Life goes on…..

I would like to share the story of an extraordinary love that a father has for his son.  It is the story of Dick Hoyt and his son Rick.  66-year old Dick climbs mountains, runs to the ends of the earths and swims across oceans to give his son Rick, a better life.

When Rick was born, he suffered from cerebral palsy (as a result of the umblical cord being caught around his neck at birth)  Doctors told Dick that his son would never be able to walk or talk and that it would be best to forget about him and leave him in an institution.  He would be nothing more than a vegetable for life.

Yet, Dick was determined to bring his son up like other child and wanted to ensure that he was not deprived of anything in life as a result of his condition.

Today, at age 66, Dick and his son Rick (44) have competed together in 950 races, 60 marathons and 6 Iron Man Triathlons.

But the most important part of his story is that Rick has successfully graduated from Boston University and this is an inspiration to millions around the world.  Watch the video of his story………..

Author: Rene Leong

Physically healthy, mentally alert, Active and energize like Duracell. Wanna get to know more friends who is sincere, honest, easy-going, humourous to age gracefully and wisely together.

13 thoughts on “Life goes on…..”

  1. Hi Rene,

    I am with AndrewK. Cannot access the video link. Please have a look again at the video link URL.

    There is no stronger relationship than that between parent and child. Many of us are parents; and we will love our kids no matter what.

    Terence Seah

  2. No matter what happens to us, life goes on…., tomorrow is another day. We cannot do more than what we can and adopting a positive attitude always helps.

  3. Thanks Rene,

    What an inspiring and touching video?

    Btw, how did he graduated from school when he could hardly write ?

    If able will be too slow within the stipulated time for the examn.

  4. Viewed it at last, Rene.

    Quite touching and meaningful about a father’s love, determination and dedication to overcome all odds.

    With Divinity, nothing is impossible.

  5. Hi,Rene. Thanks for the sharing. What a touching story because as you watch the video,the eyes somehow begin to moist. As people use to say, “Love Conquers All” and this is a fine example of a father’s extraordinary love for his son.


  6. Thanks Rene,

    It is a very touching video.

    Steven @ #6,

    “Special Children” are assessed differently,
    he may have someone helping him to type and they are given extra time for the exams. Even in main stream schools in Singapore, if the child is certified with some disability, he will be given extra time at major exams.

  7. Hi Rene,

    Thanks for sharing with us such a great and inspiring video.

    Somehow this video tells me that LOVE surpasses all PAINS & SORROWS. LOVE conquers the impossibles.

    Do we really Love our Spouse and Children? and how about our Parents and Brothers & Sisters?

    Can you Love your enemy? Only if you can, your enemy will learn the meaning of LOVE. And the world will be filled with LOVE not HATRED – There will be PEACE and NO WAR – it will be Heaven and not Earth.

    Have a Nice Day.

    Patrick Yeo

  8. Hi Rene

    Thanks for this video clip. It’s very touching indeed.

    When we know there are people who are less fortunate than us, we learn to appreciate those things around us and not take things for granted. We must count our blessings. Be motivated and inspired by it. Yes, life goes on… no matter what. Be strong.

    Take care,


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