What happens when you write a Post or a Comment?

For new Forum users:  There are two ways to participate in this forum.  One is to write a Post; Two is to write a Comment.

All Comments are automatically approved, if the comment has no URL or links.  There are also some few hundred words which are considered sensitive.  In this case, they go into a moderation queue, and we may approve them within 48 hours.  If the comment is not approved, they will be deleted.

All SilverHairsClub members using this forum can write a new Post.  However, they would need to save as Draft.  Within 48 hours, the Post would be approved.  If the Post is not approved, they will be deleted.  Experienced Forum users, who have successfully written a number of Posts, would have their Posts automatically published.  Only appointed SHC Event Organisers would be given the Edit feature.

As a rule, forum users should not Post or Comment, edit or delete for another person or organisation.

You will know that your membership has been terminated, if you do not receive the monthly SHC updates or you can no longer participate in this forum.  But, no problem, if you have a Q, you can SMS me, with your name attached.

Terence Seah 9489-4360

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Author: Terence Seah


18 thoughts on “What happens when you write a Post or a Comment?”

  1. Terence, I have no qualms if a thread, running into 26 comments by putting together others comments elsewhere, be removed.

    If the bid axe has to be wileded, wield it.

    We can be a serious and a fun forum at the same time but certainly not one that is foolish & ridiculous……..

  2. ……We can be a serious and a fun forum at the same time but certainly not one that is foolish & ridiculous……..

    I think you are being ridiculous and foolish without finding out the REASONS WHY.

    Who is the dim witted after all ?

    Steven Chan

  3. Be the beanpole flying at half-mast as you’ll and if the Adminstratior can tolerate a fool banging his head as much as his butt everywhere then obviously this isnt a forum for me and I shall let you and yr dog run all over in dominance bringing doominance.

  4. Happy that you can see that I am egocentric. happier that you cant see that you’re eccentric and entertaining.

    With an obvious mental condition, i wont bash you more.

    Unless folks request my help or when my name is mentioned, I’ll sit back and let you hv a field day pasting everyone’s comments here there & everywhere, writing for the intelligentia to read even as you & yr dog chase after each other’s tail.

    Enjoy !

  5. Bcos I want to give you a rousing kick on yr round skinless butt to send you off chasing yr dog.

    Dont disappoint, put up a good show & entertain…………even standing still like a long “7” is a sight to watch.

  6. Too late…..with his postings in btwn gone, the fun is gone too and tim may be mistaken as hounding & pounding him relentlessly with vituperations when, in truth, I dont if it’s a sad case more suited for the cares of Dr Wong YC or Anthony Y………….

  7. Shereen, isnt fireworks associated with celebrations such as during N-Day and CNY ? Or when IR is completed and big time gambling kicks off?

    The meek watch fireworks; the not so meek (like you) cheer and the brave, light the fuse to start the fireworks…..

    tim is a firestarter……check his pocket where he keeps a lighter, always.

  8. Tim, brave or foolhardy?

    The fire consumes and you know what it leaves in its wake.

    Be a light, you don’t need a lighter for that.

    Continue to be the spark that ignites debates/discourse… minus the edge…

  9. Shereen, let’s re-trace a little.

    You talked abt fireworks & the meek. My rejoinder was, only the brave dare light the fireworks (so everyone else gets to enjoy).

    You demurred, that it may be foolhardy.

    Come Nday and the brave is convinced. So who else will start the fireworks except our 85 year old merlion………heeee, do you hv the heart to let him be consumed and become ashes not in the wake but in his wake?(altho he gets to save the cost of cremation).

    And remember the Zen has this to say “If I dont enter hades, who enter hades?

    If I throw away my lighter, will you rub 2 stones for me to light my fag? And you’ll hv to follow me 24/7. Deal?

    Interesting….I can tell that you are. Irresistible? That, you tell me.

  10. Easy to see that you’re fully engaged as a SH. The club is probably much more ‘lively’ & ‘colourful’ with your ‘cut & thrusts’. A worthy opponent to the men & a word of caution for the ladies.

  11. Res ipsa loquitur. I rest my case.

    (Irrepressible & that makes you irrsistible…………so I shall go hang myself from a coconut tree where I can press my primate butties for fun and for free….)

  12. Hi Susan
    Paisay!!Cannot find the link to the talent time where I was talking abt Arn Liu and Tai Liu Far and some Liu thot I was talking abt him!!! Wanna sling Tow Huay at me!!! please email me on how to find the link

    new babe Margaret

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