November monthly update was written by Jassmine Teo

This month’s monthly update was written by Jassmine Teo, also our Online Fleamart Coordinator.  If you had received it, it means your email address is correct.  If you have not received it, it is likely you are not a registered member.

If you have been a member for more than one year, and would like to address fellow SilverHairsClub members, please write to me.

Terence Seah

November’s editorial by Jassmine:

"Dear fellow SilverHairsClub members,

The Silverhairs Club just crossed its 6th year and is still going strong!  There is, however, a concern about the silent majority. Why are they not active in the club’s activities? A few had written to say work kept them away. A few others had written about feeling apprehensive and nervous arising from their perception of existing cliques in the club.  To address this concern, the club has introduced the role of Befrienders and also organized an event catering to apprehensive members.

The Botanic Gardens seems to be a very popular venue for SHC activities in November. Three scheduled activities are taking place at the Botanic Gardens, namely:

1)  November walk on Sat. 12th.
2)  Potluck picnic on Thur 17th. and
3)  Photography outing on Sat 19th.

On Sun. 27th, members can look forward to a drama performance cum Canto karaoke at SAFRA Tampines.  However, the one day trip to Kulai town has been cancelled due to concern over possible flooding in JB.

May all members have an active time in November.

Jassmine Teo
on behalf of SilverHairsClub
Online Fleamart Coordinator

Author: Terence Seah


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