Book Review: Mind over Menopause

A Harvard Medical School book, borrowed frm the Nat Library. The menopause transition is a unique experience for each woman. Some cruise through with few problems but to some, life can be difficult and extremely trying. This period of fluctuating hormones may cause hot flashes, nite sweats, mood swings, headaches, problems sleeping, tension, anxiety and the list goes on. The book offers techniques and advice to manage the symptoms of menopause and improve your long-term health. There’s a lot of focus on relaxation techniques….Modulate our breathing to reduce stress and induce calm….Quiet the mind, calm the body; quiet the body, calm the mind….. Humour replacement therapy (HRT) is recommended….the following quote from the book: A sense of humour can help you overlook the unattractive, tolerate the unpleasant, cope with the unexpected, and smile through the unbearable. I give this book 4 silver hairs…..(on a scale of 1-5 silver hairs where 1 is a ok lah and 5 is a must read).

June Lim

Boon Liang’s profile

Hi all,

I’m Boon Liang. I do hope I’m not too late to register for the 18 Aug 2007 Cycling at P. Ubin. So sorry, was unable to surf this web due to very bz schedules. I ‘m still very very new having just joined the interesting cycling experience at East Coast.

I was in the sales of Network cabling dept of an IT company for the last 10 years but was transfered to Logistic and shipping in Dec 2006.

My interests are cycling, bowling, brisk-walking. I would love to join in as many activities or event if times permit.

Please contact me at and Mobileph: 96177266

Badminton Session

See you folks!                 . Last week playersemoticon

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Ronald Wie
  3. Albert Tan
  4. Maggie Teo
  5. KK Loh
  6. Lily Ho
  7. Molly Tan
  8. Ronald Lee
  9. Molly Chua
  10. John Seah
  11. Eunice Kok

HERE AND NOW – Robert Fernando In Concert

One of Singapore’s most respected and sought-after vocalist Robert Fernando will hold his first solo concert "Here and Now" at Drama Centre Theatre on 7th Sept Fri, 8pm. He will sing ever popular standards and evergreens in his concert with a live band backing him up (approx 1hr 45 mins)

Do click for full details and purchase of tickets.

Do join me there for an evening of music and songs !!! emoticon

clara …

West Coast 26 Aug ,Sunday Leisure Walk

West Coast Leisure ( Humans Only )
Walk ( Ad. hoc )
posting on behalf of Steven Chan

Dear Johnny Walkers,emoticon
This walk is meant for SHC HUMAN members only.

NO pet dogs are allowed.

from some of the SHC members that this is a Dog Walk ? and some members
had refrain from joining because they do not have pets or fear of dogs.
As a result, I had changed this walk to a solely HUMAN walk.

For those who are interested to join 

Date:     26 th. August 2007. ( Sunday)

Meeting Place: Clementi Town Centre Seated inside Mac Donald Restaurant ( the one directly opposite  Clementi MRT station ).For
those who have NOT met me before , I am very TALL  and will be  wearing
a RED T-shirt for easier identification .You cannot afford to miss.

Time: 8.00 A.M.

Maximun Number : 20

Gather together and have our BREAKFAST at West Coast Park Mac Donald Restaurant on your own.

We can either eat in air cond comfort or in the open air.


1) Walk from Clementi Mc. Donald to West Coast Park Mac Donald.  ( 8.00 -8.40 a.m. )

2) Breakfast and chit chat at West Coast Park Mc. Donald   ( 8.40 – 10.00 a.m. )

Walk,socialise,interact  and enjoy the Panoramic view of the TALL Bird
Nest Fern Trees ,Cannonball Trees, other floras and faunas at the park

( 10.00 -11.00 a.m.)

4)  Dismisal point and Time  : 11.15 a.m.

Escorted back to the Shuttle Bus ( stop) directly opposite Ginza Plaza will
ferry passengers back to Clementi Bus Interchange and Clementi MRT Stn.  (
Home Sweet Home )

OPTIONAL *** from W.C.Park Mc. Donald to Sheng Siong Supermarket (upon request )

( 11.15a.m.- Unlimited time ) ( Shop at your own leisure.)

at Sheng Siong supermarket offers CHEAPER prices and WIDE variety of
items.Better than NTUC. Came out in the latest survey in NST. 

 What to

i) Umbrella just in case it may
ii) Bottled mineral water

iii) Caps/Hats  
iv) Clip on Polaroid /Sun glasses  
v) Extra T-shirts


 Rain Snow or Sun, I will be there 4 U. emoticon
Gentle reminders:  emoticon

Pls.register in the Comments Column if you are coming. Thanks and looking forward to your participation.  

em>1) Steven Chan
2)  Michelle 


Learn to prepare Nonya Mee Siam

Anyone keen to learn how to prepare mee siam Nonya style?

I will be conducting a class on 18th August for those not going to Pulau Ubin.

Time: 10.30am- 1.00pm

Venue: My place

Fee: $8/-

Lunch( eat what is prepared) inclusive free flow of hot and cold drinks.

Group size : 8 

Cruise your blues away

Love cruises. Can’t join gang on Virgo due to heavy prior holiday committments. But we don’t have to travel together to enjoy cruises as a club. Like to use this post to share great deals, experiences, and opportunities on cruises.

Let me start with a great deal posted by Ron Lai,
"VIRGO cruise on 6d5n to Bangkok and Hua Hin, at the cost of $l030/= per pax (exclude tax), on the BUY ONE GET ONE FREE, subject to paying by" DBS/POSB cards.

He says interestingly
"We love cruises, not as to venture to the casino or the one-arm bandit, as these will cause to donate, but to enjoy the lovely music and dance the nights away, every nights. In the mornings, with sea-breeze blowing to your face, can do LTK (LUK TUNG KUEN) exercise on the deck."

But let’s not leave out Casinos – your favorite tips & tricks to beat the house. It is part of the total experience. With luck, an enriching one.

Watch Your Gas

No enbloc and more than 10 years. Watch your gas pipes. With age they can  pit with rust and can leak under pressure. The usual culprits are the exposed pipes. You can check these yourself. But the more subtle are the concealed. Normally, if you have separate water leak then gas pipes nearby will be become suspect over time. Ask the gas company to check regularly. 

Sad about Mr. Chan the active senior who died from the Bt Merah gas leak.

Question : Does anone knows why "Sarah" of Sarah Senior Citizens Activity Centre. Is this private and profit run?

Golf kakis list

I have been a golf player since 1990.  My swings can be soso or bad, depending on whether I have a couple of beers with me.  Used to play at least twice a week.  But, really, can’t seem to find enough time nowadays.

In the last few years, I prefer to play during competitions, and usually, I land up being the last or second last.  But, not shy, I continue to enjoy the game.  It’s fun and relaxing.  Golf is not cheap; and it’s time-consuming for some.  But, the game is healthy, considering the walk and the body swings.  For many, golf is good exercise for the body, and good for friendship.  Maybe good for retirees too.

We have some good golfers in the SilverHairsClub.  And, of course, we have some, who likes to try a hand at it.  There are interests to play in Malaysia, and there are in interests to go to the driving range.

We can start a Golf Kakis list here.  Newbies and amateurs, feel free to put your name here.  And, if you have a spare or unwanted golf set, hiding somewhere in your home or office, you can offer it here too.   Someone may want it.  Even, the odd iron 5, or 5 wood or the single putter.

So, let’s proceed with the list first.  Calling all Golf Kakis….


  • Good enough on the green – Daniel Kang, Terence Seah, Charles Wee, Pauline ?, Eleanor Chan, Ronald Wie, Ah Nee, Molly, Bessie Lam, Jeremy, Andrew, Gywneth Lee, Daniel Kang (left hand golfer)
  • Good enough to start on the driving range – Annto, Ann Lim, Susan Chang, Norlinda

Terence Seah

SuperStar Virgo, September 26, 2007

Due to poor response, the cruise date will be change to September 26, 2007 (Due to poor response, the Virgo trip will be put on hold)

This cruise will have stopover in Malacca and Kuala Lumpur

Two night affairs! Leaving on Wednesday at 12.00 midnight and back at 1400 hours on Friday.

The lower cabin on promotion at $278 for quad sharing including seaport tax are fully booked.

Quad sharing at $328 including seaport tax at $79.00.

Triple sharing at $368 including seaport tax at $79.00

Twin sharing at $428 including seaport tax at $79.00

All prices quoted are for low season and subject to availability!

Let’s hope for better responses!


Blue Helmet preparation

The Blue Helmet project is currently at its business plan stage.  For SHC members who may not be familiar with this project, Blue Helmet is intended to take the tasks of being a one-stop shop where companies can recruit experienced professions.  Other tasks include training and continued education.  Many SilverHairs have retired, and Blue Helmet hopes that their skills, knowledge and experience can continue, after 55 or 62.

Currently, we are looking for SilverHairs, with experience in:

  • Managing Human Resource departments
  • Managing Finance and accounting departments.

If you feel you can contribute to the Blue Helmet project, at this stage of project submission, please raise your hands.  If you put your name here, KT Wong or myself will be in touch with you.

For earlier discussion on this forum, please click onto category ‘Blue Helmet".

Terence Seah/KT Wong

Colmar, 2-4 Nov 07 (Fri-Sun)

Hi all, yours truly is the organiser :-). I really really hope I do a good job :-))). Thanks to those of you who hve given me the "jia you". :-)) This is what I intend to do: Aug: first 2 wks…..look around for tours/packages to Colmar. 3rd wk ……….selection of travel agent, confirmation of tour cost etc. 4th wk……… on website with all the confirmed details for members to confirm participation. 11 members hve so far either confirmed going or "chope" seats :-)). …anyway, the more the merrier, the more the "siower" :-))…hope to get same no. as the Batam trip. Those of you who know of good travel agents/conductors, special packages to Colmar etc etc, pls do let me know. Thanks. And btw, I hven’t been to Colmar.

Christine Chan – Profile

Hi all, just join the club.  Hope to find people of the same interest.  I enjoy jogging and trekking.  Try to jog at least twice a week to maintain myself though ideally  three times a week would be good.  Well, hope I can find people who can motivate me.  Usually I jog around telok blangah,  however weekends I like to jog at Botanic and Macritche.  Trekking on weekends would be perfect, like Bukit Timah Hill.  Is good to be away from the hustle and bustle of city life to take a breather which is far more economical than going overseas.

Well, don’t be scare by what I share above.  I believe anybody who likes to jog and trek can join me, regardless of the pace. 

Looking forward to meeting you all.

Tan Jeremy – Profile

hi everyone! I juz realized that I’ve not send in a profile after going thru’ like who’s who in the Profile column. Some of you really write like a pro! well, here goes mine; I’m born in Oct 1953, Libra, but many of my parts are made in 1907. some parts are failing already lah. emoticon  I’m blessed with a loving wife and 3 wonderful kids. [Is that how you write in the forum?] Anyway…. Been in the interior furnishing industry since 1973 and gave up in 1991. Made my move to working overseas as a Marketing Consultant and kept my promise to return after almost 10 yrs. Presently, helping out in a Yoga & Welfare org here. I joined them in 1974 when yoga was unknown. My hobbies are Golf, Mahjong, Pools, Reading & Songs. My interests are Massage, subject on Philosophies, Yoga, Meditation, Religion, UFO, Movies, Marketing strategies, Creative design aspects, did I mentioned Massage? Ahhhhh, yes, and Massage. emoticon I had a cultural shock when I came back in Mar 2000. The mindset here was that people who have reached the age of 45 and above, are considered old/ redundant? I had problem fitting in into the org here as they feel that I’m over the hill or 1 foot below the ground. That is sad. emoticon Forgot how I came to know about this club [told you some parts are made in 1907!] But I’m glad that there are so many like-minded ppl here. I hope to join in some of the activities or help out in some ways, but I’m only available on thu or fri afternoons. I like to reserve the weekends for my family. emoticon But let’s see. Well, that’s my brief and hope to fit in real soon. Take care all of you and keep smiling, at least for me. I don’t know how to smile leh. Cramp cheek muscles [yes, bad parts again!] emoticon cheers! jeremy

Edwin Chen – Profile

Hi, I am Edwin Chen. Already a corporate dropout at 61 but still pumping iron like Governor Arnold of California, dying to emulate him but can managed, maybe, catch the tail of governor of Bedok only!

A little career history……. I was a ……

Reinsurance Underwriting/Claims Specialist : Facultative and International Treaty Portfolios.

Lecturer: On an adhoc basis at the Insurance Institute of Singapore(now Singapore Insurance Institute) . Pet subject motor insurance physical/property damage and third party liability risks portfolios.

Member: Motor Insurance Policy committee of the General Insurance Association of Singapore. Responsible for public complaints. Drafts and amendments to the local Motor Insurance Policy and matters pertaining to the local Act.

Councillor of the Insurance Institute of Singapore for a number of years. Organizer/Moderator of international insurance seminars and conferences before my retirement.

Director of the Metropolitan YMCA/Stevens Road for a number of years. Organizer/Moderator of Plain English Speaking Contests for Secondary/Pre U Schools 1980’s

Singapore Representative: SSEAYP 1974 ASEAN / ASIAN Youth Leaders Program, Japan

Singapore Representative: Youth Leaders Worshop, Sukabumi,Indonesia 1970

Music Director/Trainer: Telok Blangah Constituency Choir (Winner Intercon Choir Contest 1990s)


After a roller coaster ride through life ………. Arriving to present and now a …………


Part-time: Church/Social Worker

Part-time: Musician/Entertainer

Part-time: Martial Arts (Nan Chuen)Advisor

Part-time: Handy Man (Repairing/touch up musical instruments)

Full-time: Home Keeper/Laundry Man

Full-time: Kamikaze Driver

Full-time: Rent Collector/Mow the Lawn/Clean the Pool(Ozland)

No-time: Still wasting time!

Still wasting time!

Anyone of you with similar CV, to my past or present, future?? can join me on my “yum cha” days, Tuesdays or Thursdays. Money of course still not enough but still can afford and occasional splurge with fellow Silver Hairs!

Life is to be enjoyed, be cool and stay cool!

Edwin Chen

Party with Capt. Beer

First of all let me introduce Capt. Beer.  He is none other than Kaushal, a SilverHairs Clubber, who has turned around from being Master Mariner to Master Brewer in year 2004, when Singapore made it legal to ‘Brew Your Own Beer’.  Not only that, he is a good cook as well.  That is what he thinks but wait!  He is willing to let you decide, if he is in fact a good cook or not.

He would therefore like to host a party with Capt. Beer at his residence (16 Lichfield Road, Serangoon Garden, Near Chomp Chomp Hawker Centre) on Aug. 11, 2007 (Sat) at 5.30 PM*.  The healthy menu is likely to be made of a Starter, Sweet & Sour Chicken Wings, Mutton Biryani, Chicken Curry, Lightly Fried Plain Rice, Salad & Yoghurt.  To go with it, there will be home-made Dark Malt Beer (Light & Strong and it is FREE) and non-carbonated soft drink.  The charge is S$15.00 per SiverHairs Clubber.  Due to space constraint, the party is limited to the first 20 Clubbers***. In summary:-

  1. Event: Beer & Dine with Capt Beer
  2. Date & Time: 12th August 2007(Sunday) @ 5.30 pm**
  3. Venue: 16 Lichfield Road, Serangoon Garden

Menu*: Starter, Sweet & Sour Chicken, Mutton Biryani, Chicken Curry, Lightly Fried Plain Rice, Salad & Yoghurt plus home-made Dark All Malt Beer (Light & Strong).Those interested are requested to contact and register with Capt. Beer by email ( and you will obtain more information from him. 

Closing Date for registration is Aug. 04,2007: It’s Housefull now.  Thank you.

Capt. Beer is very excited and looking forward to meet some of you on Aug. 11, 2007.


Kaushal (SRI)

*I will include a light spicy dish for those, who are vegetarian.  I may also include Deep Fried & Plain Indian (wholemeal) Bread, called Puri.  Any help during the party would be very welcome.

**By now, you all know that Edwin, our Music Man is coming alongwith his instruments on Aug. 12, 2007 (Sunday).  As others have suggested, the party is therefore re-schedule to Aug. 12.   I am now looking forward to see the following Clubbers on the party day: 

1.     Dennis Wee

2.     Wendy Goh

3.     Patrick Yeo

4.     Ann Lim

5.     Tim Liu

6.     Susan Chang

7.     Ronald Lee

8.     Bessie

9.     Lee Ah Nee

10.   Molly

11.   Ronald

12.   Linda

13.   Steven Chan 

14.  Agnes      

15.  Clara              

16.  Maurice Loh    

17.  Oi Cheng

18.  Cheryl

19.  Elizabeth 

20.  Janet

21.  Ron Lai

22. Alice

23. Gingko

***  The party is housefull now as we have 23 Clubbers to merry and enjoy the party.  I look forward to meeting all of you and hope, we all will have a good time together.

To those, who could not be accomodated this time due to space constraint, I would say, there may be another one next month.

“Stars in Concert” on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 at SGCC

This event is now firmed for Sun 11 Jan 2009.  Will this be a dream come true?  "Stars in Concert". 

"Stars in Concert" is organised 100% by SilverHairsClub members.  It’s a concert, not a karaoke and not a talentime.  A solid 1 hour 15 mins evening of entertainment of non-stop singing performance.  Music and lights are a part of the evening.  An estimated 200 persons in attendance.

Performers on stage can perform solo, duets or in groups.  Everybody on stage will be dressed in their best, red lipsticks, polished shoes, straightened hair, and look smashing from far.  For the audience, Cheongsams would be a delight; a tie would be great.  No shorts, slippers, singlets.

Performers cannot just come up to the stage to sing and perform.  There will be an audition.  Participants would be required to submit a recorded CD of their song performance.  Any language, any dialect.  Preference given to groups or duets. 


  • Venue:  Serangoon Garden Auditorium
  • Parking:  Extremely limited, outside SGCC.
  • Cost:  Will be advised in Nov 2008.  SGD 16 per person.

Planning committee:

  • Event Organiser – Terence Seah
  • Auditorium venue and F&B:  Molly Chua
  • Program Choreographer:  Lily Ho
  • Ticketing, seating and registration:  Janet Heng and Team.
  • First compere:  Catherine Yeo
  • Second compere:  Thomas Loh
  • Back drop and decoration:  Karen Thio and June Tan
  • Scheduler and time keeper:

Revised program (subject to revision):

  • 1800 – 1900 hrs – A light and easy menu, so that you wont be hungry in the auditorium.  Dinner is available at nearby Chomp Chomp market.
  • 1800 – 1915 hrs – Getting to know one another.  Meet new friends.  Meet more friends.  Write your name on a sticky label, and paste on your shirt/blouse.  Or bring your SHC  name tag.
  • 1915 – 1930 hrs – Seating begins, based on a fixed seating schedule.  For seating plan, click here.  Gates close 1915 hrs
  • 1930 – 2015 hrs – 1st session of "Stars in Concert" at Auditorium.  No food or drinks.
  • 2015 – 2045 hrs – Break time.
  • 2045  – 2115 hrs – 2nd session of "Stars-in-Concert".

Please dont raise your hand, as tickets are not available yet.  Let’s fine-tune the program and idea.  We like to hear your ideas.  Don’t be shy.  The crazier, the better.  Must be 100% SHC organised. 

Planning schedule:

  • End Oct – Selection of auditorium/concert hall.  Confirmed at SGCC Auditorium.
  • Mid Oct – Participants registration.  Completed.
  • Nov 2008 – Pre-performance reheasal
  • Nov 2008 – Music, band selection
  • Nov 2008 – Registration of participation.  Concert fee will be announced.  Seating plan.
  • Dec 5, 2008 – Final selection of participants, by audition team
  • Dec 5, 2008 – Announcement of compere pair.  Completed.
  • Sun, 11 Jan 2009 – "Stars-in-Concert", stage performance, strictly by registered SilverHairsClub members.

Terence Seah

Anne Heng – Profile

Hi I am Anne Heng, new member with SHC. I introduced myself on 17th July at the SHC gathering recently. I own a boutique spa, LIFE SPA Bodywork at Singapore Shopping Centre on #03-12. I am a London qualified therapist and provide beauty and healing body treatments.

On a personal note, I enjoy bowling and relaxing over a cup of tea with friends. I love good food and short trips when I have the time and meeting new friends. I look forward to meeting more of you in the new future. emoticon


SHC Annual Talent-Time – Sat, 24 Nov 2007

The last Talent-time was held Nov 2006 at the Oxford Hotel.  It’s time to work on this event again.  The last Talent-time was really fun.  Click here to see the pictures.

  • Date/Place: Sat, 24  Nov 2007.  Confirmed at Oxford Hotel.  Can be difficult to find car parks.
  • Time: 1500 – 1700 hrs (preparation, if you want to practise your throat, your partners or steps).
  • Getting to know one another or the judges:  1700 – 1800 hrs
  • Dinner (Buffet, coffee, tea, orang juice):  1800 hrs. 
  • Talent-Time competition:  1900 – 2030 hrs.
  • For those who are crazy and just want to sing, dance and perform, and couldn’t care about how good they are or what others think (Join the gang):  2100 – 2300 hrs.
  • Announcement of winners (very fun and serious): time, up to the judges, after 6 beers.
  • Cost of buffet, confirmed at $17.  Closing date for payment 31 Oct 2007.  Registered names, but not paid after closing date, will have their seats given to the waiting list.

And, to get things moving, please register here. If you are planning to sing, as a competitor, please give us the song title and the orginal singer’s name.

And, if you have ideas or suggestions on how the talent-time should be run, come and throw open your thoughts.  We like to hear from you.  The SilverHairsClub is intended as a platform for SilverHairs to meet new and more friends.  So, come along and join the fun.

Prizes:  Usually, we avoid buying prizes.  So, if have some some nice and cute things, sitting pretty somewhere, let us know.  We do appreciate it.  Once formed, the prize committee will manage the prizes.

Committee:  We are looking for the following key positions.  Feel free to raise your hands.

  • Comperes – Ron Lai, Joy Chuang
  • Judges – 2 (Lily Ho, ?)
  • Registration desk (name labels and payment) – 2
  • Managing the Karaoke machine, and queing the songs – Ronald Lee
  • Prizes committee – 2
  • Event organiser – Susan Chang
  • Bouncer – 1

Prize donations:

  1. Gary Loke – one brand new hair dryer
  2. Terence Seah – one handicraft sling bag, from Mae Hong Son, Thailand
  3. Kaushal – Mr Beer Home Brewery Deluxe kit
  4. Esther Wong – flirty 40s, fabulous 50s, sentimental 60s Karaoke VCDs
  5. Maria Tan – will think of something.
  6. Edwin Chen – a $25/- Hard Rock Cafe voucher
  7. Steven Chan – 1 carton of Guinness Malta (Non-alcoholic) malt Energy drinks
  8. Grace Kok – a set of baking ware
  9. Ron and Alice Lai – A new set of “5 in 1″ Power Handy Kit (consist of mini fan/vacuum cleaner/massager/ torchlight with compass with seperate holder).
  10. Sophia Lim – cook books
  11. Dan Huang – a set of tupperware
  12. Robert & Kristy Quek – Takashimaya Cash Voucher worth $50

Registered participants:

  1. Annie Loh – loves to be the 1st one to sing, yeah, PAID
  2. Rosalind Koh
  3. Caroline Gee – singing, PAID
  4. Joseph Yap Josephine Yap
  5. Gwyneth Lee – going to sing a song, but not sure which song.
  6. Linda Chang – coming to support, PAID
  7. Dolly Lim – offers to help, PAID
  8. Lily Ho – PAID
  9. Sam Goh
  10. Alice Goh
  11. Gingko Tay
  12. Linda Chang Clara Chay – PAID, "Just to tell me you love me".
  13. Molly Chua – Whisky pourer, PAID
  14. Susan Chang – Decoration, making the venue look soft and casual, PAID
  15. Oi Cheng – offers to help, PAID
  16. C J Ang
  17. Janet Riverine
  18. PH Liu
  19. Esther Wong – singing "My heart will go on", PAID
  20. Daniel Kang – Judge.  Sorry Daniel, we keep secret until closer the date.
  21. Andrew Yeung – Singing "Dust in the wind", by Kansas, PAID
  22. Bernie Chung – I can see clearly now by Johnny Nash.
  23. Terence Seah – Song "Daddy, Don’t you walk so fast", PAID
  24. Tim Liu – Thinking of contributing a Mandarin song “Sui Lai Ai Wo” by Luo Shi Feng. PAID
  25. Steven Chan – Edelweiss, PAID
  26. Robert Quek – PAID
  27. Kristy Quek – PAID
  28. CY Lee – offers to help
  29. Lee Ah Nee – offers to help, and cheer the participants, PAID
  30. Benson Koh
  31. Yew Kwong Mani Megalai Palanisamy
  32. Edwin Chen
  33. Norlinda
  34. Anne to – PAID
  35. Dennis Wee – PAID
  36. Wendy Goh – PAID
  37. Richard Lee
  38. Ron Lai – Lead compere, PAID
  39. Alice Lai – PAID
  40. Eyvonne Chew – PAID
  41. Cheryl Ho
  42. Elizabeth Hwang
  43. Janet Ng
  44. Veron Lee – PAID
  45. Mary Tan
  46. Joy Chuang – co-compere, PAID
  47. Aileen Ang
  48. Alice Teo – cheering the participants, PAID
  49. June Chin – confirmed, Not paid
  50. Ann Lim –  PAID
  51. Bessie Lam – PAID
  52. Julie Guan
  53. Ronald Lee – 2 shifts of Karoake manning machines, PAID
  54. Agnes Tan – PAID
  55. KT Wong – KT, you planning to come and sing?
  56. LH Jie – PAID
  57. Kaushal Srivasatava – coming to support
  58. Patrick Yeo – Japanese or Hokkien song
  59. Ronald Lee
  60. Eliza Chua
  61. Nina Gan
  62. Anthony Lee – will be singing too.
  63. NoraChia
  64. Maria Tan
  65. Lum Fook
  66. Chin Kim Seng
  67. Michelle Siew
  68. Eileen Lee – supporters, PAID
  69. Lisa Ong – supporters, PAID
  70. Shirley Wong –  Bridge Over Troubled Water
  71. Limited to 70 pax.  So, if you are planing to sing or support your friends, please raise your hands early.  This is the waiting list line.  The organisers will figure out how to manage the waiting list.
  1. Daniel Chan – likes to sing a Chinese Song
  2. Sophia Lim – one Chinese song coming up.
  3. Dee Ang – likes to support friends
  4. Christina Chan – PAID
  5. KK Yeo – Singing " Walk Away"
  6. Peggy Low – Singing Theresa Teng " Chinese song."
  7. Grace Kok
  8. Lina Tan
  9. Dan Huang – "Your cheating heart", and checking on the food and beverage.
  10. Randy Lee – "You make me feel brand new"
  11. Jennifer Lee
  12. Anne Chee – supporter
  13. Janet Chan – going to croon
  14. Sophia Lim
  15. Mary Chan – supporter
  16. Lee Peng Peng – supporter
  17. John Howe – supporter, PAID
  18. Jane Wong – supporter, PAID
  19. Lillian Lee – supporter
  20. Patricia Lim
  21. Philip Ong – may be singing
  22. Anne Ng
  23. Judy Lim – cheering
  24. Boon Liang – coming to support

Terence Seah

Cindy Low – Profile

Hi there I am Cindy. Age 46. I am quite new to SHC having just joined one walk, one bowling session and 17 July gathering!

I enjoy reading all the comments and sharings posted. emoticon

I have been working for more than 20 years and feel it is time to take things a little easy. Hence I have quit my job in January this year. One is to spend more time with my mum and second to do something different. A different environment can inject different ideas and bring about different outcome.

Going forward I hope to be able to learn from all of you and to be able to contribute to SHC in some ways too.

I like bowling, cycling, brisk walking. 

Can contact me at

Cindy Low   

Fort Canning Walk on 14Jul07

Dear walkists,

Happy to hear that you have enjoyed Fort Canning, it is my pleasure. 

The spice garden had drawn much interest.  It is one of the best I have seen in our sunny island, next time, shall provide more time for exploring it and other trails, that’s right, there is more … 

The pix taken by Yew Kwong are uploaded:


18Aug07 – an event for the Cyclists & Walkists at Pulau Ubin, look out for the posting.

08Sep07 – the scenic Mount Faber climb!

till then…… stay cool emoticon    ta ta


June Chin – Profile

Hi SHC members,

My name is June Chin, a new SHC member.  I am a volunteer working with children at the KK Hospital, Singapore Arts Museum, and National Museum of Singapore, doing arts and crafts.  i aso teach English as a second language (ESL) to foreign students at the International Baptist Church.

I share a variety of common interests with some SHC members, such as meeting people, listening to music, going to concerts, dancing, food, travelling, reading and exercise etc.  You see me every morning at the Botanic Gardens.

By the way, anyone interested in language?  I like to practise speaking German and it would be great if I can find a match at SHC.

Be seeing you in the forthcoming activities.

June (email: junechin

What can SilverHairs do to keep ourselves financially sufficient?

The July gathering focused on small business ideas.  But, importantly, as I see it, many of the ideas centred around "What can SilverHairs do to keep ourselves financially sufficient to bring us through our retirement years". 

What’s enough?  Two years ago, Vincent said $500 is enough.  A few days ago, we hear from the floor that we need $1,500 or $2,500 per month.

During the gathering, participants had only 5 minutes or less.  Presentations had to be brief.  We can now continue the discussion without being cut short for time.  Let’s use this forum.  I took some notes; but really did not do a good job.  Let me put the pointers down; and you can elaborate from here.

We had how to tap funds for business, bicycle rental, hot dogs, an investment club, retirement villages, Blue Helmet, online trading and investing, service to look after elderly, community work, family tree, and cakes to friends and neighbours.

Don’t be shy.  Write your ideas here.  Many SilverHairs read this forum.  Your participation can help create the bigger picture of what we SilverHairs can do when we retire, at 50, 60 or 65. 

Terence Seah

SHC 17 July 2007 gathering – pictures

The monthly gathering was just over.  Shirley Wong was the event organiser.  Many SilverHairs spoke and discussed on the topic "Small Business ideas".  And new SilverHairs took turns to introduce themselves.

For those who would like to elaborate further on what they had presented during the evening, please add your comments.  This helps with the memory.

And, if you have forgotten who’s who, and like to contact a particular person, you may also write your comments on this post.  Do remember to write a profile of your interests. 

And, if you had wanted to say something, but did not have the opportunity to speak, please share with us as still want to hear from you.

The pictures can be seen here.

Finally, any improvement ideas for future meetings?, don’t be shy.  Just drop your comments here too.

Terence Seah/Shirley Wong