Year 2010 – Monthly Lunch/Dinner outings

Hello fellow SHCians! Would any of you be keen to go for a food hunt once a month, commencing January 2010?

There are many yummy eateries – restaurants/zhe zhars at coffee shops/hawker stalls spread all over Singapore that serve delicious dishes at very reasonable price. My idea is to have any SHC member recommend a good place to eat, either for lunch or dinner during a chosen day of the month.

Of course, the credo ‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison’ will prove challenging but it’ll be interesting to be adventurous once a month.

I suggest Dolly Lim be the EO of this……..:p



Author: Rosalind LEE

Happily married. 3 grown up children, 2 of whom are married. Grandmother of 2. Stopped working since 2003. Currently spends time on the internet, reading, cooking and/or helping out with the care of the grandkids. DOJ: Sep 2009

20 thoughts on “Year 2010 – Monthly Lunch/Dinner outings”

  1. Hi Rosalind,
    You’ve made it too tempting for me to reject since I’m a foodie freak. I’m in, so just keep me in the thread if you’re planning one soon. Thanks, Lisa

  2. Hi Ros, Sam,

    Pls include me if there’s any gourmet trip to J.B, esp

    In the meantime, I recommend 2 restaurants serving Chinese
    dishes, sit-down, buffet style and very reasonable prices.

    1) Imperial Courts Sharkfin @ Grassroots Club
    – 27 dishes to choose from, including Sharkfin soup, Poach
    fresh prawns, deep fried Soon Hock.
    – I organised one lunch for 40 SHCians and it was fully
    taken up.
    – Each table ordered around 18-19 dishes and ate to their
    stomach’s content.
    – Price is $23++ for lunch and $32 for dinner
    – Members fo Grassroots enjoyed 15% discount

    See link:

    2) Seafood International @ Big Splash
    – 40 dishes to choose from, including Sharkfin, Drunken
    prawns and Mini Whole Abalone.
    – Price at $25++.
    – Thought it would be a good idea to organise a lunch
    trip on a Saturday to coincide with the monthly cycling
    by Yew Kwong. It’s only a 15 min walk to MacD where we
    used to meet.

    In the meantime, happy food hunting.


  3. #16 Sam,

    Thank you so much for your encouragement! I’ll see what other activities will be planned by other SHC members for the month of January 2010 and then I’ll pick a day.


  4. Hi Rosalind @ 13,

    Mine is only a suggestion ( food for thought )
    It is not necessary to be implemented if you find it not suitable.

    V.Good to hear from Sam G that he will be E.C. for the JB 1st.FOOD HUNT and you being the E.O.

    Well, I am looking forwards to it and hope it does not clash with my other appointments in Jan.

    Have a good weekend and take care.

  5. halo ROS ,

    arite , is confirm liao , we will all hit jb.

    u will be de EC , & i will help u thru out without fail ..

    but hor do not choose on 11 jan & our shc major event by terence de carbaret niteclub hor. these 2 dates is completely big NO lei..

    so u lay yr card lah !! like dat aa sai bo har ?

    huat huat huat

  6. Hi Ros

    Sounds yummie to me ;0)

    I live to eat so will be looking forward to the event……think I need to go buy more loose and baggy clothes…can’t imagine the amount of weight I will be putting on….but my policy is eat first and worry later kekekek


  7. Hi Steven! Thank you for your kind recommendations.

    As the year is coming to an end, I thought it’d be good to kickoff this monthly food hunt from January 2010. I post to check the interest level of SHC members. Some time in December, that’s next month, I’ll start a proper thread and get members who are keen to start registering. I also need to hear from Sam if he’s able to do the honours of leading us to his favourite haunt in JB or Singapore.

    You’ll have your turn, Steven. It’s better to have ONE member per month to be the ‘host/hostess’. Anyone can volunteer if they know of any place that has good and reasonably priced food.


  8. Hi Rosalind,

    Responding to your call.

    After shopping for basic necessities and visited the JB Orphanage & Children’s home, we headed towards City Square.

    I recommend them( Sam Goh, Dolly, Jane Tan , Charles Chua, to try out 2 places;

    i) I took them to sample those local sabarak stalls for M’sian dishes at the back lanes of Jln. Wong Ah Fook. Sitting in the open air, we had big fresh prawns fried with oats ,fresh sambal stingray fish , deer meat, 2 big plates of famous Hokkien black mee and kwee teow etc..Yummy! :)

    To me it was v.delicious and the price was reasonably cheap; total abt. MR90 for 5 of us. ie a share of 18 per person.In Spore, it will cost more than double and some of the dishes may not be as delicious as the M’sian counterpart.I found M’sian cooks took much pride in what they are cooking.( My opinion, you may choose to disagree).

    Well to have a fair assessment,pls. get feedback from the rest of the 4s’, Ros.

    The other was a popular Massage Spa endorsed by the M’sian Tourism Board; no hanky panky ; they even washed and cleaned yr feet before asking you to change to a pair of pyjamas before the massage.

    May I suggest that you can organise in such a way that we can have 1hr. massage for those who really needs to destress and for those who are are not keen, there will be 1 hr extra for them to shop around the many shops in City Square and later followed by the dinner.

    Warning:- The black thick Hokkien mee are HIGH in cholesterol. They are fried with many pieces of lard to give the “Ooomph” fragrance.

    Thanks Rosalind so much for taking the initiative to start our 1st. SHC FOOD HUNT ! So folks once in a while
    let’s “PAMPER” our stomach a bit.

    Eat also die ; don’t eat also die.
    As the Cantonese says ” Say The Aun Fai. ” translated as die a satisfying death.

    So why NOT end up as a HAPPY GHOST than a HUNGRY GHOST! :)

  9. Dear Dolly,

    Phew!!! Thanks for not scolding me even though I deserve one for not consulting with you first before putting forth your name as EO for this thread.

    Ronald, it’s good you know of some places to eat in JB but Sam is the one who’ll kick off this in January. :) You can lead us in March/April. It’ll be even more interesting to let all the food lovers have a chance of recommending us where and what is a good place to eat.


  10. Dan#2,

    “anyone know of a good and cheap vegetarian restaurant?”

    Try this one at No.57, Lor 27 Geylang, really good and cheap vegetarian food, “Almond noodle” a must try..


  11. Hahaha Ros, No scolding frm me dat is 4 sure but hor, mi hor, cant b EC (Event Coordinator) 4 tis la cos I eat 2 live leh.. Moreover, my busy China work sch, hard 2 do planning lor.. Since either Sam or RonWie is familiar with JB, starts with either 1 of them 1st lor.. ai sai bo?

    Cheers.. Dolly

  12. Hi Rosalind and all food lovers

    Don’t have to wait till 2010 for food hunt or bargain shopping in JB. I usually go there on Tues for lunch, dinner and some shopping also maybe catch a good movie.
    Surprisingly some of the movies shown there are earlier than in Spore, and also at the same price but in M$. The cinema seats are also comfortable and the sound system just as good if not better, not to mention quieter audience so far.

    Also on Tuesday there is a big pasar malam from 6pm till 10pm. Am also looking to learn of new places for good food


  13. Rosalind Lee

    Makan? Can do. I’m game although I fear for my waistline, hahaha.

    Could start with Sam’s suggestion of JB. Cheap and good. Hee.

  14. $5 Sam,

    Ya hor, Sam. You mentioned you know of some great places to eat in JB. Quick, organize one in January can? That’ll be the kickoff for the monthly makan get-togethers.

    I agree with #6 Tian Soo that anyone can suggest a yummy food eatery. It can be anywhere, Singapore/JB!

    Checking out good food is great fun and I’m glad there are SHCians game to give a try. I’ve seen TV programmes featuring food hunts by TV stars/personalities. Unfortunately, the programme is in Channel U or 8 and they speak in Mandarin. My Mandarin’s bad so most of the time I cannot catch what they’re saying. :(

    If Sam’s willing, we’re onto our own food hunt come January! Yeah!!!


  15. Hi Rosalind

    Good idea. I don’t think we need an EO. All these places do not need advance booking or payments, so there is no need for cash collection. We all participate at our own ‘risk’. All we need is an adventurous spirit for food and accept what is served and not blame others for our own decision to join in.

    Let me know where is your first eating place. I’ll try my best to join in.

  16. hi 2 roasalind & all ,

    i think i am able 2 post on behalf 4 dolly …

    she is very simple on makan ,& if we will 2 ask her where got gd makan ,, hahahahaha try yr luck lor !!!!

    maybe i can kaypoh lah , cos look @ my size ,will tell u i love food & ve been eating out $ many yrs in sg & johore…

    recently ,i came across i shc buddy ,ve 2 ask her permmision 1st wheter can post out her name bo ?

    she known gd makan in jb lol !!!

    i aso known fairy abit in jb ,,, will arrange wen u r in sg lah !!! huat huat huat

  17. Hi Rosaling,

    No lah, give other a chance! It’s so easy to be EO, just believe in giving your time and effort to the wind to reap the whirlwind, haha!


  18. Tim ah, in person you’re quiet and meek, especially when Marilyn is around. Online hor…*shakes head*… Don’t be cheeky hor. I bite. :p

    Dan, why not you be the EO? Dolly hasn’t seen this thread yet and I am shivering for fear she’ll scold me for suggesting her as EO.


  19. Hi Lor Si Leng,

    Belly good suggestion, anyone know of a good and cheap vegetarian restaurant? A group of us has tried the restaurant at Coronation Plaza but find it quite expensive for a vegetarian lunch.

    What about those restaurants that offer one for one menu, usually connected to a certain credit cards?

    I am open to try all kind of good cuisines!


  20. Food hunt?

    I better run

    Too much food

    Not so good

    Gas formed, my back goes a toot toot

    As sharp as the arrows of Robin Hood.

    Eating too much food, one goes fat

    Too fat is bad and it makes one very sad

    Too sad is bad as one’s health it affects

    Bad health includes going mad

    Going mad is a 1-way no-return track

    So, go slow with making food-hunt a fad?

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