douglas and Kenneth, cycling, etc.

    Prefer to associate with clear eyes and ears with genuine hearts, then to see green and black eyes playing haughty judge.

  31. After blowing his trumpets, he packs up when no one listens, takes out apples and starts polishing………….well, like that, how to aspire to be president?

  32. Mary @#51

    “Self praise is no praise” I thought it should be “Self praise is International disgrace”

    As Tim said in #50 : …takes out apples and starts polishing………….denotation of action polishing apples in silent – “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to speak and remove all doubt”

    “If ifs and ands were pots and pans there’d be no work for tinkers”

    “In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king”

    Good Day

    Patrick Yeo

  33. Patrick Yeo,
    Thanks for your interesting quotes.I especially like that one,
    “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”.

  34. MaryC, yes, it means that, and I can see that Patrick too is showing his mettle….it shdnt surprise cos he had many years holding court in senior management but he doesnt go around yakking abt it, happy and contented with what he has and sharing what he knows.

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