
Any members already playing the ukulele?  I am learning to strum and found it not difficult as the guitar.

Any interest in forming a group?


Alan Tham

Author: Alan Tham

Hi folks, First heard of this club from good friend Sockie (Sock Cheng). I will turn 64 in a few months. It's been a year now since retirement, and I continue to enjoy the new found freedom. Even my health has benefited! Just the other day, my doc told me that my BP has gone down noticeably! I have remained active physically, walking the golf course some mornings and line dancing in between days. I enjoyed listening to jazz, blues and country music. My wife and I have 2 grown kids and 2 grand children from our girl. I certainly look forward to meeting with you folks and the beginning of a new friendship. Cheers Alan

13 thoughts on “Ukulele”

  1. Hi Alan

    I’m already playing the uke, albeit just for fun. Simple chords and strumming. Rather simple as there’re only four strings compared to a guitar which has more.

    I’ve learnt under coach and if you’re interested, perhaps, you can join us at Bishan CC every Thursday from 7 – 9 pm. We have a group of approx 30 – 40 people strumming and having fun there every week.


  2. this is good idea…
    maybe you guys and other performing groups should “appear” at one of monthly gatherings and show off your performance so that we can indulge in better highlights instead of the usual nothing much to do, eat and chat gatherings

  3. Hi Audrey #3

    The uke jamming at Bishan CC is not a SHC event. It’s organised by my uke coach. It’s a get-together for all uke enthusiasts for an evening of fun, laughter and strumming. You’re welcome to join in next Thursday from 7 – 9 pm if you like. Some SHC people also attend these sessions.

    Venue: 3rd level, corner room.

    Observers are welcome. If interested, you can also join in his lessons for beginners..


  4. Hi Gabriella,

    Unfortunately Thursday evenings are out for me so I will not be able to attend the jams you mentioned. Will you be interested to share with us at the SHC group, and to form a group?

    Alan Tham

  5. Hi Alan #5

    I’m still in the learning stage (Nursery level). Hence, dont think I’m qualified to form a group yet. Will still have to tag on the apron strings of my coach.

    Thanks & regards,

  6. Hello Alan Tham,

    Just wondering if you are the same Alan Tham I met during the 1 Day Mt Ophir (Ledang) Trip organised by the SIS.

    I’m with the SIS Uke Group as well as the one at Bishan CC and RC.

    Will be keen to be a member of your group (shd you decide to form one)if the venue is not too far from my home in Clementi.

    Let the group be one of sharing and learning (not one practising to perform).

    Can always do with more practice and “enlightening”.


  7. Hi Amy,

    Yes, I was on that “Durian Trip” same as you. Now that you mentioned it, I can recall who you are. We were seated at the same table too during dinner, right?

    I was hoping there were some experienced players here in the Club, who would be interested to start and lead a group. Yes, sharing/receiving knowledge would be a good way to learn/improve. I practise on my own and try attending the strumming sessions at SIS alternate Wednesdays.

  8. Hi,

    There will be a uke jamming next Thursday, 21 July from 7 – 9 pm at Bishan CC. Corner room on 3rd level. Just be there if you’re interested. You can be an observer or join in the singing if you do not have a uke.

    Songs: National Day theme


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