Volunteers to teach “Selling/Auctions on the internet”

We have a few volunteers to teach and coach this topic.  There might be some of you who would like to offer the same service.   if you are experienced in selling on ebay, Yahoo or other auction sites, and willing to spend some time with other SilverHairs who may be interested, please raise your hands here.  Those with online payment experience also appreciated.

The small group would form among themselves in max 6 people.  The location will be their apartment/house, and they would have their own PC, broadband and digital camera.  Session 2 hours. 

So, if you would like to volunteer, raise your hands here.  Hopefully, you will get to meet new friends too with common interests.

Small groups training – Selling on the web

Hi SilverHairs,

Following different requests to conduct training sessions on :Selling/auctions on the web", we look at a few places to conduct these sessions.  There are a few volunteers, but we have not been able to find proper computer rooms.  At the same time, there was a feeling that large groups may not offer the degree of attention as small groups.  With these points in mind, we would go for small groups.

Please be organised in small groups of max 6 people, bearing in mind where you stay.  If someone forms a group of max 6 people, the volunteer trainer will go to your place, preferably your house.  You should have your own computer, a digital camera.  Please indicate the date/time, so that the volunteer can see if he/she is available.  Session 2 hours.  Strictly for SilverhairsClub members.  Must have some experience with internet surfing and emails.

This course is only for those SilverHairs who wants to learn selling/auction on the web, do not know how and want to learn from the experience of others.  No charge, just your time and interest.

Retirement Resort

Here is a very good discussion on minimum sum.

It is a complex issue in itself. But for the purpose of this discussion, the impact of this is that you will be obliged to keep back S$120K for which the government will pay you $711 per moth between the ages of 62 to 82. If that’s all you have, try not to die before or after that age.

Let’s first concentrate on staying in Singapore. In five years time, you will find it impossible to maintain even a basic conventional lifestyle in Singapore for that sum unless you take a vow of poverty.

Here is the best Plan B for Spore retirees. This is in the form of new Elder Studios coming in at a projected $190K per unit by some estimates. You can downgrade releasing the difference in capital value to supplement your savings. You would be wise then to minimally put savings up to $500K in annuity to create an additional $2K per month for life. Together with the CPF minimum sum provision you will have up to 2.7K per month from 62 to 82 and $2K for the balance of time. You should be able to maintain a reasonable standard of living in Singapore.

If you cannot raise this amount here are few additional tips. If you need to, sell your car to scrap together this amount. If you do not wish to downgrade, you can consider putting your existing property into a reverse mortgage to raise the shortfall.

If you are still short of this sum then you can turn a page to a still controversial proposal Plan C. Terence has provided the lead. We expect that the new Elder Studios will eventually come under a new management corporation (MC) structure. Unlike present MC which tend to focus on maintenance of fixed assets and running of the estate, this MC will have extended mandate to run the estate like a retirement village or full service apartments. The MC like any organisation can then have economies of purchase. They can also provide extended services like maid services, common kitchen and transportation. If this can be achieved then we can see a stretching of the dollar and our hope for a more leisurely lifestyle here.

I would like to hear views, opinions, experiences and recommendations on living and retiring abroad. Many members have expressed interest in an alternative lifestyle.

We have been told that it is possible to live in Thailand for under SIN$500. Places like Chiangmai, Chonburi and Krabi have been cited as possible locations. Some members have even visited possible locations for a taste of the possibilities.

Here is a chance for us to collate details and share  information specifically on middle and long term experience of living abroad.

Another no frills trip to North Thailand

I am planning to enjoy the cold weather in North Thailand during the month of Nov.  This is a no-frills trip, don’t expect 4-star hotels or always proper sit-down dinner.  The last time I was there was about a year ago.

Some SilverHairs have already requested to change the venue of the last Chonburi trip.  Unfortunately, Vincent Khoo, a long time retiree, has some assignments and unable to organise a Northern Thailand trip.  Well, this time, we have someone who is crazy about mountain views, camping and sleeping at National Parks at between 10 – 20C temperature,  visiting fresh markets, sitting besides the Mekong river at 5pm, loves fresh clean air, enjoys smelling beautiful orchides, good and cheap beers, loves a cup of instant noodles, loaded with plenty of vegetables, enjoys country living and dinner on the grass at a hill resort.

His name is Sompho, speaks good English, and I would say he is great at helping us "SilverHairs" feel young.  Dont worry, no mountain climbing.  He works in Singburi province, but will take the time to bring us around.  I am agreed to join this trip.

November in North Thailand is a great time, the rain has stopped, weather should be pretty dry and temperatures should be in the 20’s.  Sweaters required. 

The schedule is not confirmed yet.  But, it is likely to be like this.  Arrive and meet at ChiangMai airport on Thur Nov 2, 12nn, and depart ChiangMai airport Thur Nov 9 by 12nn.  Itinery would include mountain resorts which you are likely not to have visited, the Golden triangle, Mekong river.

If you are interested to join this trip, please reply and register here.  We hope this trip will serve as a great platform for SilverHairs to know one another better.  This trip is strictly for SilverHairs members only.  No Children.  Closing date: 25 Aug 12nn. Max number of persons: 2 vans.

Terence Seah

August updates – SilverHairsClub

August updates – SilverHairsClub

The SilverHairsClub is intended as a platform for Singaporeans, over 45, to meet new and more friends.

1.  August online gathering has been re-activated.  For details, click here.

2.  August gathering is set for Friday, 25 Aug.  The Food Haven at the Singapore Poly was not suitable due to access reasons. Latest:  We still would like to try a new place but have not found a suitable place.  As such, for Aug, we shall use Caffe Bastillava, inside MPH, Robinson Road, between Raffles MRT and Tanjong Pagar MRT.  My apology to those who would like another place away from town.

3.  Photos of the July gathering not uploaded yet.  Should be ready early August.

3.  2Greendots Shopping mall – Registered participants will be meeting on Tuesday 01 August.  This group will set the guidelines on the use of the shopping mall.  Due to the size of the group, registration as participants for the starter group is closed.

4.  SilverHairsClub Games Day – Set for Sun, Sep 17, 2006 – 0830 hrs to 1230 hrs at Changi. Closing date for participation 15 Aug 2006.

Terence Seah

Making use of our experience and knowledge

Many SilverHairs feel that our knowledge and experience expire when we retire.  Our jobs are replaced by younger people, who have just finished formal education.  With the current environment, many SilverHairs feel that we are no longer employable, and have to take up jobs beneath our experience and knowledge.

Some SilverHairs are lucky.  And they do not have to worry about a job during their SilverHairs years.  From the membership, I see more SilverHairs ladies than men are well prepared for the future.   

But, for SilverHairs who need to have a job, what are the options?  Some of us do need a job to maintain our monthly expenses.  For others,  a job helps to pay for our desires to see the world.  And, of course, we have SilverHairs who simply enjoy being actively employed.

Complaining about the non-availability of jobs is not going to help.  It just makes us more unhappy.  Some SilverHairs have already taken up the positive step of taking up something for themselves.   We dont want to sit in the foodcourts from morning to evening.  Nor do we want to walk about the shopping centres from 10 am to 6pm.  Can we come up with some ideas to enjoy our retirement, and yet keep ourselves financially afloat?

Many SilverHairsClub members have expressed that we should do something in this area.  As a group, maybe we can do something.  We have years of experience and knowledge, developed over the years.  Let’s put our ideas here.  And, let’s respect every SilverHairs’s ideas. The more specific you are, the better.  No idea is a bad idea.

I would like to keep this topic alive, over the next two months.  At the end of Sept, we shall try to identify and summarise what we, as a group, can do for ourselves, in terms of jobs, and making use of our experience and knowledge.  I guess success will depend on what we finally do.

All SilverHairs are invited to participate.  And in line with SHC’s direction, let’s observe no religion, politics, sex, race, direct selling and MLM.

Terence Seah +65 9489-4360

My Sunday morning thoughts

Here are some thoughts in my mind. 

1.  This is about how to move the SilverHairsClub forward.  When the founders started this group, we were expecting a few tens of members.  Today, the group has grown big and sometimes, our gatherings get disorganised.  But, we would work towards improving this.

  • We have been successful with monthly weekday meetings, averaging 50 people.
  • Last month, our first weekend gathering was attended by 75 people, and this appeared too big to manage.  Our target is still to find places, which is convenient by MRT or public transport.
  • We have also another segment of members who prefers to meet online.  Our first online gathering is Sat Aug 5 at 2230 hrs at www.star-conference.com

I must admit running out of ideas, which I usually pick up during the monthly gatherings from fellow SilverHairs.  So, if you have ideas, please drop your suggestions here.

2.  The other issue is management.  I was hoping that we can easily manage ourselves with small group gatherings.  The group has grown, and this is a positive problem.  But, I can no longer handle it among a few of us.  We have a admin staff from India, to help manage the database, and that’s about it.

I dont think we can continue as it is now.  So, I was thinking we could have a team to manage the membership, especially with diversified interests.  If this is what you like, please put your name here.

3.  The club’s taboos are no discussions on politics, sex, racial issues and religion.  The others are no direct selling and MLM promotions during the gatherings.  We respect individual’s activities and business, so we appreciate members understand the club’s taboos.

We hope members do not collect email addresses during the gatherings, and then send unwanted emails to these members after the gatherings.

4.  How to get more friends to join your interests and activities?  Friendship is one of the few sought-after items, as we move away from our working lives and into the world of SilverHairs.  From  my experience, not that I have retired yet, it is very difficult to find fellow SilverHairs to join in my activities.  We need to see one another face to face, we need to know one another and we need to agree and understand the other person.  That’s why the monthly gatherings are important.  This is a place to meet.

I personally think friendship is very important, more so when we get older.  I like to establish a group of friends whom I can travel, cheaply, when I want to see the world.

There are many ideas and suggestions on what SilverHairs can do.  Personally, I think this will remain ideas and suggestions.  I hope you will take time to meet new friends, as it will take time to kick off our ideas and suggestions.  Please keep a regular date for the monthly SilverHairsclub gatherings.

Ronald Wi- Profile

I have just retired upon reaching 55 from active work, so finding myself with a lot of time to pursue the
many things i want to do.

Ready to Travel now : Making trips to Malaysia, Thailand, China and Europe, backpacking or budget tour. Very much like to visit the retirement vilage that Vincent and you have talked about, to learn about other cultures, lifestyles and people.
Interested activities: Golf, cycling, sailing, bowling, sking,snorkelling,fishing,table-tennis, tennis, badminton, football, darts, nooker/pools ,all table/card games, karaoke, music listening or jamming along,etc. Food, all kinds, local, Burger or Mexican mainly to hunt around or pot-lucking. Currently also re-searching into Qi Qong, and Feng Shui as a study.

Others: Researching into internet small businnes and Investments (CFD in forex,shares,Indices -this is only available with the latest big player IGmarkets, a remisier who works in POEMS says the rates and info
are much better).

Very interested also to explore the idea of the Retirement village in Malaysia, Thailand, etc to study possibility of a time share setup, that way you can spend a few months here and there.

Glad to know all of you here, and Cheers to the founders and committee members of SHC and their good efforts.

Ronald Wi (Allrounder)

Gathering at Hans Cafe

Hi Terence,
I agreed with Charles that we might able to make use of Han Cafe for our
next meeting judging from the increased size of attendees every meeting.

We might hv to consider another location instead, maybe try finding a
function room in Community Centres and pay a minimal amt for usage.  It
would be better that Silverhairs club start collecting minimal charges from
members turning for meeting so that this amount can roll over for the next
meeting of which I am sure most of the member would mind paying.

There were lots of new members present in our first weekend Silverhairs
meeting but as what I shared Yew Kwong, some groups might prefer to stick to their own group.

As I was chatting with some of new members, below are some of the activities
that they would like Silverhairs to organize apart from brisk walking and

1) Fishing
2) Karaoke
3) mahjong
4) back-packed Europe holidays
5) Line dancing
6) Batam/Bintan holidays
7) Many mores which I cant recalled right now and the list right nw at my
office table as I intend to post in the forum but unfortunately was delayed
due to work constraints but I will post those that I left out here later…….

Terence, maybe you can help to post them in the Forum so that other members
interested can group together for these activites….

But as Yew Kwong, we can start to organize these activities but helpers are
definitely a must to ensure that activities would be successful.

Nevertheless, it is a good sign to see many new members coming forward to
join the Silverhairs club.

Dolly Lim

Shirley Khoo – Profile

hi, i have just joined SHC and would like to find out if there are any dog lovers amongst U all. If so, I would like to know if there are any doggie walks/activities that me, 54 yrs young and my 3 yr old Jack Russell terrier can join in?? please email me at musubi@singnet.com.sg

Looking forward to meet up with U all soon. Currently still working but will join in the members meet whenever I can.

Am glad to be introduced to this site!

Warm regards to all at SHC!

Call Centre job – Contact Lena Wang

I need to advise you that if there any of the members who are interested in working on a "permanent temp basis" either for half-day or full day, please ask them to contact me and I’ll arrange for an interview with my Call Centre Manager (under our third-party call centre).

 Ideally they should have some Customer Service experience. Full-day rate is in the region of $50 for a typical 9am-6pm workday.

My office tel. no. is 6416-6688, Lena Wang.

2GreenDots – a new project

Hi SilverHairs,

2GreenDots shopping mall is a very new project, prompted as a result of a number of SilverHairs wanting to have a place to offer their products and services.

The SilverHairsClub website is not suitable, as not everybody is interested in offering their products or services.  But the initial discussion groups were initerested, and do have products or services which they like to offer.  Of course, there was the physical shops, but high rents turn many off, not at a time when SilverHairs are looking to stretch the dollar.  Risks were also a concern.

A few sessions on e-auctions and small business groups were conducted by different small groups, in the last few months.  Besides the popular available internet auction sites, some groups felt the need to start an internet shopping mall.  A web specialist was engaged from India, and we now have a working internet Shopping mall.  We call it 2GreenDots Shopping Mall.  This is new, but it has been well tested.  It will also incorporate online payment systems.

For interested SilverHairs, we hope to give him/her a virtual shop.  If a SilverHairsClub member sees this as an opportunity which can bring fun and yet take him/her through the Silverhairs years, a shop name will be set up for him/her.  The idea is to do something meanful, big or small, as one enjoys his/her Silverhairs years.

We do not know if success or failure will hit us.  In the last one year, we had fleamarts, garage sales and small sales advertisement, but all these had failed.  But, from the wide experience of many SilverHairs, we know success or failure of 2GreenDots will depend on many factors.  But, there is no doubt we will give this a go, a strong go.

We target to officially launch 2GreenDots in Jan 2007.

First, we will form a starter group and later a management team with the knowledge and expertise in retail and media experience.

If you have an interest to be part of the starter discussion group, please send me an email with your thoughts.  The starter group will set the ground rules.  We will call a meeting during the 1st week of August.

Terence Seah

Online meeting – 1st Sat of month

Please register here.

This online gathering is now re-activated and rescheduled for the 1st Saturday of each month.  This facility is available for all SilverHairs to meet on the internet.  Silverhairs who would like to give a special talk or seminar need to just inform admin@silverhairsclub.com at least one month prior.  Presentations can be in English or Chinese.

In line with SilverHairsClub objective, we hope this facility can help to provide a platform for SilverHairs to get to know new and more friends.  Issues regarding retirement, hobbies, cycling, nature walks, travelling together, making friends, line dancing, qi gong practice, continued education and learning, music playing, singing, small business group discussions and over 45s information sharing are supported.

  • Venue:  At your PC with broadband, speakers and microphone.
  • Date/Time:  1st Saturday of each month, starts 2230, ends 2330 hours (Singapore time).
  1. Simply log into www.star-conference.com at least 10 mins before the scheduled time. 
  2. Conference name:  star-conference
  3. Conference password: star 
  4. Username: Your registered SilverHairsClub name.

First time users:  it will take your about 3 – 5 minutes to log in.  After the first time, it will take you only a few seconds to log in.  Members can textchat online, individually or in public mode.

Rules: Strictly no conversations on religion, race, politics, sex, direct selling and MLM during the meeting.  Participants not observing the rules will be knocked out of the conference.

Terence Seah

July cycling photos – Charles Wee

The last July cycling photos are here:  https://silverhairsclub.com/SHC/cycling060708/

SilverHairsClub supports healthy activities.  Charles Wee has led many cycling activities.  Please contact him at the SHC monthly gatherings.

SHC July gathering – registered participants

Venue: Hans Cafe, at Great Eastern Centre, China Square, Sat July 15, 1400 hrs to 1630 hrs.  Please register and an email invitation will be sent to you.  Registration close on Friday July 14.  No fees.  When you arrive, please write your name on a label sticker.  Chairwomen: Ms Dolly Lim.

Registered partipants include:

  1. Chow Weng
  2. Dolly Lim
  3. Charles Wee
  4. Loh Yew Kwong
  5. Gibson Tan
  6. Richard Kwok
  7. Patrick Yeo
  8. Terence Seah
  9. Margaret Lee
  10. Alan Tan
  11. Thomas Tay
  12. Lim Sock Hoon
  13. Tan Kia Oh
  14. Jason Tiaw
  15. Irene Lim
  16. Helena Lee
  17. Bernard Lam
  18. Molly Chua
  19. James Ho
  20. Teresa Hwang
  21. Alex Kee
  22. Jacqy Lim
  23. Loh Koot Khin
  24. Goh Teck Koon
  25. Tessie Lim
  26. Freddy Lim
  27. Zeenat Syed Masood
  28. Michael Tan
  29. Irene Low
  30. Dave Tan
  31. Richard Lim
  32. Benson Koh
  33. Lena Wong
  34. Jade Phua
  35. Maria Tan
  36. Michael Tay
  37. Annie Tay
  38. Marie Lim
  39. Victor Lee
  40. Jenny Ho
  41. Alice Foo
  42. Serene Wong
  43. Alice Phan
  44. Irene Phua
  45. Christina Chan
  46. Helen Kwek
  47. Michael Lee
  48. Henry Kong
  49. Christina Tan
  50. Teresa Chuah
  51. Jacinta Putrasahan
  52. Chow Weng
  53. Yvonne Ang
  54. Winnie Lim
  55. Seshadri Venugopal
  56. Geoffrey Foo
  57. Janet Tham
  58. Peter Lee
  59. Jane Tham
  60. Katherine Soh
  61. Chee Vui Choon
  62. May Lee
  63. Amy Daniel
  64. Josephine Yap
  65. Aktar Thaker
  66. Evelyn Tng
  67. Andrew Tan
  68. Anthony Choy

July updates – SilverHairsClub

July updates – SilverHairsClub

The SilverHairsClub is intended as a platform for Singaporeans, over 45, to meet new and more friends.

You are invited to attend the July gathering is ON on Sat, Jul 15, 2006.  Time 1400 – 1630 hrs. Venue:  China Square. Click here for Pictures of June monthly gathering.  This is the first weekend gathering, for working SilverHairs.  There will be a presentation on Job opportunities in a sector of the Tourism and IR sector by a fellow member.  Please let us know if you are planning to come, and we will send you an invitation email.  No charge, except for own drinks.  Simply register here.

1.  Membership promotion:  The membership promotion is currently on from July to Aug 2006.  New members will be joining the July gathering too.

2.  Cycling recent activities – Cycling Pictures.  For participation, please contact Yew Kwong (cycling) at lohyks@hotmail.com or h/p 97892492 or Charles Wee (Nature walks) at cwee99@singnet.com.sg.

3.  Small business activity – Following a starter group request, the setting up of an internet shopping mall has been completed. SilverHairs are invited to participate to offer their services or products via 2GreenDots.com.  If you like a shop of your own, please let us know.  Promotion of the site will start in Sept 2006, and launch Jan 2007.  If you like to participate in the management of this shopping mall, please contact Terence Seah.

4.  SilverHairsClub Games Day – Set for Sun, Sep 17, 2006 – 0830 hrs to 1230 hrs at Changi. Closing date for participation 15 Aug 2006.

5.  Website www.SilverHairsClub.com:  You are welcome to put your thoughts and opinion on the website.  Just register on site, and you are ready to go.

Look forward to seeing you on Jul 15.

Terence Seah
+65 9489-4360

2GreenDots – 1st step

Annie and Silverhairs,

I have been following up with your ideas on small business for yourself and Silverhairs.  Also, from our various gatherings, I see that many Silverhairs are looking out for something to do.  Annie, Veron, Yew Kwong, KC and Linda, you have provided the neucleus to get this idea moving for the club.

We can make this possible for all of us, and we have plans and resources to promote these ideas.  As a result of the many meetings in the last few months, we have got someone in India to design up a website.  This is an internet shopping mall site for Silverhairs.  It is called 2GreenDots.com.

2GreenDots (funny name) is now a working site, 99% ready.  We start fresh today.

For SilverhairsClub, the design team has also thought of something different from typical internet shopping malls.  This is the specialty shops, which Silverhairs can use.  Silverhairsclub members can have a shop name of his/her own.

Annie Loh can have "Annie’s Jewellery",
Yew Kwong can have "Yew Kwong IT shop",
Linda Chong can have "Linda’s Corner",
Sophia can have "Sophia cook books",
Veron Chua can have "Veron office services",
KC Lau can have "KC computer shop"n
Patrick Yeo can have "Patrick’s tourism outlet",

Every registered Silverhairs can have a shop in 2GreenDots shopping mall.

2GreenDots shopping mall will be moderated.
Strictly no messages eg Make instant money, MLM ads, duplicate advertising, fishing ads.
Ads which are related to politics, phonography, racial are prohibited.  These ads will be removed.

All services available in 2GreenDots.com are free to SilverHairsClub members.

To start:
Prepare your own pictures on your PC.
Go into 2GreenDots.com
Register yourself, need your email address.
Upload your pictures, and write your own description.

2GreenDots is new, recently conceptualised, so we give it a go.  We set a target date for every shop to be running by end July 2006.  The quicker you prepare your products and services, the better.  Official launch date is 1 Jan 2007.

So, if you have your own products and services, and like to so through 2GreenDots, please send me an email, indicating your name of shop.  The website designer will then add your shop name to the site.  Closing date:  10 July 2006.

Have fun, and as I said before, Silverhairs years can be meaningful and exciting.  Like many of you, I am a firm believer that retirement is something we look forward to, but with today’s economic conditions, some level of economic activity can keep us through our SilverHairs years.  A healthy Silverhairs lifestyle eg walking and cycling is essential too.

Terence Seah

No frills trip to Thailand (Chonburi)

Vincent Khoo is currently leading a group on a one week trip to Chonburi.  This is the 2nd trip organised this year.  Chonburi is one of the largest provinces in Thailand, with a large Chinese community.  Vincent has based the group at a beach side resort, with access to supermarkets, hospitals, public transport and a wide variety of food and amenities.

The trip follows an earlier SilverHairsClub discussion on how to stretch the Singapore dollar during one’s retirement years.  The target set is SGD 500 per month, inclusive meals and board.

Vincent’s next trip is to Chiangmai.  Members interested, please contact Vincent by SMS at +661 555-9950.or +65 9194-5377.  He does not have email access. 

SilverHairsClub – June updates

June gathering – Thu, Jun 29, 2006 – SilverHairsclub monthly gathering, 1800 hrs, ends 2100 hrs. Han’s Cafe, #01-03 Great Eastern Centre.

July gathering – Todate, we have not been able to meet SilverHairs’ request to have a weekend gathering.  Let’s try this out.  The 1st weekend gathering is now set for Sat, Jul 15, 2006. Place not confirmed. If you would like to suggest a place, able to take 100 people, please drop a note here.

Cycling and walking activities – Charles Wee and Loh Wee Kwong have been very active, organising nature walks and cycling.  A great way for SilverHairs to meet more friends, as well as learning to keep healthy and see unseen Singapore.  Cycling, contact(Yew Kwong at lohyks@hotmail.com or h/p 97892492).  Walking, contact (Charles Wee at cwee99@singnet.com.sg).

Jobs – It’s nice to see fellow SilverHairs sharing job opportunities available on this website.   Every job offer is an opportunity.  Please use category :Jobs" and note  "Strictly no direct selling or MLM".

Small business opportunities – Since the start of our monthly gatherings in Singapore, some SilverHairs are looking to partner other SilverHairs to start a small business together which can take them through retirement.  Risks and caution advised.  Strictly between SilverHairs.

Games Day – Date has been set for Sun, Sep 17, 2006 – 0830 hrs to 1200 hrs at Changi. If you have still not register, please contact Patrick Yeo or myself.  You can drop a note here too. 

Terence Seah, Tel 9489-4360

Outline of Small Business group discussion

Place: Singapore Recreation Club 060522.

1.  Retirement village concept, by KC Lau and Vincent Khoo.
2.  Retail business with imported products, by Christina Chan.
3.  Internet shopping mall and Flea market, by Annie Loh.
4.  Niche products marketing by Ronald Lee.

Although briefly touched upon, other ideas discussed included internet coaching/education and the use of SilverHairs’ knowledge and experience to companies, outside Singapore.

Terence Seah 

Job leads from Candy-June Wan

Please help to pass the word around to folks who might be interested and/ or suitable, that AWWA Educational Services is looking for relief teachers and teacher assistants.  AWWA (Asian Women’s Welfare Association) is a voluntary welfare organization and one of the services they provide is a school for children with special needs.  Relief teachers and teacher assistants are needed for a period of 6 to 7 months to cover for teachers/ teacher assistants who will be attending a full time Diploma course.  Most important criterion is the applicant enjoys being with children.  Details of the positions are as follows:

Relief Teacher Positions
Minimum ‘A’ Levels or Polytechnic Diploma.  Should have a credit in English at ‘O’ Levels.  Experience in working with the children with disabilities would be an advantage.   In addition to classroom teaching, individual will be involved in conducting group activities eg. field trips, outings, hydrotherapy etc. 

Teacher Assistant Positions
Minimum ‘O’ Levels with credit in English.  Experience in working with children with disabilities would be an advantage.  Duties and responsibilities include assisting teacher in the smooth running of the class and group activities.
Positions commence 26 June.  Morning session is from 7:45am to 1:15pm or afternoon session from 12:45pm to 6:15pm.  Please email application to violet_cheong@awwa.org.sg as soon as possible.
Candy-June Wan

Registered Participants for May 26 gathering

Next gathering will be held Fri, 26 May 1800 hrs – 2000 hrs at Han’s Cafe, #01-03 Great Eastern Centre. 

  1. 1. Linda Chionh
  2. Terence Seah
  3. Peter Thia
  4. Loh Lay Kheng
  5. Annie Kee
  6. Linda Chang
  7. Rama Muthu
  8. Gibson Tan
  9. Nelly Ng
  10. Ho Mei Fun
  11. Tim Liu
  12. Laura Wee
  13. Eyvonne Chew
  14. Joyce Yim
  15. Jade Phua
  16. Loh Yew Kwong
  17. Mollie Teo
  18. Seow Lee Li
  19. Ang Soo Kee,
  20. Charles Wee
  21. Thomas Kuan
  22. Anna
  23. Julie Ong
  24. Patrick Yeo
  25. Shirley Wong
  26. Irene Seet
  27. Veron Chua
  28. Khoo Soo Beng
  29. Christina Chan
  30. Kaushal Srivastava
  31. Josephine Tan.
  32. Lena Chin
  33. Man Singh

What can SilverHairsclub members do to help ourselves with regards to jobs, when we are fired or retired?

Dear SilverHairs,

In response to various discussion topics that come up during club gatherings, I am inviting a few people from the SilverHairsClub to join this discussion.  We do this discussion via email.  I hope all whom I have invited can express and give some idea as to how to move in this direction.  For this discussion, we need to be positive, as negatives are plentiful.  We also need to respect others’  ideas.

Patricia has a point.  Her viewpoint and interest are always in the minds of most Silverhairs.  And I feel exactly the same as you, in that we are all experienced, but that sooner or later, in our environment, the situations change.  We lose our jobs somehow, and then we have still all the committments in the world.  Many of us need to work, even during retirement.  Fact is we have the skills, but suddenly on retirement or losing our jobs, this demand is lost.

I have cc’d Andrew and others, because Andrew has also strong views on this, and let increase the list so that we can come up with something.  Personally, I think MOM have been trying hard with our group, but due to supply and demand, jobs for upper level management are not always forthcoming.  This explains why many SilverHairs have gone into direct selling. 

If you ask me, I see a very small market for our group in Singapore.  Why?  We have become expensive, and employers do consider us a burden.  Also, I believe the expectations between employers and our group do not align.  One thinking the other is too expensive and the other thinking they will not pay for the services.

But, I do see that there is a group of people and companies who have a demand for people with experience.  Singaporeans are in demand, but perception is we are not cheap. But, then we have the experience.  I do see demands in the Asian region, particularly China and India, where Asian companies wanting to set up offices overseas want the expertise and experience.

Perhaps, this is the direction we can pursue.

Can each of you give your ideas on how to proceed from here.  What can the SilverHairsClub members do, with reference to this topic?

SilverHairsClub – for the over 45s.

Terence Seah
+65 9489-4360

SHC Flea Mart

Transferred to this category, for convenience.  Previously, the name was "SHC Garage sale 2006".

As we get into our SilverHairs years, friends become even more important.  And, new friends need to be developed.  The club encourages creativity among SilverHairs.  In March 2006, on a Sunday, we will organise a garage sale.  Place, date and time will be advised.  If you have a place to hold this garage sale, please write your suggestion here.

Strictly for SilverHairsClub members only.  No commercial items. You will be given a given one square metre space to place your garage sale items.   So, if you have any items you like to sell off, remember we have this date in March.

An event organiser will lead this activity.

Interested to have a space, please place your name here. No charge for space.

Terence Seah


13 Responses to “SHC Flea Mart 2006”

  1. terence Says:
    December 28th, 2005 at 3:07 pm e

    If you have something that you do not want, and that someone else may like to have, simply reply and put your item here. SilverHairsClub leaves it entirely up to both parties to connect on any item put up in this category.

    Terence Seah

  2. Administrator Says:
    December 30th, 2005 at 6:01 am e

    By Asian living standards, Singapore families do enjoy a better lifestyle than many others around us. Some of us do have the good things in life eg toys for our children, English and Chinese books for the kids, spare radios and TVs, kitchen utensils, used spectacles we longer put on, and unwanted dresses, pants and T shirts.

    I do carry them to Thailand, and give them to poorer families. If your family has something unwanted in the store room, and you would like to give them to someone who would need them, please SMS/email me. Thank you.

    Terence Seah 9489-4360

  3. Shirley Says:
    January 21st, 2006 at 5:32 pm e

    Hi Everyone, As my present flat is being placed on the market for sale, I need to accumulate cash to pay for rental of new place and also there would be no space in the. As such, I would be selling quite a few items. To start off, I am selling my Akita chest freezer. I bought it for $300 a few years ago and it is still in good condition. Interested parties may contact me for viewing and offer.

    Shirley 94599559

  4. Terence Says:
    January 27th, 2006 at 9:43 pm e

    Currently, we are looking for a place to hold a garage sale. But, I see garage sale is a luke-warm activity. Guess, maybe this is not something silverhairs like to do. This activity is intended to promote the getting to know one another, and promote team spirit among the Silverhairs.

    We will prepare to send out news update, and if the numbers are sufficient, we shall go ahead. Keep in touch.

    Terence Seah

  5. visionp Says:
    February 4th, 2006 at 1:01 am e

    Sophia Says:

    February 4, 2006 at 1:05 am

    I read with interest the proposals from the various members. Those who like stocks, investments, equity markets, food and cooking, dancing do get in touch with me.

    Sophia Lim visionp@singnet.com.sg

  6. Evelyn Tan Says:
    February 8th, 2006 at 11:20 am e

    Terence, Yes, it appears that a garage sale is not attracting attention. Perhaps we should change or rename it “Flea Market”. This would imply that anything under the sun which are moveable/portable can be sold. Besides, people who have hobbies like handicraft, paintings etc can also try selling their “works” if they wish to apart from sales of second hand or used items.

  7. terence Says:
    February 8th, 2006 at 1:26 pm e

    Yes, Evelyn. Sounds good. I shall adopt this name change then.

  8. davidas9 Says:
    March 27th, 2006 at 11:37 pm e

    Hi, I’m looking for an P4 computer, If anyone keen to sell, plse kindly keep me inform. Thks

  9. Patrick_Yeo Says:
    April 18th, 2006 at 1:23 pm e

    Hi Terence,

    How about having “Flea Market” on line. Since there are constraints in finding the location and then the trouble of moving the used items to and fro.

    Afterall, it is only restricted to our members only. Why not our members post their used items here and vice versa members can post what they are looking for here as well(example:David is looking for P4 computer}. Also those who wish to giveaway some freebies are also encourage to post here.

    Members can communicate each other to view the items

    However, the rules and regulations need to be implemented, mainly to avoid dispute between the sellers and buyers over the sold items (example:Pricing and Warranty, etc…)

    Only my suggestion.


    Patrick Yeo

  10. terence Says:
    April 24th, 2006 at 12:36 am e

    Let’s turn this section into a sell and buy. Post as you like.

    Great idea Patrick. Full support.

    Terence Seah

  11. Yew Kwong Says:
    April 26th, 2006 at 2:31 am e

    I take in unwanted (both working and non-working) computers and computer stuff through donation. I will also buy if they are cheap and affordable to salvage components which are then reused. These computers are eventually refurbished to full working state before distributing them to needy families/people. You can get one from me if you cant afford to own one but not in full set. Just the CPU. Monitor, keyboard, mouse and speaker have to buy on your own.

  12. Yew Kwong Says:
    April 26th, 2006 at 2:36 am e

    Got some audio CDs to give away. The Best of Kitaro, Eagles, Santana, Best of 70’s, 80’s and 90’s Rock Ballads, Bee Gees and Everlasting Love Song Vol 1. Collection at May 06’s gathering. yew kwong 97892492 lohyks@hotmail.com

  13. terence Says:
    May 13th, 2006 at 9:32 pm e

    Yew Kwong, In my earlier working days, I used to work with newspaper classifieds. Although i have never been very careful with all the unwanted things in my flat, i learn from classifieds that even things in the store room have value. If not for me, at least for others.

    I like the Bee Gees. Will collect during May gathering. Thank you.

Short Term living overseas

Transferred to this category for convenience:

The idea of living overseas for a short period of time, say 3 months, comes up once in a while when we start thinking about retirement.  What does it cost us to spend 3 months of our retirement in Singapore, compared to what we would have to spend over the same period.  And what are the other considerations?  Where are the countries?

We are looking for members who would like to chair this topic.  If you are already into this topic, give me a buzz, and we shall get the topic moving.

Terence Seah


12 Responses to “Living & travelling overseas”

  1. Evelyn Tan Says:
    December 31st, 2005 at 12:23 pm e

    We can live in Thailand for about $500 (SIN) per month, as stated at 30Dec meet – sorry I missed out the speaker’s name. I’m interested to know more as I do not mind staying away from SIN for short periods at such affordable costs. Who or where can I get more infor.

  2. terence Says:
    December 31st, 2005 at 12:54 pm e


    The person is Vincent Khoo. I guess the best way is to have a chat. May I would organise a discussion with him in January, and we could meet up.


  3. Evelyn Tan Says:
    January 2nd, 2006 at 12:05 am e

    Terence, Thanks for identifying Vincent Khoo. It would be nice to meet up and discuss more on this issue. May I suggest we rope in Chow Weng (refer to Forum) who appears to be interested in this too. Also, if all of you feel my suggestions are worth considering(see my response to Chow Weng’s)we can meet at my home where we discuss details on what we’ll do, how, when and so forth. Must warn you though that my house, which is near Changi prison, is not within walking distance from any MRT but accessible by bus from Tanah Merah, Tampines and White Sands MRT.

  4. terence Says:
    January 3rd, 2006 at 12:34 am e


    There has also been requests to discuss Thailand, following Vincent Khoo’s talk that he can retire in Thailand for as little as $500 per month.

    I know Vincent for many years, and he is thrifty. I had spoken with him, and he would show us how he lives with $500 (12,000 Baht) in Thailand. It is possible, if we look at 2 or more persons sharing a place, travelling by bus and leaving outside Bangkok, without sacrificing all urban life.

    I remember there is a Tigerairways promotion Sin-Bkk promotion for $150 return for Feb and March. We have to make our way to Bangkok. A week would be just nice. For those who are interested, we can sit to have some coffee, have Vincent present, plan a week, and have a discussion on his more than 15 years in Thailand experience. I would also be keen to be part of this visit, and Vincent can share with us his secrets. Definitely no frills, exciting, and seeing and knowing Thailand, the travel agencies will not bring you to.

    I shall discuss with him a date for the meeting and revert. Likely 11 or 12 Jan.

    What do you think?

    Terence Seah

  5. Evelyn Tan Says:
    January 4th, 2006 at 4:03 pm e

    Hi Terence, Looks like you and Vincent have started a “hive” of activities! This is good! When you are able to “hit” people with topics/subjects that excites them and get such responses, the SHC will become effective and vibrant. Keep things up! Yes, I’m definitely interested about the talk/discussion which you’re planning to organise for those who are interested. Meeting on 11Jan (anytime of day) or 12 Jan evening is fine with me. If its a small group of around 10 persons & you need a place where we can talk freely, make notes, photo copy etc, we can use my home where I have an informal “office”. You can call me at 65452386 if you like. Looking forward to getting more news and hearing from you. Thanks! Evelyn

  6. terence Says:
    January 9th, 2006 at 6:55 pm e

    Following Vincent Khoo’s comments that he can live in Thailand for SGD 500 per months, there has been interest to discuss how one can live overseas for this amount.

    Vincent has organised a 1st meeting to take the brainstorming process further. The group includes Evelyn, Ann, Vincent, Richard, Li Mei, K C Lau and Terence. 1st meeting organised at Doby Ghout MRT, 11th January.

  7. Kaushal Says:
    February 24th, 2006 at 9:06 pm e

    Hi Vincent,

    I missed the meeting on 11/01, however I am interested to know what was discussed in the meeting and would like to attend the next meeting.

    Capt. Kaushal Srivastava

  8. KC Lau Says:
    February 28th, 2006 at 8:48 am e

    Anyone interested in joining the 1 week tour to Thailand from 21/3/2006 – 27/3/2006?

    It is a short trip for orientation on retiring in Thailand which is much cheaper than here.

    There are 3 seats left, please response immediately to 9684-2286

    Best regards,

  9. Administrator Says:
    March 1st, 2006 at 4:11 am e

    Trip itinery:

    1) Day 1 Arrive Go straight to Chonburi, have lunch then check in . Rest Dinner, then look around environment.

    Day 2 ) Morning Breakfast , Visit Bangsaen – seaside resort for locals, move around , Dinner , see other accommodations.

    Day 3) Breakfast , visit hospital etc , visit local market, have lunch , move around , Dinner, massage etc.

    Day 4) Breakfast, visit local Hospital etc. Visit local market. Have lunch, move around. Dinner, massage etc.

    Day 5) Breakfast , visit ‘Wat’ Thai Temple, visit big dept store a) Big C b) Tesco.Lotus

    Day 6) Breakfast, visit ‘Ang See La’ – local seaside, seafood, visit ‘Sattahip’ see big Chinese Temple.

    Day 7) Breakfast, get ready to go home , to Bangkok, then Singapore.

    Vincent Khoo

  10. Administrator Says:
    April 23rd, 2006 at 11:13 am e

    Vincent is organising another trip. Date: Tue May 23 – Mon May 29. Vincent can be contacted at 65 9194-5377, 661 555-9950. You can also SMS him.

  11. terence Says:
    April 24th, 2006 at 12:34 am e

    During communications with Silverhairs, and in our SilverHairsClub monthly meeting, the ability to stretch the dollar has been raised as a key focus, during the SilverHairs years.

    The SilverHairsClub hopes to be this platform where members can meet one another and make more friends. As we get to know one another, we feel more comfortable to go out together. Hopefully, some of us will become friends, and spend short periods of time eg 3 months outside Singapore. Hopefully too, we have the money, and stretch these dollars.

    Some of us support Vincent Khoo’s idea of short term stay outside Singapore. I am supportive of this idea too.

    If other SilverHairs have ideas on Indonesia, Malaysia, China, Thailand, please share your thoughts here. If you are an organiser, better still.

    Terence Seah

  12. terence Says:
    April 24th, 2006 at 12:46 am e

    There is a list of traveller friends. If you have that travelling bug in you, and you love organise trips, join the list of traveller friends.

    Search for “list traveller”. Try this, I think it works.

    Terence Seah