American Latin/Ballroom Dance (3)


    Dear Dancers,emoticon 




    First group – Every Monday from December 10th, 2007

    Timing: 7.15pm – 8-45pm

    Second grooup – Every Wednesday from December 12th, 2007

    Timing: 7.15 – 8.45pm

    Venue: CSC Tessensohn Road, 5 minutes walk from Farrer Park MRT

                By Bus: 21, 125, 130, 139, 145

    Sorry dancers, for logistic reason you are not allowed to attend  make-up class. 

     Prior consent is required!


       Monday Dancers                          Wednesday Dancers 

  1. Christina Chan                          1. Lina Ng 
  2. Rene Leong                               2. Lina Tan
  3. Linda Chang                              3. Dennis Wee
  4. Robin                                          4. Lawrence Khan 
  5. Oi Cheng                                    5.  Norlinda
  6. Peng Peng                                 6.  Annto
  7. Catherine Yeo                            7.  Eliza Chua
  8. Angie Ng                                    8.  Gingko Tay
  9. Gibson Tan                                 9. John Howe
  10. Alice Teo                                   10. Bira
  11. Veronica Wong                         11. Dan Huang
  12. Jessie Teo                                 12. Wendy Wee
  13. Ang                                           13.  Gweneth Lee
  14. Ronaid Wie 
  15. Michael                                     14.  Andrew Yeung 
  16.                                         .                                                                                                           


      Event Organiser

      Dan Huang

American Latin/Ballroom Dance (2)

Dear Dancers,                                                            Latest Update!!!

New Timing: 7.15pm to 9.15pm

Due to the large turn out, the dance session will be carry out in two parts. Jeffrey will teach the first half who turn  up, when he have finish teaching,  his two assistants will lead them for practice.  Thereafter Jeffrey will teach the second group.

Dan Huang (EO)

Latin American/Ballroom Dance

Dear Dancers and anyone interested,emoticon

We have just finished our Social Cha Cha and basic Rock n Roll classes.

Coming Thursday, there will be no class at Lavendar!

Various dances fall under the following categories:emoticon

Social Dance – Rock n Roll, Cha Cha,  Disco Rock and waltz.

American Latin – Cha Cha, Rhumba (American or square), Samba, Paso Dablo and Jive.

Ballroom Dance – Waltz, Quick-step, Foxtrot, Tango and Vienese Waltz.

You have a choice of Latin American dances  or Ballroom dances.emoticon

Please indicate your interest. Our new instructor will be Jeffrey Gan. Jeffrey is also a band leader and is involved in many jams session across Singapore.

Venue: CSC Tessensohn at Tessensohn Road.  About five minutes walk from Farrer Park MRT.

Class will start on December 12th, 2007 (Wednesday)  for 8 weeks.

Cost: $60.00

Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm (Every Wednesday)

We need a minimum of 15 persons to start the lessons!

Please indicate your interest asap!emoticon

Those committed.

  1. Dan Huang
  2. Jessie Teo
  3. Rene
  4. Lina Ng
  5. Gingko tay
  6. Veron Lee
  7. John Howe
  8. Roland Tong
  9. Chian Wah
  10. Dolly Lim
  11. Lily Ho
  12. Bira
  13. Bessie Lam
  14. Lawrence Khan
  15. Jane Wong
  16. AnnTo
  17. Eileen Lee
  18. Ah Nee
  19. Veron Wong
  20. Lin Tan
  21. Eliza Chua
  22. Gwyneth Lee
  23. Caroline Gee
  24. Norlinda
  25. Ann Lim
  26. Susan Chang
  27. Oi Cheng
  28. Dee Ang
  29. Christina Chan
  30. Dennis Wee
  31. Peng Peng
  32. Alice Teo

Dan Huang (EO)

Mary Ho – Profile

Hello all, my name is Mary and I am a new member to the SHC.  I came to know of the club through the eNN newsletter and like what I have seen and hence the decision to join the club. 

It took me a while to figure out how to post my profile and thanks to Terence and Oi Cheng’s guidance, I hope am successful in this posting.  My interests are traveling, nature walks, yoga, swimming, bowling, reading and baking.  I am still working full time in a hospitality industry and hope to retire in a few years time!

I look forward to meeting you at one of the club activities in the near distant future.



Benson Koh at SGH

For members who know Benson Koh, a keen photographer and bowler, I have been told that he is now at SGH (ICU).  I don’t have the details, but I have checked with his family member.  SHC member Marissa Liem told me he is in a coma, and he has not regained consciousness since the weekend.  Marissa visited him this morning, and reported that his condition is not good.  Benson mobile is 9842-1204, Marissa is 9658–1338.

Terence Seah

Frank Kaw – Profile

Greetings To All SHC Members!

My name is Frank Kaw, a Geminian and new member.

A senior citizen and semi-retired business consultant, I was very much involved in my younger days in turnkey projects such as  setting up of pre-schools and English language centres notably in the fast moving market of China and India besides Vietnam and Myanmar, and co-ordinating bilateral trade between East and West with a trading base in Singapore. It was a satisfying and self-fulfilling 30-year trading and consulting career ever undertaken. I shall be pleased to share my business knowledge and experiences with members of SHC.

After completing my hig school education, I took up a temporary teaching position but left the profession after a year of service to join an international European company which offered me further studies and training in business administration/management in England, France and Japan. The vast expertise acquired in a MNC provided me a solid background and base  in handling and accompishing  all tasks.  Being an ex-member of Dale Carnegie’s Public Speaking Institute,  and recipient of Queen Elizabeth II Scouting Award also helped in my business dealings and speaking engagements.

A born Methodist, I also helped in restructuring and operating of church and kindergarten’s administration and finance management in Singapore and Malaysia.

Presently,  I while away most of my retiring time in a small but cosy European social club in Singapore besides engaging in "pass time" share trading, and enjoying occasional  social and business gatherings, and "teh tarik" sessions with friends and business associates. I shall be glad to meet members and participate in similar or other activities at SHC.

Finally, I wish to thank Terence Seah for giving me the opportunity to post my profile in this website, and also Dennis Har  for introducing me to SHC, a hub of social and business activities for all interacting seniors with or without silver hairs.

I wish SHC continuous growth and success in the years ahead.


Golf in Perth

Hi All

Today I went to play golf at SupaGolf in Swan Valley using large clubsand had lunch afterwards. Cost of lunch was very reasonable. It was my 1st visit to the place and then we stopped at Margaret River Chocolate Factory to buy fudge, jam and pickles. There’s no need to travel down to Margaret River region to do so.

So those interested in golf, I can help to arrange  a game, even coaching with a golf pro, if you wish.


Joan (Perth)

SHC monthly gathering – Thurs, 17 Jan 2008

Here’s the date for the first SHC monthly gathering of 2008.  This event replaces "Stars in Concert" which has been postphoned.

  • Date: Thur 17 Jan 2008
  • Time: 1500 – 1730 hrs (Non-working SilverHairs); 1730 – 2100 hrs (Working SilverHairs)
  • Place:  Hans Cafe at Great Eastern.
  • Event Organiser:  L H Jie

To the new year.  More details in December.  Meantime, please keep this date in your diary.  Let’s us know if you are making CNY kuehs or tarts.  If you have plans for raw fish, share a date.  Any quiet trips to JB for shopping to buy CNY goodies. 

L H Jie

Meet up at Changi Beach Club, Sun 16 Dec 2007

Usually, I dont spend much time in Singapore.  And when I do, I like to find a place to relax.  On this coming Sun, 16 Dec 2007, I am planning to go to the Changi Beach Club.  It has a nice Olympic size pool, and a great facing to Pulau Ubin.  Moons ago, I use to see submarines, with their scopes, swimming left and right below the water.  Better still, the CBC members do not come in on a Sunday morning, so it’s quiet and relaxing.  We can have a good chat, under the morning sun.

You are invited to come.  Just bring your own nasi lemak and coffee.  The F&B don’t usually have food so early in the morning. And, they dont usually allow to, so we have to be discreet, no potluck.

If you like to come, just add your name here.  Come anytime between 0800 and 1300 hrs.  No formalities, just bring your trunks or costumes, googles and suntan lotion.  You can take a bus to Changi Village, and have a slow walk in along the boardwalk.  Watch out for the dolphins though.

Terence Seah

SHC Talent-Time pictures, 24 Nov 2007

Dan Huang has sent us the photographs for the Talent-Time.  If you have other photographs of the evening, please email them to me.  We will publish them too.

Click here.  Enjoy.  Which pictures do you see as interesting. Hope you can count all 79 turn-ups.

On behalf of Susan Chang, EO for SHC Talent-Time.

Overview of our Talent-Time held on 24 Nov

Firstly, I must apologize for my tardiness in posting this overview of event after 2 days…… Could have been too tired and so need 2 days to recuperate….ha…ha…..nay, just an excuse… that’s all.

Before I go on, let me say a very big "Thank You" to all my working committee, KJ Ronald, the two comperes and our judges for last Saturday’s Talentime held at the Oxford.   Hey, you guys were fantastic and a great help ! Without you, the talentime wouldn’t be so successful.  I can’t deny that there were little hiccups along the way….. nonetheless, the overwhelming response and fun throughout, was all worthwhile.  emoticon

For those who have missed the fun, here’s an overview/summary :

We have an overwhelming response of 81 pax registering for this event. Out of that, only 2 did not show up due to personal reason.  Thus, we have a 97.5% attendance that night.  I must admit all the 16 contestants (7 females & 9 male singers) did their best and performed much better than expected. 

Results : 1st runner up : Dan Huang sang "Your Cheating Heart".  2nd runner up was Ronald Wie who gave us a number "Don’t forget to Remember".  Caroline Gee who sang "I Only Want To Be With You" was the champion who walked away with 3 prizes.  Besides being the best singer, she was also voted the most popular and  most comical performer by the audience. Congratulations Caroline. You deserved the winnings ! emoticon 

After the contest, Ronald took in requests from some of them who wanted to sing just for fun. Many were also very sporting when Lily and Ron started their little line-dance jam. Some who are new to line-dance was curious to learn and was following steps instructions from Lily, while others were just enjoying their dance.  Eventhough it’s a little disorientated, all were just merely having fun..  Hey, you’ll be surprised that many SHCians were actually young at heart……even though we are known as silverhairs…..he..he..

Next, we have Ron Lai leading us in the "Chicken Dance". As the place cannot accomodate everyone, the group was split into 2 and most did joined in this fun dance. In a way, it helps to warm up everyone as we need the ball rolling for dancing…… and most continued dancing the night away with Ronald’s specially selected music of cha-cha, disco rock, rock & roll and even waltz.

The Talent-time came to a close with Terence giving out the prizes for all the contestants. Everyone of them walk home with something… thanks to all the sponsors. emoticon 

Lastly,  we wish to thank all contestants for their participations and hope to see you again next year.  We also wish to thank all those who came for this event….. you make a difference too as without your support and enthusiasm, this Talentime will not turn out to be what it is… lively & fun !! emoticon   We hope to see you guys next year !

The committee wishes everyone happy holidays ahead !! emoticon



SHC December Gathering # Registration only

  • The SHC December gathering is now confirmed.
  •           Date:  Monday, 3rd December 2007
  •           Time:  1500 – 2030 hrs
  •          Place:  18 Bali Lane (Op. Golden Landmark Hotel towards Beach Road)
  •                       ( Scorebot Pte Ltd – Traders Hub )
  •      Charges:  $3 per set refreshment.
  •       Parking: Bali Lane is a One Way dead end street, it is advised not to park into this Lane. Parking @Raffles Hospital after 5.00 pm per entry @1.83.

Highlight of the event is the Demo of SHC website and its functions at 1900 hrs. From 1500 – 1845 hrs Get-To-Know each other plus SHC Activities Brain Storming. Any suggestions or what you want to see at SHC is  your call for the night.

Note:  As space is limited your early registration is appreciated.  No cancellation of booking by 1st December 2007.  When registration exceed our quota then those who had paid up will be given priority.

Happy Gathering and Merry Christmas

Dennis Har (Event Organiser)

All SHC members, please register here. The sitting capacity can only take 60 paxs for two floors. Those who had been issued Name Tags please bring along otherwise pls contact Dolly Lim.

Method of Payments: $3/pax to DBS Savings Plus A/C 011-0-035573 by ATM transfer or iBanking is Appreciated.

Attendees Listing:

  • 1) Yew Kwong – Working Committee (Demo of SHC website) – Paid $6 + Dolly. Trx #1441536557
  • 2) Dolly Lim – Working Committee – (Demo of SHC website) Paid
  • 3) L.H. Jie – Working Committee (Reg. cum Payment) 1500 – 1800hrs Paid
  • 4) Oi Cheng – Working Committee (Reg. cum Payment) 1801 – 2030hrs Paid $6 & Ang CJ
  • 5) June Chin- Paid  chq UOB#259846
  • 6,7) Ron Lai & Alice – Paid  $6/ Ref: 9892
  • 8) Grace Wong – Paid 
  • 9) Mary Chan – Paid
  • 10) Dennis Wee – Paid Deposited $9 for LH Jie & Mary Chan
  • 11) Caroline Gee – Paid
  • 12) Steven Chan –  Paid trans: 4507
  • 13) Jane Yeo Ang CJ – Paid
  • 14) Suzhang – Paid
  • 15) Lina Ng – Paid by internet. Ref. 1440065551
  • 16) Gingko Tay – Paid
  • 17) Lee Ah Nee – Paid
  • 18) Sb Khoo – Paid
  • 19) Dan Huang – Working Committee (Photographer) – Paid
  • 20) Kenneth Tan – Paid Ref: 6200
  • 21) Ronald Lee – Paid $6/- & Molly
  • 22) Peng Peng – Paid POSB Chq #542056
  • 23) Molly – Paid
  • 24) Brian Ong – Paid
  • 25) Rene Leong – Paid
  • 26) Venika Leong – Paid
  • 27) Benson Koh – Paid
  • 28) Christina Leow – Paid
  • 29) Kam Ming – Paid
  • 30) Veronique Lee – Paid $6 & Gingko Tay Ref: 1444253547
  • 31) John Howe – Paid
  • 32) Eyvonne Chew – Paid
  • 33) Alice Teo- Paid $6 & Anne To
  • 34) Anne To- Paid
  • 35) Norlinda – Paid $12 for Lee Ah Nee,Suzhang,Caroline Gee Ref: 0093
  • 36) Ann Lim – Paid $6/- & Anna Seet ref 7030
  • 37) Bessie Lam Anna Seet – Paid
  • 38) Roland Tong – Paid
  • 39) Kristin Leong – Paid $6 & Venika Leong
  • 40) Wee Chin
  • 41) Christina Chan – Paid ref:8192 $12 for Rene,John Howe,Benson Koh
  • 42) Eileen Lee – Paid Ref: 8455
  • 43) Bernadette Chung – Paid 
  • 44) Lily Ho Willocq – Paid by Yew Kwong
  • 45) Andrew Koh – Paid
  • 46) Richard Tan- Paid
  • 47) Harry C H Lim – Paid 
  • 48) Ronald Wie – Paid to DennisH 
  • 49) Seok Cheng – Paid
  • 50) Frank AW (New Member) – Paid
  • 51) Jane Yeo – Paid POSB chq160782
  • 52) Agnes Tan Jimmy Wee Paid POSB ref 6271
  • 53,54) Robert & Kristy Quek – Paid $6 20Nov
  • 55) Alice Seah – Paid $3.00 Ref:2737
  • 56) Mary Tan – Paid
  • 57) Jeremy Tan – Paid
  • 58) Helen Chiew (New Member) – Paid
  • 59) Johnny Lim (New Member) – Paid $3 Ref 18566579
  • 60) Melissa Khng – Paid
  • 61) Dennis Har  Paid (EO)
  • 62) KT Wong  Paid
  • 63) Shirley Wong  Paid
  • 64) Linda Chang  Paid ref 8548
  • 65) Anthony Lee  Paid Ref.1454079668
  • 66) Ang Ann Siong  Paid Ref: 6164
  • 67) Eleanor Chan – Paid
  • 68) Pat Lim – Paid
  • 69) Dorothy Shem
  • 70) Rena Wong – Paid
  • 71) Peter Goh
  • 72) Weng Hon – Paid
  • 73) Andrew Kuan  (New Member)
  • 74) John Soh  (New Member)


A few  of SHC will retire this year . Many will continue to work beyond 62. I spoke to a quite a number of people about  retirement and the anwer is always,  do what.  We equate retirement to work. They must fill the gap between 8-6 pm . They are correct to say ,do what.

Retirement is  a REWARD FOR LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT.  The ah soh will say lee kong see me. OOU sala boh. Others will say a bit gila. still  staying in 3 rm flat. No marcedses, no rolleck. Every day work lah . joe beh hoo.beh tahan. Let me list your ACHIEVEMENTS. This  achievements is for all regardless whether you stay in hdb, condo or bangalow.


1 work hard to build a nation

2 work hard to support father,m0ther,brothers ,sisters

3 work hard to support self

4 work hard to start a family

5 work hard to buy a roof

6 work hard to pay bills and more bills

7 work hard to give our children material support

8 work hard to sent children to  uni  verse citi

9 we save, cut corners,cut costs and  sacrifice for the family

10 if no one looking, hatam the overtime. HATAM AND HATAM LAH

Without you and your sacrifices there will be no  today. No matter where you came from, all travel the same journey. I have to respect the disavantage who have to travel the long and tortuous road. others travel on  highway. I know many who earn very modest income and yet manage to sent their children to university. This is not the time to tell sad story.

It is time we give honour to our SHC who will be retiring this year. A virtual  ACHIEVEMENT award IS THE BEST. Achievements are not reserved for the few sucessful people.. As they say, behind every sucessful man is a lady. WEll THE ONE THAT ROCK THE CRADLE RULE THE WORLD.. As parents we give all to help our children,and family members.




Do you think SilverHairs in Singapore need jobs?

Immediately after 1997, when Asia was faced with the financial crisis, many people over 45 years were concerned with jobs.

But, nowadays, it seems that there is lesser concern for jobs for SilverHairs over 45.  Maybe we don’t have many job offers in recent months, but from response to the Blue Helmet project, and job topics, the response is cool.  In my discussions with some SHC members, we are now wondering if we should make jobs as one of our focus.

On the other hand, there appears to be more interests in small business and online trading.

Can you share your thoughts, and what you think, so that we can all get a good feel of what is happening?  Every comment is a personal viewpoint.  There is no bad view point.  So, let’s respect each others opinion.

I look forward to hear from as many members as possible. 

Terence Seah

SHC own sms server

We are in the process of launching our own sms server.  The SMS number will be published soon.

With the sms server, members can send and receive information interactively via their mobile telephone. Only members, whose mobile telephone numbers are registered with the club, can use this service.  Non-registered mobile numbers will not be recognised by the sms server.

We hope that with this new service, more members can easily participate in club ativities.  Today, most SilverHairs carry a mobile telephone.  The service will be available 24 hours.

More information will be available at a later date.  Estimated date of launch: Jan 2008.

Terence Seah

SHC logo

Getaway to Perth

Hi All SHC members

I live in Perth and travel back to Singapore at least once a year. I will be in Singapore again in April next year. I am happy to know some of you whom I met with during my trips back.

I am interested in exploring the regions around Perth eg Margaret River, Albany, New Norcia, Kalbarri to do farmstays, fishing, golfing, visiting wineries, etc. I am wondering if there are some of you who are interested in doing self-drives in Australia mainly around Western Australia. If so, perhaps we can travel together or form a sort of convoy to explore places or do things.

Perhaps Mary who also lives in Perth may join in and help to arrange the activities.


Joan (from Perth)

Kee S P – Profile

I am a ‘legal eagle’ practising across the causeway…my ‘forte’ is currently conveyancing, banking and non-contentious matters eg wills drafting, tenancies and commercial contracts…enjoy live music, wining and dining with friends and family members, travelling, reading and movies. My pleasure to have attended the Pasir Ris Pot Luck with Daniel Kang…btw I did ‘contribute my share’ of the mee siam but he was the ‘chef coutre’! Vive la daniel and mee siam!Enjoyed all your company esp the laughter, food and songs…great camaraderie and hope to meet you all again. Before I sign off, thanks to Terence for the ‘so-so’ pics…caught at inopportune moments…could look better! Au revoir everyone.

SHC Talent-Time – 24 Nov 2007

Hi everyone,

SHC 1st Talent-time was held on Nov 2006 at the Oxford Hotel.  The last Talent-time was really fun.  Click here to see the pictures.

Hey, time to countdown to our Talent-Time……..we are all waiting for the moment when we shall see the most promising singers of SHC on 24 Nov.  All to be seen and heard.  Meanwhile, practise hard all singers –  Jia-Yu !! Who knows, you will be spotted and there goes your dream… one of those Singapore Idol !  Prizes awaiting for you..

Please note details for this year event :

Cost of buffet, confirmed at $17. 

  • Payment is non-refundable

    Prizes:  Appreciate all those sponsors who will be bringing their gifts that day to be at Oxford earlier, so we can have time to sort out the prizes accordingly.

    Committee :

    • Compares – Ron Lai & Joy Chuang
    • Judges – Lily Ho & Daniel Kang
    • Registration – Oi Cheng & Christina Chan
    • Managing the Karaoke machine, and queuing of songs – Ronald Lee
    • Prize committee – Rene Leong & Molly Chua
    • Fun committee  – Dolly Lim
    • Event organiser – Susan Chang
    • Bouncer – Tim Liu
    • Photographer – Dan Huang
    • Decor – Lee Ah Nee & Nor (with special help from Veron Lee)

    Prize Sponsored by :

    1. Gary Loke – one brand new hair dryer (Collected – bringing that day)
    2. Terence Seah – one handicraft sling bag, from Mae Hong Son, Thailand (bringing that day)
    3. Kaushal – Mr Beer Home Brewery Deluxe kit – (Collected)
    4. Esther Wong – flirty 40s, fabulous 50s, sentimental 60s Karaoke VCDs
    5. Edwin Chen – a $25/- Hard Rock Cafe voucher (With Molly)
    6. Steven Chan – 1 carton of Guinness Malta (Non-alcoholic) malt Energy drinks (Pls bring on that day) 
    7. Grace Kok – a set of baking ware & 3 bottles of wine (collected)
    8. Ron and Alice Lai – A new set of “5 in 1″ Power Handy Kit (consist of mini fan/vacuum cleaner/massager/ torchlight with compass with seperate holder). (collected)
    9. Sophia Lim – Oriental cook book (5) (Bringing that day)
    10. Dan Huang – a set of tupperware (Bringing that day)
    11. Robert & Kristy Quek – Takashimaya Cash Voucher worth $50 (with Terence)
    12. Rosalind Koh – A Japanese Figurine Doll
    13. Grace Wong – 1 Lady handbag
    14. Eileen Lee – 1 table lamp & 1 hair dryer (Collected – with Molly)
    15. Benson Koh – Evening Bag (collected – with Rene)
    16. Norlinda – one outdoor hat & bag from Bangkok (bringing that day)
    17. Tim Liu – $68 angpow


    To all the singers (guess this is what you have been waiting for) :

    We have finalised the line up of the singers for that evening.  These was specially drawn by Terence and changes will not be entertained.   We would appreciate everyone to adhere to their Q number.  We don’t encouraged changes as this will disrupt the sequence of songs that has been programmed. All participants, please feel free to come in earlier to have your trial/practise (1 song per participant) but subject to timing and on a first-come-first serve basis.  We hope to see everyone by 3:30pm latest. During the actual Talent-time, if you miss your turn, it will be considered disqualified.  emoticonWe seek your understanding.  Have fun!! emoticon

    1. M1 – Tim Liu
    2. F1 – Sophia Lim
    3. M2 – Philip Ong
    4. F2 – Bernie Chung
    5. M3 – Ronald Wie
    6. F3 – Jane Wong
    7. M4 – Dan Huang
    8. F4 – Gwyneth Lee
    9. M5 – Terence Seah
    10. F5 – Esther Wong
    11. M6 – Andrew Yeung
    12. F6 – Clara Chay
    13. M7 – William Wong
    14. F7 – Caroline Gee
    15. M8 – Anthony Lee
    16. F8 – Rosalind Koh
    17. M9 – Steven Chan
    18. F9 – Annie Loh
    19. M10 – Loh Yew Kwong

    Attendees and/or participants :

    1. Annie Loh – PAID              (Singing :"????", Singer : ???)
    2. Caroline Gee – PAID         (Singing : "I Only Want To Be With You")
    3. Linda Chang – PAID
    4. Dolly Lim – PAID (Fun Committee) 
    5. Lily Ho – PAID (Judge)
    6. Clara Chay – PAID      (Singing : "There’s a Kind of Hush”)
    7. Molly Chua – PAID (Whisky pourer /prize committee)
    8. Susan Chang – PAID(Event Organiser)
    9. Oi Cheng – PAID (Registrar)
    10. Esther Wong – PAID          (Singing : "My heart will go on")
    11. Andrew Yeung – PAID        (Singing : "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas)
    12. Terence Seah – PAID         (Singing : "Daddy, Don’t you walk so fast")
    13. Tim Liu – PAID                    (Singing Mandarin song "???”by ???)
    14. Steven Chan – PAID          (Singing : "Edelweiss")
    15. Venika Leong – PAID
    16. Dan Huang – PAID             (Singing : "Your cheating heart")
    17. Lee Ah Nee – PAID (Decor)
    18. Norlinda – PAID (Decor)
    19. Anne To – PAID
    20. Dennis Wee – PAID
    21. Wendy Goh – PAID
    22. Ron Lai – Lead compere, PAID
    23. Alice Lai – PAID
    24. Eyvonne Chew – PAID
    25. Veron Lee – PAID (Offer to help)
    26. Joy Chuang – co-compere, PAID
    27. Alice Teo – PAID
    28. Ann Lim –  PAID
    29. Bessie Lam – PAID
    30. Ronald Lee – KJ, PAID
    31. Agnes Tan – PAID
    32. LH Jie – PAID
    33. Eileen Lee – PAID
    34. Lisa Ong –  PAID
    35. Christina Chan – PAID (Registrar)
    36. John Howe – PAID
    37. Jane Wong – PAID       (Singing Canto :  ????? by ??? )
    38. Rene Leong – PAID (Prize Committee)
    39. Grace Kok – PAID
    40. Bernie Chung – PAID   (Singing : "Do you know where you’re going to" by Diana Ross)
    41. Philip Ong – PAID        (Singing : "Blue Hawaii") by Elvis Presley
    42. Anne Ng – PAID
    43. Lee Peng Peng – PAID
    44. Catherine Chong – PAID
    45. Rosalind Koh – PAID        (Singing canto : "??????")
    46. Grace Wong – PAID
    47. Boon Liang – PAID
    48. Dee Ang – PAID
    49. Lina Ng – PAID
    50. Gwyneth Lee – PAID    (Singing Hokkien song :"Ah Bu Ay Chew")
    51. June Chin – (confirmed by Terence)
    52. Eliza Chua – PAID
    53. Nina Gan – PAID
    54. Benson Koh – PAID
    55. Gingko Tay – PAID
    56. Chin Kim Seng – PAID
    57. Michelle Siew – PAID
    58. Lina Tan – PAID
    59. Ronald Wie – PAID       (Singing : "Don’t Forget to Remember") by BeeGees
    60. Anthony Lee – PAID     (Singing Hokkien :"??")
    61. Nora Chia – PAID
    62. Lilian Lee – PAID
    63. Patricia Lim – PAID
    64. Zahriah – PAID
    65. Dorothy Shem – PAID
    66. Ang Ann Siong – PAID
    67. Angie Ng – PAID
    68. Cheryl Ho – PAID
    69. Elizabeth Hwang – PAID
    70. Janet Ng – PAID
    71. Loh Yew Kwong – PAID (Singing : Malay song titled “Si Jantung Hati”) Wei, SweetHeart
    72. Sophia Lim – PAID    (Singing : "Getting To Know You")
    73. Daniel Kang – PAID (Judge)
    74. Kee Sze Ping – PAID
    75. Mary Tan – PAID
    76. Roland Tong – PAID
    77. Chian Wah – PAID
    78. Janet Heng – PAID
    79. P H Liu – PAID
    80. Margaret Chan – PAID
    81. William Wong – PAID (Singing : Canto "????? –???")

    Looking forward to seeing all of you on 24 Nov…. Participants – do come in earlier to try out your song. Thanks everyone for your support & cooperation.

    Susan & committee


    This event is strictly for SHC members only.

    Regret this post will be closed for comments.

    Roland HH Tong – Profile

    Hi! I’m Roland and though I joined the SHC in 2005, I’ve not been able to participate in the activities due to clashes with my numerous other activities. However, last month I joined the "Dance Group" thinking that it was a social activity but to my surprise it turned out to be "a social dance course"! Anyway, the group of people were so pleasant and friendly that I decided to join them and even enrol a new member as well!

    My resume! I’m a retired school teacher, old in age but still "young at heart"! I’m gregarious by nature and enjoy all kinds of outdoor and indoor activities. I play tennis, table tennis, badminton, billiard, (hockey, basketball and soccer in my younger days), chess, scrabble, etc. My hobbies are photography, philately and numismatics. However, tennis is my forte as I’ve represented both Malaysia and Singapore although I played State Soccer as a school boy. I love dancing although my bones are now beginning to "creak"! I had to learn dancing while studying in UK during the "ragging period" and went often to the Ballrooms there.

    I’m currently busy with part-time tuition in Maths and Science to keep my brains working and to earn some income to maintain my car (It’s NOT easy maintaining a car in Singapore!)

    SHC Dinner & Dance – March 2008

    We will be having a Dinner & Dance next year 2008.

    Caroline Gee has volunteered to be the Event Organiser for our Dinner & Dance 2008.  She will be setting up a committee, after the Nov 2007 Talent-Time.

    The committee will be reviewing the venue, F&B, program, cost, etc.  Tentatively, the date has been set for Sat, 22 Mar 2008.  Please put this into your diary.  We can be sure Caroline will give us loads of fun.

    Terence Seah

    Would you like to be a SHC Online meeting moderator?

    Some of us may be familiar with webchats.  SilverHairsClub has its own "SHC Online", and it’s strictly for members only.  From the October usage trend, members logged in between 9am and 10 am, & between 12.30pm and 1.30pm.

    Before starting the SHC online, we would like two to three members, preferably those who have retired, to serve as meeting moderators.  Some training is required though.  If you have time, and would like to learn how to be a meeting moderator in an online forum, please let me know.  For an idea of what is needed.

    Ideally, you need to love meeting and corresponding with other SilverHairs in realtime.  Able to smile and have fun online.  Can take all kinds of nonsense, without having to drink cold water.  Some patience.  Preferably, typing skills of 5 words a minute,  some basic knowledge of powerpoint (although not necessary), and some fiddling with the PC.  If you are smart, one lesson.  If you are fast, two lessons.  And, if you are keen, three lessons.  Read what is needed; and if you are interested to be an online meeting moderator, we can start, even without getting to meet one another.  Something adverturous.  Yeah.

    Terence Seah

    Pot Luck @ Pasir Ris Park

    Date                :  Sat 10 Nov ’07

    Venue             :  On the beach at Pasir Ris Park C

                              (next to Sungei Api-Api and in front of Amphitheatre)

    Time                :  2.30 – 7.00pm

    Parking            :  Free Parking at Car Park C (off Pasir Ris Green)

    Getting there  :  Pasir Ris MRT Station

                              (from station, takes about 15 mins walk to the destination)

    Facilities at park :

    1. Amphitheatre : we will have line-dancing

       Calling all line-dancers, come and enjoy yourselves. Don’t forget to bring a CD Player (wanted a live music but was not approved by the

       NPark Authority)

    2. Cycling  & Skating Tracks :

        Cyclists, there is a bicycle rental kiosk

        Skaters, please bring your own roller-skates/blades

    3. Gallop Stable : Horse/Pony Ride

        Horses/Ponies for hire (will check on rate)

    AGENDA ;

    • 2.30 pm   Registration of Members
    • 3.00 pm   Getting to know one another better
    • 4.00 pm   Cycling/Skating/Dancing/Singalong
    • 5.30 pm   Makan Time
    • 7.00 pm   Finale

    Event Organiser  : Dennis Wee

    Helpers needed for registration (to mark checklist), foto-taking, line-dancing and clearing of litters after the function.

    All SHC members, please register here.

    As this is an outdoor event, please bring umbrellas; sunshades; hats/baseball caps and mats for sitting on the sand.

    If it rains, the pot-luck will be cancelled as there is no shelter or shed close by

    (Please refer #56, pot-luck will not be cancelled, rain or shine)

    List of Attendees and Potluck items :

    1. Mary Chan   –   registrar   –   kueh lapis
    2. Janet Heng )   –   food coordinator   –   chicken wings
    3. Liu              )
    4. L.H. Jie   –   registrar   –   rendang with bread or bottled drinks
    5. Caroline Gee   –   steamed tapioca wif coconut cream
    6. Steven Chan   –   sichuan vegetables
    7. Annie Loh   –   food coordinator   –   konnyaku jelly
    8. Boon Liang   –  hainanese pork chops
    9. Daniel Kang   –   mee siam
    10. Bernadette    –   bananas or grapes
    11. Alice Teo   –   fishballs
    12. Benson Koh   –    game convenor 
    13. Joy Chuang   –   something from gunung batok
    14. Tim Liu
    15. Dennis Har   –   dessert (red bean soup)
    16. Terence Seah   –   photographer   –   thai desserts
    17. Ronald Wie   –    will bring a guitar
    18. Wendy Goh   –   vegetable croquettes
    19. Clara Chay   –   incharge of sing-a-long   –   tarts/tidbits
    20. John Howe   –   oo tow koh
    21. Robert Quek )   –   sugar roll
    22. Kristy Quek   )
    23. Zahriah   –   cakes
    24. Bira   –   assorted fruits
    25. June Lee   –   fruits
    26. Nora Chia         )   fried lontong
    27. Vincent Yong    –   incharge of sing-a-long
    28. Judy Lim   –   disposable forks, spoons, plates and tissues
    29. Rena   –   butter cakes
    30. Celia Wong
    31. Lisa Ong   )   gado-gado
    32. Fred Tan   )
    33. Shanta   –   potato chips
    34. Gingko Tay   –   pork chops
    35. Kew Sook Kong   )   tuna fish sandwich
    36. Patricia Lim          )
    37. Venika   –   dessert (green bean soup)
    38. Kristin Leong   –   luo mee fan (glutinous rice)
    39. Linda Chang   –   2 bots of extra stout
    40. Christina Chan   –   peach cake
    41. Lee Seok Cheng   –   roast chicken
    42. Jackie Tan   –   freshly fried keropok
    43. Maria   –   salad & dessert
    44. Peng Peng 
    45. Veronique Lee    –   pork chops 
    46. Joyce Tan   –   ice cream puffs
    47. Catherine Soo   –   sandwiches 
    48. Lina Ng   –   fried noodles
    49. Lilian Lee   –   coleslaw salad
    50. Ping
    51. Catherine Chong
    52. Evelyn Ong
    53. Victor Gomez   –   a carton of minerial water
    54. Alice Kwok
    55. June Lim   –   fruits
    56. Philip Tan
    57. Brian Ong
    58. Cheng Pun
    59. Peter Yeo

    SHC December gathering – 3 Dec 2007 at Bali Lane

    The SHC December gathering is now confirmed. (This Posting is no longer in Use)

    • Date:  Tue, 18 Dec 2007 3rd Dec. 2007
    • Time:  1800 – 2100 hrs 1500 – 2030 hrs
    • Place:  Hans cafe  8 Bali Lane (Op. Golden Landmark Hotel towards Beach Road)
    • Charges:  Preferably, no pre-collection.  To pay at door, direct to venue. $3 per set refreshment.

    Highlight of the events is the Demo of SHC website and its function at 1900 hrs.

    Registration:  As space is limited your early registration is appreciated. No cancellation of booking by 1st December 2007.

    Happy Gathering and Merry Christmas

    Dennis Har (Event Organiser)

    If you have some unwanted toys, I would love to have them

    I am going up to Mae Hong Son, highest and most northern part of Thailand from 23 – 28 Dec 2007.  Along the way, I would be visiting villages, farms and hilltribes.

    And, I hope to give away used toys to the children during the year-end festive period and Christmas season.  Many of these kids have never had the chance to have a toy.  I hope some of these kids will have something to cheer, as we cross 2007.

    If you have any unwanted toys in your house, and you like to give it away, please do donate it to me.  I am going to the Pot-luck this Saturday and the Talent-time on the 24 Nov,  and if you are coming, I would ask if you bring the toys along.  Sorry, wont be able to carry large heavy toys, as the airlines just charge too much for overweight luggage.  Thank you.

    Terence Seah

    Emily Sim – Profile

    Hi, my name is Emily.  I’ve been living in England for the last 30+ years however, ever since I discovered your wedsite a year ago, I’ve been a regular browser.  I valued the site as it is a very good way of keeping in touch and knowing what my compempories are doing at home.



    I come home regular every year for the last 10 years as my children are now independent.  This is “me” time now and I’m enjoying every minute of it.  I’m semi retired, and will be retiring proper in March 2008.  My profession was a “Clinical Auditor”,  I think it is referred as “QA” in S’pore.



    While I’m not able to take part in your activities, believe me I take a very keen interest in what’s going on.  I read a lot, my other hobbies are line dancing, gardening, visiting historic places cooking and entertaining.  For me  these activities are all governed by the weather.  In summer I’m outdoor making use of every minute of the sunshine while in winter I practically go into hibernation, it is a time that I would do nothing but curled up by the fireside and surf the net or read.


    Being based in UK, I believe I have a lt to offer in so far travelling/holidaying in UK, culture exchange ect.,  I’m looking forward to attend some of the activites when I get back in 2008 and  have some new friends.



    Emily Sim








    Reading Circle

    I enjoy reading and am keen to ‘swop’ books or exchange recommendations on books. If you are an avid reader, we could do that or even get together and talk about any book that we have read. At the moment, my interests are more on biographies, autobiographies and real life personal experiences although I read all sorts.

    I have just finished "A Round-Heeled Woman"  and "Unaccompanied Women" , both by Jane Jushka. They are very good reads and surprisingly, were recommended by a man. Another good book is "Blink" by Malcolm Gladwell, which I have yet to finish.

    Come and join me and chat about our books :-)

    Looking for a good home for a husky

     Hi all,

    A relative is looking for a good home for his beloved 5-year old Siberian husky as his flat is getting too small for this big dog. Details of the dog:

    His name is Ash, a dominant male. He is beige in colour and is sterilised. His weight is 34 kg and he was imported from Melbourne.

    If you are interested to care for this beautiful animal, I’ll put you in touch with my relative. 

