Last chance to win $50,000 Starhub Challenge Update

Here is an update by Ronald Wi.  We must all congratulate Ronald Wi for taking effort to participate in this Starhub challenge.  And, also to all the participants who would make the winning possible.  Please review and give your newest and latest comments to Ronald.

Hi everybody,
Yes we have been getting some excellent commitments and good responses, and the idea of having the starhub $50k to help start our SHC Clubhouse ( although only on rental lease of 2 years – to cover rent, utilities and basic maintenance ) seems a possible reality.

Let us look again at SHC objectives, so that we can all have a clearer picture of what our SHC clubhouse should be like and be promoting.

The SilverHairsClub is a platform for us to meet new and more friends.  The objectives of SilverHairsClub are:   

*      Find new and meet more friends.
*      Share common interests.
*      Exchange knowledge and information on retirement, and
*      Enjoying a fruitful and meaningful retirement.

And also Starhub Challenge

OVERALL THEME – Our Passion is to make retirement as refreshing and rewarding as possible to all Silver haired members, by sharing whatever they are good at with others, learning new interests, knowledge and hobbies.  We also have monthly nature walks, group cycling, karake sessions, Investment and  Retirement Village group meetings and am also promoting art, handicraft ,costume jewellery making, cooking and cake making classes. We feel that with the $50,000 we can rent a place for 2 years ,for the display of some of our members’ passion of forgottten art, paintings,  crafts of handiwork. This venue will be designed to serve as our classroom, workshop, kitchen, cafe ,library, exercise room and also as a guest house for SHC friends from overseas. Visitors and memebres can discover the rich heritage of Singapore forgotten pasts of simple arts like porcelain painting, jade oranamental collection and designing, paper origami,and old crafts , and not forgetting reliving culinary skills of forgetten recipes of food dishes, cake, and desserts long forgotten. We hope after the 2 years of Starhub   sponsorship ,this SHC Clubhouse can be self sustaining  by charging a minimal fee that is as close to the good old days as possible, providing an escape down memory lane.

Details of our Anchor Tenants, in the SHC Clubhouse are as follows:-

1. Adult learning and Training Centre – by Thomas Kuan

For info Thomas Kuan is the president of SACE, Singapore Association of Continuing Education, and currently they are exploring Adult Education and Lifelong learning.

2. Passion for Forgotten Arts & Crafts –
a. Jocelyne Soh’s Art Collections and Classes
b. Daffydil’s  Collection and Design of Jade Ornaments
c. Patricia Ng – Paper Crafts , Jewellery design
d. Anne Low’s – Collection and Design of Crystal ornamental Jewellery

3. Patricia Ng – Passion for Reliving past recipes of food , cakes, deserts and also rediscovering healthier
ingredients for a healthier recipe. Patricia Ng has been experimenting quite alot in this area and she is also willing to teach anyone who is interested. I have tested many of her new healthier recipes of cakes and
Thai salad which is a must for everyone who is a cook to learn how to make it. For info, the Ministry of Health is promoting healthier lifestyle and giving grants to those who want to open up such cafes. Hey, who knows with Patricia help and other cooking enthusiasts in SHC , and with the large number of food critic wannabes in SHC ( CC , is one definitely the first one who will turn up for any kind of food ), we can have a good food recipec experimentation and research group. 

4. Suggestion of having a Karaoke Area in SHC Center, by Swee Loke
Swee Loke – Glad to hear from you , yes, it will be good if it can help to generate income so that in the long run we can keep the SHC Clubhouse not only self-sustaining but if possible profitable, so that more ventures can be explored. So far a start if we do get that $50K, can i have you to look into this area, as i do think having a Karaoke facility is a defintely suitable, but i would think we can try to build it up as cheaply as possible. Maybe we can get contributions from anyone of any equipment they have either to give or to loan etc, or we can also buy cheap 2nd hand equipment from the Converter Shop. ( I do see some good equipment there )

5. IT training, and Phototaking section – i hope Yew Kong and Benson can continue running courses (free lah) from time to time.

6. Guest House with basic kitchen – maybe just 1 room and some Sofa folding beds – ( really meant for Guest of SHC from other countries ) – to help generate income , and be for short term stay booking.  Teofirst, has had experienced and can surely help us out in this area, also Gary to recommend all his SHC friends from Hanoi.

7. Health Execise – Meridian point 312 – we have Ronald Lee , who is a certified instructor , to be our resident instructor and teacher .

8. Other acitivies – Monthly walks, cyling activities.

9. Library and Cafe section – Oi Cheng , Christina Chan

10. Retirement Village – I must say our retirement village seems to be quite the opposite , as we seems to want more out of life when we retire. Our expectations after our recent trip to Gunong Ledang & Malacca , seems to be confirmed that though we may want to travel and stay for a short term elsewhere, home is always where our hearts can find peace.

Observations from Trip to Malacca, Gunong Ledang private and public resorts and Eco – Village in Senai (Green Valley Eco Village )

a. On the positive side, as Spore progresses and cost of living has increase, the quality, facilities and expectations of our living style has also increased. So unknowling ,we do expect much more even though we may want to retire in a cheaper place. Sad to say, that even though  we can lower our expectations, the quality and development of the our neighbours seemed to be quite a gap apart, and this gap seems to be
increasing even more. 

b. Green Valley Eco-village, seems a little small with only 20 acres, and though it has been started 10 years  ago, the progress seems quite slow. There are some farming or Roselle , Vinegar ,etc in collaboration with the UTM (University of Technology of Malaysia) but the variety is quite limited.  There is also no paved road to the farm , and though the Main Building is quite big and nice , it is not yet furnished with basic needs of an air-con or ceiling fans.  ( On the positive side, it needs a lot of help, financially , ideas, and marketing , so a good investment opportunity for those who wants to build form scratch )

c. Condos in Malaysia – we went to look at two Condos belonging to a friend, and these are our findings-

d. Selat Horizon – along Klebang Besar, just acceptable with basic security and a swimming pool, not something you will be impressed. ( Like i have stated , our expectations are always moving upwards while theirs do not seemed to be moving in the right direction ).

e. Golden Showers – also along Klebang Besar just beside Selat Horizon, – from the outside we did not even feel like going in, looks worse than any 1 room HDB block,especially the external paintwork and surroundings.

Please feel free to send me your comments, suggestions, ideas and dreams even.

At the same, Happy Holidays, Merry X’Mas and a Happy and Prosperous 2007 Year ahead.


Ronald Wi

5-Week Drama Workshop for Seniors

Dear All

Is acting one of your passions ?  But you do not have time to go for training in the past !  Wait no longer !!

Dramaplus Arts, 33 Kerbau Road, Singapore will be conducting a 5-week Drama Workshop for Seniors on Mondays for both English and Mandarin Groups in 2007 as follows:


Feb 2007 5, 12 and 26

Mar 2007 5 and 12

Time:  2.30 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.

Venue:  Dramaplus Arts, 33 Kerbau Road, Singapore

Registration Fee:  $20.00 per person

Contact Person: Maria Tel No. 6 299 0013 

As a retiree, if you wish to pursue your passion for acting or to take up acting as a hobby, do join the Workshop and have lots of fun ! Please state your preference whether you wish to join the English or the Mandarin Group.

Kia Chew

Feel free to write your Christmas and New Year greetings here on this forum

Hi All SilverHairs,

We have not tried this before, and that is to ask every SilverHairs to write a post here to wish fellow SilverHairs a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

And, on the same greeting, we like to hear your New Year wishes.  Please say how you would like to see the SilverHairsClub in the year 2007.  We will compile your wishes for follow-up action next year.

Don’t worry about your greetings jamming this forum.  Don’t be shy, go ahead.   Pick up the courage if you have never written on this forum before.  We like to know you to know other SilverHairs too.

Terence Seah

When you are spring cleaning your home or office

Look around for that something you dont want in your house or office.  It could be a nice dress which has grown too big for you now.  Or a carpet you have been keeping in your store for a long time.  Or a car which you have been advertising to sell for some time.  Maybe a fish tank, books, toys or hifi sets which have taken too much space.

Before the Chinese New Year spring cleaning, look around.  And if you dont want an item, someone else might want it.  Put it up for sale at our online fleamart.  Add a picture. It helps.

Getting to know what it is like to live in India short-term

We are organising a briefing session cum dinner at Kaushal’s house at Lichfield Road (Serangoon Garden, near Chomp Chomp) on 4 Jan from 1730 to 2030 hrs. Find out what it is like to live in India, short-term during retirement. A trip to Hyderabad is likely to be organised by Kaushal in early 2007. Limited to 15 people, $10, if you are having food.  Free, if not having food.

Registered to participate:

  1. LH Jie
  2. Christina Chan
  3. Irene Chan
  4. Terence Seah
  5. KT Wong
  6. Ronald Wi
  7. Rosalind Tan
  8. Tan S.T.
  9. Linda Chang
  10. Pauline Chew – unable to come
  11. Ronald Li

X’mas and New Year Greetings

To all SHC members,

A Merry Christmas and lots of joy, hope, success and love for the coming new year.

For SHC in 2007, I wish to continue enjoying the travels with our silverhairs friends; nothing beats going to interesting places with good travelling companions!

Am also looking forward to participate in more interesting and innovative activities in 2007!  

Things 2 keep 4 our silverhair years

Keep our thoughts positive, because our thoughts become our words.

Keep our words positive, because our words become our actions.

Keep our actions positive, because our actions become our habits.

Keep our habits positive, because our habits become our lifestyle.

Keep our lifestyle positive, because our lifestyle becomes our destiny.

Ubin X’Mas Treasure Hunt

Christmas is round the corner. Hoping for a Christmas present from Santa? What happens if he drops you a map of a small little island with nice treasures to be sniffed out? Form a group of 4, and you may be cycling throughout Pulau Ubin for a treasure hunt. And what’s more fun than to enjoy Christmas with a new found friend? Drinks, transport and bicycle included.

Date : 23 December 2006, Saturday
Time : 10 am – 5pm
Venue : Pulau Ubin
BTFC member : $30 per pax
Non-member : $35 per pax
Group size : 30 pax
Registration deadline : 15 December 2006

For enquiries and booking assistance, please drop us an e-mail at or call 6877 3752.


Cooking Demo & Handicraft Group

I love to crotchet, make 3-dimensional origami swans, baskets, trays, jewellery-sets with beads & crystals & prepare to teach.

It will be good to have cooking demo in member’s home only for those non-working retired.

I am interested to teach handicraft or organise making of handicrafts to donate to old folks home for sale.

New member Mrs Patricia Ng ACE

Christmas reflections


As we walk our path of life,
We meet people everyday.
Most are simply met by chance.
But, some are sent our way.


These become special friends
Whose bond we can’t explain;

The ones who understand us
And share our joy and pain.

Their love contains no boundaries.
So, even we are apart.
Their presence enhances us
With a warmth felt in the heart.

This love becomes a passageway,
When even the miles disappear.
And so, these friends, God sends our way,
Remain forever near. emoticon

Registration to participate in SHC Forum

The number of members is increasing.  We have many Susans, Mr Tan, Joe and Lilys.  To participate in this forum, we require your web user registration.  To register, go to the right column and look for META – Register.

Please choose an username, which is related to your name.  Names with words eg success, rich, health, wealth, sea monster, callme, smiling tiger, funny, sky, ice, etc will be rejected.  Those whose usernames are not related to their ID/passport names will be removed by 31 Jan 2007.

Accepted usernames eg Susan Lee, S Lee, Lee Gim Seng will be accepted.  We need the first and last names during registration.  This is a required field.

Terence Seah

We support Ronald Wi’s participation in the StarHub Challenge

Hi everybody,

Ronald Wi has been leading our retirement living discussions. He has a passion to showcase SilverHairs’ hobbies, skills and crafts.  To do so, he plans to participate in the StarHub Challenge.  It goes like this:


If you had $50,000, what ambition, passion, or adventure would you make happen?
Tell us below in 100 words or less.

Ronald visualises that with the money, we can have a place to showcase SilverHairs’ knowledge and skills.

If you have a  hobby or skill, traditional or modern, let us know here.  Please write 2-3 paragraphs of your hobby.  Examples include:  porcelain painting, wood carvings, making dolls, glass blowing, bonsai planting, cooking paranakan food, secial traditional foods, pre-war collections, traditional candies making, old paper making, etc, etc. 

You never know.  Go back to those years when your hair was black.  Share your hobbies here, Ronald Wi will do the rest.

Terence Seah

Sungei Buloh Walk

Dear all

Here is a chance for you to join the walk.  Meant for early risers.  I am sure you will enjoy with this bunch of ecologists.  Pl register on your own if interested  Regd vw

13th Sungei Buloh Anniversary Walk with Raffles Museum Toddycats
Sunday 3rd December 2006: 8am-1pm:  

In celebration of the anniversary of the official opening of Singapore’s first wetlands reserve, volunteers with NUS’ Raffles Museum of Biodiversity Research, conduct a free walk for the public every year. 

If you would like to join us for this year’s walk, please register by sending an email to: .
You will receive a reply.
Who is this walk for?
Anyone and even children. The walk will be conducted in the vicinity of the Visitor Centre – main bridge, main hide, mangrove boardwalk and along part of route 1. Be prepared for rain as always.

What will you hear about and see?
Hear stories about the animals, plants and the ecology of mangroves – get introduced to the economic plants, crabs climbing trees at high tide, mudskippers, snails, Archer fish, Mullets, Halfbeaks and Garfish. You will also learn about the invasions of WWII and see the view of Johor. Other gems we always hope to see: Water monitors, the resident family of Smooth-coated otters and the prize – the crocodile! It’s also time for the migratory birds! For more information, see:

Meeting place and time
Meet at the Visitor Centre of at Sungei Buloh Wetlands Reserve (SBWR) at 8.00am. You can take TIBS No. 925 from Kranji MRT right to the park. Catch the 7.30am bus else you will be late.

Karaoke Session

Calling all SHC songbirds,

We the  "Girl Band Of SHC" are organising a karaoke session at the Orchid Country Club (Aranda Lounge) at Yishun next SUNDAY 10/12/06. It will be operated on an open concept style.  A DJ will help to key in our selection of songs. The operation hours will be from 3pm – 12 midnight. Drinks are chargeable at bar price.  A  free shuttle service is provided by the OCC from Yishun MRT to OCC. We too can proceed for a game or two (bowling sessions) thereafter, as it is within the premises. Pls. let me have your confirmation by 7/12/06. Kindly email me at : We will meet up at the aranda lounge at 3pm. Do be there early as it is open to the public. Dress Code: Smart Casual . Note : A non-smoking lounge.  We are looking forward to the fun and fellowship with all of u again. Cheers.emoticon

Should we register SilverHairsClub? Step 2

On Oct 25, 2006,  we initiate the topic "Should we register SilverHairsClub?"  You can follow up the comments here:

I have given this some thought and discussion to the feedback.  In short, I prefer to to keep the SHC as it is now.

As observed by members, there are advantages and benefits in having SilverHairsClub as a registered club in Singapore.  A registered club enhances recognition with other organisations, meets some of the concerns of public gatherings and enables SHC to collect funds to support membership and activities.

The SilverHairsClub is intended to be platform for over 45s to meet new and more friends.  This is its objective.  As a result, many SilverHairs have met new SilverHairs, and have their own new-found activities.  SilverHairs initiate their own sub-groups eg in cycling, nature walks, travelling, games, karaoke, IT training and online selling.

SHC is intended to prepare SilverHairs into the many years ahead.  Finding good friends is important. We must find the environment to meet our social needs.  SilverHairs have many needs.   As such, we support healthy and active activities, hobbies, discussion groups on retirement living, small business groups and continued work to supplement our SilverHairs expenses.  SilverHairs’ interests can be pretty varied. 

My concern is the massive time, administrative and financial resources required to manage these activities under the umbrella of the club.  Unfortunately, I cannot manage all these new needs, as I travel 3/4 of the month.  But, I am prepared for changes, if someone volunteers to take the lead.  You just need to raise your hand.

As you have seen in 2006, we have the monthly gatherings.  All SilverHairs are informed on this website or a simple email.  All other activities and groups are formed on members’ initatives. There is flexibility and creativeness.

SilverHairsClub is small.  We will stay within the limits of the law.  As you know, our rules are pretty well observed by members; and these include no discussions on religion, sex, race, politics, direct selling and MLM. We will not collect membership fees.  Only costs incurred will be shared among participants.

In summary, I prefer to stay and run the way we are now.  You probably have not heard this view from me before.  Stay with the law, maintain the club taboos, no membership fees, support SilverHairs activities and keep the club simple and manageable.

I am sure there is agreement and disagreements.  Your views are most welcome.  Please share it.

Terence Seah

SHC logo

December Walk

December  Walk  – Changi Coastal Board Walk

Group Leader :   SHC Veronica Wong
Date:                    09 December
 2006 (Sat)
Time:                   4.30pm 
Meeting Place:   Changi Village Bus Terminal
Bus Nos:          SBS
                         2, 2A (from Bedok Interchange, MRT Stn)
                         29 (Loop service from Tampines Interchange)
                         59 (from Bishan Interchange, MRT Stn)
                        109 (from Serangoon Interchange)
For more info. on above bus routes check
If you are driving, parking  $1/hr.
10min walk from CV Ter to the Boardwalk.  Start from Sailing Pt walk, then Cliff walk, Kelong walk and end at Sunset walk where we can watch the sun set  if it is a clear day.
You walk past govt bungalows, Sailing and Changi beach clubs.
Enjoy the seabreeze, watch people fishing/sailing, lookout for kingfishers and  meet the talking mynah at Changi Beach Club.
We can take the same route for the return journey or we can branch out through Cranwell Rd 
to the main road and back to Changi Village. I leave it to the majority decision on that day.
Total time less than 2 hrs (depends on return route)
Donot forget your umbrellas.  Monsonal months end of year.
We can end off with dinner at Tekong Seafood Rest. or the Hawker Centre for the famous Nasi Lemak
(perpetual Q).
If u like, can also end of with a cold beer at the pub before dinner.
Interested,  email
Veronica Wong



Talent-Time pictures

Good fun last night at the SilverHairsClub Talent-Time.  There are more pictures comiing in.  These are just some of them.  Click here for pictures.

Any comments, good or bad, advice or suggestions, please share with us here. Tell us what you think, and all of us can organise another big one next year. A big thank you to Susan, Molly, Elsie, Christina, Oi Cheng, Laura, Patrick, Candy for the wonderful success and cordination.  And, to all participants too.

Terence Seah

Sat, 2nd Dec – follow up to the 1st retirement village meeting

Ronald Wi is organising the follow-up meeting on Sat, 2nd Dec.  If you like to join in, please add your name in the comments so that Ronald is aware.  We will send you the address via email.  Terence Seah

"Just to update everyone on the upcoming meeting on the 2nd Dec. Will meet at 2.30pm at the same barbecue area. Holland area.   Jocelyne has volunteered her house for the meeting if we so prefer, depending on the number of people and the weather.

I have a friend who will be joining us for the meeting and he will be glad to share his experiences about owning and renting out your condo in Pattaya. He currently owns 2 units, one he bought earlier for his own travel use, as he has a business there in Thailand.  He later found  that is was vaible to buy another to rent out as an investment, bought at $45,000 (S$) for a studio unit.

He has plenty of advice to share, and can tell us more also about the foreigner home scheme and why it may not be right or what to watch for.  He also has advice on how to stay legal and to be protected when owning a property in Thailand, as he has been in and out of Thailand for almost 15 years.

Secondly, after the meeting, Jocelyne, has kindly also offered to conduct another preview of her art and hobby to share her joy and introduce others to this hobby of procelain painting.  I myself and Christina ahve enrolled in her class and must say , it is something i find interesting, unique and something that  opens up a new interest which is rewarding in many ways, to me. I have travel quite a bit, and find that maybe painting the pictures of beautiful places that i have been on procelian adds a new kind of dimension as a sort of documenting my past, my beautiful memories and hopefully leaving a loving legacy behind . 

I have painted 2 plates, one small and one large, maybe can show them to you all (provided Jocelyne agrees to it,pendings teacher’s review ). I have discovered i like painting scenery of Par 3 holes of famous golf courses , that i have played and will play hopefully in future. I find that it does give a totally different kind of satisfaction to other type of painting, as it is easier  to display your plates of keep it or even use it and there is no need to add frames unlike canvas paintings. 

3. Lastly , let us make it an enjoyable meeting , if not just for the sake of having a chat, maybe sharing some good tibbits if anyone wants to introduce any baking skills, or foodstuffs they have of their travel ? As i will be going down to Malyaysia, will get some tidbits to share also.  Terenece , now that i now of your Tiramisu skills , i am almost drooling about it, hopefully , dont have to die waiting for it.  About bread making ,i did it before using the bread machine when i was in   USA. I must say the joy of being awaken up by the smell of fresh bread makes you just want to jump out of bed , and the taste is defintely different from gardenia. Fresh bread, timed exactly to be eateh, is warm, moist ,fragrant and almost melts in your mouth, along with a cup of coffee , expresso also from a coffee making machine, brewed fresh.

Cheers, Ronald Wi"

Song Title: Yes we are SilverHaired (Jingle version)

We have the first SilverHairsClub jingle, by Composer and song-writer: Ronald Wi.  Thank you very much.

If you have Media Player or Real Player, click here to hear jingle.

Yes we are SilverHaired (Jingle version).
Yes we are Silver Haired,
With golden years ahead,
Friends we will like to make,
Sharing our warmth and light

So if you want some cheer,
Like the breeze from the sea,
You are always welcome her,
Come join our SHC

(Complete Song Version)
Sure as the sun will set, 
As our youth starts to fade,
Friends start to drift afar,
The future seems cold and dark.

Everyday we seem to lose,
Whatever we done so far,
Nothing seems like before, 
Values change each passing day.

What do we do from here,
Where can we find comfort for our cold,
Where can we find friends that will hear,
Of silver hairs and of growing old

Where can we find something free,
Just like the breeze from the sea,
Refreshing our tired souls,
Only from here in SHC.

So if you feel like me,
And need that cheer that is free,
A chat, a smile or just a pat,
To get you back on track.

Lots of friends like you and me,
Young and old in SHC,
Find silver, gold and is free,
Join us here for our company.

Do you make nice cakes and bread?

If there is one person who likes bread, it’s got to be me.  I love croissants and bagels, the harder the better.  So, I go to the bookshop and look for baking books.  But, then I have no time to bake cakes, and I dont know what yeast looks like.  Also, no bread-making machine at home.  So, got to content with the local deli.

But, then there are SilverHairs out there who are good at making bread and cakes; maybe for own families or small groups of friends, maybe one-in-a-while.  If making cakes and bread is your hobby or passion, why not let everybody know.  Drop your name here.  Tell us what have done.  How much would it cost?

I would definitely ask you to make some cakes or bread for me.  Pay for it, of course.  If you are not too far from my home.  I am sure I will not be the only one interested in your cakes and bread.  There are others among us, who would like to try and get your cakes or bread too.

Dont forget the Christmas log cakes and the Chinese New Year goodies for next year.

Terence Seah

Golden Opportunities! (GO!) Fund

Info, as copied from the website

The Golden Opportunities! (GO!) Fund wants to empower you to promote Active Ageing!
Do you believe that seniors are a valuable resource? Do you agree that there should be avenues for seniors to share their talents and knowledge? Do you want to be part of the community efforts to engage seniors?

With the GO! Fund, you can:
Obtain seed funding to organize and run programmes and activities that seniors want and need; and
Through these programmes and activities, promote the different aspects of active ageing, be it senior volunteerism, healthy living, a sporting lifestyle, lifelong learning, inter-generational bonding, development of social networks and so much more.

GO! now and make a difference to our seniors
The GO! Fund is open and available to all organisations based in Singapore.  More details on the application process and evaluation criteria can be found in the proposal kit.  Approved projects will be co-funded by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports.  Download the proposal kit here. For more information on the GO! Fund, please email your queries to


There has been some requests by SHC members to tap onto this fund.  Is there any member around us who would like to take the lead on this project?

Terence Seah


Nov Gathering – SilverHairsClub 1st Annual Talent-Time

Thanks to Candy and Molly, we now have a good venue for the SilverHairsClub Talent-time.  Place: Oxford Hotel Cafe, 218 Queen Street, Spore 188549. Tel 6332-2222.  Behind Allson Hotel.  This place is suitable for dancing, singing, has a good Karaoke system, and big enough for 60 people, comes with tables and chairs.

Rate: To the hotel, we are paying $12 per person, plus $300 for the use of the equipment and place.  Place is exclusive to SilverHairsclub, from 4pm to 10 pm.  We cannot afford to have no show, so we hope to see you, if your name is below.

  • Buffet dinner with free flow coffee/tea : $15 nett per person (registered on this list)
  • Buffet dinner with coffee/tea: $20 nett per person (Sorry, walk-in not allowed)
  • For those who do not have dinner/drinks:  $5 per person.

The crazy SilverHairs Committee:

  • Registration: Lum Oi Cheng, handling registration and taking your photos for membership.
  • Saying hello to you and Dinner and Non-diners collection: Laura Wee
  • 4 – 6pm organisers Susan Chang and Molly Chua, helping with practice and song selection
  • Co-comperes: Patrick Yeo and Catherine Yeo (unable to come)  Candy Wan.
  • Judges: Christina Chan and Elsie Ho (Their decision is final, based on 99 factors).
  • 9 – 10 pm organiser: We need a volunteer. End of evening, continue singing and dancing.
  • Truly genuine amateur photographer, just volunteered: Timothy Liu
  • Prize presenter:  Margaret Lee


  • 1600 – 1800 hrs: Come if you want to practise your throat, footsteps or find your song.  Look for Susan Chang and Molly Chua.
  • 1900 – 2100 hrs: Competition time.  Co-comperes lead the show.
  • 2100 – 2200 hrs: Carry on dancing and singing.
  1. Talent-Time can mean singing, dancing, a performance, something fun, crazy or entertaining.
  2. Can be group or individual, anything that comes to your mind.
  3. We prefer if you are out-of-sync or out-of-tune, as long as you enjoy it.
  4. No restrictions, but strictly for SilverHairClub member.
  5. The most important objective is to provide a platform for SilverHairs to meet new friends.
  6. There will be prizes, not necessary for the best.  3 winners will receive the first SilverHairsClub T-shirts from the club.

Registered as Audience or competiting in Talent-Time (Song, Dance, Etc), and whether having dinner or Not.

  1. Annie Loh (Mandarin song "Don’t let me wait too long", Dinner)
  2. Clara Chay ("Money, Money, Money" by Abba, Dinner)
  3. Timothy Liu (Singing – Chinese song from the 70s, Dinner)
  4. Josephine Yap (Ai Qing Gu Shi, Dinner)
  5. Terence Seah (Itsy bitsy Teeny Weeny polka, Dinner) – If you havent a song, like to partner me?
  6. Yew Kwong (Massachusetts, Dinner)
  7. Susan Chang (Karaoke Singing, Dinner)
  8. Molly Chua – (Singing, Dinner)
  9. Rosanne Chan (A dance mixture, Pairs with Catherine Chan, No dinner)
  10. Catherine Chan (A dance mixture, Pairs with Rosanne Chan, No dinner)
  11. Mitchelle Choong (Singing,Dinner)
  12. Annie Giri – (Song, Dinner, Pairs with Maria Tan)
  13. Margaret Wu – (Chinese song, Dinner)
  14. Gary Loke (Mandarin song, Dinner)
  15. Ivy Low (Mandarin or Cantonese song, Dinner)
  16. Christina Chan (enjoy the company of SilverHairs, Dinner)
  17. Peggy Ho (yeah, wants to come, scream and shout with the performers, Dinner)
  18. Julia Tan – (song, Dinner)
  19. Laura Wee – (Audience, Dinner)
  20. Joy C. – (Audience, Dinner)
  21. Thomas Goh – (Recorder performance, Dinner)
  22. Candy June – (Dinner)
  23. Sarah-Zahriah A Kassim – (Di-Tanjong Katong, Dinner)
  24. Bernardo P William Lam (bee Gees, No Dinner)
  25. Jennifer Cheok (audience, No-Dinner)
  26. Bernadette Chung – (English song, no dinner)
  27. Patrick Yeo (Kokkien song, Dinner))
  28. Ronald Lee – (wants to meet other SilverHairs, Dinner)
  29. Alice Liang Jannie Tan – (Audience, Dinner)
  30. Jade Phua – (Audience, Dinner)
  31. Teresa Hwang – (English song Audience, Dinner)
  32. Linda Tan Alice Yeo – (Audience, Dinner)
  33. Eyvonne Chew – (Audience, Dinner)
  34. Shirley Lam, Jimmy Liaw – (Audience, Dinner)
  35. Richard Lam Jennifer Liaw- (Audience, Dinner)
  36. Linda Liau – (Audience, Dinner)
  37. Norman Kok Catherine Yip (Audience, Dinner)
  38. Linda Chang – (Audience, Dinner)
  39. Maria Tan – (Song, Dinner, Pairs with Ann giri)
  40. Pauline Chew – (Audience, Dinner)
  41. Winnie Lim – (Audience, Non-dinner)
  42. Margaret Lee – (Audience, Dinner)
  43. Lily Ho – (Audience, Dinner)
  44. Dave Tan – (Audience, Dinner)
  45. Liau Ah Kim – (Audience, Dinner)
  46. KC Lau (Audience, Dinner)
  47. Julie Tay (Audience, Dinner)
  48. Lesley Lee – (Audience, Dinner)
  49. Chia Pheng Sok – (Audience, dinner)
  50. Phua Hui Bng – (English song, dinner)
  51. Jennifer Phang (Audience, dinner)
  52. Malcolm Seah -(Audience, dinner)
  53. William Chew – (Audience, Dinner)
  54. Mary Tan (Audience, Dinner)
  55. Rene Leong – (Cantonese song, No Dinner)
  56. Charlie Koh – (Audience, Dinner)
  57. Richard Lim – (Audience, Dinner)
  58. Oi Cheng – (Audience, Dinner)
  59. Dolly Lim – (Audience, Dinner)
  60. Elsie Ho – (Audience, Dinner)
  61. Rama Muthu – (Audience, Dinner)
  62. Dorothy Low – (The Greatest love of all, No dinner)
  63. Charles Wee – (Audience, Dinner)
  64. Jessie Lu – (Audience, Dinner)
  65. Lee Siew Moi – (Audience, Dinner)
  66. Registration closed.  Important to let us know if you are not having dinner.

We encourage SilverHairs to come out and meet other SilverHairs.

The crazy SilverHairs Talent-time committee (formed two weeks before the event)