Monthly Cycling, Sat 19 Sep 09

Meet at rear of McDonald Restaurant Marina Cove (former East Coast Recreation Park). Rented bicycles are abundantly available at reasonable rates.

Activity will not be cancelled even if it rains but will be brought indoor to turn into chitchat session.
We will go for dinner 2gether after the session. Pls come n join us.

Rain or shine, we will definitely be there for U. Look forward to seeing u guys.

Our Program –
• 4.00 – 4.30 p.m. : Gather for chitchating, if possible inside aircon McDonald Rest.
• 4.30 p.m. : Proceed to bike rental kiosk, Coastal Recreation, to rent bikes.
Rental Cost is between $5-$6 unless fuel surcharge is imposed, the cost may be bit higher.
• 4.30 – 6.30 p.m. : Cycling around East Coat Park.
• There will not be any learning sesssion.
• 6.30 – 7.00 p.m. : All cyclists ride back to start point 2 return bikes n go for dinner 2gether.
• There will be a long 40km+ plus rolling off at 2.15 pm sharp from ECP to Loyang n back. Stopover at CV for light refreshment on return. Helmet is compulsory as we will be riding on the road throughout. This is good training for those going to Pengarang in the coming week.

TQ, Cycling Group (Ah Nee, Douglas, Jade, Lily n Yew Kwong)

Members Who Are Coming –

  1. YK ( lead long ride)
  2. Lily
  3. Ah Nee
  4. Lina Ng
  5. Susan Chang
  6. Boon Liang
  7. Jade
  8. Dolly
  9. Patrick Lee
  10. Caroline Gee
  11. Steven Ng
  12. Charles Chua
  13. Lim Beng Teik
  14. Daisy Yeo ( may be )
  15. Rene ( long ride )
  16. Eileen Thean
  17. Steven Chan ( long ride )
  18. Thomas Goh ( long ride )
  19. Janet Chan ( long ride )
  20. John Howe
  21. Lawrence Lee ( long ride )
  22. Patsy ( long ride )
  23. Joyce Tan ( long ride )
  24. Terence

Author: Lily Ho Willocq

Divorced - 1 grown daughter - love dancing.

45 thoughts on “Monthly Cycling, Sat 19 Sep 09”

  1. Hi Lily, CharlesC,

    Yes, I can make it. Am coming for the cycling. As I am still recovering from the tummy cut, I will join the newer ones. Yeah, here I come.

    And, for those free today, come join the cycling. Dont be shy.

    Terence Seah

  2. Oops, Patsy is the one who can out cycle the guys instead of Maureen, I think??? Now,…. who is Maureen? So sorry girls. I’m really bad with names, or faces, or memory…… Sigh, on set of old age! (Sob) :(

    Terence, you have been signed up for Cycling. You have not better to do right? Right!

    See u soon :)

  3. Hi Lily,

    Please count me in.

    To Susan Tan (Message 31): Thank you I received it.

    As a side note, maybe the site admin can consider install a private message plugin so that registered members can communicate privately if the necessity arise such as passing over of email addresses or need to communicate privately between each other.

  4. Yup, no more 2.15pm but 3.00pm instead. Long distance riders…… please take note.

    Welcome Eileen, Thomas, StevenC, hopefully Rene too…… oops, forgot to register JanetC ;)

    Douglas, Veronique, I hear you….. too bad :(

    John Howe – I’ve included you ok?

  5. Dear Lily,

    Sorry, I won’t be able to join you all for cycling this Saturday because I’ve already committed to another sport event.


  6. Hi Steven Ng,

    Yew Kwong has just sent the Pengarang cyclists a pte mail. If you are still keen, there are 3 more vacancies. Pls get in touch with him.

    I have sent you a pte mail. Did u rec it?

    susan tan

  7. Hi Cyclists

    Apology for last min change of timing. As I m unable to get someone to lead the ride at 3pm, I have cancelled the 2.15pm n changed it to 3pm instead to cater to those who want to do the long ride.

    Please take note of the followings –
    1) Helmet is compulsory as we will be cycling on the road once we are out of ECP stretch. If u dont own one u hv to rent it. “NO HELMET NO RIDE. SAFETY IS TOP PRIORITY”.
    2) We will leave at 3pm sharp for bike rental shop.
    3) 2 routes wif breakstop at CV –
    ECP >Changi Coast Rd >CV >Changi Coast Rd >ECP
    ECP >Changi Coast Rd >Loyang >CV >Changi Coast Rd >ECP

  8. Hi Susan,

    I am allow to put my email address there which in fact I do. However after putting my email address, I realise that this is a no no unless you want your inbox to be bombard by tons of messages from spammers. I immediate request the moderator to change it in the spelling format.

    There is a little software that can harvest any email addresses on the internet as along it is in the format of unless it is password protected.

    By the way thank you Susan for the information.

    On second note, I think I have to disable the clickable link embedded on my name as there are quite a number of curious SHCers clicking on the link which will distort my website statistics which I use for sales conversion purposes.

  9. Hi Lily,

    Curious to know, why is he not allow to put down his email add. Many a times, I have been seeing members asking to contact by pte email. I tot only contact no will be erased by the admin.

    Steven, not to worry, next month, provided there is still Cycling activity, you nd not raise yr hand. I will ask around for Steven Ng, LOL. I have got your email add from your earlier post & I am gg to send it to you now. By the time, you see this post, Mr Postman have already completed his day’s job.

    See u very soon.
    Susan Tan

  10. Halo Steven Ng…
    I can’t make out whether u wan or dun wan your email address 2B known. Anyhow, I’ve replaced it with the spelt out form.

    Hi Janet Chan
    Dunno how u going to join CV ride at 3pm? …. Let dat b YK’s problem …. but y wun u join in the makan b4 going to Leng Kee leh? U can get drunk with hawker’s food hah? Heee …. Luv 2 C dat smile of yours.

  11. Can the moderator please delete my email address or else the spiders will detect my email address and I will end up with tons of spam messages in my inbox. My email address should read as – stevenngpk at gmail dot com.

    My apology.

  12. Wow wee,

    4 handsome faces right above the Cycling Post leh… (from left to right) :
    Andrew Thio (one of the roller bladers), Ben Foo (came cycling only once I think… but see him at the dance floor quite a bit), Charles Chua (will be with us this Sat joining the ladies) and Charles Wee (once a pioneer of the cycling group had abandoned us for the walkies….tsk, tsk, tsk).

    Ok, my apologies to Steven Chan and Steven Ng for getting you guys mixed up. Thanks for the tip-off Don 1. The name have been amended (must be YK or Dolly as I have not log on until now).

    Gingko, Molly & Susan Tan – Noted, your non-participation. So sad :(

    Daisy smsed to say that she’s a bit under the weather. Hopefully will recover in time to join us.

    BTW, meant to name Maureen instead of Pat. Have absolutely no idea who Pat is. Maureen is the one that can out cycle the guys in long distance. And Grace Kok is catching up albeit with a lot of huffing & puffing.

    Douglas, are you coming for cycling or not?

  13. Hi Lily/Yew Kwong,

    Would like to join the ride to CV only at 3pm but will not be able join all at the hawker centre for refreshment coz gotta attend Sockie’s line dance at Leng Kee C.C.

    Janet Chan

  14. Hi Yew Kwong,

    If my place has not been taken up, could you pls get in touch with him on the Pengarang cycling trip.

    Hi Steven,

    I am keen in the SHC Monthly Walks & Cycling but can’t jgo this month due to having jam in the evening. Will join you next month. Pls raise your hand, if you are there. Yet to meet you. Remember, there are 2 Susan Tan, I am
    Susan Tan LC. Pls give me your email add. Will forward you the mail on where to get cheap helmet. This lobang from our Cycling EO, Yew Kwong.

    Susan Tan

  15. By the way, any lobang where can you get a good and cheap helmet?

    To Susan Tan: Can you give me more details about the cycling trip to Pengarang – the date and time plus other logistic details so that I can check whether it will fit my schedule. Thank you.

  16. Hi Cyclists

    For those who cant join the 2.15pm long ride, u can cycle leisurely to CV n join us at hawker centre for light refreshment ard 4.30 pm. on return. If u are there, pls reserve seats for us. After refreshment, we will ride back leisurely.

    Route : ECP > Changi Coast Road > Loyang > Shell Petrol Kiosk after slope (break) > Loyang > CV (break for refreshment) > ECP

    Charles, can u lead the group who wish 2 ride at 3 pm 2 CV? Just ride leisurely 2 reach at 4.30 pm.

  17. Hi YK,

    I just read the post carefully and realise you are starting at 2.15pm and covering 40km on the road.

    I think I will pass this time as I have not been cycling for some time.

    This time I will treat myself to the ‘ladies’ group.

    Hope it’s A-ok with you.

    Glad to have you back, to say the least.


  18. Lily..
    Thanks for calling..Yes la…u so clever!..not only v busy in kitchen..but everywhere..haha

    I register for next mth’s cycling..boleh?..hee

    I heard some ‘rumours’ about you?..tell me when we meet ok..
    glad u still cycling with us :)

  19. Hi EOs,

    I will not be able to make it due to there is a Line Dance jam at Leng Kee CC which I will be there.

    Hi Steven #5,

    If you are interested to go to Pengarang, you can take over my place but I do not know whether has the vacancy been taken up. Due to staying too far, can’t get up in the morning and ‘no helmet no ride’….

    Hope you guys enjoy the ride
    Susan Tan

  20. #5

    Sorry, did Steven Chan changed his surname to Steven Ng.
    Or it is a different person. Steven Chan is still on holiday with the female camels, coming back today 14th Sept.
    Thank you

  21. Hi Beng Teik

    Welcome to the cycling group. Understand from you profile, you are “tongue tied in front of strangers”… No problem. You don’t need to cycle with your tongue.

    Just show up at the appointed time and place. Our cycling Tai Lo has a famous motto: “Rain or Shine, we will be there.”

    Will send hp of YK and mine via email in case you got lost which is unlikely as there is only 1 MacDonald @ ECP, Marina Cove. If you come across a bunch of roudy middle-aged inside MacDonald, that’s us.

  22. Hi Lily,

    Can you register me for the event pls? Thanks.

    YK, Are you starting at the same time and place for your group? I would like to join you, even if you start earlier. I can join at a later part of the ride. Good that you are back. Is Doug coming?

    LHoW, PS You know/remember the song that starts with “Hi lili, Hi lili, Hi lo”? Think I heard it last at the Mandarins in SRC. Maybe Burl Ives type of song

  23. Don 1 – Welcome. Your second time right?
    Bira – Too bad you can’t join us. See you on 20th?
    Caroline – Good to keep yourself in fun caring company lor.

    Steven – Hope to see you. No thread on Pengarang. To know more, please pte email to YK or Douglas.

    Calling other cyclists : Daisy, Pat, Rene, Molly, Gingko, Veronique, etc, etc, …. (I know Nor will be busy in her kitchen, so can count her out).

    And non-cyclists (those who join for dinner only) – you are welcome too you know?

    And not forgetting the roller bladders : RonW, AndrewT, and the 2 sexy roller bladders ….

    Come join in the camaraderie – it’s better than sitting at home watching TV on a Sat nite right?

  24. Aiyah ! Bira why you back out. The reason I join is because
    you sign up. Now I am in limbo. Come lah! Don Juan calling you leh.

    Leepat the Don Juan

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