Japan Travel

Hi All

I hope to visit Japan at mid/end Apr next year enroute to Michigan from Singapore. I was told that cherry blossoms at the time can be seen in the north and that they flower as early as Feb in the south.. I’m thinking of visiting Tohoku region in Honshu. At the moment adverts for package tours are for up to end Mar travel.

I intend to fly to Tokyo and stay a few nights and then sighsee around. I welcome anyone interested in travelling along or with information about accomodation etc.



How do you control the kids spending too much time on the computer or TV?

I guess many of you have big kids, and some have probably got married and living separate from the parents.  But my son is small, 8. So, I want to be prepared.

Last few days, I spend some time with friends, and they were complaining about a problem which will  concern me too, if  not now but later.  And that is their kids are spending too much time with computer games.  This seem to be a runnaway problem with the new generation.

Our older days may not have the luxury of computer games and television.  I have heard of tricks like "giving a time quota", "incentives to go outdoors", "punishment like no TV or computer for one week", etc.  All these adds to the frustration of being the parent.

Can you share with me and us how you manage this problem?  And, if you have other headaches, please write in, and others may be able to share their solutions with you.  The "Reflections" category is about right.

Terence Seah

Golden Gateway

Hi there, I am a new member. Been to your last gathering at Han’s.

Robed in by Edwin and had spoken to KT and Terence concerning SHC Blue Helmet looking for CFO.

I am above 45 years old, married with 2 children of age 15 and 8 years old respectively.

I have been a Regional Accountant for more than 15 years before progressing to Financial Planning industry to serve the needs in the Business arena. I am also involved in several social enterprise projects like property – redevelopment of eco-village nursing home(still in processs), business planning and funding including Acquisition and Mergers etc. Anything relate to Finance, I can be of help.

My interest is of Art like oil painting and fashion designing which I pick up recently after not active for many years.

My desire is to help people, the community(as long as it dont cost me my leg…)in area of my strength. That is what make my life meaningful each day. Eg I do help people find jobs, path their career and find better ways of generating income for their business. 

I trust, in days to come, I can add value to SHC and be a blessing to all of you.


Christina Leow

HP 96251162

Inexpensive ways to achieving healthy living

It prompt me to invite our SHC members to share their experiences on how to heal or cure common sicknesses, diseases and illnesses, and for those who know of the secret of keeping "Young and Energetic", all methods or ways to achieving it should be either free or inexpensive. 

The medicinal garden in Alexandra Hospital currently has over 90 species of medicinal plants, which was planted in May 2005 together with the help of volunteers from schools & the community. Alexandra Hospital hopes that with the additional of the medicine garden to its 20-hectare land, it would bring about a more holistic healing environment for patients and visitors. Go and find out more on its usefulness.

Recently I came across an article promoting a new method of looking Young not through using "BOTOX" but through practising "FACIAL KHARMA". It said that there are 36 acupoints on our face and if we know of the method to message it regularly, our face will become radiant and youthful. Check it out.

Well, is there anything else you would like to share?

SOHO for Remisier & Brokering Agents

We have a Trader’s Hub ideally tailored as a 3rd party support centre for remisiers, trading representatives etc. Just direct your clients to us and we become your support centre.

We have incentive scheme for your clients to trade. Trading is no more lonely here.  Its also a cafe fully setup with internet access for trading on a 24/7. 

Any startup business can also tap on our SOHO.

Silver lining for Singapore as region ages

This morning, I was reading Business Times, 25 Oct 2007; and here’s some interesting information.  In Singapore, 20% of our population will be 65 years or older by 2030.  In Asia, this number is 1.2 billion by 2050.

The Silver Industry has identified four growth segments; and they are healthcare and wellness, travel and leisure, financial products and services, and assistive technology.  New keywords are smart homes, easy laundry machines, auto power-off stoves, and elderly friendly devices.

Hmm, we are really a part of this picture.  Do you know what is assistive technology?

Terence Seah

Cycling Activities for Oct & Nov 07 (part 2)

Sat, 20 Oct 07 at ECP

The weather was pretty good n sunny at ECP after an earlier downpour. 18 members, including 3 1st timers Kwong Wah, Evelyn n Bira, turned up n hd almost 2 gd hrs of funs. Christina Chan who was into her 2nd learning lesson, hd obtained a yellow pass. We hope she will soon get the orange one which qualifies her 2 go on e road. Oi Cheng, pls "jia yu". We want 2 c U getting urs soonest.

Many thanks 2 our coaches, Jade n Ronald who hd patiently guiding e learners. Learners pls buy your coaches treats wen U all get ur orange passes.

We adjourned to Long Beach Seafood Restaurant 4 a sumptous dinner in a 17-seat table arrangement. We oso engage freelance captains, Lily n Molly 2 serve our food. Many thanks 2 them. Jade’s daughter oso came n joined us at the dinner.  

Who is who in e gp pic


Back Row : Kwong Wah, Jade, Catherine, Evelyn, Steven, Dolly, Bira, Ronald, Molly, Veronique, John n Boon Liang

Front Row : Lily, Christina n Oi Cheng

Sat, 17 Nov 07 at P Ubin

Tentative iterniary (subjects 2 change) :

Before 8.30 am – Come n hv breakfast 2gether at Changi Village.

8.30 am – Assemble at Changi ferry terminal 2 board ferry 2 P Ubin.

Thereafter we will cycle 2 Chek Jawa beach n xplore e plc.

12.00 pm – Lunch 2gether at "Happy Happy Eat Eat" seafood restaurant. 

Thereafter we will cycle 2 e oth side of P Ubin n oso visit e Thai temple.

4.30 pm – Will lv P Ubin 4 mainland n hv dinner there.


CYCLING – Norlinda, Gingko Tay, Molly Chua, Catherine Chong, Ivy Wong, Evelyn Ong, Ah Nee, Veronique Lee, Ronald Lee, Joyce Tan, Susan Chang, Janet Chan

WALKING – Ron n Alice Lai, Christina Chan, Peng Peng, Dennis Wee, Wendy Goh, Lilian Lee, Patricia Lim

Gym Workout/Swimming

Starting next year or earlier we are planning for regular weekly session for Gym workout and Swimming.

Going to a gym workout or for a dip are a hassle to most of us. Many of us are not motivated to exercise on our own. But with a group of like-minded fellas, the desire is stronger.

So, buck up! Let do it! You wil not regret you made the right choice!

Both sessions will come with instructors!emoticon

Gym Workout

Basic weight training. I am roping in Emil to give guidance for guys ang gals. SHCians are free to do their own workout.


Emil and Dan will give coaching for those keen to learn. Regular swimmers are welcome to join us. Hopefully swimming will be an event in next year Annual Games Day.

  • Venue: Safra Mount Faber.
  • Junction of Henderson Road/Telok Blangah Way
  • Buses along Henderson Road 124, 131, 145 176
  • Buses along Telok Blangah Road 124, 131 & 195 alight at 1st bus stop

Timing:  Every Saturday morning (10.00am – 12.00nn) Those prefering afternoon session   from (2.00pm – 4.00pm) please indicate!


Safra members are encourage too attend. Non-member may need to be signed in for a small fee.

Fee for Gym and Pool usage will be announce at a later date.

Those interested to sign up for Gym workout or swimming, please indicate!

IT Workshop

Some members hv volunteered 2 conduct the followings –

1) Sat, 3 Nov 07 from 10 am to 1 pm, Powerpoint (basic) lesson 1 

2) Sat, 10 Nov 07 from 10 am to 1 pm, Powerpoint (basic) lesson 2

3) Sat, 24 Nov 07 from 10 am to 1 pm, Powerpoint (basic) lesson 3 + Emailing (how to do it better)

Venue is fixed at IT Centre, Henderson Community CC which is located at :


Its 10 – 15 min leisure walk from Tiong Bahru mrt station. More route details will follow.

Target number of participants : Min 10 (to start the class) n Max 12.

Fees : $15 for 3 sessions, are required 2 be paid in advance upon registration. Fees collected will be paid directly to CC for use of premises n equipment. Fees will only be refunded if classes are cancelled due to min attendance not met.

Seats are allocated strictly on a paid basis. If U are unsure n wish 2 register, U can put your name here but seats are not guaranteed.

If U do hv QUESTIONS, pls post them under COMMENTS n they will be replied accordingly. Thank You.

Interested members –

1. KC Lau (paid)

2. Grace Kok

3. Agnes Tan

For info, here is a full description of No. 18 Bali Lane – 

1. The place is equipped with wireless LAN and wired network. However, we do not provide PCs nor notebooks here. This is because the venue is designed for stock trading where traders generally bring their own equipment.

2. The cost depends on the number of people and the duration needed. We can provide two cost proposals, for your selection. For small group, we offer $30 for half day and $45 for full day. (Minimal 5 people). For larger group, we can offer a fixed price. The cost is $450 per half day and $850 per full day, with use of the internet. There is a 42" LCD TV for the projection of powerpoint for the trainer. The maximum number of people is 20 in the room.

3. Do give us one week notice if possible, so that we can check the booking and reserve for you in advance. But do contact us anyway if you have urgent need, and we will be happy to accomodate.

The abv info was given by Mr Max Ee Khong Kie of Scorebot Pte Ltd which owns tis plc.

Hi All

Due 2 poor response, e intended pwrpt sessions r now cancelled. Money paid at registration will be refunded.

Christina Leow – Profile

Hi there, I am a new member. Been to your last gathering at Han’s.

Robed in by Edwin and had spoken to KT and Terence concerning SHC Blue Helmet looking for CFO.

I am above 45 years old, married with 2 children of age 15 and 8 years old respectively.

I have been a Regional Accountant for more than 15 years before progressing to Financial Planning industry to serve the needs in the Business arena. I am also involved in several social enterprise projects like property – redevelopment of eco-village nursing home(still in processs), business planning and funding including Acquisition and Mergers etc. Anything relate to Finance, I can be of help.

My interest is of Art like oil painting and fashion designing which I pick up recently after not active for many years.

My desire is to help people, the community(as long as it dont cost me my leg…)in area of my strength. That is what make my life meaningful each day. Eg I do help people find jobs, path their career and find better ways of generating income for their business. 

I trust, in days to come, I can add value to SHC and be a blessing to all of you.


Christina Leow

HP 96251162


Annual Games Day, 20 Oct 2007


All SHC Members…. SHC Games 2007 have finally closed its curtain with many smiles and lots of laughters from those who attend the event at CSC @ Bt Batok.  Despite of the heavy downpour, turnout was almost 90% and some of those not registered also turned up to support this event.

Games Day started as early as 8.00am as the committee members busy to do up the banner to officiate the event at the foyer area.  It was later raining dogs and cats and most of us were quite doubtful if we can expect a 50% turnout.  To our relief, we saw group of member arriving around 8.30am thus making us very happy indeed.  By 8.45am, registration hit a good 70% turnout. 

5stones, scrabble and chaptek competition started off.. Both 5stones and chaptek had more players than original registered players as many members signed up to take up the challenge on the spot.. It was a indeed a great fun playing the games of our day… More members turned out as rain quietly left us to enjoy  :)

Bowling started off abit late as amendment of names need to be corrected but nevertheless members got their hands on bowling.. Wow wow.. so many hidden talents but also lots of fun and laughters as many members are first time bowlers (especially in the ladies’), rolling away in longkang but still happy cos they really enjoyed this…  Games ended around 12.45pm.  After that, all members proceeded to the foyer area for the Grand finale and prize presentation.

Limbo rock music was on the air and members were encouraged to limbo their ways thru.. of cos, to certain height level only la.. if not, alot of cracking sound can be heard.. hehehehe… Participation for this event was spontaneous and one can see that almost everyone was taking part in this… Prize presentation was conducted after the limbo rock event and the winners in each categories is summarized as below:  

Champion for Scrabble : Joyce Tan

Champion for Chaptek : Molly Chua      Runner Up : Ronald Lee

Champion for Bowling (Men)  : Tim Liu       Runner Up : Philip Puspalm
Champion for Bowling (Ladies) : Ann Chee     Runner Up : Evelyn Ong

Champion for 5 Stones : Kwong Wah (Never knew that Guy can played this better than Ladies leh)

Longkang Queen winner from Cycling Group : Susan Chang

Most Popular Limbo Rock Member : Rene Leong

The organising committees would like to express our greatest thanks to members who have sponsored gifts
1) Dan Huang
2) Grace Wong
3) Terence Seah
4) Tim Liu
5) Yew Kwong

Till we will meet again in next SHC Games Day… Bye Bye :)emoticon  

More photos can be viewed thru this link  http://www.silverhairsclub.com/SHC/SHC071020/

Patrick Yeo (Event Organiser)/Dolly Lim

Lawrence & Theresa Tan – Profile


needless to say both of us are new here.  We have always planned for retirement but never knew the days pass so slowly there is nothing much to do except to watch the second hand of the clock rotates 60 x 60 x24 for a day if makes us giddy and we take turns watching the second hand so we will not MISS a second we want to see life NOW, not wait until we can move and have to watch DVD to see the world we have a bit of savings and hopeful that it will stretch for a long time

we feel that one lifetime is a very short span of time-  Working everyday is not a bad thing but it robs us of at least 8 – 12 precious hours in the most useful time of our lves.  yes we need to make a living but building those wealth in excess of our needs … are these actions necessary when we go we can take them with us so that in our next life we can be benefit from this incredible feat of saving.  we have friends who have a mearge family income and top it off they have a large family… yet they are very happy because they are not attracted to the material things in life such as LCD TV and so on each weekend they spend quality time with the family by the beach or the park

I think we need to really stop and time.  we need to care very much what others think of us.  our happiness and destiny are in our own very hands.  why we need to conform to others if we are not doing anything that is against the law

we need to be free from these social and peer pressure.  the 5 C’s for instant.  we consider ourselves lucky to be able to see these things and put them to action but our friends would consider us NUTS giving up a high paying job for doing nothing at home.  believe me our relationship as husband and wife has improved by leaps and bounds.  we begin to realise that we have been selfish in pursuing our careers without giving much thoughts to the family because we keep telling ourselves ….. just a few years more

be kind to yourself and start living like a human being and not be a SLAVE OF OUR SOCIETY WHERE money and power seems to be placed above love, friendship, kindness and forgiveness.  we are just two humble human beings in this sea of people trying to be ourselves

thank you

Lam (ALGoh) – Profile

Hi All

Thanks Terence & Oi Cheng for the "Welcome" note.

As with most members, come in contact with SHC thru eNN Queenstown/Bukit Merah. 

Call me Lam, 58 year old and single. Have not been working for the past two years, to be exact and one month after leaving my job as a ‘field

service in machinery (get to travel quite extensively in SEA and China in the course of work).

Was in Myanmar last years for eight months.  Came back in Apr 07 after three months away. (Planning to be there next year but situation in

Myanmar is different at this point of time).

Enjoying being alone, but join activities with friends on Saturday evening and Sunday.  Hope to join the cycling group on 20 Oct ’07.

Thanks and hope to get to know members.  


Both my wife and myself are in the process of taking a "drastic" change in our lifes by choosing to semi-retire or retire in the coming year.

Our friends and people we know are getting sick (newly diagnosed disease) or are dropping of like flies.

We want to retire or semi-retire in a country that the cost is not so high that can stretched our saving and yet allow us to build our relationships.  We are in our mid-40s which allows us to participate in the Silver HairS Club.

Any bright suggestions? thank you.

Guide for Aspiring Entrepreneur Cooks


Guiding Aspiring Entrepreneur Cooks: Chili Crab Recipe


  1. 500g crabs
  2. 4 tbsp tomato sauce
  3. 1/2 rice bowl of water
  4. 100g ground peanuts
  5. 3 tbsp cooking oil
  6. 1/2 tsp. salt
  7. pinch of pepper


  1. 2 tbsp chopped tomato
  2. 2 tbsp ground garlic
  3. 1 tbsp ground ginger
  4. 1 tbsp ground dried chili
  5. 1 tsp ground fresh chili
  6. 1 tbsp ground buah keras
  7. 2 tbsp ground small onions


  1. You can either freeze to kill the crabs or use a sharp end of the knife and poke in between the eyes.  Separate the shell from the body, chop off the 2 pinzers and take out the gills, organs and feet. Wash the crab pieces clean. Chop the body into 4 pieces and use back of knife crush the 2 pincers.
  2. Heat the frying pan and pour in the cooking oil and fry the rempah together until there is a rich aroma for 6 mins.  Add the ground peanut, tomato sauce, 1/2 bowl of water and salt and fry for another 3 min.
  3. Add the crabs and stir in-between timing of 10 min.
  4. serve with fragrant white rice.
  5. Serves 4
  6. Preparation time: 45 min
  7. Cooking time: 20 min

Click to see sample of dish: http://www.specialasianfood.com

Presented by Sophia Lim: Author-Founder

Email: visionp@singnet.com.sg

Monthly Cycling for Oct & Nov 07


Sat, 20 Oct 07 @ East Coast Park

Sat, 17 Nov 07 @ Pulau Ubin

Dec 07 – Taking a Break



Sykling for Sat, 20 Oct 07

Time : 4.00 pm – 6.30 pm

Meet at the tented area outside McDonald Restaurant, Marine Cove (former East Coast Recreational Centre) at 4.00 pm or early 4 chit chat. Rented bicycles are abundantly available at reasonable rates. Activity will not be cancelled even if it rains but will be brought indoor to turn into chitchat session.


If no objection, we shall have it at Long Beach Seafood Restaurant nearby at 7pm.  We shall go ahead n book 2 tables x 10 pax each. 

Rain or shine, we will definitely be there 4 U.

emoticonJadeemoticonLilyemoticonYew Kwong

Peeper coming

Christina Chan, Lam, Janet Chan, John Howe, Andrew Yeung, Veronique Lee, Ann To, Alice Teo, Susan Chang, Molly Chua, Ronald Lee, Bira

Jonathan Ong – Profile

Just joined this interesting club & hoping to meet more people & fellow-minded friends. 

Married, with one daughter. Living around Bishan area. Working in financial sector currently & looking out for business opportunities if suitable.

Interests include :- Ballroom dancing, Bowling (score abt 180…………………over 2 games!), Good Food (typical Singaporean  la!), Travelling, EPL Soccer (watching only, playing days long over), Investments (Forex & Stocks), Business opportunities (for retirement planning ;-))….etc

If you share similar interests, drop me a line & hope to meet up soon,


Raymond Low – Profile

Hello Everyone, emoticon

Hope you have a nice weekend … It takes me sometime to post my profile (hope not to have a double posting) emoticon

This is Raymond Low, a new member to SHC. It’s my pleasure to join this club and looking forward to make new friends and find meaningful activities here.

I like to play Golf every week and usually at the driving range or on the green. If anyone here also have a strong interests in Golf and looking for a Golf Kaki or have a Golf team, please do let me know and I will be happy to meet up and play with you or Golf Kaki members – the amateurs, semi-pros and beginners … rest assure that I’m not doing any direct selling and MLM.

I look forward to meeting you at one of the club activities and thank you for your attention.

Cheers & Best regards, emoticon

Raymond Low

Stocks Investing, Sharing of Experiences

Hi, fellow SHC members,

I would like to see similar interest members sharing there trading experiences here.  Hoping that we can benefit from each others experiences, be it good or bad but please by sure that its not going to be too personal and expect much HELP.

To start with, I am a trader with a local brokering house managing my own personal Fund only. My approach is Fundament and Technical Analysis. But mostly TA for the timing of my trading.

Invested thousands of $$$ on Investment Courses before doing Full Time as an independent Trader. If you are also a Trader, I am most happy to see if we can storm out some money making Strategy.

Francis Chua – Profile

Hello to every member onboard, I am a new member of SilverHairsClub.  My name Francis, 54 years old, I am very healthy and I keep myself busy exercise and working with computers, my interest are VoIP, Remote Camera and PC trouble shooting. All my friends are very young and the feel of differed thought was uncomfortable. I am looking forward to making new friends with silver knowledge.


Francis chua

Thailand visit

My daughter, Louisa, from Melb. was planning to go to Thailand on 29/9 for a month with 2 friends.  Now the friends have back out and she has asked me to go with her.  I would appreciate some advice from those who have travelled to Thailand, e.g. where to go, hotel accommodation, etc.  I usually travelled with tour groups, and recently went to Krabi with some friends.    Any advice would be truly appreciated.  Many tks.


Monthly walk: 13th October 2007, Culmination

Greetings to all SHC members,

Our monthly walks for 2007 were conducted on the 2nd Saturday of each month, except February. It has been our pleasure to share some new as well as challenging routes this year.  We are delighted that many of you have enjoyed these trails. 

As year end draws nearer by the day, let’s culminate this year’s monthly walks with yet another nostaligic walk, a journey through time, perhaps.

Majestic trees are the natural heritage of our Island.  They serves as important green landmarks of our Tropical Garden city.  Some trees take more than hundreds of years to mature.  The world’s largest rainforest is in the Amazon River basin, BUT the oldest rainforests are found in Singapore! and Malaysia.

That’s ,,, our Botanic Gardens! a dynamic and living monument.  The Gardens at its present site was founded in 1859.  It has come a long way evolving into a leading equatorial botanic garden of 52 hectares.  Today, the Gardens, which is more than a hundred-years old is a "star" visitors’ attraction!

It seems like yesterday, our walk at the Singapore Botanic Gardens but, as I scrolled through the past walks, it was rather a long way back…..Sept06.  Some had then, requested to take the trail again. Though many months late, here it is, to fulfill certain wish!

Come, Be Enchanted by our Gardens…..’lights off’ at midnight.  emoticon

Start Time: 4.15pm

Duration: approx 2.5 to 3 hours.

Date: 13 October 2007 (Saturday)

Meeting Point: Botanic Gardens @ Tanglin Gate, one of the major entrance. At the junction of Holland/Napier/Cluny Roads(traffic lights).

Getting there: by Buses via Holland Road: SBS  7, 105, 123, 174 and SMRT  75, 77, 106.  Alight at the bus-stop at the after US Embassy (after Tanglin Mall) OR if you are coming from the opposite direction, alight at Gleneagles.

Car Park Facilities: at Singapore Botanic Gardens’ Visitor Centre, Tanglin Gate and Public Parking along Tyersall Avenue.  Standard fees apply.

Within the Gardens, there is the Taman Serasi Foodcourt; the Halia Restaurant at the Ginger Garden (was told that it serves good food at a price) or head towards Orchard Road for dinner and to chill out.

Look forward to seeing you at this Last Walk of the Year.

Register here.

Need clarification, drop me an email : chrischan5575@yahoo.com

Till then………Stay cool!  Be cool!     emoticon


Tentative schedule for next walk: 12 January 2008. 

You shall hear from us…… Charles Wee, Veronica Wong & Christina Chan.

Save the Fishes

Question for aquarium enthusiasts. How to stabilize the tank to prevent  fishes dying en-masse? 

A thriving aqua eco-system has many benefits. Feng Shui can be enhanced if properly located. It gives a cool, aesthetic feel to your home. Combine with a water feature, it can be meditiative and thereupatic.

Share your experience as how to keep a aquarium buzzing with life.