MONTHLY CYCLING as of March 2021

Jointly organized by Douglas Chan and Ronald Lam.

A monthly opportunity to push yourself. Whether you have started long ago or decided to join Douglas Chan and his team in the months to come to set a goal and make it happen.

His first post in SHC Facebook – CYCLING Event on Saturday, 13 March 2021 – Jurassic Mile

You can view all the photos posted and how the team really enjoy his cycling workout.

It’s time to challenge yourself in 2021.  The team inspire and motivate fellow SHCians to enjoy the freedom cycling gives you… Fret not if you are a newbie to the bike.  As per Doug, he has confident to put u up on the bike and balance yourself in no time.

Do join him on his 2nd cycling fun on Saturday, 17 April 2021 – MBS/GBTB

Keep up the good spirit!

On behalf of the Cycling Team

Author: Sally Foo

SHC1703 Introduced by ex-classmate Joo Tian. Married. I am in F&B industries for many years. Enjoy food and travelling. Love singing Karaoke with buddies. Date joined 22.3.2017.

2 thoughts on “MONTHLY CYCLING as of March 2021”

  1. For some reason – the cycling event has been postponed to Saturday, 15 May 2021 – lookout for more updates from Douglas Chan.

  2. Unfortunately the 2nd Cycling fun organized by Douglas Chan is being cancelled due to torrential rain. Nonetheless, please look out for the next available time slot coming up soon… tentatively on Saturday, 08 May 2021

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