Nostalgic songs of yesteryear!

Dear SHCians, 2008 has gone and we have just started on 2009. How will we fare this year with the recession in our midst. What upcoming events will we look forward to and what activities have we in mind to contribute to the SHC’s fraternity. As Terence has put it, we must dare to dreams and do what we have not done before. Hopefully more of you with ideas will come forward and share with us.

As the heading suggest, I have in days gone by listen to beautiful songs and music that kindles the spirit and the soul. I have listens to the music by ‘Los Indios Tabarajas’ and was overwhelmed by the instruments that brought forth those exquisite tunes. I lost my copy of this group and been hunting high and low for it. Perhap someone may tell me where to get it. Another group that moves me by their songs and music is the ‘Ray Coniff Singers’.

This is also an opportunity for music and songs lovers to share and perhap meet together!

Dan Huang

New Social Dance Classes starting soon in January 2009

Dear dancers and those keen to join in the fun,emoticon

Our Latin Rumba and Latin Cha Cha and Disco Rock will end soon. Watch out for the new dance classes. Let’s start the New Year with new resolve to take up dancing for those who are still comtemplating! 

1)  Jive Elementary commencing from 2.1.09 (Friday) from 7pm to 8pm
     Course Fee : S$35/38 for 8 lessons (1 hr. per lesson)
2) Salsa Elementary from 9.1.09 (Friday)from 8.00pm  to 9.00pm
   Course Fee S$35/S$38 for 8 lesson ( 1 hr. per lesson)
3) Samba Elementary commencing  from 9.1.09 (Friday) from 9pm to 10pm
    Course Fee S$35/38 for 8 lesson (1 hr. per lesson)
4) Line Dance commencing from 30.12.08 (Tuesday) from 7pm to 8pm
    Course Fee S$32./35 for 8 lesson (1 hr per lesson)
5) Samba Elementary commencing from 3.1.09(Sat.)from 2pm to 3pm
    Course Fee S$35/38 for 8 lesson (1 hr. per lesson)

1) Latin Cha Cha/Merengue commencing on 30.12.08 (Tuesday) from 8.30 to
    9.30pm. Course Fee : S$60/S$65 for 12 lesson(1 hr. per lesson)
1) Latin Rumba/Rumba Technique commencing 15.1.09(Thursday) from
    8.15 pm to 9.45pm. Course Fee : S$65/S$75 for 10 lesson(11/2 hr.
    per lesson)
2) Latin Cha Cha/Square Rumba commencing 21.1.09(Wed.) from 8.15pm
   to 9.45pm. Course Fee :  S$60/S$65 for 10 lesson (1.5hr. per lesson)
3) Merengue/Bachata commencing 28.12.08(Sun.) from 4.30pm to 6.00pm
   Course Fee :  S$60/65 for 10  lesson (1.5hr.per lesson)
4) Line Dance commence 4.1.09(Sun) from 3.00pm to 4.30pm  Course
    Fee S$50/-S$55 for 10 lesson(1.5hr.per lesson)

Our coach is Miss Maggie Ho


Dance Party at Chingay Parade 2009 on January 31,2009

Hi folks!

The People’s Association in conjunction with the Chingay Parade is organizing a dance party!

  • Date:   31st. January 2009 (Saturday)
  • Venue:  Connaught Drive (in front of City Hall)
  • Time:   10.00pm – 1.00am
  • Entry is free of charge!

Please register with your name and IC No. before 29th. December 2008!

Miss Maggie Ho will liase to provide those going with the entrance tickets and drinks coupon!

My email is ‘’

Danz and Joy 

Soo Kee ‘nan’.

The territorial westerlies and easterlies winds came and gone. Nothing much have been heard since then about coming together for gatherings or feastingsemoticon

We, the Hainanese clan felt a need to gather together. Most of us may have forgotten to speak the dialect. This is an opportunity to share our cultures, to improve our dialect before it goes into extinction!

We have Hokkien karoeke mooted by Terence and waiting to get off the ground. Why not having the Soo Kee ‘nan’ get together. An initial plan is just to meet up and discuss ideas. Maybe get someone to teach how to cook Hainanese Chicken rice or visit to our motherland in Hainan!emoticon

There is so much to do and share and we invite contributions from fellow Soo Kee ‘nan’. To start off, let’s get those keen to participate come together for a lunch gatherings to get it going.

Date: November 29, 2008 (Saturday)

Venue: Kim Moh Restaurant, 5000F Marine Parade Rd #01-22 Singapore. Tel: 64428900

Time: 12.00pm

Those coming:

  1. Dan
  2. Joy
  3. Douglas
  4. Boon Liang
  5. Freda and cousin?
  6. Grace Kok
  7. Geok Suan
  8. Alan Bok
  9. Ann Bok
  10. Ann Giri
  11. Frank kaw
  12. Ivan Lim

Dan & Joyemoticon


Click here for photos

New Dance Classes starting November 07, 2008 (Friday)

Elementary Latin Rumba starts this FridayFamous 4 

Venue:   Clementi CC, Clementi Avenue 4 (8 minutes walk from Clementi MRT)

Time:   7.00pm  – 8.00pm

Course Fee:   For 8 lessons $35.00 for Member/$38.00 for non-member.

Elementary Latin Cha Cha commences on November 21, 2008

Time:   8.00pm – 9.00pm Moon Walk  Running Man  Sneakers  Dancing  Rave Girl 

Course Fee:   8 lessons at $35.00 member/$38.00 Non-member

Elementary Disco Rock commences on November 21, 2008

Time:   9.00pm – 10.00pm

Course Fee:   8 lessons at $32.00 member/$35.00 non- member.

Instructor: Miss Maggie Ho

This is another opportunity to learn dancing at very cheap rate. Don’t miss!


Board Game Cafe starts this Sunday November 2, 2008

Please be inform that Chess Game Cafe is renamed to Board Game Cafe! Trick O’Treater 

Date:   November 2, 2008 (Cancel last scheduled date fixed on November 1, 2008)

Venue: White Tangerine Cafe at Kovan/Paya Lebar CC

Time: 2.00pm – 5.00pm

We have the following member who are keen to participate: 

Come, come!

Chess   –   Dan Huang(Coach), Daniel Chan, Dennis Wee, Patrick Khoo, Douglas, Jassmine, Jonathan

Chinese Chess   –   Daniel Chan, Albert Tan

Chor Tai Tee   –   Maggie Teo n Albert Tan(Coaches), Jassmine, Ah Nee, Mary Chan

Scrabble   –   Joy, Mary Chan, Magge Teo, Lydia, Tim Liu

Crossword Puzzles   –   Jassmine

Golf   –   Mary Chan (Coach)

Mahjong(Card type)   –   Patrick n Dan(Coaches)

Backgammon   –   Constance 

Tarot   –   Andrew Thio (Coach), Stella

Checker   –   Jonathan Ong

Bridge   –   ?

Gin Rummy   –   Maggie Teo, Albert Tan (Coaches)

Carrom   –   Who got a set lying in the storeroom and ready to donate!

Indian Chess   –   Tim Liu, Maggie Teo

Strip Poker   –   ? 

Hello - Are You There?


Those who are interested to come and join in the fun please indicate your choice of games!

Eat Less Rice

Eat Less Rice!  Perfecto 

The human body was never meant to consume rice! You see, our genes have hardly changed in more than 30,000 years. However, our food choices and lifestyle have changed dramatically. The caveman would hardly recognize our food or way of life. Caveman food was never cooked as fire was not yet tamed. Thus, he ate only those foods that you can eat without treatment with or by fire. He ate fruits, vegetables, fish (sushi anyone?), eggs, nuts and meat. Yes, even meat. You can even eat meat raw if you were starving in the forest. You have the necessary enzymes to digest meat. However, rice, like wheat and corn, cannot be eaten raw.. It must be cooked. Even if you were starving in the desert, you cannot eat rice in the raw form. This is because we do not have the system of enzymes to break rice down. You were never meant to eat rice. To make matters worse, you not only eat rice, but also make it the bulk of your food. ! In some parts of Asia , rice forms up to 85% of the plate. Even if you take rice, keep it to a minimum. Remember, it is only for your tongue – not your body. Actually, rice and other grains like wheat and corn are actually worse than sugar. There are many reasons:
Rice becomes sugar – lots of it!   This is a fact that no nutritionist can deny: rice is chemically no different from sugar. One bowl of cooked rice is the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. This does not matter whether it is white, brown or herbal rice. Brown rice is richer in fiber, some B vitamins and minerals but it is still the caloric equal of 10 teaspoons of sugar. To get the same 10 teaspoons of sugar, you need to consume lots of kangkong-10 bowls of it.
Rice is digested to become sugar.  Rice cannot be digested before it is thoroughly cooked. However, when thoroughly cooked, it becomes sugar and spikes circulating blood sugar within half an hour-almost as quickly as it would if you took a sugar candy. Rice is very low in the ‘rainbow of anti-oxidants. ‘ This complete anti-oxidant rainbow is necessary for the effective and safe utilization of sugar. Fruits come with a sugar called fructose. However, they are not empty calories as the fruit is packed with a whole host of other nutrients that help its proper assimilation and digestion.
Rice has no fiber.  The fiber of the kangkong fills you up long before your blood sugar spikes. This is because the fiber bulks and fills up your stomach. Since white rice has no fiber, you end up eating lots of ‘calorie dense’ food before you get filled up. Brown rice has more fiber but still the same amount of sugar.
Rice is tasteless-sugar is sweet.  There is only so much that you can eat at one sitting. How many teaspoons of sugar can you eat before you feel like throwing up? Could you imagine eating 10 teaspoons of sugar in one seating?
Rice is always the main part of the meal. While sugar may fill your dessert or sweeten your coffee, it will never be the main part of any meal. You could eat maybe two to three teaspoons of sugar at one meal. However, you could easily eat the equal value of two to three bowls (20-30 teaspoons) of sugar in one meal. I am always amused when I see someone eat sometimes five bowls of rice (equals 50 teaspoons of sugar) and then asks for tea tarik kurang manis! There is no real ‘built in’ mechanism for us to prevent overeating of rice:
How much kangkong can you eat?
How much fried chicken can you eat?
How much steamed fish can you eat? 
Think about that!
In one seating, you cannot take lots of chicken, fish or cucumber, but you can take lots of rice. Eating rice causes you to eat more salt.
As rice is tasteless, you tend to consume more salt-another villain when it comes to high blood pressure. You tend to take more curry that has salt to help flavor rice. We also tend to consume more ketchup and soy sauce which are also rich in salt.
Eating rice causes you to drink less water.  The more rice you eat, the less water you will drink as there is no mechanism to prevent the overeating of rice.. Rice, wheat and corn come hidden in our daily food. As rice is tasteless, it tends to end up in other foods that substitute rice like ! rice flo ur, noodles and bread. We tend to eat the hidden forms which still get digested into sugar. Rice, even when cooked, is difficult to digest. Can’t eat raw rice? Try eating rice half cooked. Contrary to popular belief, rice is very difficult to digest. It is ‘heavy stuff’. If you have problems with digestion, try skipping rice for a few days. You will be amazed at how the problem will just go away.
Rice prevents the absorption of several vitamins and minerals. Rice when taken in bulk will reduce the absorption of vital nutrients like zinc, iron and the B vitamins.
Are you a rice addict? Going rice-less may not be easy but you can go rice-less. Eating less rice could be lot easier than you think. Here are some strategies that you can pursue in your quest to eat less rice:
 Eat less rice-cut your rice by half. Barry Sears, author of the Zone Diet, advises ‘eating rice like spice’.
 Instead, increase your fruits and vegetables.
Take more lean meats and fish.
You can even take more eggs and nuts.
Have ‘riceless’ meals. Take no rice or wheat at say, breakfast. Go for eggs instead. Go on ‘riceless’ days – Go ‘western’ once a week…
Take no rice and breads for one day every week. That can’t be too difficult. Appreciate the richness of your food. Go for taste, colors and smells. Make eating a culinary delight. Enjoy your food in the original flavors.
Avoid the salt shaker or ketchup. You will automatically eat less rice.
Eat your fruit dessert before (Yes! No printing error) your meals.
The fiber rich fruits will ‘bulk up’ in your stomach. Thus, you will eat less rice and more fruits.
It’s your life. Decide what you want to eat!

Realistic World!

We do appreciate anyone who have a joke to share, and we learn to laugh at ourselves sometimes at the cranky thing we do. I come across this and would like to share with you! Though life can be tough but a man or woman who have a sense of humour is hard to come by. So, let’s laugh and share our jokes and make this world a better world to live! 


 An eighteen-year-old girl tells her Mom that she has missed her period
 for two months. Very worried, the mother goes to the drugstore and buys a 
pregnancy kit. The test result shows that the girl is pregnant.

 Shouting, cursing, crying, the mother says, "Who was the pig that did
 this to you? I want to know!" 

The girl picks up the phone and makes a call.
 Half an hour later a Ferrari stops in front of their house; a mature and
 On the Cheek distinguished man with grey hair, impeccably dressed in a very expensive 
suit, steps out of the car and enters the house.

 He sits in the living room with her father, the mother and the girl, and
 tells them, "Good morning, your daughter has informed me of the problem. 
However, I can’t marry her because of my personal family situation, but
 I’ll take charge."

 "If a girl is born, I will bequeath her two retail stores, a townhouse, a 
beach villa and a $2,000,000 bank account.

 If a boy is born, my legacy will be a couple of factories and a
 $5,000,000 bank account.

 If it is twins, a factory and $2,000,000 each. 
However, if there is a miscarriage, what do you suggest I do?"

 At this point, the girl father, who had remained silent, places a hand
 firmly on the man’s shoulder and tells him; 
"Then you try again…!"  Cheers 

Elementary Latin Rumba starts on November 7, 2008 (Friday)

Dear dancers and anyone who are interested to join in the dance and fun!emoticon

Our Off Beat Cha Cha will end soon, look out for Latin Rumba.

Latin Rumba is known as the dance of love, it is a slow dance and can be learnt easily. Consider the most romantic, sensuous and versatile of all the Latin American dances. Ladies will learn to move sensuously and the gentlemen will lead and look good while dancing.

Venue:   Clementi CC, Clementi Avenue 4 (8 minutes from Clementi MRT)

Time:      7.00-8.00pm ROTFL  Party!  Big Hug 

Course Fee:   $35.00 Member/$38.00 for Non-member for 8 lessons. Kisses 

You can’t get this rate for a dance course anywhere! Come and learn and treat it as a jam session with a teacher thrown in for $4.40 cents for a lesson!

A day Trip to Penggerang/Johore Bahru on Saturday 11th October 2008

Dear folks, a short trip this time and another opportunity to have fun and fellowship together!emoticon


6.30am   Meeting point to decide later. Proceed to Causeway. make sure your passport is with you and  is    6 months before expiry.

8.00am   Breakfast at Sentosa Johore Bahru

10.00am  Arrive at Fruits Plantation (200 types of fruits). Proceed to Lucky Mango Farm which produces sweet mangoes (1 kg at RM$5/- very cheap!)

12.00pm  Seafood lunch at Kim Hoe Seafood Garden. After lunch we proceed to a special chinese biscuit shop.

1.40pm   Visit Ostrich Farm. Admission fee RM$6/- per personemoticon

4.oopm   Proceed to Kota Tinggi to ‘Sotong Man’ to buy dried seafood. Leave Kota Tinggi for Johore Bahru to JUSCO for shopping.

6.30pm   Dinner at Apollo Restaurant in Johore Bahru.

7.30pm   Depart for Singapore!emoticon

Cost (All inclusive): S$45.00 only!

Closing date: October 4, 2008.

We are running short of time! Those keen to join please pay to Joy’s POSB Saving Account. 159-131645

Danz n Joyzemoticon

Social Dance Practice Night – 26 October 2008 (Sunday)

Dear dancers,

Our monthly Social Dance Night starting soon. It will be held every 4rd Sunday of the month!emoticon

Having three different dance routines on every Friday and Salsa on every Tuesday every week may prove to be too taxing for us. Miss Maggie Ho understand that we needs practice otherwise all that we have learned will be forgotten!

Location:   Hawpar Techno Centre, 401 Commonwealth Drive, #02-05, Singapore

                  Next to Commonwealth MRT (Directly opposite the Faith Methodist Church)

Entry Fee: S$4.00 per person including drinks

Time:        7.00pm to 11.00pmemoticon

Date:       October 26, 2008 (Sunday)

Take note that we are limiting to 30pax!

Come and give your support, the night is for us to boogie away and not forgetting the fun and enjoyment in sharing our common interest together!

Register here!emoticon

Those coming:

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Joy Zhuang
  3. Jimmy Gwee
  4. Wee Chin
  5. Lum Fook x 2

Jurong Spring LineDance Extravaganza 29/11 2008

Dear Line and Social dancers,emoticon

Miss Maggie Ho is invited to be a judge in the above competition. She welcome us to watch or compete in the competition cum jam.

Venue:   Jurong Spring Community Centre, Jurong West St 52

Date:     29/11/2008 (Saturday)

Time:     4.00pm – 9.30pmemoticon

Charge:  Tickets at $3.00 (with drink and snack)

Entry form for competitors are available from her.emoticon

Those interested, please indicate.

Kelong @ Bintan Resort 8/9 November, 2008

Tentative Schedule

Day 1 (08 Nov 08}emoticon

Meet at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal at 8.00am

Depart at 9.15am (1 hr 45 mins journey)

Shopping trip/Lunch

Check-in Kelong chalet units (fan room – twin sharing)


Karoeke/Pools game/Board games/Bingo/Mahjong/Beach activities

Optional; Island hopping ($20)/Spa(At a fee)/Fishing at pond $30 per day/Free outside the pond (bring your own rod and lines)/Day fishing at sea (4 hours at $80-$90 with 4-5 pax)

Day 2 (09 Nov 08)

Morning – free & easy/Lunch

12.00 noon – Check out kelong Chalet

Depart at Jetty : 2.20pm

Reach Singapore 4.30pmemoticon

The free & easy package (2d1n) include ferry and meals are:

S$155 per adult

* 2-way land transfer

* 1 night accomodaton (twin sharing)

* 2-way ferry transfer including taxes (S$38+$12 PDF, Fuel Surcharge + $5 Indonesia departure tax)

* Breakfast/1 seafood lunch/1 seafood dinner

Insurance coverage on your own.

Chalet: Ocean Bay Resortemoticon

Dates : 8 – 9 November 2008 (Saturday & Sunday) 

Closing Date: October 1, 2008

Danz n Joyzemoticon

Who’s coming

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Joy Zhuang
  3. Norhayati
  4. Gwyneth Lee
  5. Christina WH Chan
  6. Seok cheng 

Intermediate Latin Samba on 26/09/08

Dear dancers,emoticon

Last lesson on Samba on coming Friday!

New class on Intermediate Samba start on next Friday.emoticon

Venue:   Clementi CC, Clementi Avenue 4, 8 minutes from Clementi MRT!

Time:     8.00pm – 9.00pm

Fees:     $38.00 for member/$42.00 for non-member

Teacher:   Miss Maggie Hoemoticon

Those joining:

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Joy Zhuang
  3. Kristine Lee?
  4. Bessie Lam
  5. Andreq SP
  6. Rene?

Christmas Party (Social Dance) on 20/12/08

Dear dancers and those wanting to join in the festive moods!emoticon

It’s another occasion to meet up and dance and having fun.

Venue: Bukit Timah CC (Multi Purpose Hall)emoticon

Time: 5.00pm to 10.30pm

Ticket at S$10.00 (per head) including Snacks and lucky draw!

Organize by Miss Maggie Ho.

Please indicate your coming!emoticon

Who’s coming:

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Joy Zhuang
  3. Catherine Yeo
  4. Francis
  5. Jonathan Ongx2
  6. Jennifer Limx2



November 8 (Saturday)

9.00am Pick-up point upon request
10.00am  Customs Clearance
10.00am Proceed to Desaru Golden Beach Resort
11.30am Arrived Desaru Golden Beach Resort
11.45am Luggage keep in Luggage Room
12.00pm Enjoy Sea Activities & Free and Easy
2.00pm Lunch at Restaurant (Own Expenses)
3.00pm Resort Check in – Twin a Room (Provided)


Nov 9, (Sunday)


Dinner at Restaurant (Own Expenses)

8.00am  Breakfast at Banquet (Provided)
9.30am  Resort Check out
10.00am Proceed to Desaru Fruit Farm
10.30am Visit Desaru Fruit Farm – Entrance Fee (Provided)
12.15pm Lobster Seafood Lunch at Restaurant (Provided)
1.30pm  Visit Herbal Farm
2.45pm Purchase Local Biscuit
3.15pm  Visit Ostrich Farm – Entrance Fee (Provided)
4.30pm Proceed to Kota Tinggi Fireflies Cruise
6.00pm Dinner at Kota Tinggi Restaurant (Provided)
7.30pm Fireflies Cruise
8.45pm Return to Singapore (Via Woodland Causeway)
10.45pm Arrived Singapore Home
TOUR FARES: ?? : (Min 40 Paxs)
S$158/Adult nett per person ????????? Dear SHCians, another opportunity to enjoy a short holiday! I am trying to keep it as cheap as possible. If we can get 40 pax, the fee remained as stated with insurance coverage. If only 26 pax the fee will be at $180.00 also with personal insurance coverage. Danz n Joyz 

Who’s coming!

  1. Danz Huang
  2. Joy Zhuang
  3. Jane Wong
  4. Eyonne Chew
  5. Ros Chan
  6. June Lim
  7. Norhayati
  8. Ronald Koh



OB Cha Cha starts – Sep 12, 2008

Dear dancers and those keen to join in the fun!emoticon

We are never to old to wriggle our hips! Our lives are what we made it out to be. When there are beautiful music being played let’s harmonise by expressing ourselves in dancing and swaying into the moonlight!

Our Elementary Cha Cha class end this Friday.

  • Starting next Friday (12/09/08) is the OB Cha Cha class!
  • Time: 7.00-8.00pm
  • Fee: $32.00 for member/ $35.00 for Non-member
  • Duration: 8 weeks
  • Venue: Clementi CC, Clementi Avenue 4 (8 minutes from Clementi MRT)
  • Coach: Miss Maggie Hoemoticon

Salsa (Mambo) & Rock n Roll Class

Some of you have requested that Maggie Ho conduct a dance class in Hougang, here is it!

  • Salsa (Mambo) & Rock n Rollemoticon
  • Venue:     Aljunied CC at Hougang Avenue 1
  • Duration:  10 lessons
  • Time:     8.30-9.30pm
  • Course Fee:   $60/- for Member $70/- for Non-member.
  • Commencing Date:   7th October, 2008 (Tuesday)emoticon

EO, Danz

Those coming:

  1. Danz
  2. Andrew Thio
  3. Lily Ho
  4. Lee Ah Nee
  5. Susan Tan
  6. Stella Lee
  7. Lina Ng
  8. Susan Chang
  9. Mary Chan

Update for Kukup Chalets stay on August, 23/24, 2008

Please note changes to Day 1 Schedule.

Day 1, August 23, 2008 (Saturday)

8.30am     1st Pick-up point at Newton Hawker Centre Carpark

9.00am     2nd Pick-up at Jurong Point: Interchange (Next to NTUC canteen)

10.30am   Customs Clearance (White card required)

12.00pm   Seafood Lunch at Seafood Restaurant Restaurant (Provided)

12.45pm   Street shopping at Kukup fishing Village

1.15pm     Proceed to chalet Check-in (Free n Easy) By Boat Ride.

2.30pm     Games by Marg and Joy/Singalong on Bus by Yew Kwong and Clara Chay!

3.30pm     Singalong by Yew kwong and Clara Chay

4.30pm     High Tea (Provided)

5.30pm    Social Dance by Danz

7.30pm    Seafood BBQ Dinner (provided)

9.00pm    Durians n other fruits Treat!

The following have confirmed pick-up point at Jurong Point at 9.00am:

  1. Josephine Yap
  2. Pauline Khoo
  3. Helen Wong
  4. Eyyone chew
  5. Aaron How
  6. Karen Thio
  7. Hycinth D’Silva
  8. Kristine Leong
  9. Venika Leong
  10. Sally Kang
  11. Gwyneth Lee

Those intending to join them please indicate!

Click here for photos



Health Benefits of Swimming

– Swimming is a good exercise. Swimming involves the use of almost all the muscles required for movement, without the weight of your body pounding you with each move like when you are walking or running.emoticon

– Water resistance is greater than air resistance, so that the muscles have to work harder.

– Regular swimming will build your muscle strength, endurance, and cardio-vascular fitness. The longer you swim, the more your endurance and speed will improve.

– Without overworking the heart, swimming improves the body’s use of oxygen and increases lung function.

– Swimming stimulates circulation.emoticon

– Swimming promotes proper breathing.

– Swimming helps to combat the aging process.

– Swimming burns calories at about 3 calories a mile per pound of bodyweight and improves one’s ability to control and maintain a healthy weight.

– Swimming is fantastic for toning the upper arms, shoulders and legs. The best strokes for whole body toning are the freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke.

 When you swim, cool water lower your body temperature, so that you don’t get hot and sticky as when you do other forms of exercise or sports.

– Swimming is more than a fun sport and a way to stay healthy.emoticon

Well, I am tempted to start swimiing session on a Sunday morning from 9.00-11.00am. Not many will go for the vigorous badminton because of niggling pain to the knees!

Need I say more, Swimming session starts somewhere in October. There may be coaching lesson too, let’s me check the rate.

How about some feedbacks?

Eo, Big Danemoticon

Silverhairs Chess Cafe starts on September 7, 2008

Come September 07, 2008  chess enthusiates and keen learners are encourage to participate.

Venue: LimKopi Kopitiam (24 hours), Blk 107, Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4.emoticon

Time: 2.00-6.00pm for a starts!

The premises has recently been renovated to the tune of more than $200k. Agnes Tan a member of SHC has kindly allowed us use the premises.emoticon

Non-members must register on the spot before being allow to play. a laptop will be made available. Those keen to learn can register here. A small fee may be charge!

We may open the Chess Cafe to expatriates and tourist who must sign up as member. This premises is also suitable for small meeting for members.

The kopitiam serves local and Western favourite dishes. Wines and beers are available!

Do let me know your interest!emoticon

EO, Danz

Social & Line Dance Night, October 5, 2008

We promise you another Non-stop dancing and lot of fun!emoticon

  • Venue:  Fengshan CC (Bedok North Road, Street 2)
  • Date:    October 5, 2008 (Sunday)
  • Time:    5.30pm – 9.30pm – Multi-function Hall
  • Cost:    $7.00 per person including Dinner & drinks!

Calling all Line and Social Dancers, register your interest here!!emoticon

Co-ordinator: Danz Huangemoticon

Those coming:

  1. Dan Huang (Paid)
  2. Joy Zhuang (Paid)
  3. Ivy Low  (Paid)
  4. Annie Loh  (Paid)
  5. Linda Chang  (Paid)
  6. Bessie Lam  (Paid)
  7. Andrew Tan  (Paid)
  8. Agnes Seow
  9. Chin Boon
  10. Andrew Yeung  (Paid)
  11. Catherine Yeo  (Paid)
  12. Catherine Chong  (Paid)
  13. Janet Loo
  14. Daniel Ong  (Paid)
  15. Lina Ng  (Paid)
  16. Ah Nee  (Paid)
  17. Juliet Ong  (Paid)
  18. Aaron How  (Paid)
  19. John Howe  (Paid)
  20. Dolly Lim  (Dolly)
  21. Lily Ho  (Paid)
  22. Caroline Gee  (Paid)
  23. Rene Leong
  24. Jessie Teo  (Paid)
  25. Doreen & partner
  26. Wendy Wee  (Paid)
  27. Dennis Wee  (Paid)
  28. Lum Fook  (Paid)
  29. Oi Cheng  (Paid)
  30. Marg Tian  (Paid)
  31. Wee Chin  (Paid)
  32. Mei Foo  (Paid)
  33. Gwyneth  (Paid)
  34. Jimmy  (Paid)
  35. Thomas Loh  (Paid)
  36. Lina Tan  (Paid)
  37. Lydia Chin
  38. Ronald Wie  (Paid)
  39. Jane Wong  (Paid)
  40. Evelyn Ong  (Paid)

New Latin Samba/Rhythm n Waltz Class, Aug 01, 2008

Dear dancers and those keen to join in the fun!emoticon

Our Retro Dance, Inter Rock n Roll n Bachata classes ended last week.

Starting this Friday we have:

Latin Samba Elementaryemoticon

  • Date:   August 1, 2008 (Friday)
  • Time:    8.00-9.00pm
  • Fee:    (8 lessons) $35/- Member, $40/- Non-member

Rhythm n Waltz Elementaryemoticon

  • Date:    August 1, 2008 (Friday)
  • Time:    9.00-10.00pm
  • Fee:    (8 lessons) $32/- Member, $35/- Non-Member.
  • Member denotes CC member or passion Card holder!  
  •  Venue:   Clementi CC, Clementi Avenue 4 (8 minutes walk from Clementi MRT)
  • Coach:    Miss maggie Ho 

EO, Danzemoticon 

Jam n Butter – Friday, July 11, 2008

  • Place       :     The Bar, 3rd floor                            
  • Location  :     Raffles Town Club along Bukit Timah Road.
  • Drinks     :      Cover charge $17.00 including two drinks before 8.00pm.
  • Date        :     Friday, July 11, 2008  
  • Time        :     7.30 pm – Midnight
  • Music       :     In-house DJ n live band plays dancing music of all types on Friday :- ballroom, social & Latin

Dear dancers,

Here’s another opportunity to practice our dance! 

Limited to 25 pax only!

Please indicate your interest in coming!

EO, Danz 

 Who’s coming!

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Joy Zhuang
  3. Lydia Chin
  4. Helen Wong
  5. Gwyneth Lee
  6. Catherine Yeo
  7. James chan
  8. Helen Tan
  9. Jimmy Foong
  10. Annie Foong
  11. Andy Saw
  12. Xiang2
  13. Andrew SP
  14. Bessie Lam
  15. Mega Abdullah
  16. Maggie Teo
  17. Betty Lim
  18. Albert Tan
  19. Patrick Khoo

Debut of Nobel Prize Skin Care


Nobel Prize Discovery

HYDRAPORINE regulates the skin water channels to guarantee maximum water level retention in the dermis & prevent skin surface water loss 24 hours a day – resulting in super, supple & glowing skin.

Come discover the innovative skin hydration system with Lendan!

  • For those who want to stay young!
  • Those who want to know why they are ageing prematurely!
  • Especially for those Silverhairs!!

Invitation to LENDAN in SINGAPORE 2008

Singapore Botanic Gardens

Function Hall (Near Tanglin Gate)

5th July 2008   1.00 – 5.00pm.


  • Lendan’s Oasis (Open to public)
  •  Exhilarating Facial & Body Demo
  • Alluring Beauty Promotions
  • Personal Skin Analysis
  • Grand Lucky Draw!  

Host: Tan Chian Wah


Day 1:       August 23, 2008 (Saturday)
7.30am      Newton Hawker Car Park (Near Newton MRT)
9.00am      Customs Clearance
9.20am      Breakfast at JB (Self Expenses)
11.00am    Street Shopping at Kukup Fishing Village
11.30pm    Seafood Lunch at Seafood Restaurant (Provided)
12.30pm    Proceed to Chalet check-in (Free and Easy) By Boat Ride

1,30pm      Games

3,00pm      Sing Along
4.30pm      High Tea (Provided)

5.30pm      Social Dance
7.30pm      Seafood BBQ Dinner (Provided)

Day 2:       August 24, 2008 (Sunday)
8.00am      Breakfast & Free and Easy (Provided)
11.15am    Chalet Check-out
11.30am    Kelong Tour By Boat Ride (Provided)
12.15pm    Seafood Lunch at Seafood Restaurant (Provided)
1.15pm      Leaving from Kukup Fishing Village to JB Shopping
2.45pm      JB Shopping
5.00pm      Leave for Singapore.

Cost: S$86.00 per head. (Inclusive Personal Insurance Coverage if we have 40 pax)

    For purpose of Insurance coverage, please provide your particular by email to Joy at ‘’

Name/Sex/NRIC No./Nationality/Date of Birth/Passport Expiry Date/Mobile contact.

Please be assured that all personal particular given to Joy will be strictly confidential!

Free & Easy Leisure Activities:

  • DVD Karaoke Set (with Disc)
  • Net Fishing/Rod Fishing
  • Mahjong/Playing Cards
  • Games (at open space)
  • Dancing too!
  • Enjoy the Sunset & Fishing village natural scenery!

Package Inclusive:

  • 2 ways Transport-Coach/Mini Bus(Van)- Pickup point upon request
  • 3x Chalets with 3 and 4 bedrooms with 76 beds and fully air-con (Additional mattress FOC)
  • 5 meals – 2x Seafood Lunch/ 1x High Tea/1x BBQ/ 1x Breakfast
  • Visit Kelong (Fish Farm)
  • JB shopping


EO, Danz n Joyzemoticon

who register: Please pay via Joy’s POSB Saving Account: 159-13164-5 by July 15, 2008

  1. Danz Huang       (Paid)
  2. Joy Chuang        (Paid)
  3. Gwyneth Lee     (Paid)
  4. Helen Wong       (Paid)
  5. Mary Tan            (Paid)
  6. Aaron How         (Paid)
  7. Susan Tan          (Paid)
  8. James Tan          (Paid)
  9. Catherine Ho      (Paid)
  10. Terence Seah     (Paid)
  11. Jeffrey Fong       (Paid)
  12. Maureen Tay      (Paid)
  13. Karen Thio          (Paid)
  14. Pauline Khoo      (Paid)
  15. Sally Kang          (Paid)
  16. Eyvonne Chew   (Paid)
  17. Annie Loh           (Paid)
  18. Juliet Ong          (Paid)
  19. Clara Chay         (Paid)
  20. Ron lai                (Paid)
  21. Alice Lai              (Paid)
  22. Kristen Leong    (Paid)
  23. Venika Leong     (Paid)
  24. Anne Chee         (Paid)
  25. Alan Bok             (Paid)
  26. Ann Bok              (Paid)
  27. Esther Leong     (Paid)
  28. Hyacinth D’silvia (Paid)
  29. Ron Koh             (Paid)
  30. Joyce Lim            (Paid)
  31. Lydia Chin           (Paid)
  32. Margaret Tian     (Paid)
  33. Angeline Sim       (Paid)
  34. Mary Loo             (Paid)
  35. Rose Lim             (Paid)
  36. Yew Kwong         (Paid)
  37. Josephine Yap     (Paid)
  38. Andrew Koh        (Paid)
  39. Judy Lim              (Paid)
  40. Maria Tan           (Paid)
  41. Maggie Teo        (Paid)
  42. Albert Tan           (Paid)

Registration is closed!


New Dancing Class

The Retro Dance, Intermediate Rock n Roll n the Bachata classes is ongoing right now!

 Dear dancers n those keen to join in the fun, come lah! 

 CLEMENTI CCemoticon

 Social Cha Cha elementary

Start on July 18, 2008 (Friday)

Time:  7.00pm-8.00pm

Fee:     (8 lessons) S$32/- for member n S$35/- for non-member

 Latin Samba elementaryemoticon

Start on August 1, 2008 (Friday)

Time:  8.00pm-9.00pm

Fee:     (8 lessons) S$35/- for member n S$40/- for non-member

 Social Waltz n Rhythm elementaryemoticon

Start on August 1, 2008 (Friday)

Time:  9.00pm-10.00pm

Fee:     (8 lessons) S$32/- for member n S$35/- for non-member

Course Instructor: Miss Maggie Ho, a member of SHC!

 Member refers to CC members or Passion Card holders.

 Those still dragging their legs, when you come to a decision, join us!

EO, Danzemoticon

The Unsung Benefits of Wine

If health came in a bottle, it would create mayhem at the local market. As people threw elbows and ran over one another with rabid shopping carts, bottles of health would fly off the shelves, secured in the clenched grip of hissing customers. People would push, shove, and use props – such as a crying child or a seeing-eye dog – to get their hands on this product. A bottle of health would be a best seller. While it might not be a bottle of health, per say, a bottle of wine is the next best thing.

Those of us who are wine drinkers all know that red wine benefits the heart and white wine benefits the lungs. But, what we might not know is that the health benefits don’t stop there…not even close. The health benefits of wine transcend the human body, refusing to develop a monogamous relationship with any one part.

The following is a list of the unobvious ways wine is helping you or has the potential to help you in the future. They all exist in an underground world of unsung wine benefits, where grapes anxiously wait for their day in the sun.

Extreme Weight Problems: While the term "beer belly" may have given alcohol a bad rap when it comes to weight, wine is actually proven to help the severely overweight. In order for this to be true, dry wine, wine that does not contain sugar, needs to be ingested: four or five ounces are taken at dinnertime or bedtime. In one study, the average weight loss of those who ingested this wine was twice that of those who didn’t. Along these lines, because wine helps with anxiety and ridding the body of tension, it has also helped those who suffer, on the other end of the weight spectrum, from anorexia.

Old Age: Old age is not a disease, but an affliction to our health nonetheless. Still, it’s an affliction those of us in youth hope to someday procure. While growing old can bring about all kinds of problems, wine can aid in their relief. For starters, wine decreases the dependency on certain medications, particularly medications that relax and sedate people. Wine has also proven to increase appetites, self-esteem and social lives of those in old age.

Intelligence: On an average basis, people who moderately consume wine are of higher education levels than those who don’t drink alcohol or drink far too much. This isn’t to say that you should, Merlot in hand, roll your eyes at the idiocy of someone drinking a beer, but it’s reassuring to know wine drinkers are in good, and smart, company.

Bone Strength: Bone strength may be of little concern to those who are young, but it’s extremely important in advanced age: a skeletal build with low density will have a bone to pick with its owner when Osteoporosis sets in. Men and women who are moderate wine drinkers, however, generally have bones that are denser than non-drinkers: the greater the density, the less likely the fractures.

Cancer: Red wine, filled with antioxidants, is proven to be a liquid nemesis of cancer, preventing it before it can fester. Packed with strong compounds, wine is laden with protective affects. In fact, the CDC found that women who averaged 12 glasses of wine per week were rewarded with an 83 percent decrease in endometrial cancer rates.

Kidney cancer, along these lines, seems to have found an enemy in alcohol. According to a study conducted in Sweden by Dr. Alicja Wolk of the Karolinska Institute, women who drank moderate amounts of alcohol had a 38 percent lower kidney cancer risk than those who didn’t. For women 55 and older, the risk of kidney cancer was cut to 66 percent.

Diabetes: Type 2 diabetes, non-insulin diabetes that usually develops with age, is less likely to attack those who are moderate drinkers. Because the majority of people who get type 2 diabetes are women, a study was recently performed by Dr. Michael L. Bots at the University Medical Center Utrecht. During this study it was revealed that women who consumed 5 to 30 grams of alcohol per week were not as likely to develop type 2 diabetes as those who abstained completely.

While it is often lauded for the way it benefits the heart and the lungs, wine, the over achiever of alcohol, doesn’t just stop there. From your mind to your ankle bone, wine provides a glassful of benefits. And, what’s more, these are the only ones known so far. As the wine revolution gains even more ground, and more studies are performed, the benefits of wine may continue to be increasingly known, pouring good health on all who consume it.

Author: Jennifer Jordan.    Brought to us courtesy of Caroline Gee!