Olympics renamed SHC Games Day

On 16 Jan 2006, we held a brainstorming session. Headed by Patrick Yeo.  The brainstorm team consists of Ronald Lee, Evelyn Tan, Shirley Wong, Margaret Lee, Terence Seah, Elsie Ho, Charles Wee.  Instead of calling SHC Olympics, the group decided we shall now call the activity the SHC Games Day.

Activities to start with include scrabbles, mahjong, monopoly, walking, bowling.

SHC will send out an invitation to find out who would participate in the different activity groups.  Closing date – end Feb 2006.

Date: Sunday, 17 Sept 2006.


The weather is not friendly for walking this month and last. We have to set a date otherwise we will still be waiting. I propose 12.2  Kentridge and sugei buloh have been proposed. we start off with kentridge and in March we can go to Sugei buloh.

My proposal

12 feb Sunday

time 10 am or  2pm

After the walk we can have a little "picnic" as suggested.

Its your call

Thank You

Vincent Khoo initiates Thailand orientation trip

A brainstorm meeting was held on Wed 11 Jan 2006 at Atrium Orchard, Dhoby Ghout MRT. Present:  Evelyn, Ann, Vincent Khoo, Ronald Lee, KC Lau and Terence.  Patrick Ang and Richard Kwok participated briefly.

The group looked at short term stays, with a target of SGD 500 – 600 per month, covering shared rental and food. Other topics include retirement village, comparing with retirement homes in Singapore at SGD 1,000 per month. Living costs were discussed, and while it sounded cheaper to stay for short periods, there was general agreement that most will consider Singapore their real home.

There was strong interest to organise short "no frills" travel to see and understand Thailand’s culture and opportunities.  Other interests include organising meetings with International hospitals.

Vincent takes the lead, and a Thailand trip "No fills" has been organised.  The date and time is set for March 21, 2006, Tuesday 12 noon to March 27, 2006, Monday 12 noon.  SilverHairs to organise their own air tickets.

Only 8 persons can join this program.  To take part, simply add your name, by putting a comment to this posting.  Based on first come basis.

Vincent Khoo

First brainstorm meeting on the SilverHairsClub Olympics

Patrick Yeo has initiated the first brainstorm meeting on January 16 at the SRC.  The following people have volunteered to be part of this team.  Besides Patrick as team leader,the others are Charles Wee, Evelyn, Shirley, Margaret and Terence.

Get ready to join the fun next year.

Terence Seah

First brainstorm meeting on living overseas

Following Vincent Khoo’s comments at the Nov gathering, that he can live in Thailand for SGD 500 per months, there has been interest to discuss how one can live overseas for this amount.

Vincent has organised a 1st meeting to take the brainstorming process further.  The group includes Evelyn, Ann, Vincent, Richard, Li Mei, K C Lau and Terence.  1st meeting organised at Doby Ghout MRT, 11th January.

Li Mei cannot come, last minute something on.  Instead,  Ronald Lee is attending.


Hi everyone

It is good to receive some response but I think we need more people to communicate. I thought most are retirees or almost there. Anyway we can go to sugei buloh. Ann it is not going to costs much.I am mindful of distance and  costs. Take a train to kranji mrt. a bus will bring us in or at the door step. Costs $5-6 includes your mrt /bus -return trip. Unfortunately the bus operates on sunday. weather can be very hot with little shade.no place to picnic or socialise. Our good friend Charles propose Pasir Ris another lady suggested kent

ridge.any other proposals welcome.pls remember not all drive.near mrt/bus.I am certain we are moving ahead.it will take time.regular meeting will break the ice.Thanks YouCharles /Ann/Tan .End ot the mth is CNY how abt 1st week FEB? Place and activities is still open for discussion.after the walk/cycle we need to picnic to get to know each other. so we need not stand on ceremony


Terence I think we should have a agenda in the next meeting.


thailand talk- die die must attend

Once again I thank all of U.  charles,ann,tan and myself look forward to your participation. 

Walkers, bikers n outdoor people

ChowMeng, Sungei Buloh is not such a hot place.  There is no public bus to that park on weekdays, only on Sundays.  A lot of us do not have cars, and we are not that well off to take cabs unless its on a sharing basis.  Can I suggest an alternate place, like Kent Ridge Park where there is a sort of tree top walk, but much more people-friendly.  This place is kinder to old folks like us, unlike the MacRitchie Treetop.

As for travelling,  I will be going to Fraser’s Hill in early February.  Why not take this opportunity to get our members to join in.  I am sure it can be easily arranged.

Outdoor activities – social walk

A few members have indicated their interest in having regular activities like walking and cycling. Last meeting also highlighted our many well traveled members . we have a very varied group of people

1 full time retirees

2 partime retirees

3 above 45 and still gainfully employ.

Time and place is a challenge to us as all are not fully retired.So there is no common platform . We have to organise monthly or fortnighly SOCIAL WALK. W e need mass participation. Hopefuly from these informal activities U can find your group. Time and place cannot coincide for all. Please give yourselves sometime to meet and match. For DIY travel it is always 2 to go. For our activities I think we at least 10 and above. Any thing less will not be meaningful.  We need U to contribute ideas and be a ready partner to organise and lead

I propose we have our first walk -sungei buloh .Easy and accessible. Or cycle in one of the island. Please response and throw ideas.

If you like to travel. Throw me your ideas and we can form a group . We can consult our Elsie. She travel to many ULU places. No shopping and 5 star hotel. So many of U are season travellers and I am sure U can find KAKIS amongst us. We can plan a travel schedule for the year.  

For a start I will co ordinate all these activites. Of course I need your response.  TIME is not on our side.  We are noted for KASI, KAISU AND KAI CHENG HU. It is too late now to KAxxxxx The clock is ticking furiously and we have to maximise our time. You are all financially capable. You have too much time on hand.This is the last call to find Kakis . We all have friends but it si always time and place that is not convienient. LAST CALL Please come out and connect. if u are a full time professional retirees how about being a professional co ordinator. This is for all our brothers and sisters. REMEMBER TIME IS NOT ON OUR SIDE. DO NOT WAIT UNTIL WE CANNOT WALK.

Iam very amazed that our retired school teacher can live on $500 in thailand. Terence is our expert and he live there. Perhaps he can conduct some talks for us. For those who are on Stretched Dollars U have to attend. I assure U the daily and monthly bills will not shrink. What goes up will not come down. For $500 U can have three meals in hawker centre(not food court) and one round trip on mrt.no feeder service. U have to walk. There is a food court near my working place. The prices were 3-3.50 Today  4-4.50.

For the younger ones Mr Gibson can offer financial investments and health talks. Health is wealth He is 47 but looks 37. I am not sure it is his health or wealth or both.

We are thankful to all the FOUNDERS who form this club. It is very timely as the population is fast aging . The Founders are all workingand hav e family. Lets support them by assuming more responsible  roles.

During the last two meetings I noticed almost all have beautiful black hair. Mine is complete white. Did I do something wrong! Finally I wish to congradulate all of U . U have done well by being financially capable. This is the ultimate goal. To retire comfortably. Well done ! I have a long way to go. No I am not young. I just happen to born slightly later than U. I do not plan to collapse behind the fast food counter or cleaning the void deck.  Please response.


Happy New Year greetings

The SilverHairsClub wishes all SilverHairs a Happy New Year.  And, I like to start with by sharing my three New Year wishes for 2006.

  1. Definitely a healthy body for myself and all other SilverHairs, and
  2. After hearing from other SilverHairs last night, have at least between $1,000 to $2,500 per month for my retirement, and
  3. A fruitful number of years ahead for all of us.

Please share with all SilverHairs your New Year wishes.

Terence Seah


Sorry Terence, did not get a chance to talk to you yesterday……. you were too busy mixing around!  I enjoyed last night’s session, with lots of enthusiastic sharing. But really,  we ought to bring back the practice of starting and finishing on time…. well, maybe not too far off time. 

My trip to Fraser’s Hill is simple enough affair.  A trip on one of those aircon coach to KL, then a car trip up the Hill.  The arrangement is done by my friend who frequently travels there.  Anyone interested in joining me can email me, so that I can forward the itinerary.

I certainly love adventure travel, but prefer anywhere nearby, and reasonably affordable ($$ constraints due to retirement!).  Must look for that potential tour guide and the Rompin regular!

Spring cleaning and unwanted things

By Asian living standards, Singapore families do enjoy a better lifestyle than many others around us. Some of us do have the good things in life eg toys for our children, English and Chinese books for the kids, spare radios and TVs, kitchen utensils, used spectacles we longer put on, and unwanted dresses, pants and T shirts.

During the coming spring cleaning, if your family has something unwanted in the store room, and you would like to give them to some other families who would need them, please SMS 9489-4360/email me.  I do carry them to Thailand, and give them to poorer families.  Please do not throw them away.

Thank you.

Terence Seah

SHC Dec 30 gathering – attendees

Here is an updated list of SilverHairsClub attendees:

  1. Terence Seah
  2. Richard Kwok
  3. Margaret Lee
  4. Gibson Tan
  5. Patrick Yeo
  6. Elsie Ho
  7. Michael Ho
  8. Lena Chin
  9. Mollie Teo
  10. Peter Lee
  11. Veronica Wong
  12. Linda Tan
  13. Evelyn Tan
  14. Lee Hock Cheong
  15. Wong Kong Thean
  16. Chow Weng
  17. Charles Wee
  18. Mike Seow
  19. Daniel Lim
  20. Simon Sim
  21. June Wan
  22. Ho Mei Fun
  23. Mohamed Tumpang
  24. Jacqy Lim
  25. Maria Tan
  26. Joyce Yim
  27. Ann Giri
  28. Andrew Yuen
  29. Richard Baey
  30. Catherine Yeo
  31. Kathy Dng
  32. Christina Chan
  33. Edward Wong
  34. Rosalind Koh
  35. Ng Teck Hong
  36. Jannie Tan
  37. Lee Siew Moi
  38. Michael Lee
  39. Cheom Sam Kuin
  40. Helen Kwek
  41. Montana Loy
  42. K C Lau
  43. Jacqueline Niu
  44. Teresa Tan
  45. Shirley Tham
  46. Nanz
  47. Raymond Kee
  48. Nelly Ng
  49. Sophia Lim
  50. Julia Tan
  51. Eileen Tan
  52. James Siew
  53. Diana Lee
  54. Dolly Lim
  55. Roland Chou
  56. Vincent Khoo
  57. Laura Wee
  58. Gary Hon

Invites closed, as we are unable to cope with the room size.  Terence Seah

Catherine Yip – Profile

Nice to meet you at One Fullerton Club and other members too.  I have a partime job as a dental nurse. Working on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday night from 1830 to 2000 hrs. Only be free on Wednesday. Thus I don’t think I can join the monthly gathering on 30 Dec 05.  Please let me know if they have already started the activity as below mentioned, such as Karoake, singing and dancing,etc. Especially dancing, I like to dance.
"I not really active in SilverHairClub, I wish I can but I couldn’t due to my working schedule. I only available on Wednesday night thus I missed the last gathering on 30 Dec 05 (Friday night). But I enjoyed New Year eve D&D count down on 31 Dec 05 which organise by Singapore Associate of the Visually Handicap. I was a MC on stage, really enjoyed so much with the members and volunteers. I am the volunteer for the blind (here call "member") of SAVH for eleven years already. It so nice to help them and bring joyful to them. I also go out with the handicap (Wheel chair member) once in a while.

I like to make friend and bring joyful to people. I ever be a match-marker with a friend and it successfully. Now they both live happily, it great! I’m so happy.
My interest is Movie, Karaoke (Sing for fun only not talent time), Dancing (Most favourite interest), travelling and as a volunteer. In fact I’m looking for a dancing partner who can join me for the dancing lesson in CC. Cause most of the dancing member are female, less male.
May be I might not able to attend the gathering all the time, but still wish that you could update the gathering date for me. I will try my best to attend it."

Updates – SilverHairsClub December 2005

1.  Nov gathering was just over.  About 40 SilverHairs attended.  Richard
Kwok was organiser and Gibson Tan was the venue host.  For pictures, plse

2.  Next gathering – We will have the next SilverHairsClub get together on
Dec 30.  Subject to confirmation, the gathering will be at the
Shenton/Robinson area, from 1830 – 2000 hrs.  Plse see events –

To participate, let us know and we shall send you an invitation card.

3. SHC Olympics – Patrick Yeo is Event organiser and team leader of the SHC
Olympics.  Dec and Jan will be used for ideas brain-storming.  Please email
me or Patrick, if you like to be in the brain-storming committee.

To participate, simple email back your interest and game type for the SHC

4.  SHC Talentime – Elsie Ho is Event organiser and team teader.  We shall
brain storm this activity these Dec and Jan.  Elsie is looking for all kinds
of talents.  Can be dancing, guitar, solo or group, not just singing.
Please email back on this email to myself or Elsie, if you like to help with
the organisation.

And, if you like to participate, simply inform us at SilverHairsClub.com.

5.  SHC Garage sale – Stictly for SHC members only.  Plse see

6.  Website registration – it’s simple.  Less than 5 mins.  Join other SHC
members.  Get to know new friends.  https://silverhairsclub.com/wp-login.php
The  monthly activity is always announced on the website, so regististration is

7.  SilverHairs activities – Read the forum.  SilverHairs members have
started activities on scrabble, cycling, nature walk, pot luck, dancing,
Karoake, singing, business talks, Jobs, chess, travel, etc.

Feel free to contact one another, or start your own group.  But, don’t
forget to join the monthly SHC gathering.

Terence Seah

Andrew Yeung – Profile

I am 55 now. I migrated to Singapore (from Hong Kong) 13 years ago.

I don’t have must activities and have not many friends in Singapore. Besides working, I usually spend most of my time at home playing PC, watching TV and reading books sometimes.

Previously, I enjoy this mundane lifestyle. But when my wife passed away (one year ago), I considered I cannot carry on this kind of lifestyle and have to broaden my interests and know more friends. I hope I can achieve this in the SilverHairsClub.

How to post msgs

I just recd a email from a member.He has come forward and ready to share.It is very encouraging. To post a msg in the forum go

1 to the home page of silverhairs

2scroll down to a box name META

3 register your name and email

4 a password will be sent to your email add

5 recd your password log in

6 the rest is easy


my email add is chowweng@gmail.com

Charles Wee – Profile

Hi all,

If you can paddle a bicycle you can join me in a ride from Lower Pierce Reservoir car park, travel along the old Thomson Road grand prix racing track up to Upper Pierce Reservoir, rest with toilet break, enjoy the scenic waters, ride back, cross Upper Thomson at traffic light then proceed Bishan Park 1 then Bishan Park 2 , then have a coffee break at nearby AMK, Teck Kee. Total distance about 16 kilometres, time about 3 hours. Good exercise & fellowship.

I have been doing this routine every Monday at 8am with a couple of friends. This project can immediately take off for those interested.  Bicycle on rack at back of car OR put in car boot with car backseat folded backwards and detachable front wheel bicycle taken out. Free car park whole day.

Alternative routes could include Sentosa, P.Ubin, Pasir Ris Park, Marina South to Kallang stadium, East Coast, Changi/Tanah Merah seaside, Sembawang Park, etc.

charles – for healthy living.emoticon

Outdoor activities/travel

The weather is not too friendly during this time of the year. I think we should not wait until next year to plan some activities. This self help Silverhairs club will be very impt to many many  lives in years to come. We should start now to form a committee for some activities. Please put  up your hand. All can help. We need tibs tibs tibs on places to walk,activities, travel etc etc etc  As members of Silverhairs club our experiences are tremedous. We all come from different social and financial background. By putting up your hands we can organise activities for all. As they say there will be something for all. The FOUNDERS have initiated lets do our part and organise. RAISE YOUR HANDS AND BE NOTICE. 

SHC Nov 2005 gathering

About 40 people attended the SilverHairsClub Nov 30 gathering at ONE Fullerton.  Starting at 6pm, the event saw SilverHairs writing their names on sticky labels, actively introducing themselves to one another, and enjoying the view of the setting sun at the Singapore river mouth.

Event organiser was Richard Kwok and Venue host was Gibson Tan.  Also present were Patrick Yeo (Team leader for 2006 Olympics) and Elsie Ho (Team Leader for 2006 Talentime).  For pictures, please click on silverhairsclub.com/SHC/SHC051130.

The evening topic “What do you plan to do when you reach 55?” started at 7pm.  Although we had a few observers, many SilverHairs shared their meaning of retirement.  Some ideas include travelling, fellowships, nature walks, cooking, potluck, computer classes, making money and collecting CPF.  There were also concerns of no CPF to collect, little money left, no where to go and no friends to talk with.

And, on the whole, we had fun and friendship.  Small groups start to form.  We look forward to the next gathering, likely to be much bigger.