SilverHairs get SilverHairs program

The SilverHairsClub will keep growing.  Our numbers are small, and to keep our activities vibrant, we shall launch a year-end "SilverHairs get SilverHairs" program.

We have prepared enough SilverHairsClub T-shirts to give SHC members who invite other SilverHairs to join the club.  Until 31 Dec 2006, introduce 5 SilverHairs to join the club by sending us an email with fullname, mobile tel (optional) and your name.  Note:  Husband and wife, using one email address, considered as one member.

The SilverHairsClub T-shirts are high quality, with collar, and come in Dark Blue, Red and White.  There is a lady’s size too. and for men, the sizes are L, M and S.  The words "SilverHairsClub" is embroidered nicely on the left.  The T-shirt will come to you via post.

SilverHairs who have introduced 5 new members:

  1. Jimmy Liaw

Terence Seah

Specially designed SilverHairsClub T-shirts

Hi, this is a reminder to submit your name to get the first SilverHairsClub T-shirts.  These are specially designed, good quality and comes with the SilverHairsClub logo.  To get this T-shirt, you need to know the names of 50 SHC members, by face.  As the quantity being produced is small, each T-shirt costs us $15 plus $4 for embroidery, and we will not make big quanitities.

So hurry, get to know more SilverHairs, and get a free SilverHairsClub T-shirt.  Closing date: 31 Dec 2006.

Terence Seah

Protect Your Senses Day

Saw this in the papers :-

Protect Your Senses Day – Eye, Ear, Nose

18 Nov 06, Sat, 9am to 4pm

NUH, Kent Ridge Wing Auditorium & Lobby

There will be free screenings for common eye, hearing and allergy problems.

There are talks on :-

  • The New Face of Eye Plastic Surgery
  • How Do I Know If I Have Glaucoma
  • Advanced Cataract and Presbyopia Treatment
  • LASIK – Am I Suitable
  • Do I Have Allergic Rhinitis
  • Hear Well, Hear Now
  • Snoring – What Can Be Done

Registration for talks and screenings is required. Call 6-772 5390.

Pot luck – an idea

Last week, I was up in the mountains of Mae Hong Son, Thailand.  As usual, when the air is fresh and the thoughts are clear, the brains get to work better.

Ann Giri, Oi Cheng and myself came up with an idea of a regular potluck session.  SHC invites SilverHairs together and each of us bring along a little specialty.  We haven’t thought of a place, nor have we considered what kind of food.  But, we thought we throw the idea to everybody first.

Do you like the idea?  What’s your suggestion to take this idea further? What can you bring along, without buying anything from the local coffee shop?  Any place you have in mind?

I think what counts is the meeting of friends.  We should keep the idea simple.

Terence Seah

November Walking Route

November  Walk  – MacRitchie Board walk

Group Leader :   Shc Veronica Wong
11 November 2006 (Sat)
Time:                   4.30pm  (Please be punctual)
Meeting Place:   Bus Stop outside MacRitchie Reservoir (opposite         Mount Alvenia Hospital, just below the long pedestrian overhead bridge)

Bus Nos:          SBS 52, 74, 93,  130, 132, 156, 157, 162, 165, 166
                                     SMRT 167, 852, 855, 980, 640, 645

Bus Nos.  opposite M reservoir (Mt Alvenia side) SBS 52, 74, 93, 157, 165
                                         SMRT 852, 855, 645

From meeting point, it will take 15-20min walk to reach the Boardwalk skirting the water edge. You can fill up your water bottle and visit the rest rooms on the way to the Boardwalk. The walking route  is scenic, serene and  beautiful on a clear day and you  will have a chance to walk through the wooden "maze" (built over the reservoir) to reach the boardwalk.  We can have a photoshot here. We take the Chemperai Trail which is 20-25 min walk.  Midway, we pay homage to a tree because we have to bend our body to cross it and then we take the Jering (name of a malay fruit) Trail, another 10-15min.
We will reach the  Island Golf Course and then we return via the Jogging track provided the weather is fine. The jogging track is undulating and can be  muddy or  slippery at certain spots if it rains.
 The total time walking time is slightly less than  2 hours.  This will be a different walk from last month’s  Kallang walk where the path is clean and surrounding is bright.  
After the walk, we can have a drink/snack at the Reservoir café or have dinner at Kopitiam in  Upper Thomson, near Sin Ming Road.,  or at Toa Payoh MRT station.   Bus 157 goes to TPayoh central  MRT.     Bus 165, 166 to Upper Thomson.
Those adventurous and needing more exercise can walk to Kopitiam  (another 15 minutes) through WestLake
housing estate & Lakeview Condominium.  The choice is yours.
Leave your expensive "Guess & Versace" pants at home.
Wear track shoes (no sandals/slippers),  bring an umbrella (or poncho) and water bottle. The year end months are usually wet and we are in the catchment area.
Do you know what is  “nature helicopters, feathered friends at water edge, alien invaders, lord of the sky”.
Come and join the walk and find out for yourself – enjoy nature’s treasures.
Those who would like to join the walk,  please contact me, Veronica Wong
Hope to See you ! 

Veronica Wong

PRIME magazine, for over 45

The SilverHairsClub is for Singaporeans, over 45.

Some of you may have heard of PRIME in Singapore. This magazine targets men and women, over 45, and covers topics on health, wealth, nutrition and leisure. The magazine promotes issues on active ageing, lifelong learning and intergeneration bonding, and addresses the growing elderly population in Singapore. According to PRIME, Singapore is the second fastest ageing population in Asia after Japan and by 2030, one in five Singaporeans will be 65 or older.

Editor Eleanor Yap, with 16 years experience in publishing, started PRIME this year to educate a very niche market.  A graduate from the US, Eleanor has worked as an editor with Ezyhealth, Home Concepts, World Environment, Retail Asia and Graduate.  As a proponent of giving back to the community, Eleanor was the publications director for Camp Sunshine, a project for children.

There are synergies that can be achieved with some cooperation.  Please pen your ideas here.  If you think you can contribute to this link, please share your thoughts, and we will take this further.

Terence  Seah 



Just to share with all of us something I came across in the papers. There is a public auction of valuable stamps, banknotes (including golden number banknotes on behalf of the Monetary Authority of Singapore), coins and antique (hmmm…wonder if I could display myself as an antique…for auction? hmmm…) postcards on 3 and 4 Nov 06 at Hotel Le Meridien Singapore.

What is interesting is the public preview on 2 Nov 06.


A big nice photo of yourself

I have been asked many times to put the photos of SilverHairsClub members on the website.  I have not had the chance to do so.  There are members who are shy, and prefer that we do not put up their photos.  But, then there are members who would like other SilverHairs to know about them.

So, we shall give you an option.  Please see the photos page.  If you would like your photograph to be shared on the website, as in the photos page, please send a digital photograph of yourself and your name to our office adminsitrator Vishal at

We will coordinate the pictures and have them up on the website by 30 Nov 2006.

Note, this is optional.

Terence Seah

Surgery and patient care overseas

From requests to organise groups overseas for patient care, we are looking at organising a few interesting talks for SilverHairs, who are interested in knowing what are the advantages and costs in considering surgery and patient care overseas.  At the moment, we are looking out for reputable overseas international hospitals which are prepared to give us a presentation on this topic.

Obviously, there are pros and cons.  For those who are keen to listen, please drop your name here. 

If you know of such a hospital, please share your contact.  I would assume the talks would be conducted next year, or sooner when more information is available.

If you are a member or ex-member of the medical profession, please let us know, so that you can help moderate or lead these talks.

Terence Seah

E Learning

Yest morning we had our Net learning. Yew Kwong was the instructor assisted by Ronald and Jade.From questions asked, many are still at loss  to internet selling / buying and internet banking.

Yew Kwong taught them the correct procedures before one can  engage in E selling/buying. All these require  protocols  and commitments and access to internet banking via password. This is the area most are unwilling or uncomfortable.He taught them how to follow proper procedures and to DELETE FOOTPRINTS after every transactions or just before they log off . Such procedures are  critical if one is overseas or using a third party PC.Once they are ready and confident , he commenced with E selling/buying.

Ronald and Jade went round and attended to each and every queries to complement Yew Kwong. In short all have been given a chance to walk thru the process of E buying/ selling. I am certain that all participants are ready to transact on their own.

I want inform you that Yew Kwong is the leader for cycling. Ifyou want to attend more IT classes, you know what to do. No I am joking.

Yew Kwong has done a few classes for SHC ,mostly in homes. This is the first time in a class room environment.

Thanks to Yew Kwong,Jade,Ronald.


Joy C – Profile

I got to know of this club through a friend and after looking at the posts, I look forward to meeting the members and especially Terence and his team who thought of this idea and put it all together.

I am 36 years away from retirement…you may be wondering why I am in SilverHairs…well, I ain’t planning on retiring at 55 or even 62…ha ha…got you!

I enjoy nature, the sea, the beach, the parks…the rolling in of waves, the rustling of leaves, the smell of morning dew, the wind in my face, the hope of a new beginning with the rising sun, the warmth and comfort of the setting sun, the starry nights, the moonlight, great company, and all things fun…

I see myself taking part in the cycling activities, the talks, the chit chat sessions, the makan sessions (hmmm…I enjoy eating, but I take care to eat in moderation), movie nights, concerts in the park, the travels around the region…

Shall be meeting you somewhere, some day…take care…


Should we register SilverHairsClub? Step 1

A number of members have asked if SilverHairsClub is registered under the Registra of Societies.  Some see the registration as compliance with Singapore society laws, while others see the advantage of being recognised as an official group by corporations and government organisations.  Some members also feel SilverHairsClub should be a company, in view of its potential business opportunities.

When the idea was first mooted to find a platform for SilverHairs to meet new friends, I had not had any thought of registering the SilverHairsClub.  Considering retirement as an important issue in our region, I had thought we could just meet up at some cafes, and chat, share about our future plans so that we would not be lonely and that we can live meaningful SilverHairs years.

Those who feel strongly about having SilverHairsClub registered have requested that we should have a forum on this issue.  so, I am opening this topic for discussion.  Please share your thoughts.  We shall close and review the feedback on 31 Dec 2006. 

Some info on registering as a club/society:

Terence Seah

SHC logo


Yes. agree with Margaret…..Would anyone be arranging the practice session or fun session??? :))

I dun mind singing Mandarin songs as they are more sentimental….But my preference is still ENGLISH songs….

 still awaiting…..


cheers, Michelle 


Thank you Joan for the very interesting and comprehensive infomation on a short stay in Perth. My wife and I are both interested in joining the SHC’s trip to downunder. It is not our first trip as we’ve been there on several ocassions. We think touring with groups is challenging as we’ve to learn to give and take. This is especially so when staying in close proximity.We make many friends this way.

We are looking forward to the wineries, fishing, crabbing, and just taking in the sights.



How to get other SilverHairs to know more about you?

As you know, the website is open to the public, but only those who have registered on the website, and is a member, will be allowed to write a Post or a Comment.  When you register on, the data on the site is confidential, and is not released for public information.  Your first and last name are important. 

Due to the large size of the membership, the "Profile" information will be used for us to contact you, if you meet the criteria for Blue Helmet opportunities.  SilverHairsClub will NOT contact you, if there is no profile information.  Optional, and strictly for retired SilverHairs.

If you have your own personal website, enter your URL under Website.  When you write a post or a comment, others can read about you when they click on your name.   Anythng about yourself, interests, games & hobbies, travels, business ideas, pets, cooking, tea sessions, retirement plans, morning tea gatherings, shopping, etc, etc, welcome.  URLs having information on politics, sex, religion, race, direct selling and MLM will be removed.

Have a great day ahead!

Terence Seah

October Walking Route-Kallang&Marina

Welcome to our October Walk. Team leader for this walk  is SHC Christina Chan.

Date – Saturday 28 Oct 2006,     time- 4.30pm

Meeting Place – Kallang MRT station exit point

Walking Route – Kallang Riverside Park & Marina Promenade

Oct Walk will take us to Kallang Riverside park and Marina Promenade with water view all the way and plenty of trees to provide shade. If we are lucky we may get to view the ‘duck’ (amphibious tourist boat with wheels) at close range coming on shore.

 From meeting point,  we take a short 5 mins walk to Kallang River park and continue into Marina Promenade, then walk all the way to the ‘Durian’(Esplanade Theatres). The total walk is about 3 miles and takes about 1hr 15 mins at normal walking speed. We take a 10 mins rest midway.

At our destination there are many food outlets including an open air hawker centre. Marina Bay is a beautiful and interesting place to watch people and sunset.

To go home there is a bus stop at the Durian, alternatively walk to City Hall MRT via underground shopping mall.

Need further information, please contact

chan chris
E-mail Address(es):

sms 97418575


Retirement village – concept discussion and meeting on Oct 14

Since last year, a number of SilverHairs have pushed for SHC to consider a Retirement village as a group.  However, we had not moved too far with this suggestion.  I think the people numbers have increased, and we are now ready to form a starter group to take this RV idea further.

For those who have expressed a keen interest in work on the retirement village project, we have fixed a date together with Jocelyne for Saturday, Oct 14 from 1400 – 1700 hrs, along Holland Road.

This meeting is intended to focus on ideas and suggestions of a retirement village, and NOT to discuss the pros and cons of retirement village.  The group will also discuss how to move ahead with this RV concept.

If you have a place for a RV, a concept, maybe cost, partnership with other RV ideas, etc, please drop a comment here.  We would like to invite your participation.  A few paragraphs from you would be great.

So far, SilverHairs who have expressed interest to work on the RV project include Ronald Wi, Ronald Lee, KT Wong, Jocelyne Soh, Gary Loke, SB Khoo and Susan Chang.

For more articles on this topic, do a SEARCH with the word "retirement" on the right column. 

Due to limited place, invitation will be on a first come basis.


One day at Hougang mall

Last week, I was at Hougang Mall, near my home.  While sitting around to have some fish balls with my son, I was approached by a young girl conducting a survey.

She asked, "Sir, can I do a survey about the shopping mall?".  I said "sure".  She then started to ask me if I live around the mall, and if I shop regularly here.  I replied "yes" to all.

Then, she started to ask me for my profile.  To make it easy, she then showed me the survey form, and asked me to tick the age profile.  I chose "50 – 55".  She then replied "Sir, I am sorry as I have reached the quota for this age group".  I glanced briefly at the tallied results, and indeed, the highest group surveyed was "50 – 55". 

She then walked away, and started to approach other passer-bys.

Terence Seah

30th Sep Walk @ Botanical Gdns

Yesterday, was raining and perhaps pouring in the late morning. So, understand some were unable to come… it is alright.  Just wish to thank those who came, though, that’s the spirit!

There was no ‘sun’, cool to walk and the Garden did not disappoint from the comments I heard.  After these few walks we have had, Singapore, do have beautiful Gardens/Parks to chill out too.

Well, agree with Benson that it is not easy to incorporate photography with leisure walk as "Focus" is the key word (requires Focus on key objects!) However, still wish to thank him for his effort. 

Benson has offered to post the photos of the walk in this website.  So, all those who have snapped some photos, please email soonest to Benson:

Also, wish to thank Charles for showing up even though his toe was hurting….  appreciate it! 

ps: Walks planned are never cancelled, we still meet to fellowship. 

Retirement village – concept and discussion

A number of SilverHairs have expressed strong interest in retirement villages.  So far, we have heard from Jocelyne, KT Wong, Ronald Wi, and KC Lau.

Jocelyne has personally visited a number of such establishments in Australia  and the US.  Some of her friends have seen some retirement villages in the UK.  Jocelyne shares her view that "Retiring to any other these foreign countries may not be an option for many of us. The ones I saw in Australia maybe quite simple. A studio apartment, with house keeping facilities, a little kitchen if one wishes to cook, or a simple meal at a community canteen down below. Some of these establishments are single storey, others are high rise with lifts at every floor.

Some have recreational facilities like games room, hobby room, music  in the hall with a piano or keyboard. There’s simple nursing aids and doctors on call. There’s a bus to take house guests  for outtings or shopping and activities to cater to various interests."

Jocelyne believes ‘the time has come when such an option is needed.  As for retirees continuing to work, I don’t see why staying in a retirement village should hinder this. In fact, we could even help one another to find some work or set up small co-op. for some small businesses.  The retirement village my friends and others are thinking of  will not be dependent upon charity.

Ronald Wi and KT Wong have also written on this topic.  Click here to read about articles written by other members on this topic of retirement village.

Jocelyne would like to initiate a discussion on this topic at her place at Holland Road, on a Saturday afternoon.  The exact date is not fixed.  Please indicate your interest here, and we would get in touch with you.  Limited to 20 SilverHairs.


30th Sep Walk @ Botanical Gdns

Dear SHCs!

30th September (Sat) Walk @ Botanical Gdns

Meeting point: Botanical Gardens-Tanglin Gate (one of the major entrance) at junction of Holland and Napier Road. (for bus svcs, pls see posting – Categories:Activities outdoors)

This time round we have Benson! who has offered to provide a photography session, bring your cameras, click away…… it could be one of your best photo shoots ever!  [any working camera will do   :)  ]

We shall start walking at 4.30pm. 

See you guys….till then, stay  emoticon

“NET” Learning

I’m available to guide a group of 6 members in "NET" learning on Sat, 7 Oct 06 from 10am to 12pm or latest, session should end before 1pm.

The venue to host this session is not concluded but definitely, it wouldnt be an issue to worry about. Any member who can provide the place to host this session would be a plus with provision of at least 1 or 2 PCs or Laptops and broadband internet access. Participating members can also bring along their if they have to make up for the shortfall.   

Members who have confirmed their participation are : Chow Weng, Ronald Lee, Kenneth Tan, Margaret Wu, Jeffrey Fong and Catherine Yeo. Please email to with name, email and phone contact. Thank you.

Seats for this session have all been taken up. Chow Weng will coordinate with you guys shortly to confirm venue.  

Contents of learning / sharing session in brief for information – 1) Introduction to online transactions and as the market place. 2) registration of accounts with for non account users. 3) demonstration of doing an advertisement as seller on website follows by hands on. 4) demonstration of transactions by seller and buyer follows by hands on. 5) sumup discussion.