Global markets plunge

The headline “Global markets plunge” appears in almost all newspapers around the world.

Fear of a US recession behind plunge. World waiting for the Fed to do an emergency rate cut. Analysts looking for a catalyst to turn markets around. Another black Monday. Has the world lost confidence? Is the panic mainly in the Asia market? Is this mass behaviour?

What do you think this mean to all of us? Share what you think?

Terence Seah

Calling for experience in car boot or flea market sales

We had tried car boot sales but we failed because the venue was not approved. We also like to try flea market sales or push cart sales.

The idea is to give some SilverHairsClub members the opportunity to try ways and means to make some income and keep themselves active. I suspect and believe there are opportunities as a group. It can be organised during weekends, a festive period or even monthly basis.

Now, I am going to try again. Don’t give up. Mati Mati. Must succeed. As a group, we can succeed.

Do you have any experience organising or participating in car boot or flea market sales? If you have, plse raise your hand, and I shall contact you.

If you have a private condo, that will allow car boot sales or a garage sale or bazaar, plse raise your hands too. Let’s try it. It will cost some monies, but it can work.

Any ideas, most welcome. Let’s stay active, for fun, for the money or for the friendship.

Terence Seah

To Kill a Mockingbird

In this 1960 American Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Harper Lee, white woman accuses black man of rape.

Fast forward to primaries in 2008. white woman accuses black man  of  voters’ rape in Iowa. She has her revenge in  Nevada. The story now moves further south to Carolina and Florida.  

Oh, Bam-bam.

You will be blown away unless you prove otherwise. Be careful. Behind the  white squaw is the Big White Chief.  He is responsible for history’s most famous blow job and cursed the world with a withering Bush.

Art of making fans

Date : Sat. 26 Jan.2008, Time 3pm.-5p.m. (or thereafter)

Venue : Han’s Cafe & Cake-House, 1 Pickering Street (where we had SHC Jan 17, 2008 monthly gathering).

I shall be pleased to show you how to make fans for Lunar New Year decorations.  As some of you have seen the samples I brought to our last gathering, these fans make attractive wall, door and flower arrangements (centre pieces of art work) to beautify your homes for the coming CNY.  If you are interested, pls register your response to this post by Thurs. 24 Jan,2008.  As we are using the facilities at the cafe, pls do order snacks/tea/coffee or whatever makan to help Han’s management generate some business.

Pls bring the following material : 1 pair of scissors, stapler/staples, a couple of rubber bands, and most importantly 26 pieces of Ang Pows.

  •  My mobile number : 96322081

June Chin

What are the investment options for SilverHairs? Thur, 24 Jan 2008

Hi KT Wong,  You have been very vivid, sharing your thoughts on investments with fellow SHCians.  I read your latest comment today, in Jeffrrey’s Post, and I wont let the opportunity slip.  Timing is right.  You should share your thoughts with us.  Cut it short, you gave 3 scenarios on where SHCians can go, with their monies.

  1. The US has bottomed up.  Put your money  against US$assets, US equities or local equities with high exposure to US markets.  The US market has already been on the decline for a long time.
  2. The markets are still trending downwards. And, most people have debts, and values are very low.  Keep selling.
  3. Don’t do anything.  Sit on your money, and wait for the tides to change.

I have a timeslot next Thurs, 24 Jan, when I am back from overseas.  Judging from the recent gathering at Hans Cafe, the time will be 6.30 pm, and you can start at 7.00pm.  Over the next few days, I shall look for a venue, preferably with a overhead project and screen.  Suggestions for venue welcome.

Can you be speaker and moderator?  On this forum, I see other active an dlike-minded participants – Kenneth Tan, Dennis Har, Tim Liu and Jeffrey Lim.  Can you come and share your ideas too?  The topic can be "Markets are down.  What are the options?".

Meantime, if SilverHairs like to come, please register your interest here.  Strictly for SHC members only.  No entrance fee, just buy your F&B at the counter.

Terence Seah

Issues on investment or business

There has been frequent requests to have more discussions on business and investment on this forum.  However, many members feel that since the club’s  objective is to provide a platform to meet new friends, and that too much of business and investments issues on this forum tend to clog up this website, especially for those with no interests in business or investments.

I guess many members are still working, and many are comfortable with their retirement plans.  Some have reacted strongly and negatively to pure business and investment discussions.  A good number sees such discussions as advertising.  Advertising is not allowed on this website.  However, I am equally aware that there is also a strong desire by some members to develop business ideas and investment.

This website isn’t ideal to meet different group’s needs.

However, we can easily allow those who are interested in business or investment discussions, to view the thread, while those who are not interested, will not see the thread.  The forum wont be cluttered.

I am not so sure how to do it yet; but for a start if you wish to lead a discussion on business or investments, please write directly to me.  Leaders of such groups must be active, and keep the discussions or projects going.  Examples:  "An adverture club", "setting up shop", "investment seminars", etc. In principle, if a member has an interest to do something worthwhile to the SHC community, we will support the idea.

Terence Seah

17 Jan 2008 Monthly Gathering

Hi SHCians,

We have just celebrated and spent a season of good cheer that is X’mas.

Around the corner is Change and New Beginnings. i.e. in the coming New Year 2008.

May we change for the better and begin new friendships with fellow SHCians. Come to the first monthly gathering of the year 2008 at :-

Venue   : Han’s Cafe at 01-03 Great Eastern Square, near China Square.

Time      : 17 Jan 2008 { Thursday }

                1500 – 1730hrs. for retired or non working SHCians

                1730 – 2000hrs. for working SHCians.

Charges : Nil. Please buy your refreshments at the Cafe counter.

It is a ‘GettingtoKnow – You’  gathering and there is no topic in the agenda.

We encourage those who can, to attend both sessions. It would be good  for everyone to know as to who is coming, so please register if you are. There is no limit to number of attendees.

For those who have their own name tags, please bring them along. Otherwise, upon registration a sticky label with your name is given, this is to facilitate mingling.

P/S       Would appreciate Volunteer Photographers for this gathering.

Be seeing you……………… Jie 

Registration List:-

  1. L. H. Jie – Event Organiser
  2. Jeremy Tan
  3. June Chin
  4. Alice Seah
  5. Mary Chan
  6. Dan Huang – Photographer
  7. Jonathan Ong
  8. Dennis Wee
  9. Terence Seah
  10. Sam Lim
  11. Kenneth Tan – Registrar
  12. Andrew Yeung
  13. Susan Goh
  14. Paul Leong
  15. Jenny Leong
  16. Gibson Tan
  17. Cecilia Lim
  18. C. C. Lee
  19. Yin Fan
  20. Lesley Ho
  21. Susan Tan
  22. Tan Hong Choon
  23. Caroline Ang
  24. Teresa Hwang
  25. Peggy Ho
  26. Joyce Kwik
  27. Chong Swee Hock
  28. Alan Bock
  29. Ann Chew
  30. Jeffery Ng
  31. Ty Lim
  32. Ivy Wong
  33. P. H. Low
  34. Leong Kim
  35. Dennis Har
  36. Jimmy Chew
  37. Sally Chew
  38. Chew Wai Jin
  39. Christina CL Chan – Registrar
  40. Molly Yeo
  41. George Lee
  42. Lee Seok Cheng
  43. Frank Kaw
  44. Sophia Lim
  45. Peng Peng
  46. Magdalene Yap
  47. Lum Fook Fatt
  48. Tommy Chua
  49. Catherine Ho
  50. Nora Chia
  51. Bira L.
  52. Susan Chan – unable to attend
  53. James Siew
  54. Andrew Koh
  55. Jenny Chong
  56. Ron Lai
  57. Alice Lai
  58. Ron Koh
  59. Ros Chan
  60. Daniel Chan
  61. Alfred Ang
  62. Lina Ho
  63. King Seng Lee
  64. Anthony Sam
  65. Caroline Gee
  66. Pat N. N. Lim
  67. Judy Lim
  68. Kristin Leong
  69. Venika Leong

List of Registrants for Kelong Trip on 19 – 20 April 2008

Hi, Gang:

Apart from some former colleagues and pre-SHCian friends who have joined SHC, I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting any of you. I find it a little odd, being new to SHC and all, but I did agree to help Terence with the organisation of the Kelong Trip.  So here I am, you got me, for better or worse. :o)

I had a bit of bother compiling the list as not everyone registered on the same thread, and a few registered more than once on different threads. As far as I can make out from the two threads that I know of, the #33 people listed below have registered for the trip.

If I have inadvertently left anyone out, spelled your name wrongly (blame it on feeble eyesight) or there are others who have not yet done so but wish to register for the trip, please let me know as soon as you are able.

If there are more than 42 people wanting to go, we will have to work something out

Thanks and best regards,

Ron Koh

Note: #62 people have registered as at 4 Feb 2008,  including 6 tentative:

  1. Tim Liu
  2. Lily Ho Willocq
  3. Dan Huang
  4. Peng Peng
  5. Mary Chan
  6. V Wong (Tentative)
  7. Dennis Wee
  8. Wendy Goh*
  9. Alice Seah
  10. Margaret Chan
  11. Ron Koh
  12. Ros Chan
  13. Paul Leong
  14. Jenny Leong
  15. Christina C L Chan* (Tentative)
  16. S B Khoo
  17. L H Jie
  18. Gingko
  19. Veronique Lee*
  20. Catherine Yeo
  21. Joyce Tan
  22. Christina Chan
  23. Fong Cheong Kong
  24. Eyvonne Chew
  25. Josephine Yap
  26. Grace Kok
  27. Rene Leong*
  28. Maria Tan
  29. Douglas Chan
  30. Mary Tan
  31. Annie Loh
  32. Peter Goh
  33. Linda Chang
  34. Boon Liang
  35. Meifoo
  36. Terence Seah
  37. Janet Chan
  38. Chian Wah*
  39. Charles Wee*
  40. Ron Lai*
  41. Alice Lai*
  42. Alan Bock*
  43. Ann Chew*
  44. Vincent Wong*
  45. Eliza Chua* (Tentative)
  46. Gwyneth Lee* (Tentative)
  47. Kris Leong*
  48. Venika*
  49. Andrew Kuan* (Tentative)
  50. Aileen Kuan* (Tentative)
  51. S K Chua*
  52. Andrew Koh*
  53. Jimmy Chew*
  54. Sally Chew*
  55. Pearlynn Tan*
  56. Wana Tay*
  57. Catherine Chan*
  58. Jennifer Ong*
  59. William Wong*
  60. Grace Kang*
  61. Alfred Ang*
  62. Margie Koh*


* updated as 5.17pm, 4 Feb 2008


Ron Koh

Lawn bowling

Just what is this game anyway?

The game of Lawn Bowls is played on a large, rectangular, precisely leveled and manicured grass or synthetic surface known as bowling green which is divided into parallel playing strips called rinks.

The general object of the game is for participants to roll each of their BOWLS as close as possible to a single small white ball called the JACK (or kitty). Bowls may hit the jack, but the jack must remain within the boundary markers or the END will be declared "dead." Bowls are likely to hit other bowls, and may propel them into a position that is perhaps nearer to the jack, or perhaps to a distant position outside the boundary marker line that will take them out of play.

Games are played between opposing teams, each with from one to four players. SINGLES games are played between two players, DOUBLES between two pairs, TRIPLES between teams of three, and rinks between teams of four players.

After all members of each team have rolled a set of bowls (the completion of an END), the bowl closest to the jack counts one point for its team, and every other bowl belonging to that same team that is closer to the jack than the nearest one of the competitors’ counts 1 additional point. Game is made up of a series of these completed ends.

Each BOWLER has a matching set of four bowls. Each bowl in a set has a matching pair of distinguishing decorations on opposite sides. The number of bowls that each player uses is dependent on the number of team members. Bowls are not perfectly spherical, and will not roll straight. One side is slightly flattened, and it is toward that side with its BIAS that will draw the path of the bowl in a sweeping arc. The mastery of this phenomenon is at the heart of the challenge and excitement of the game.

What can we do for you?

1. We’ll tell you about the game.

Lawn Bowling has its roots in antiquity and has been played where English is spoken since the l3th century. There are over 130 Clubs in the United States and thousands more around the world. We are mostly amateurs and we bowl for the fun of it.

2. We’ll meet you at the Green.

After you’ve rolled that first bowl you’ll know why lawn bowlers love the sport. You too can become addicted to the sport of the ages. Just contact me (Chin) at h/p nos 98797949 if you are interested. 

3. Training lessons are free.

Our trained instructors will soon have you bowling on the green.

4. Low cost for a lifetime of enjoyment

A set of four bowls costs about the same as a good tennis racket or one of the better golf clubs and will last as long as you want it to. The club probably has some second hand bowls for sale.

$3 million boost for your financial freedom

Here it is. This is one rare payback for suffering unprecedented inflation and vaporising CPF values.  But it is up to you to take it up.

If you have an idea of devices and systems for the idea, you can tap into the new established government fund.  The Government’s focus is on developing and adapting new ideas and technologies to local conditions and producing prototypes for HDB living

Any ideas? Get together?

Follow-up to the SHC Saturday Online

From last night’s SHC Saturday Online, I think there is a topic which interests many people.  This is about investments in anything else, other than savings, fixed deposits and insurance.  Our newspapers carry many articles on seniors, and how to maximise returns in preparation for retirement. 

Last night, though adhoc, the participants shared some of their experience on interest rates in Australia, bonds and exchange rates.  We had a good discussion, although I must admit the discussion was not structured.  I dont know if there is a demand for such discussions, although investments can be a pretty private activity.  I use to believe that most SHC members keep their monies under the pillow.  But, in reality, I see many SHC members do try to get more than 1 – 2%.  Some make, but, of course, many do lose monies too.

Picking up from this evening, i think we can have a similar activity, a SHC investment chat online.  We pick a date and time, and if it works or is interesting, we can have a regular timing.  For a start, I would suggest 1000 to 1100 hrs on Wed 16 Jan 2008.  You can participate without leaving your home or your office, just infront of your computer.  It’s live.

For this event, we welcome the newbies investors, those who lost monies, and those who make some monies.  If you are a small or part-time trader, has some experience in equities, forex, bonds, etc, come join in too.  After this event, we shall develop further into more specific groups, if there is interest.

If you like to participate, please register your name here.  Here’s how to enter the conference.  This is a live event,  and participants must be on time.

Strictly for registered SHC members only.   Not for institutional traders. 

Terence Seah

Retirement means death – ST 12 Jan 2008

I read the Straits Times today.  The heading "Retirement means death" and the sub-heading "Urging seniors to stay active" and that "those who lead sedentary lives after retirement die quickly".  Pretty gloomy; but the message was strong.  Don’t retire, work.  People must remain active.  Use all your faculties.  Use them or lose. When a person retires, he must have a second career. 

For many of us, at our age, we do have strong views on retirement.  We have experience 45 years living on this earth.

Do you agree?  What do you think?  We can shout and we can complain.  Many of us have a good feel of the situation each of us are in today, and maybe tomorrow.  What can we do?  What should we do?  And, maybe as a club, what can we do?

Terence Seah 

Monthly Cycling on Sat, 19 Jan 08

Sat, 19 Jan 08 from 4 p.m. at East Coat Park Meet at the rear of McDonald Marine Cove (former East Coast Recreational Park). Rented bicycles are abundantly available at reasonable rates.

Activity will not be cancelled even if it rains but will be brought indoor to turn into chitchat session.

We will go for a dinner together after the session. Please come and join us.

Rain or shine, we will definitely be there 4 U. Look forward to seeing you guys.

Ah Nee, Jade Phua, Lily Ho n Yew Kwong

Who Are Coming – Ah Nee, Yew Kwong, Caroline, Andrew, Norlinda, Douglas Chan, Dan, Lina Ng, Anne To, Gingko, Veronique, Daisy Phua, Eileen Lee, Lisa Ong, Grace Kok, Mollie Tan, John Howe, Jimmy Chew & Sally & …

For guys n gals who cant make it tis time, no wori n we shall c u on 16 Feb 08.

Alicia Soh – Profile

Hi all SHCians

I came to know the club thru  the eNN newsletter and have been enjoying reading the interesting activities organised by the club. Cheers.

I am Alicia who loves the sun and that is why I look forward to my weekends doing either one of these activities like  roller-blading (not-pro), cycling, nature walking, swimming, trekking (if got kakis) etc etc. I also enjoy playing scrabble and practising yoga.

I am presently still working full time in a healthcare industry and hope to be able to work for the next ten years to come (official retirement age – 62)

Hope to see you all on the 17/1/08 meeting.


Alicia Soh

Jeffrey Lim – Profile

I had come across SHC quite some time ago following the article about it in the newspapers but in the hurly burly world of work (still actively working and hope never to retire) it was relegated into the black hole of the mind with all the other KIV items. Recently I was talking to a friend, Sophia Lim, and she reignited my interest and thus signed up.

Last year I should have been able to withdraw on my CPF account but it was not to be under the new regulations. That’s how old I am.

Also, I’m bi. Bi-location that is – living both in Singapore and Bangkok. The nature of my work involves the running of two offices of which I try to spend equal time on. Thus in a typical month, I’m two weeks in Bangkok and two weeks back in Singapore.

Outside of work I’m generally very outdoorsy – sailing and scuba diving, play bad golf (my golfing motto : I play bad golf for a good time!) and simple activities like jogging, walking and swimming. I run with the Hash House Harriers but it’s never considered as a serious running group. I love travelling too but never on package tours preferring to be a free and independent traveller even if it means getting lost every now and then.

That’s me in a nutshell.

Our little holiday in Korea Dec.2007

Dear SHC Friends   emoticon

A group of us went on a 6D/4N Korea Winter Escapade last December.  We spent our Christmas there but were back right after Christmas in time to join in the count-down at Safra Mt. Faber.

The group comprises of : 

  1. Grace Kok (our SHC cover girl)
  2. Margaret Tian (sometime you see her at cycling)
  3. Andrew Yeung (sotong from HK)
  4. Dan Huang (danzing Dan)
  5. Rene Leong (the teeny bopper)
  6. Lily Ho (EO for this trip)
  7. Sophie Willocq (Lily’s daughter)
  8. Chester and Yu Zhong (Rene’s 2 sons)

Here’s our pictures taken with Dan Huang’s camera which Terence so kindly set up for us in this link :

Hope to have more travel trips with SHCians in the near future.

A-neon    emoticon

2008 SHC Reunion Dinner

Eleanor has booked Carlton Hotel for the above function to be held on 2nd February, 2008. We would like to have a "feel" of the response. The cost per head is approximately $45/= and the Dinner Menu include:

  1. Raw fish salad
  2. BBQ Combination
  3. Beancurd with diced seafood
  4. Suateed cuttlefish with vegetables
  5. Steamed Perch with minced garlic
  6. Sauteed shrimps with cashew nuts and pepper
  7. Braised E-Fu noodles
  8. Seasonal fruit sago

Your urgent feedback is required. Thank you


  1. Roland Tong
  2. Tim Liu
  3. Yew Kwong
  4. Dan Huang
  5. Gwen
  6. Eliza
  7. ANee
  8. Lina Ng

Should we register SilverHairsClub? Step 3

This question has been posed to me a number of times, ever since SilverHairsClub got started.  However, I must admit we have not got anywhere.  One member refers to SHC as a portal, others call it a website or a forum.  We do have sensible rules; and our  objective is well known.  SHC caters to the over 45s, and its needs to meet new friends.  So far, I think we have stayed well within the laws of Singapore.

Earlier discussion? Click here.

Of course, there are occasions some of us like to stray outside club rules; but whether we are a registered club or not, the laws of the country still apply.

Like many of us, and I know this very well from discussions, the majority prefers keeping our entity simple, flexibile and no-nonsense.  I too prefer the existing style and mode of operation.

Now, 2008 is here, and I like to highlight some points, hiccups and complications which were raised last year.  For everybody’s benefit, I point them below:

  1. Project leaders had encountered difficulties with external projects eg govt bodies and corporations because we are not a recognised entity.
  2. We do not enjoy the benefits and advantages of other similar social organisations.  Not possible to seek assistance from companies.

Interesting, SilverHairsClub does not have a management or committee structure.  We have no venue, and we do not collect funds.  We have no constitution, just one objective and a set of taboos.  No AGMs, etc.

But, we do have dedicated Event Organisers, and an active community of SilverHairs.

I like to take the next few months (until 31 March 2008) to hear from you.  And, would continue to maintain the following position.

  1. Club objective will remain; and club taboos will stay.  No discussions on politics, sex, religion, race, direct selling and MLM.
  2. Membership must remain free.  And strictly for the over 45s.
  3. Members are free to organise their own activities; and other members are free to join one another.
  4. Healthy activities are encouraged.  Continued jobs and entrepreneurship will be the drive for SilverHairs.

The founders have never envisaged SilverHairsClub to this size and activeness.  But, fact is we have grown, and we have to review how to manage this.  I will not call an open meeting to discuss this issue; but let’s use this forum to discuss and offer feedback.  Can we or do we need to formalise SHC as a society or a company?  You may have ideas, let’s hear them.

Terence Seah

Here’s a dream for 18 – 25 Nov 2008 (Camping North Thailand)

As you all know by now, I spend almost all my weekends in Thailand.  And, over the Christmas period, I travelled one week to Chiangmai and Mae Hong Son.  Temperatures were 5 – 18C, lower if you are up there in the mountain tops.  Visited the National Parks & resorts, enjoyed the fresh air, dry season, mists, mountain views, rivers and reservoirs, and nice people. 

A number of Singaporeans enjoy great holidays in 5 star hotels and fabulous buffets.  For a change, I like to share with you another type of holidays.  Camping and tenting in the mountain and national parks of Thailand’s north.  No hotels to stay.  Clean and safe, with toilets (no hot water) and good roads.  Two persons in a 4 persons tent.  Enjoy the scenery and air.  Eat only fresh vegetables from breakfast to dinner.

Two years ago, a few of us including Oi Cheng and Ann Giri went up to the above described places.  We enjoyed it, because there was no shopping.

This year, I am pretty determined to organise something bigger for SHC members only.  Fly Singapore/Chiangmai, arrive at 6am at Chiangmai airport.  And, immediately whisked to the mountain resorts.  Hopefully, the return flight will cost us $180.  There are no hotels to book, I suggest you start to look for a 2 – 4 person tent (costing around $40 – 50) and share.  For tent mates, make sure you find acceptable snoring partners.  Sound travels far at night, even in different tents.

Food and fruits, we share, cannot cost a bomb.  If we cannot cook, I might look for a local cook to travel with us.  And, last depending on numbers, we will travel in 10-11 seater vans.  We share cost of transportation.

For those who loves cycling, walking, fresh air, quiet surroundings, waterfalls, and consider.  And, we will be comfortable, have fun and safe.  Even, if the trip is just to chat among friends, consider join this trip.  The date Tue 18 – Tue 25 Nov 2008.  Your thoughts?

Here are the list of dreamers.  The ones who wants to see the stars, be a veg for a week, bathe in cold water, wants fresh air, and a comfortable tent.  This list is tentative until 31 Aug 2008.

  1. Andrew Yeung
  2. Kathy Dng
  3. Gingko Tay
  4. Veronique Lee
  5. Alice Seah
  6. Rene Leong – 51% participatiang
  7. Norlinda
  8. Su Zhang
  9. Joyce Tan
  10. Kenneth Tan
  11. Caroline Gee
  12. Oi Cheng
  13. CJ Ang
  14. Ann To
  15. Janet Chan
  16. Ann To
  17. Dee Ang
  18. Alice Teo
  19. LH Jie
  20. Molly Chua
  21. Andrew Kuan
  22. Ron Koh
  23. Lily Ho
  24. Melissa Khng
  25. June Lim
  26. Sompho
  27. Terence Seah – definitely on.
  28. Dan Huang
  29. Mary Chan
  30. Grace Wong
  31. Eyvonne Chew
  32. Gwyneth Lee
  33. Ron Koh
  34. Ros Chan
  35. Cheryl Ho
  36. Elizabeth Hwang
  37. Margaret Tian
  38. Sompho Homjumroon
  39. Charles Chua
  40. ChristinaCL Chan
  41. Annie Loh – 51% attending
  42. Margaret Chan
  43. William Chan
  44. Helen Wong
  45. Daisy Yeo
  46. All names above are pending leave approval, available of hot water, comfortable tents and acceptable sleeping partners.  Closing date 31 Aug 2008.

Terence Seah

SHCic Meeting Update

All Members,

Every  First and Third  Friday of the Month, SHC Investment Club is holding its Meeting at Scorebot Pte Ltd

Time: 7.00pm to 8.30pm

Cost: Purchase of F&B

Agenda: Open to members suggestion prior to meeting by posting on SHC website.

In order to better co-ordinate and subsequent follow up on the meeting. 

I had created this thread. Please use it solely for discussing matters related to meeting.

Our first meeting in 2008 was 4th January 2008.

Future meeting will have their respective comments added.

Members present:

  1. Terence Seah
  2. KT Wong
  3. Dennis Har
  4. Ronald Lee
  5. Ronald Wie
  6. Roland Tong
  7. Eleanor Chan

Please add your comments

Join us on Saturday night Online

Reading the Trivia thread, I see many of us love music.  Maybe you have a song, an old song in mind, English, Chinese, Hokkien, Thai, Malay, etc.  and you like to dedicate it to all of us, who cannot sleep before 1am.  Well, we do have many late birds.

I started to love after Charles, Susan and Yew Kwong help me look for my Talent-Time song.  If you have a song, pick one up from  you can play it for all of us to hear.  Don’t know about youtube, but you have the song name, I guess we can find it for you.

Join us tonight 1100 pm to 0100 hrs for Saturday night Online".  You need to log in here.  You can also chat online.

  • Conference name:  star-conference
  • Conference password:  star
  • Guest name:  Your name

Strictly for SilverHairsClub members only.

Terence Seah

SHC Multimedia Conference

Come and experience  the state-of-the-art conference tonight. Join us even if you are not present physically. You can log in now from anywhere in the world.  You will seldom have a chance to have the unique experience of communicating seamlessly with both the physical and virtual world at the same time.

The physical meeting is for both the Investment Club and Travel Club.

Venue: Scorebot at 18 Bali Lane (opposite Raffles Medical; nearby MRT Bugis Junction)

Date:   Fri 4 Jan 2007

Time:   7 pm for the main physical session

If you cannot join us just log into our multimedia on-line chat conference. You can use both chat and audio to address the group.

It is very simple. Just log in here

Use the following:

Conference name: star-conference

Conference password: star

Guest name: their name.

In case you need more info, the user guide is here

Page 16 & 17 shows you how to "phone" in and talk to us. Otherwise just stick to on-line text chat.

You can now log-in to start a chat,  submit suggestions, ask questions for the group even before the real meeting starts. You are encouraged to do so earlier to familiarize yourself especially if you are new to SHC on-line chat. During the actual session we may be too busy to handle connection issues.

So come in now and be ready. Have a great session. Enjoy.  

Social Waltz

Dear Dancers n anyone interested,emoticon

How many of you have notice the graceful and alluring dance movements of social waltz?

Ever wish that you knew the dance steps and to be able to swing with your partner round the dance floor to the tune of the Tennesee Waltz and the Last Waltz.

Here is the opportunity!!

Start Date: Thurday, January 10th, 2008

Time: 7.00pm – 8.00pm

Venue: Kembangan CC (Less than 5 minutes walk from Kembangan MRT) Proper dance studio with mirror!

Dance Coach: Jeffrey Gan

Cost: $60.00 for 8 lessons.


EO, Dan Huangemoticon

Alice Chua – Profile

Good Day to all!

I’m a new entrant to the club, having snooped around the SilverHairsClub site on and off for a couple of months last year.  Found the stuff put up and exchange between members interesting.  Decided to do something out of my comfort zone for 2008 by joining the club.  

Am in transitions of sorts and planning for Halftime journey, hoping to reclaim some time and life.  Currently in full-time employment and fortunate to enjoy paid job, tutoring dyslexic kids and training others to support dyslexics.  

I have similar hobbies and interests with most people, and willing to try something new to learn, to grow. 

Food for thought from my current reading:

"To be human we must engage life — we must make decisions, build relationships, create beauty and give ourselves."  Donald W McCullough

Best wishes for a Blessed New Year of opportunities to live, laugh, learn and love,

Alice Chua 

Reading Circle

Hi Good people,

For the life of me I couldn’t find the earler Reading Circle postings/comments, except for the latest by Ron Wie. The last thing I want to do in a discussion of books, is to be listed under ‘Fart Facts’…..interesting tho’ it may be.

ELibrary costs and is tedious. Nothing like putting up your feet, relax in an armchair or better yet be in bed  with, a good book. The libraries in S’pore are good sources and free.

RonW if you are looking for a good classic book that pertains to our forefathers culture, hardships in China….then " The Good Earth " by Pearl S. Buck is a very good start. Very well and interestingly written. Its about a farming family and  gives an insight of life and attitudes in China. It is no wonder why our ancestors left the Orient shores and sailed the 7 seas to look for a better life. So here we are alien, to our own kin in China.

If its possible watch the {black & white} movie. Over the years I have read the book twice and the movie 3 times….I don’t seem to tire of them. They are classics.

 It sure beats reading a foreign Russian setting like " War & Peace " with its very long winded names that you cannot identify with after a while.

Hope this is informative and encouraging. Anyone, with further input or books to recommend???? Do share………………..Happy reading…………Jie

Trivia Thread

It is oft said that forgetfulness is the first sign of ageing. We cannot stop the process but, perhaps, we can try to slow it. So, after much egging here is a thread to test our mamm – oops, not again (another sign of ageing) – test out memories or otherwise gain that knowledge our parents and teachers told us were unimportant and wouldn’t get us anywhere. Now is a time to find out how sweet that forbidden fruit is and have a good giggle at how little we know because we had allowed the good life to pass us by.

So move that cursor over your hippocampus (the hard disk in your brain, for the technology savvy), click out those trivia questions and put out the challenge: “So, you didn’t know this did you … smart-a***?”

Okay, so you take pride in not wasting your youth with trivia. Well, show us that you are indeed a real smart-a*** and answer the questions posed here!

Please also  participate even if you are genuinely seeking answers.  Example, a tune keeps going through your head and you are dying to know the title of the song. You may want to ask the title for the song with the lyrics:

    "Stepped into a church I passed along the way/I get down on my knees and I pretend to pray"

Also, you may not want to ask the question, but just want to share some trivia information like:

    Cat Stevens, who had a big hit with "Morning Has Broken", has embraced Islam and now goes by the name Yusuf Islam.

But do keep questions as trivial as possible – we’ve all got this far in life because we’ve passed the “other” intelligence tests already. And for starters, we’ll stick with trivia pertaining to music and films.

So, ready … set … let the fun begin!