Medications/supplements for bone health and stomach…..

Greetings to all……… 

Have any of you taken any medications / supplements for pain in the stomach or for bone health? 

If you are one who has doubt and never gotton a satisfactory answer from a pharmacist on issues regarding your guts or bones ache related medications that affect your stomach, you can now pose a question to the Guardian Pharmacist thru IBS Support Group.  The group is planning talks cum Q&A session for members with a pharmacist, and would welcome any comments/queries you have regarding guts or bone-aches related medications that affect your stomach. 

I am volunteering with the IBS to connect with members who suffer from Fatty Liver and Polyps in the gall bladder or other chronic stomach discomfort e.g. bloatedness or indigestion. Personally, I have a weak stomach so I am very selective when come to medication/supplements especially for my aging bones. I have not taken any nor have found the best calcium supplement that works for me yet.  

Have you?


20 thoughts on “Medications/supplements for bone health and stomach…..”

  1. Hi Freda Lim,

    Just to share, try this

    …bone health ( I am taking Live Well OsteCal Plus for calcium supplement which also has Mg,VitD,Mn,Cu.)

    ….bones ache ( I am taking Live Well Ostesamin Plus Chondroitin to PREVENT stiff and painful joints.
    They are essential nutrients to :-

    (i) build and repair cartilage.
    (ii) protect existing cartilage from premature breakdown.
    (iii) lubricate the joint etc…

    As for energy, I recently took Blackmore’s CoQ10 which converts fat, carbohydrates.. into pure energy.
    Our body produces Q10 but this natural production declines as we grow older and so has to be supplemented.

    …Stomach discomfort e.g. bloatedness or indigestion ???

    1) Are you the one who often drinks cold liquids in the morning? If,yes this could be the cause of yr stomach discomfort because our stomach enzymes need an optimun temp to digest the food. Upon constantly “chilling” the enzymes, the enzyme at a lower temp does not work so well and that causes your stomach to be bloated and the excess food not digested will cause fermentation and gases produced causing stomach discomfort.

    2) If you exercise REGULARLY, your digestion will bound to improve as well and refrain from excess fatty food.

    My 8 cts. worth.

  2. Hi Freda & Steven,

    My experience…….for upset & discomfort stomach, drink Yakult daily, no need any medication. I have this Yakult lady who delivered 3 packs of Yakult every Tuesday and Sunday to my house for my family. I used to have “wind” in my stomach and since taking Yakult, I hardly suffered “that kind” of stomach pain anymore. This is not an advertisement, it helps me and I think no harm trying.

    Ah Nee

  3. …I hardly suffered “that kind”

    I agree wif Ah Nee. After 10.5 mths of continuous taking (effectively don’t skip even 1 day), u will produce a “b…”.

    Btw, Yakult stands for “yup, always know u like that”.

  4. Ah Nee

    Me too. And taste good too :)

    YK – I like what Yakult stands for. Did you make it up yourself or is it really a slogan??

    Caroline Gee

  5. hi Fred,
    I’m more interested in Honey Nee’s yakult and
    hope she can transfer some bottles to me free of charge
    leh. “Yakult the drink of choice, natural and deliciously a
    a joy”. I am waiting for the free delivery Honey Ah Nee.
    Caroline mia, yakult lady also ha!


  6. I read in an article that Yakult is also good for those who suffered Migraine. I think Terence & Yew Kwong, better start drinking Yakult, I can foresee your headache as an SHC administrator, heheheee…..

    Carly, I like the natural flavour. Pat Lee, I don’t see the need for you to drink Yakult…happy go lucky guy, where got health problem.

    Ah Nee

  7. “My experience…….for upset & discomfort stomach, drink Yakult daily, no need any medication…..I used to have “wind” in my stomach and since taking Yakult, I hardly suffered………anymore……..and I think no harm trying”.

    Ok, but you hv omitted to state the instruction in smaller and it says “Dont throw the bottle away. If you’re the chronic type and still purge or the wind becomes a thunderstorm, use the bottle like you use a plug. If it doesnt work money back. If it works, do write and help spread this good message.”

    Sure, no harm trying the yakult as a drink but think plenty of harm trying it……… a plug.


  8. Thanks Steven and Ah Nee for sharing

    Steven #1

    Ostecal,Ostesam and CoQ10 – how long have u been taking these supplement to know that it is working for you? Did you have any gastrointestinal symptoms/effect initially?

    Thanks for enlightening on stomach enzymes. Although I do not drink cold liquids in the morning, I do sometimes take cold fruits/drinks immediately after lunch/dinner, I will watch out in future for such reaction.

    Agreed on Exercise. As we age, do you feel that one is no longer getting the kind of relief after an exercise as accustomed to when younger? For example, I swim to clear stiffness and muscle spasm but these days, I notice that I don’t feel so relieved after my laps. Wonder, if I have to apply the same principle as with digestion, that is, to swim more regularly but less strenuously.

    Ah Nee #2 – Yes, I heard probiotics drinks helps. Bdw, why Yakult and not Vitagen? Is there a choice preference?


  9. Hi Freda,

    …I do sometimes take COLD fruits/drinks immediately after lunch/dinner, That will “chill” the digestive enzymes and as such cannot work best.

    DRINK warm water instead.Moreover, as one ages, the efficiency of our enzymes also decreases.:(

    …to swim more regularly but less strenuously.
    Take your swim as a “leisure” exercise and not as a competition. Then,you will definitely enjoy your swim and also it places less stress on your body.

    Take it easy Freda.

    …Ah Nee #2 – Yes, I heard probiotics drinks helps.
    Yes,my eldest brother is drinkng probiotics daily as he too had stomach problems too(70yrs.) Probiotics contain live cultures of beneficial bacteria that helps in the digestive process.

    ..why Yakult and not Vitagen?
    I still prefers Yakult than Vitagen, less sweet and “creamier” taste but you may choose to differ.

  10. Hi Freda,

    …Ostecal,Ostesam and CoQ10 – how long have u been taking these supplement to know that it is working for you?
    Just recently and so too early to tell.

    Did you have any gastrointestinal symptoms/effect initially?

    NO,I owe it to my constant exercises like swimming,brisk walking,cycling and lately going to the gym for weight training exercises. I ate a LOT but cannot put on weight. I had a high metabolic rate.

    NOT condemning anyone , but I believe when one’s health is not in proper working order,that is when all the symptoms of ill effects will surface in. Actually it is a “warning” sign for us to beware. Your body is hinting to you , better take good care of me or I will deteriorate.

    Just like a drain full of litter and gradually got clog up, the flow of water is drastically obstructed.

    Compare this model to our body circulation as well. Our blood vessels are gradually filled with toxins and cholesterol. If one lacks exercise,then the effect will be worse. When one exercise regularly,some/most of these toxins are removed and the bad cholesterol will be distributed all over the body and clogging will be minimised. When clogging happens in the blood vessels,the flow of blood is impeded. And that is when TROUBLE starts.

    So SHCians,continue to exercise,you had nothing to loose but your extra kg. …learn from Norlinda must be tactful cannot say F_T.

  11. Hello Everyone,

    While this topic is popularly discussed now may I add a piece of info for those who have pain in the knee even after swallowing pain relief tablets and glucosamine.

    Try “Joint Flex”. It’s an ointment. A friend of mine had taken Glucosamine tablets/cap-sules etc previously found her Doc’s latest reccommendation of the above the best for her knee-pain.

    This ointment has glucosamine and chondriotin in its preparation.

    Geok Suan.

  12. On a serious note, I like to share with you all my right kneel joint pain and problem. At our age, our pairs of legs are now our eyes. Well maintained and care, brings greater mobility and happiness.

    I had quite serious swolling at the right knee cap and joint out of the blue. And I was quite devastated because,
    I used to meditate
    and the pain made me stopped for sometime. I seek Doctor to no available and suggested to me to operate on it. Quite a few of my friends after operation, mobility was not as ideal. Hence I hesitated.

    During one of an exhibition in Suntec city on the Third Age, I was introduced to take Kordel’s Glucosamine with MSM for joint swell and pain. I was skeptical but I bought a bottle of 120 capsules and took twice daily, for 3 months
    and thank God, gradually my pain and swell subsided after the second month and I need not wear a knee guard. And it only cost me after discount $44/-. I got the bottle from Unity Pharmacy (under NTUC). It works for me and now i am on the 4th month, maintaining on it and very little pain and I can bend my knee and sit for my meditation again.
    I am so delighted.

    Each individual’s anatomy and body metabolism may differ.
    So, in life’s cures and encounters, if you hit the right ‘jackpot’, life is good to you. Let us all SHCians stay healty and engaging with joy and harmony.


  13. Hi Seven #9, 10 / Geok Suan #11 – thanks for sharing

    I agree exercise helps in our well being. I just started taking Caltrate 600+soy to mind my bones but bone metabolism is a complex subject, realistically bone density never improves without treatment. Calcium supplements and exercise can slow its loss but do not completely prevent it. Here, I am only referring to those who has poor calcium intake.
    My mum suffers from osteoporosis and we are not sure that ‘Bisphosphonates’ can restore lost bone to some degree at her age…besides there are newer drugs such as Evista……we are still exploring its effectivenss and long term safety. Anyone has an opinion?

    Hi Song Juan #12

    Indeed, as age progress, mobility is happiness and each individual’ anatomy and body metabolism differs.
    I so agree “in life’s cures and encounters, if you hit the right ‘jackpot’, life is good to you” but if the many physicians we see are not effective in treating our problems, don’t give up …….as with other forms of vulnerability, learning to be your own advocate is the key. Agree?

    Re Glucosamine, my husband has taken it (one capsule a day) but has to stop after 3-4 days as he claims that it is “heaty” (like mouth ulcers start appearing) for him. He does not have knee/bone pain but is taking it now and then as a “precaution”. After stopping for a few days, the ulcers would go away. Is glucosamine “heaty”?


  14. hello Freda, when you put Fredalim together, I thought you are a guy. And you were talking about your husband. ( I was thinking SM Goh has not legalised gay marriage yet, haha! just joking lah).

    As I said “each individual anatomy and body metabolism differs”. Maybe your hubby is more proned to heatiness. But drinking more water will neutralise it, especially when you wake up first thing in the morning, before even you brush your teeth, just gargle the mouth and drink a 400 cc of plain water to wash your system, then brush your teeth and 20 mins later take your breakfast. I been doing it for a long time and I hardly have sore throat or fall sick and surely no heatiness.

    Prevention is better than cure. Glucosamine alone may not help. It should have chondriotin & MSM to be truely effective. Maybe can try changing the brand and check the
    composition of ‘mg’ weight in the capsules. and drink enough water when you take the supplements. It is important to take for precaution at age 55 and above for better joint health and flexibility. Thank you.

  15. just a thought here, maybe we should also consider a nutritionist or someone who can teach and show us how to eat the well balance diet to replace or supplement the dietary needs of our body instead of just buying medications from pharmacist; which i see little difference from buying from some health product thru direct selling representatives. Though we don’t promote direct selling or the like here, do remember there are some just as good products there.
    If we have medical concern, we normally see a doctor. Anyway, do also consider eating veges, fruits etc., in its good and unprocessed form whether organice or pesticides free.
    I am sure most of us here are great reference as each of us have at least 50 years of history of holistic, well balance diet and good eating habits.

  16. Hi fred I am a very active person in sports play tennis 3 times a week and golf twice a week dancing twice a week so
    hve to make sure that my joints, bones etc… are strong to
    maintain all that stress for more than 10 yers I have been
    sticking to one brand of calcium and found it to be very
    good BIOCALTH cos this one is for bones and joints as well on top of this I also take glusosamine tablets. Recently I
    read in a health magazine this produce call RECOGEN and has
    already tried one can its marvellous its collagen for the joints you can get from pharmacy $85 per can if buy direct
    from the agent is $65 apart from supplements for my bones,
    joints I am not on any other medication. Hope this is helpful to you. Janet Loo

  17. Hi all,

    …collagen for the joints :)

    Instead of supplements,why not try natural collagen:-easily available too.

    Try the natural collagen made from pig’s steam skin at the Yong Tau Foo stall. Full of collagen for youthful beauty to reduce your wrinkles. Do not buy the fried pork skin becos all the collagen will be denatured/destroyed by under high heat in oil.

    Another rich natural source of collagen is from eating the pig’s birth intestines. Try it to believe it!
    It has a crunchy feeling and smell a bit “soo”
    You had nothing to loose but your wrinkles.

  18. Hi All

    SHC does not endorse medicated products recommended here. Members are advised 2 exercise caution when purchasing such if they are suitable for personal consumption.

  19. Hi Song Juan #14

    When I was young, I was called “Sunshine”, now “thunderstorm” so fred, feather, faridia whatever is ok lah, …..I m not surprised gay marriage will be legalized soon one day as people are no longer ‘taboo’ about being Gay.

    Hi Feztus #15

    “consider a nutritionist” – Agreed, is the nutritionist who points out the morning coffee with ‘condensed milk’, the culprit that adds up to cholesterol.
    “buying from some health product thru direct selling representatives” Direct/web selling are workable for Netzitens but for baby boomers like u said, already have 50 yrs of experience, hence prefer not to be confused by the enormous availability besides the die effects that accompany it and, possible drug interactions with the medications that baby boomers who are already on.

    On a slightly different note, knowing the various health products/holistic healing/macrobiotic way that are available in the market, may be good for health maintenance but can also disrupts body systems. Take for example Water – distilled, filtered or mineral water? I witness those who lived in certain part of country side in Japan n China where their water supply is untainted, they have great health, so for city dwellers, is it truly value for money when choosing other form of water instead of mineral water? Some will argue that its safer to just consume the water unless u have plenty of money to buy good water for use (affects face n body etc) and for drinking…………opinion anyone?

    Hi Janet #16

    3 cheers to u for being disciplined in minding your bones. I know of one who broke her rib bones (osteoporosis) by a racket during a game, another broke his leg by the waves so like what Steven said, listen to our bodys’ warning, slow down if u must such as the sport we are used to do in our younger days.
    BIOCALTH – thanks, I shall keep that in mind as alternative meanwhile I am still looking for Liquid calcium that is effective.

    Hi Steven #17

    Wow !! cheap forms of Collagen – Pig’s steam Skin, must go looking for the famous tiong bahru famous pigs organs soup even though is bad for cholesterol…….



  20. Hi Freda,
    … pigs organs soup ??? Ooohh OoOh!

    Pigs organs soup has small intestine not BIRTH intestine. Small intestine is v. UNhygenic as it contains a lot of bacteria ,endo-parasites and undigested food in the wall linings of the intestine.
    I shun them.

    However, birth intestine is cleaner .Sprinkled a teaspoon of salt and let it rest for 3 mins. Then wash away the salt away.

    Next, you need to heat them in BOILING water with garlic and ginger for a few minutes to dispel away it “soo” smell. Drain of the water and fried them together with sambal belachan and ladies fingersd. SEDAP! Mo tak Theng!

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