Sept gathering – Games day at Changi Beach Club

Pictures of Games Day: click here.

The SilverHairsClub aims to provide a platform for SilverHairs to meet new friends.  Look forward to a wonderful time soon.  If for any reason, you have forgotten to register, please call Terence at 9489-4360 asap.  If you have a digital camera, do bring one along.  We need your help for photos.  emoticon

  • Venue: Changi Beach Club.  Location, click here.
  • Date/Time:  Sun, Sep 17, registration starts 0800 hrs.
  • Dress:  bright colours, sunglass, swimming or sporty
  • Entrance fees – no charge if registered below. Strictly for SilverHairs only.
  • F&B – Pay at counter for breakfast (Nasi Lemak – dont know how much) and lunch ($8 for buffet).  Club does not allow outside food and drinks.
  • Prizes – 2 for scrabbles, 3 for bowling and 2 for mahjong.  Door prizes by Changi Beach Club.
  • Parking – first come basis.  Plenty of carpark, just outside the club entrance.


  • 0800 hrs – registration at CBC upper deck dining area, for attendance and games.  Free and easy, get to know one another.  Breakfast Nasi Lemak (Pay at counter).  Games registration closes at 0900 hrs.
  • 0930 hrs – Games preparation,  games in session.
  • 1100 hrs – Games wind down, results tally, gathering at CBC upper deck dining area.  Please put your name on the label stickers.
  • 1230 hrs – Prize presentation.
  • 1315 hrs – End of SilverHairsClub Games day.

Registered list: (Club entrance fee waived for registered participants)

  1. Patrick Yeo (Games Day Event organiser)
  2. Terence Seah (Swimming team leader)
  3. Margaret Lee (Prize presentation)
  4. Charles Wee (Main Registration desk)
  5. Linda Chang (Registration desk)
  6. Margaret Cheo (Registration desk)
  7. Loh Yew Kwong (Mahjong team leader)
  8. Benson Koh (Bowling team leader)
  9. Ronald Lee (Scrabbles team leader)
  10. Ang CJ
  11. Boon Liang
  12. Chan Eunice
  13. Chan Rosanne
  14. Chan Sig Yam
  15. Clara Chay
  16. Chua Veron
  17. Fong Cheong Kong
  18. Giri Ann
  19. Goh Pheng Sok
  20. Ho Lily
  21. Khoo SB
  22. Kwok Richard
  23. Lau KC
  24. Lee Lesley
  25. Lee Peter C C
  26. Lee Siew Moi
  27. Lee SM
  28. Lim Brenda
  29. Lim Jacqy
  30. Liu Timothy
  31. Loh Annie
  32. Loh KK
  33. Lum Oi Cheng
  34. Mimi Norza-Sarah
  35. Ng Angie
  36. Poh Alice
  37. Seah KC
  38. Seah Teik Song
  39. Tan Cecilia
  40. Tan Dave
  41. Tay Siew Gek
  42. Tay Maureen
  43. Tham Janet
  44. Wi Ronald
  45. Wong Simon
  46. Wu Margaret
  47. Yip Catherine
  48. Yeo Catherine

Games Bowling, mahjong and scrabbles – please register upon arrival, and meet up with the Games team leaders.

Swimming – Free to swim at the Olympic size pool or the sea.  Bring your own towels and swim gear.

Blue Helmet – 1st brainstorm session

Background to Blue Helmet, click here.

I would be calling the first brainstorm meeting on Blue Helmet on Thur, Sept 21 at the Capital Tower, right at Tanjong Pagar MRT.  1500 hrs to 1700 hrs.  I shall send the invitations to those who have offered to participate.  If you like the idea, and would like to join the brainstorm session, simply let us know here.  I must apologise I am not able to change the above date, due to my travel schedule.  But, there will be many other sessions to follow through.


  • Identify the objectives of Blue Helmet.
  • Brainstorm on the needs of retirees, with the focus on a meaningful, mentally active and financially acceptable lifestyle.
  • Brainstorm on broad ideas of how organisations and governments can tap the wide experience and knowledge of SilverHairs who have retired from full time employment. 
  • Brainstorm on an acceptable return to the retired SilverHairs.
  • Identify how SilverHairsClub can create a structure and the process to move ahead with Blue Helmet.

Places to offer to conduct net classes

Hi everybody, we have a good sign-up of SilverHairs who has volunteered to teach net coaching.  Also, we have a number of people who have signed up wanting to learn from others.

Now, we are looking for places.  This is the tough part.  Would you have suggestions on where we can host some of these courses.  If we are unable to find places, then we may have to look for cafes with internet wireless access, and participants may have to bring own notebooks.  Keep the options open.

Summary of SilverHairs who have offered to coach and to learn.

Registered as coachers of internet/auction selling on the net.

  1. Wong Kong Thean
  2. Patrick Yeo
  3. Kaushal
  4. Richard
  5. Loh Yew Kwong

Registered to want to learn selling/auctions on the internet.

  1. Catherine Yeo
  2. Pauline Au Yong
  3. Ronald Lee
  4. Chow Weng
  5. Kenneth Tan
  6. Fong Cheong Kong
  7. Margaret Cheo
  8. Ronald Wi
  9. Cheng
  10. Rossanne Chan
  11. Simon Wong
  12. Evelyn Tan
  13. Annie Loh
  14. Dave Tan

Acupressure by Gibson Tan

True to his word, Gibson conducted a Review session this evening with us who had attended the 1st  Acupressure in July06.

is a wonderful session of laughter and fellowship amongst the few who
came. I  truly enjoyed this time of review as it refreshes and
felt it was effective as we now know better where to "press" …
right…! hahaha.  Besides learning some more new acupressure
points, Gibson also shared with us some health tips.

Thank you very much Gibson for your time out of your tight schedule. 

wish to thank Shirley, who co-ordinated this session.  Understand
she was unable to get response from some of the previous attendees

Thanks Gibson & Shirley!



Monthly Walk: September06 @ the Botanic Gardens

Date: 30th September 2006 (Saturday)


Place: Botanical Gardens


Start Time:  we start the walk at 4.30pm, takes at least 2 to 3 hours


Meeting point: at Botanical Gardens-Tanglin Gate, one of the major entrance ie., junction of Holland and Napier Road. Next to this entrance is a bus stop (behind it was where the former Taman Serasi Food centre/Gleneagles Hospital) and across the overhead bridge is a bus stop too (behind is Embassy of USA).

Getting there:

<!–[if !supportLists]–>1.      <!–[endif]–>similar buses serves both direction ie., SBS 7, 105, 123, 174 and TIBS 75, 77, 106.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>2.      <!–[endif]–>From Orchard MRT, exit to Orchard Boulevard Road bus-stop, these bus services can be found. Counting from next stop after boarding,  I think you alight at the 4th stop.

<!–[if !supportLists]–>3.      <!–[endif]–>OR you may start the walk! from Orchard MRT exit at Orchard Road or Isetan Scotts Shopping Centre walk against traffic flow towards Tanglin/Napier Road.

<!–[if !supportEmptyParas]–>

I believe many of us have been to the Gardens, perhaps quite some time ago.  Let’s take a nostalgic walk down memory lane —  from Tanglin Gate stroll along Tanglin Gate Road towards the ever serene swans gliding in Swan Lake, you will be mesmerized by the beauty of hues in bloom along the way; up a slight gradient to Sundial Garden, Bonsai, and down to the Ginger Garden.  Let’s take a little time to enjoy the beautiful Ginger blooms. They are so beautiful! and the small waterfall, is refreshing.  Next, one gets a panoramic view as the Symphony Lake is in sight; also, some water lilies and lotus are in bloom! (I hope all the flowers stay in bloom till our we visit  emoticon). Here we can linger longer or adjourn to the View Terrace, which is a short distance away, where there is shade and a small waterfall, as well.  As we stroll along, all of a sudden it seems you have arrived at a miniature desert, a journey through time …….  to proceed further or turn back to where there is food! Decision? … decision? Let’s take it from there.

There is a refreshment kiosk at Ginger Garden and toilet facilities.  At the end of the walk, we can have dinner at the newly opened Taman Serasi Foodcourt or the Halia Restaurant at the Ginger Garden (was told that it serves good food at a price).

The Garden closes at midnight so, relatively safe to stay (if you choose to) till the lights come on. 

Put on your walking shoes, come and enjoy the lush foliage @ the Gardens.

Please register via email :

Moon looking for friends to travel together

Dear Silverhairs Friends,
I am a poly lecturer in my 40s and a relatively new member. I am also considerating a 14D Silk Road trip departing on Sept 16. However, this trip has not be confirmed which is subjected to getting the minimum number. If you are interested, please let me know which trip would you prefer.

Yours Sincerely, Moon Wong 

Investment group and weekly coffee talk ?

Hi all SHC members, I have read that in USA it is common for retirees or housewifes to form a group, so that they can get their hands into Investing in Stocks, Futures, with the experts in the club providing good and free advice resulting in good returns. As i have just starting getting into investiing in stocks , futures, CFDs ,etc, i just wonder if we can form such a group , so that those who may be Experts can share their expertise and experience  to help new comers like me.  So far , i have learned quite a lot from people like Dave and Andrew and i think they could be others out there who may have just as much as expertise or more and can help us all.  At the same time,  some who like me, who are just starting out,  will defintely benefit by learning from these people.  Of course’ everything is on a good will basis, no guarantees and everyone is responsible for their own investments, but talk is free, and knowing more is defintely better in any investments.  At the end of day, it is also a good way to get to know more SHC members and have something current and of strong interests to talk about.  Ronald , 91519301 ( SMS if possible)

Robotics – Singapore Robo Grand Prix anyone ?

Hi all SHC ,

Just wondering if there are any Robotics enthusiasts amongst us ? I know Andrew ,Ronald Lee have extensive experience in software Engineering, so looking if we can start something here .  In preparation for the Singapore Robo Grand Prix later this year, the Science Center has organised a talk and Pre-season challenged for Novice and is open to the public from the 6-8 Sept, at Temasek Poly, a 2 day event from 9am to 5pm. Contact 67805426. Also there is free Course to help those interested in developing applications for Windows Mobile 5.0 applications using Visual Studio 2005 on the 5th Sept at Nanyang Poly, 9am-5pm. A every comprehensive course inlcudes basic theory and practice and  hands-on . Both are free, really unbelieable in Singapore ? .  Contact me if anyone is interested and we can go together, enjoy this hobby for fun for a start, and see if we can start something in future . Ronald Wi – 91519301 (SMS if possible).

3 Days 2 Nights Trip to Berjaya Colmar Tropicale Bukit Tinggi, Pahang

Hi Guys

Some of us in the cycling group have discussed about making a trip to this wonderful place from Fri, 20 Oct to Sun, Oct 06. Those travelling may have to apply for official leave from their office if it falls on a working day. Please do not bring children.

We wish to cater just one busload of about 40-44 paxs. The fares and other details will be updated in a few days’ time.

In the meantime, you can view details about this place here –

Photos of August gathering, cycling and walking activities.

The SilverHairsClub is a place for you to meet more friends.  Come join the group.

  • For today’s gathering 25 Aug 2006, here are the photos.
  • For cycling activity held on 19 Aug 2006, photos.  Yew Kwong.
  • For walking activity held on 19 Aug 2006, photos.  Charles Wee.

Cybercafe Project Update

Dear Terence

As you know a few of us has been keen on the cybercafe project initiated by Ronald. I spoke several times with Ronald on the subject; and also with the other members who have posted on his thread. Although we have gone down individually to the location suggested by Ronald, some of us have yet to meet one another. We intend to take this opportunity to meet at tonight’s Silverhairs meeting.

To the best of my knowledge, this project is purely a Silverhairs members voluntary initiative and cooperative effort. There are no corporate sponsors at this stage. No one is trying to sell anything to anyone. This is a good thing. 
It may also be a good opportunity for us to present and share some of the findings and ideas to interested members. Many members  may be interested in the business plan but have yet to come forward. Perphaps we can do it towards the end of the meeting when all other scheduled matters have been dispensed with. All those interested can stay back if they want to. Will this be OK?

It seems that Silverhairs lack a convenient and central location for their gatherings and activities. Getting the logistics together for a meeting eg the ecommerce training is a case-in-point. So a member’s initiative for a cybercafe (or to use its updated 3rd generation concept of a chill café) may be just the de-facto clubhouse that is required for Silverhairs to grow to the next stage.

You can email or call me at 62727046 or 91721567.

Volunteers to teach “Selling/Auctions on the internet”

This repeats a Post by Terence on 3 Aug 06. It says "We have a few volunteers to teach and coach this topic.  There might be some of you who would like to offer the same service.   if you are experienced in selling on ebay, Yahoo or other auction sites, and willing to spend some time with other SilverHairs who may be interested, please raise your hands here.  Those with online payment experience also appreciated.
The small group would form among themselves in max 6 people.  The location will be their apartment/house, and they would have their own PC, broadband and digital camera.  Session 2 hours. 
So, if you would like to volunteer, raise your hands here.  Hopefully, you will get to meet new friends too with common interests."

So far, 5 members had responded to do or assist in the teaching  with only 11 responded to learn. To all other members who wish to learn, dont feel shy to come forward and put your names here. We dont want you to be left behind in the digital divide. 

updated on 27 Aug 06

Launching “Blue Helmet”

Some of us have retired, others have not lost a job for whatever the reason.  There are still many among us who want to have a job, make use of our knowledge, experience and studies, and who want to do something meaningful during our SilverHairs years.  Some SilverHairs are lucky, and do not need a job.  Some of us see retirement as a time to rest, after all the years of work.

I am looking at launching "Blue Helmet".  What is Blue Helmet?  This will be a continuous project to look at new job opportunities for SilverHairs.  I am not talking about direct selling or MLM.  There are ample such opportunities in today’s market.  The basic idea behind Blue Helmet is not about finding huge salaries, but finding viable work opportunities so that we can continue to enjoy meaningful SilverHairs years.

Blue Helmet is not a jobs market.  At the same time, I have yet to lay down the full structure of Blue Helmet. I see the key is how to create work opportunities, while taking advantage of our experiences and knowledge.  Blue Helmet may be a wild dream.  But, I guess this is a case of true necessity, in today’s real world.

At the first stage, I am looking to find other SilverHairs within the club, who have an interest to dwell on this topic.  Those who have an interest and the challenge to help bring many SilverHairs out of the dilemma of a changing world.  If you are a believer that SilverHairs can still be useful in today’s world, and that retirees can still work and be active, then join Blue Helmet.  This will be a working group to look at how to take Blue Helmet to the next stage, not just within Singapore,  but within the Asian region.  Blue Helmet would look at overcoming the negatives, and work more towards the postives and the opportunities.

So, if you see SilverHairs as a positive group, have ideas, willing to not complain about negative policies and regulations, and willing to develop Blue Helmet as part of the SilverHairsClub, please let me know.

I am a firm believer that SilverHairs should keep working actively, way into their retirement years.  In this way, the brain stays active, the body parts continue to lubricate at the joints, and we can still enjoy the blue skies and the fresh air.  Wild dreams again, I dont think so.  And you are welcome to write and talk about this topic.  So, share your thoughts.


SilverHairsClub August update

Hi all SilverHairs,

SilverHairsClub August update
The SilverHairsClub has been very successful because of your participation.  Having SilverHairs means differently to each of us.  Our concerns are real.  Jobs, health and finance are real concerns.  And finding friendship when we get old can keep our spirits high.  It is important to look good, put on your green shorts and yellow snickers, wear pink spectacles, see the world 3 months a year and have a small job or business.

I like to urge you to read the every week.  Write your thoughts and ideas, no matter how crazy you think others might think of it.  Let other SilverHairs know you.  We are all over 45.  Not shy lah.

1.  August gathering
Date/Time:  Fri Aug 25, 2006, from 1800 – 2000 hrs.  Opens at 1730 hrs.
Venue: Caffe Bastillava, inside MPH, 63 Robinson Road, between Raffles MRT and Tanjong Pagar MRT.

No entrance fees, just order your drinks from the cafe.  One member will speak on the topic "How to register and use the HDB flat for a small business?"  To register, simply add a comment here.

2.  SilverHairsClub Games Day
Confirmed for Sun Sept 17.  The first social games event.  No charge for entrance and swimming.
If you have not registered for the Games yet, we are closing soon.  Please contact Patrick Yeo on website.
Registered participants for the games are listed here.

3.  SHC Online
We had a good start at the 1st SHC Online, for SilverHairs to meet online.  How to join SHC Online? click here.
From now on, SHC Online will be conducted on:
*  1st Sat of month 2230 – 2330 hrs (Chairman – Terence) and
*  1st Wed of month 0900 – 1000 hrs (Moderator – Vishal from Delhi).
There will be no further announcments on this meeting via email, except on website events.

4.  Cycling activities
SHC encourages you to stay healthy now.  We appreciates the initiatives of Loh Yew Kwong. He has organised the dates for cycling. For details, click here.
Yew Kwong says no need to buy a bicycle.  You can rent them, and see Singapore at the same time.
Sat, 19 Aug 06 at 4 pm
Sat 23 Sept 06 at 4pm.

5.  Walking activities
We encourage healthy hearts.  Join other SilverHairs and get to know one another.  The club is for you to meet new friends.  Charles Wee is fit.  Join him and see Singapore.  To participate, register here.
Date/time – Saturday  19th August 2006 at 4.30pm
Meet  at Sembawang Park terminal bus stop.(just next to park)

6.  July gathering photos
Now available.  Some pictures were too dark so we put up a few.  See pictures.

7.  Business ideas
Some SilverHairs are actively working on a few business ideas.  If you are interested in joining a group for discussion, please read this post.     

8.  Retirement eco-concepts
Eco-village concept has caught the attention of a number of SilverHairs.  Ronald Wi is initiating a group to take this topic further.  The likely place for the meeting will be Evelyn’s place.  If you are interested in Eco-village retirement ideas, please look at some postings from Ronald Wi on the website.  Please contact him on the website. 

9.  Jobs
SilverHairsClub encourages the posting of job offers to SilverHairs.  We do not vet the offers, and as long as they keep outside the club’s taboos, we would let the job postings be published.

The 1st intake of specialty shops will close on 31 Aug 2006.  If you would like to have a shop name on, please note the deadline.  Specialty shops are for SHC members.

If you like to contribute, do let William Chew, Margaret Lee, Loh Yew Kwong, Charles Wee, Dolly Lim or myself know.
The SilverHairsClub is intended as a platform for Singaporeans, over 45, to meet new and more friends.

Terence Seah

SHC Games Day – Sun Sep17 (Registration)

The planned SHC Games Day is ON ie Sun, Sept 17 0830 to 1300 hrs. For all SilverHairs, whether participating or not participating in the games.  Please register by putting in a comment here.

This gathering is not intended to be competitive sports.  It aims to provide a channel for SilverHairsClub members to get to know one another better in a relaxed environment, away from the city.

We estimate a crowd of 50 participants, and if it turns out to be a 100, so much the better.  Strictly for SHC members only, no kids.  For registered SHC members, there is no entrance fee charges and and the use of the swimming pool.  So, everybody is encouraged to bring his trunks or her swimming costumes.  We would encourage casual swimming in the Olympics size pool.

The surroundings of the Changi Beach Club is suitable for walking and cycling.  But, this is left to you.

Tentative schedule:
*  0800 – 0830 hrs – registration.
*  0830 – 0930 hrs – free and easy, getting to know each another.
*  0930 – 1000 hrs – Preparation for the Games.
*  1000 – 1100 hrs – Games in session
*  1100 – 1130 hrs – Games wind down and results, and gathering at the beach front open-air cafe.
*  1130 – 1300 hrs – Games awards, lunch, knowing one another.  Prizes will be organised by Terence.

Simultaneous on-going:
0930 – 1100 hrs – Olympic size swimming pool, free and easy, and getting to know one another.

* No charge to registered SHC members.  Attendance before 0900 hrs.
* Club entrance fee will be charged for non SHC members and late comers.
* Small club fees for bowling, mahjong.

* Small breakfast available at beach front cafe
* Simple Buffet lunch available.
* No external food.

* Outside the club, along the road.
* At 1315 hrs: Walk to Changi village for those without own transport.

Event organiser (main) – Patrick Yeo

And, if you like to assist in member registration, event organiser (Games) and match-makers (getting others to know others), please drop a comment here too.

Terence Seah  9489-4360

cheapest city



Gathering with Singapore club of Thailand

I am trying to organise a get together with SCOT.  There is one coming up on 14-15 Oct.  Keep in touch on this post.  Interested?, please put your name here.  The club meets gathering, but this is a good event to know Singaporeans living in Thailand.

From Singapore Club of Thailand:
The Oct event will be announced soon and I will make sure that you are in the mailing list. Tentatively, it will be an overnight stay in a mountain resort in the East of Bangkok on the 14-15 Oct.

As our group is large, we will be staying in tents of 2pp. Tents, mattress, blankets will be provided by the resort and there are hot water facilities too. It is a luxury camping experience. With the package, we get to play team games in water challenge, flying fox and rock climbing. Of course if someone in the group doesn’t want to join, they could pass their tickets to someone else. The games, I’m told can be played by both young and old :)

All meals will be covered by the resort.

Each person cost Bht1,500 excluding transport (as this is a self-drive holiday). I could arrange van transport for your group and it would probably cost no more than an extra Bht1000 per person for a 2-way trip.

Lastly, during the night, we will play some activities such as Bingo to raise some funds for our charity projects in Chiang Rai.  Hope that this sounds interesting.

Personal Car for Hire


Owning a car is expensive and also especially if it is not used much. As i am retired and am not in need of the car most of the time.  I am offering my car for rent to SHC members and also the service of easy pickup and return around Central MRTs. 

I also found out that it is perfectly legal to do, as LTA encourages such a private ownership scheme to rent out their vehicle during weekends.

If anyone has such a need call me or SMS me, and we can discuss the arrangements.

By the way , my car is a Sunny Auto 1.5, Year 1998, so it is about 7.5 years old and is running great.

Cheers, Ronald Wi

HP 91519301


Death by Fat

Over the weekend, I had Luo-bo-gao (carrot cake) and   Hao-jian (oyster omellete) at a famous hawker center rebooted (Tiong Bahru). It was good enough to die for.  If I have to go just then I can’t find a better time to do so.

My left brain tells me to go abroad for a leisurely RV resort lifestyle. The flashes of hao-jian stops my right brain. Lucky my stomach has non-voting rights.

So I still game to go. Provided the two is on the menu.

Disclaimer: I don’t sell  Luo-bo-gao or  Hao-jian.

Home Alone Again

The numbers are chilling. 22,000 seniors in single households is a rise of 47% in 5 years (see Straits Times Mon 7 Aug 2006, Review Section, Page 21. If you take away 4,000 singles you potentially have at least 18,000 couples assuming both are seniors.

How many senior studios are on plan? 200, 300 or 1,000 tops for the NEXT 5 years?! The global aging is onto us. Not in drips but like the smashing of a meteorite to ground. Just look at a "modern" city like Sydney.

There are 700 retirement villages in NSW alone supporting supporting 35,000 residents of age range 70 to 75. The residents break up into 50% female and 10% couples. If Singapore is to come to par with Aussie retirement lifestyle, then we need to project RVs for a 180,000 senior residents. 

The maths shouldn’t surprise anyone. Everybody knows that there are more kangaroos then people down under. We may be small in size but we have 4 million smiles. The news is shocking made all the worse by the fact that we consider senior at ages above  55 or 62 depending on what you are looking for.

Look at the bright side. Silverhairs should have no problem finding recruits.  Also better step on the accelerator on finding the ideal RV. Long quesues expected anytime soon.

On improving Silverhairs Forum

Like to share some thoughts on improving this forum site?

This forum tend to be very blog-like. It has large first postings and  typically short threads ie smaller number of short comments. I wonder if this is intentional.

One suggestion is to post a summary of the topic posting (say first 10 lines max) and the last 24 hours thread submissions (also in summary format). The bulletin should contain only current postings, say,  topics submitted last 72 hours or with freash submissions less than 24 hours. The rest is archived. This encourages depth in the thread. Typically then you will find many more comments of a meatier nature.


Eco Travel to Europe Anyone ?

Hi SHC members,

I am planning to make trip to UK, Europe not only to sight see , but also on a Eco-village discovery tour. Such Eco-villages are under  GEN ( Global EcoVillage Network) and are endorsed by United Nations. They have all- year volunteer programmes and also conduct courses on various topics on Eco-village Matters  that are also endorsed by UN. Overall, i would say, the intention is to travel not to just the towns but also the countryside, and  learn from people of different cultures, on the Main issue of living and doing something to care for the environment that is around us. Singapore, in many ways is quite pro-active in being ECO- friendly , from the ways we recycle water,  to be self sufficient and the concept of making a greener Singapore with rooftop gardens, etc.  A very few like Ivy Singh-Lim has even started Singapore’s most well-known back-to-nature countryside living and have expanded into the farming business “Bolloywood veggies”.

Right now, for me it is just to travel and visit  other countries that i have not been to, while i am still strong and healthy. There are many such Eco-villages all round Europe, England, Italy, Spain ,  that have all-year round volunteer programmes,, that you will probably take a life time to visit. Right now,i t is almost the end of summer so it is the right time to visit Europe and then maybe Australia and New Zealand after Dec.   Estimated cost, will be the air tickets, train tickets, and basic meals cost, and hoping to save as much on hotesl by getting free lodging volunteering in the Eco-villages.  I think it is better than staying at some expensive hotel for a night, this way you can meet friends and  stay longer with them.  You get to see and experienced a lot more and you can learn a lot more, of the food, culture , ideas  and at the same time  leaving a healthy life in the countryside.   I believe the Eco-village concept should start with our own body first.  The first village is our body ( it holds our mind and soul )  that we have to keep healthy to serve us for the many years down the road.  So if anyone of you, is free, after retiring and feel you are healthy and strong enough to take on such travel, do consider, to join me.  You are invited to join me at any stage and at any place while i am on the move in Europe,as i may be there for 3 months or more.

Cheers, maybe i will learn how to make heathlier Sheppard’s Bread by then.

Trip to Malacca/Port Dickson

Malacca Resort/Eco Village Tour 10/8 – 12/8 (optional day 13/8) Day 1 – Eco Village ( near Palm Resort Golf Course, 2nd Link), Malacca Ayer Keroh Resort, stay at Hotel Puri (original Nyonya House converted into a 4 star Heritage Hotel ) Night eating in Malacca Town Hawker Centre ( Malacca Newton Centre).

Day 2 – Coasting along Tanjong Kling, Tanjong Bidara and arriving in Port Dickson, staying at the “out in the Beach Hotel” with glass bottoms.  Night enjoy local food along the Beach and Quiet evening.

Day 3 – Visit Port Klang and (Malaysia version of Sentosa Cove and Beach Homes ) Phase 1 completed and PHase 2 for booking.  Expressway back to Spore and stopover at A Formosa Resort for Lunch and evening stop over at JB for cheap bargains and dinner.

Welcome to all SHC members to join in, or form their own Car pool groups to join in. Right now i am driving with Dave and Andrew joining me.  Call me or sms me for more info or details 91519301.