August “Boom Boom” – Be the first to answer two questions correctly and win $100 NTUC vouchers


“Boom Boom” – Win $100 NTUC vouchers

It’s easy to participate.  Simply answer two questions, and the first person to provide the correct answers wins a $100 NTUC Fairprice voucher.

  • Question 1 – Singapore’s newest attraction is a 15 min River Safari Cruise. When is the launch opening date?
  • Question 2 –  SilverHairsClub was open for membership in Oct 2005.  Clue: Offically, the first member is a lady.  She has profiled herself in Name one of her interests or hobbies.


  1. The winner will be announced 1-2 days before the last day of each month on this forum.
  2. The lucky winner will need to email, provide the mailing address, and the vouchers will be delivered by registered post.
  3. Each member can win only one prize per calendar year or until 31 Dec 2014.
  4. Strictly for registered members.  Msembership should be updated for email address and contact tel during participation.

Boom Boom starts 1 August 2014 at 0001 hr. You may submit your answers after this date and time on this forum only.

Terence Seah


Coffee Chat Tuesday, 12 August 2014

coffee1  cakey1  doughnut1

Our next coffee chat is here again.  The session will be held on 12 August.  Details are as follows:

  • Date:       Tuesday, 12 August 2014
  • Time:       2 – 4 pm
  • Place:      Usual haunt viz: Singpost Food Court, B1 (next to Paya Lebar mrt station) …. within easy access from the north, south, east and west of Singapore :-)
  • Food:       All types of food, dessert and beverages are available
  • Agenda:    None ~ just yakyak, sharing of jokes for an afternoon of fun and laughter
  • Uke:          August Special ~  I’ll introduce uke playing fun by singing a few songs accompanied by the ukulele (CROAK, CROAK, CROAK)… just a sharing but don’t expect too much; otherwise you’ll be disappointed :-)

Hope to meet more new as well as old friends.  If you are free, just put a note in your diary and come.  Everyone is welcome ~ the more, the merrier.

Warmest regards,

Gabriella Chua, EO

Registered List:

  1. Gabriella
  2. Jazz Soh
  3. Peri
  4. Ann Lim (tentative)  – kindly confirm ..
  5. Frank Kaw
  6. Lim Tiang Soon
  7. Steven Chan (tks for informing that you were unwell and could not attend)
  8. Kheng Lim (tentative) – kindly confirm ..
  9. SS James
  10. Andrew
  11. Tony Ang
  12. Kent Chan (& friends)
  13. Roland Leow Soon Huat
  14. Amy Ko
  15. Lilian Koh
  16. Roy Koh
  17. Peter Loo
  18. Raymond Quan

Tks to all who turned up for the kopi chat.  We had an enjoyable and fun time.   Look out for my notice for next month’s event ya?    :-)  


Quotable Quotes

“Life is very short  ~

So break silly rules, forgive quickly, believe slowly, love truly, laugh loudly and never avoid anything that makes you SMILE   :-)  “

F R I E N D S…

  • Fight for you
  • Respect you
  • Include you
  • Encourage you
  • Need you
  • Deserve you
  • Stand by you “

“Öne small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.”

Whatsapp now used to announce Club News updates

apps3    apps2

From today, we are now able to use Whatsapp to announce Club updates to all SHC members. This is in line with the social media trend. The 1st announcement was made today.

If you did not get a SHC news update today, it means you have not completed your membership registration with SilverHairsClub. Or your registered tel is either wrong or not available to the Club.

Please email if you have not receive the Club news update today. Or you have not add SHC to your Whatsapp contact. And finally, if you do not have Whatsapp, give it a good. Need to catch up with the times.

Terence Seah

SHC monthly gathering cum fleamart, Sat 6 Sep 2014 at CSC

flea market2   flea market1  meeting

Hi everybody,

We have tentatively booked the Civil Service Club at Tessensohn Road on Sat 6 Sep 2014 for our Sept monthly gathering cum fleamart. Ths date is also the beginning of the school holidays.  Details being worked out.  The monthly gathering is strictly for members only.  SHC gatherings are intended for SilverHairs to meet new and more SilverHairs.  Fleamart table owners have to be SHC members; however family members and friends may help to come run the stalls to make it more fun.  Time:  1100 – 1600 hrs. You may come earlier and end later.

The CSC management has also approved us the use of the place for a fleamart, right at the entrance.  The fleamart will also be open to the public and CSC members.  Limited to the size of the lobby area, in a C-shape.  Members may share tables.  Again, details will be worked out.

Payment for fleamart table participants:

  • @ $15 per table (valid up to 20 tables or on/before 20 Aug 2014).
  • @ $20 per table (valid from 21 tables or on/after 21 Aug 2014).

For convenience, you may pay via POSB current account 951-00428-6.  Please   keep receipt and let us know the transaction reference.

Terence Seah

Registration list for Fleamart tables:

  1. Rosalind Lee – Two tables (Pd)
  2. Terence Seah – One table
  3. Frisna Tan – One table (Pd)
  4. Susan C H Tan – Two tables (Pd)
  5. Gabriella Chua – One table (Pd)
  6. Hou Chong – One table (Pd)
  7. Caroline Gee – Two tables (Pd)

Total of 10 tables booked in record time!

  1. Peri Liew – Two tables (Pd)
  2. Dolly Lim – One table (Pd)
  3. Jassmine Teo – One table (Pd)
  4. Joan Ang – Two tables (Pd)
  5. Yu Yu Chiu – One table (Pd)
  6. Helen Cheong – One table

Total of 18 tables booked altogether



Starting Aug 2014, we launch “Boom Boom”, a monthly online game on this forum


Starting Aug 2014, we shall have a competition in the Club each month.  It’s easy for members to participate.  Simply answer two questions, and if you are the first to answer the two questions correctly, you will get to win a prize.  The winner is decided, based on the first person to respond correctly.  Only one prize per member per year.

  • One of the questions is likely a general or current affairs question.
  • The other question is related to the Club and the answer can likely be found in the Club or in the Club forum.

We have a number of prizes which have been kindly donated by members, responding to our requests.  They are mainly vouchers, which can be sent to the winner via registered Post.  Some are entry tickets, perfume vouchers, restaurant vouchers, etc.  Winners will be asked to send their address to Thank you for the gift donations.

So, watch out for the first game.  It will be announced as a Post on this forum.  You are invited to help me organise this game.

Strictly for members.

Terence Seah

How Not To Retire


I have been comptemplating retirement for a long while and my concept of retirement has been
constantly evolving as I look around , “listen to my body” and observing retirees.
I have seen many friends and neighbours who became so bored that they have become a nuisance to their spouse and children and to others!
A few of them have solved the problem by going back to work. They were able to do so because they have a skill/expertise that is still in demand. The rest live aimlessly or are waiting to die – a very sad situation, indeed.
There is no right or wrong but I have come out with some thoughts for sharing.

4 Pre-Conditions for Retirement

You should retire only when you fulfil these 4 pre-conditions:
1. Your children are financially independent (e.g. they got jobs),
2. You have zero liability (all your borrowings are paid up),
3. You have enough savings to support your lifestyle for the rest of your life,
AND most importantly,
4. You know what you would be doing during your retirement.
DO NOT retire till you meet ALL 4 Pre-Conditions. And of course you should not retire if you enjoy working and are getting paid well for it!
The problem cases I know of are those who failed to meet Pre-Condition #4.
When asked, “What would you be doing during your retirement?” some replied, “I will travel/cruise and see the World”. They did that, some for 3 months and then ran out of ideas. The golfers replied, “I can golf every day.” Most could not because they are no longer fit to play well enough to enjoy the game. Those who could, need to overcome another hurdle – they need to the find the “kakis” to play with them.
It’s the same with mahjong, bridge, badminton, trekking and karaoke – you need “kakis”! Most could not find others who share their favourite game and playing/singing alone is no fun.
Thus if you are into group sports or games, you must form your groups BEFORE you retire. You need to identify your “kakis”, play with them and discover whether they “click” with you.
The less sporty “can read all the books bought over the years”. I know of one guy who fell asleep after a few pages and ended up napping most of the time! He discovered that he did not like to read after all. We do change and we may not enjoy the hobbies we had.

Routine Activities To Fill Your Week
For most people, your routine work activities are planned for you or dictated by others and circumstances. When you retire, you wake up to a new routine – one that you yourself have to establish as nobody else would do it for you!
The routine to establish should keep your body, mind and spirit “sharpened”. A good routine would comprise:
a) One weekly physical sport – you need to keep fit to enjoy your retirement. If you are the non-sporty type, you should fire your maid and clean your home without mechanical aids. Dancing and baby sitting are good alternatives.
b) One weekly mind stimulating activity – e.g. writing, studying for a degree, acquiring a new skill, solving problems or puzzles, learn or teach something. You need to stimulate your mind to stay alive because the day you stop using your brain is the day you start to die.
c) One weekly social activity – choose one involving lots of friends/neighbours. Get yourself accepted as a member to at least 3 interests groups. Unless you prefer to be alone, you do need friends more than ever as you get older and less fit to pursue your sport.
d) One weekly community service activity – you need to give to appreciate what you have taken in this life. It’s good to leave some kind of legacy.
With 4 weekly activities, you got 4 days out of 7 covered. The remaining 3 days should be devoted to family related activities. In this way, you maintain a balance between amusing yourself and your family members. Any spare time should remain “spare” so that you can capitalise on opportunities that come your way like responding to an unexpected request to do a job or to take advantage of cheap fares to see places or to visit an exhibition.

Mind stimulating activities
Most judges live to a ripe old age. They use their brains a lot to decide on cases.
Mind stimulating activities are hard to identify. They require your will to do something useful with the rest of your life, a mindset change and the discipline to carry it through. Find new field to learn or new hobbies.

Your Bucket List
Despite your busy routine, you will at times be bored. Then it’s time to turn to your Bucket List.
Your bucket list contains a list of things to do before you kick the bucket. They are not routine and are usually one off activities. You need them to have something to look forward to. These include anniversaries, trips (and pilgrimages), visits to friends and relations abroad, re-doing your home, attending conferences (related to your hobbies), acquiring a new set of expertise. 4 such activities that are spaced our quarterly would be ideal.

Retirement Is A Serious Business
If you can afford to retire and want to, do prepare to live to your fullest. You need to be fit to enjoy it – therefore get into shape now. You do not want to get up on a Monday and wonder what to do each week, therefore identify your set of weekly routine activities now and try them out to confirm that they are the activities that you will be looking forward to doing each week, week after week. You bucket list of “rewards” or “projects” or “challenges” is needed to help you break away from the routine thereby make live worth living. Start listing what you fancy and refine it as you chug along in your retirement.

I hope the above help for those who are planning of retiring. I am looking forwards to my retirement to embark on my various personal projects.



In our twilight years at 65+, we may have put a comma in our life. But hey, it is not a full stop yet, we still have some petrol left in our tank to move on.Some of us not only have done our national service, but also have raised a family. Some who are singles or living alone may have travelled wide and kept a lot of photo records.Whoever we are, there must be times we bring out our photo albums (Vol. 1, Vol. 2 and so on) and recollect the good times we had. The joy, the satisfaction, the achievement we had done to the nation, the family and with friends etc.In the spirit of sharing, do your children know what you have done, how you or your parents look like when young like your children or among friends how you all look like in your youth.In this digital age, there are better ways to share our memories. We can join all our photos with background music and create a slide show, playable with any IT equipment, DVD player or even with your smartphone. You can also burn your records into DVD disks.Let’s be forewarn, this is A PROJECT. It may take months to complete, depending how much photos you have and what story line (or theme) you have decided. A coffee meet is being organised on 27-09-2014, 3PM to 5PM @ City Hall Food Court. Also, a preliminary course of 3-sessions is being considered sometime in Oct-2014. It will be on three Fridays from 2PM to 5PM. For this preliminary course, a maximum of six participants are invited. Registration for this preliminary course is OPEN now. It will closed when six is reached.
The following have indicated interests in this Project:
1) Jassmine Teo
2) Freda Lim
3) Karen Thio
4) Angela Straaten
5) Judy Lim
6) Winnie Tan (registered for course – 1)
7) Joan Wong (withdrawn)
8) Bobby Bok
9) Roland Leow (withdrawn)
10) Caroline Sit (withdrawn)
11) Oi Cheng
12) Cindy Wee
13) Dolly Lim
14) Lilian Teo
15) Pearl Kwan & Simon
16) ChristinaCL Chan

Charity and social projects

charity1charity3 charity2Some members spent a lot of their time and also money doing charity work. They could be working in a home or ophanage or an old-age home, looking after kids or older folks.

For others, it could mean support a building project for a library, cooking for a self-help kitchen or teaching language at a local village. All these charity and social work could be in Singapore or any of the nearby countries. It could be in the Philippines, Batam, Thailand, or in a disaster zone.

I think it is nice to hear what you are doing or had done offering charity work and social services. Be it paid or volunteer, share with us. The more detail you tell us, the more others will get to understand. Some of us may be interested to join you in your charity projects. Charity is very personal.

Terence Seah

I need a new lease on life, do you?

A chance to improve one’s situation or to live longer or more happily without plastic surgery is all I strive for. Where I am today is the result of the choices and habits I made and also what I eat. I am going on a 30 days meat fast with the hope that some of the maladies which I now experience will be reverse. Yes, no meat, no fish and no eggs….. I just discovered that sugar or too much carbo is not the culprit but the oil that we consume is what our bodies suffer from. I believe one day I can be free from insulin.

The thought is still on my mind and I have not started on it. The spirit is willing but the body is weak. I am looking for like-minded person to join me on this arduous journey. Share with us here what other method is available beside mango?

Desperate Dan.

Social Dance Nite at Paya Lebar Kovan CC on Friday, 25 Jul 2014

Dear Dance Enthusiasts……

This place is for you, do indicate your interest here and join me for the Social Dance Nite. Thank you!

 3 1 2

Event Details:
Date: Friday, 25 Jul 2014
Time: 7.00 pm – 10.00 pm
Fees: $3.00 (Mineral water plus Curry Puff or Finger food)
Music: Jeffrey Gan
Venue: Paya Lebar Kovan CC (Multi-purpose air-cond Hall)
Blk. 207, Hougang Street 21

Ah Nee (Event Coordinator)  :)

Attendees: the more the merrier……

Ah Nee
Susan Chang
Molly Chua
Lily Ho
Thomas Loh
Zara Lim
Lydia Chin
Judy Lim
Dorine Tan
John How
Jame Chan & partner
Bobby Bok
plus our retiree friend from Shanghai
plus a friend from the investment talk (cannot put his name)hehehe
Carly Gee
Dolly Lim
Joe Choo
Sue Chan
Gabriella Chua
Alfred Ang
Hong Jeng
Ronald Lam
SS James
Renee Leong

Mango: The New Diabetes Cancer Buster

Do you believe in this? The leading guy who did the research is a PhD fella and not a medical doctor! All this while I thought blood sugar will dramatically increase with consumption of Mangoes…. try this and then measure your blood sugar! Looks like the world is turning upside down now!
Incredible news!

Jonathan Benson, staff writer.
(NaturalNews) The most popular fresh fruit in the world, mangoes are a whole lot more than just a delicious, refreshing treat produced by nature. As evidenced by copious scientific research, mangoes are also a powerful medicinal food, as they contain nutrients that can help clear up skin, promote eye health, stave off diabetes, and even prevent the formation and spread of cancer.

Research recently presented at a meeting of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), for instance, revealed that eating mangoes every day can help moderate and even lower blood sugar levels, despite their natural sugar content. This is good news for people with type 2 diabetes who may benefit from consuming mangoes regularly as part of a low-sugar diet.

For their study, researchers tested the effects of mangoes on a group of obese animals, some of whom were given 10 grams of freeze-dried mango every day for 12 weeks. At the end of three months, the blood sugar levels of those animals that consumed mango were compared to those that did not consume mango. Based on the data, mango consumption was found to result in a significant decline in blood sugar levels.
“Although the mechanism by which mango exerts its effects warrants further investigation, we do know that mangoes contain a complex mixture of polyphenolic compounds,” says Dr. Edralin Lucas, Ph.D., author of the study.
Similar research out of Australia found back in 2006 that eating mango can also help decrease inflammation and resulting high cholesterol, as well as block the formation of various health conditions included under the banner of metabolic syndrome. In essence, mangoes actually work better than cholesterol drugs at naturally balancing and optimizing cellular function throughout the body.

“We don’t know yet how the whole thing’s going to play out but we know some of the individual components (of mango) activate these receptors and even inhibit them,” said a doctor from University of Queensland about the effects of mango consumption on cellular processes. “That could end up with positive nutritional health benefits for diabetes and high cholesterol.”
And again in 2011, researchers from Oklahoma State University found that mango consumption helps lower insulin resistance and improve glucose tolerance in test mice. The same study also found that mangoes help normalize lipid levels throughout the blood, which in turn can help prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.
Eating mangoes can also help you avoid cancer.
But the health benefits of mango do not stop here. Science has identified more than 4,000 different antioxidant polyphenols in the plant kingdom, and many of these polyphenols are present in mangoes. The primary benefit of these polyphenols is that they scavenge damaging free radicals and protect cells against damage, which is believed to facilitate and even promote cancer.

“If you look at [mango] from the physiological and nutritional standpoint, taking everything together, it would be a high-ranking superfood,” says Dr. Susanne Talcott, who together with her husband discovered back in 2010 that mango compounds target both colon and breast cancer cells.
“What we found is that not all cell lines are sensitive to the same extent to an anticancer agent. But the breast and colon cancer lines underwent apoptosis, or programmed cell death. Additionally, we found that when we tested normal colon cells side by side with the colon cancer cells, that the mango polyphenolics did not harm the normal cells.”
In other words, mango compounds effectively target and eliminate harmful cancer cells while leaving healthy cells alone, a phenomenon that is unique to nature and nowhere to be found in pharmaceutical-based medicine. Chemotherapy and radiation, for instance, which are the two most popular conventional treatments for cancer, damage healthy cells along with malignant cells, which is why the treatments are a failure as far as long-term survival is concerned.

This goes against our “logical” mind but nature continue to surprise our understanding.
But we just need to remember this wisdom ” Your way is not my way and You will not understand my way”


July 2014 Online Fleamart

shcfleamart The guidelines and regulations for advertising on the online flea mart have been revised to include more services and to widen the scope of personal items or services.  Comments/queries regarding an advertisement are now permitted. 

 If you have personal/’professional’ skills like dressmaking, clothes alteration,  repairing / mending/fixing…. do advertise your services.  This online flea mart site is here to serve members (not companies), so do make full use of it.  

 Guidelines (regulations)

1. Each advertisement must not be longer than 10 lines.

2. Members can advertise dress alteration, plumbing, cooking, cake making, bak chang sale, care services, etc.  Personal items from your storeroom are welcome. Not for Corporate products and services.

5. Enquiries/comments  regarding the item/service advertised permitted.

6. You may provide e-mail address for contact.  MLM and Email collecting for other purposes not permitted.  URLs are not permitted.

Terence Seah

We see more and more elderly people around us


Two Sundays ago, I took this shot of an elderly lady in the park; she was enjoying herself in the middle of the city.  She didn’t say a word, and while I was looking at her, neither did the caregiver say a word.  But, I could sense in the lady the feeling of peace and satisfaction. This picture was not taken in Singapore.

Then, I began to see myself and my fellow SHC friends and members in a wheelchair. Various thoughts came to my mine.  Many of us are fit, perhaps working and enjoying our lives.  We cannot wait to see the rest of the world; so many countries to go and not enough time.  We feel we are still somewhere up there, and that we have made it after all these years; and that no one should tell us what to do, how to do it right and that I am wrong.  Then, one day, we land up in that wheelchair.  No one talks to us, not even the caregiver, if we have one.

Ever since SHC started in 2005, I see many fit and young faces among Club members. Where will we be?

Terence Seah

Monthly walk: Sat,12Jul… loop around..!

Date:  Saturday, 12th July 2014  (ie., 2nd Saturday)
Start Time:   9am sharp. (please be on time as you will not be able to meet up with us!)
Duration:     approx 3.5hrs, excludes ‘take 5s’

Meeting Point: Marymount MRT, Exit A to ground level.
ECs:  Christina Chan, Charles Wee & Alice Seah.

Into the woods we,,,,, Tread softly, Talk quietly!

MacRitchie Loop……. round the entire reservoir! including the TreeTop
Walk…. hooray!

MacRitchie Reservoir needs no introduction.

It was opened in 1967 and through the years, trails were launched,
boardwalks were built.  Several trails are named after tree species
commonly found along the trails eg., Prunus, Petai, Chemperai,
Jering and Petaling.

It is still a popular recreational area, esp in the mornings
during weekends or public holidays, many different groups of walkers,
hikers, families young and old are found along the various trails.

TreeTop Walk** – a 250m long freestanding suspension bridge between
the 2 highest points in this Central Catchment Nature Reserve
(MacRitchie), still the 1st of its kind in Singapore.

Be delighted with panoramic views, green green grass, giant trees,
close encounters with thousand species of flowering plants,
keep your eyes opened in case you chance upon native creatures,
insects, birds…..white-bellied Fish Eagles soaring above.

**TreeTop Walk:  those who decides not to go across this, our
Ms AliceS will lead you through another route.

Please bring along a snack or fruit for the extra “energy boost”!

This walk will end past norm lunch hour ie., we will have a late lunch.
Therefore, will help to reserve lunch for you at the Cafeteria.
There are varieties but servings are limited.

If you want lunch:
please place order(indicate Item No.), make payment upon registration.
It seems silly to collect such a small amount, however, Cafeteria requires a
deposit due to bad experiences, if it is a no show of 1 or 2 pax/orders, I can
pay for it but if more, will not be possible as I will not be needing additional
ordered lunch at all.

To simplify, only 3 choices:
1)  Laksa  (yummy good!)    … 4.50
2)  Mushroom Chicken Noodle … 4.50
3)  Chicken Chop Rice         … 5.50

Remit payment to POSB Savings Account No.  542-107-561.

Last order for lunch: Monday 07.07.2014!

Additional lunch orders: extended to Friday 11Jul, 12noon!

Walk Team ECs: Alice Seah, Azhari Cuttilan, Charles Wee, Jeffrey Lim,
Judy Lim, June Koh, Mary Tan, Serene Low, Veronica Wong,
and I, Christina CL Chan, signing off….

Join us for an intimate encounter with Flora!

Please ink your name here incl your lunch choice with payment….

  LAKSA   MUSHROOM Chicken Noodle   Chicken CHOP RICE
1 Christina Chan – pd 4 Daisy Yeo – pd 10 Bessie Lam – pd
2 Charles Wee – pd 11 June Koh – pd 13 Esther Mok – pd
3 Alice Seah – pd 15 Andrew Koh – pd
5 Judy Lim – pd 16 Gingko Tay – pd
6 Lily Ho – pd
7 Bobby Bok – pd
8 Susan Tan
9 Irene Poh – pd
12 Goh Ah Lam – pd
14 Maureen Lee – pd
17 BernieC – pd
18 Helen Wong 24 Michael ? 30 John How
19 TK Pow 25 Eddy Lee 31
20 Henry See 26 Margaret Chua 32
21 Winnie Tan 27 Ronald Lee 33
22 Charles Chua 28 Vincent Lim 34
23 Lee Ah Nee 29 Shirley Tan 35

SilverHairs Enterprise has just set up a payment counter

payment counter1payment counter2 payment counter3SilverHairs Enterprise (SHE) intends to be more active.  In the past few years, SilverHairs Enterprise was used as the entity to engage companies, other social groups and government departments. We had not run activities under SHC before. Depending on the activities, SHE may be the entity to run some of the larger activities for SilverHairs and Singaporeans, PRs in general.  SHE is a business entity and is not intended to function at a loss.  Currently, SHE owns the website domain and all names related to the SilverHairsClub.

Different committee will be identified to run larger gatherings and programs.  Committee members will be compensated.

If there is payment required for the SilverHairs Enterprise activity, payment will be made online via Paypal or credit card.  A button has been set up on the right column of SilverHairsClub;.com.

Thank you to Jassmine Teo, Yew Kwong and Hew Lee for triggering the idea of online payment.

Terence Seah

System update to Version 3.9.1 this Sat 5 Jul 2014

announcement2  attention

Hi everybody,

We are going to update our SHC system to a higher revision level Version 3.9.1.

The date for this operation will be Sat 5 Jul 2014 from 0100 hours.  This will take a few hours, and we should back by Sat 8am.  Our guys in India will handle the change and cross-over.  What the changes are, I am not sure of the details.  But, I am told it will not be major.

Good luck.

** We attempted a version update on 5th July; but finally decided to abort the update and revert to the earlier version for simplicity and convenience reasons.

Terence Seah