Baking and cooking classes

Anyone keen to learn how to bake brownies, chocolate chip cookies or durian puffs….?


Cook a simple dish….like assam fish, babi pong teh, beef stew or any on my menu…

MENU (from my Grandma’s kitchen)

1. Beefs Rendang 2. Chicken Rendang 3. Sayur Lodeh 4. Kari Ayam 5. Ayam Sio 6. Babi Assam 7. Sambal Sotong 8. Sambal Udang 9. Sambal Telor 10. Ayam Masak Merah 11. Assam Pedas 12. Ayam BuahKeluak 13. Ayam masak merah 14. Kicap Ayam (Tempra) 15. Kicap Ikan (Tempra) 16. Sambal Kangkong 17. Sambal Taucheo Udang 18. Babi Pongteh 19. Sambal Terong 20. Babi Tauyu 21. Mee Siam 22. Lontong 23. Nasi Lemak 24. Ikan Bakar 25. Chap chye 26. Itek Tim 27. Nasi Goreng Istimewa

Can drop me a mail too…..emoticon

Some pics of my achievements….emoticon

Drum Lessons

Drums Lesson conducted by experienced drummer.

I have been playing the drums for the past 40 years.

Used to play professionally in the 60’s – 70’s.

Bands I ‘ve played with include McCoys, Western Union Band, Thunderbirds and various others.

Presently I am conducting lessons on an individual basis at my home using a Yamaha  DTX 111 electronic drums.

Those interested to learn for the fun of it, please drop me a mail.

Warm regards

Daniel Kang aka cool drummer..emoticon

SHC July Gathering, 17 July 2007

The July SilverHairsClub gathering is confirmed as follows:

  • Date:  Tues, 17 July 2007
  • Time:  1700 – 2100 hrs.  (1700 – 1800 hrs Getting to know one another. Free sitting).
  • Place: Pret A Manger, 35 Robinson Road, The Ogilvy Centre #01-02/06.
  • Toilets at Lau Pa Sat.
  • Entrance:  Free.  Strictly for registered SHC members. 
  • Hungry? Try the Roti Prata at Lau Pa Sat first.
  • Background comments by other Silverhairs, Click here.
  • Voucher: $2 for drinks or food, at cafe.
  • Housekeeping:  On arrival, get a sticky label and a voucher from Oi Cheng.  Write your name clearly on the label, and paste it on your blouse/shirt. 

The discussion topics will centre around "Small Business by SilverHairs".  Ideal for SilverHairs with the entrepreneur spirit.  Also, an opportunity to pool together resources as a group.  Focus on continued income for retirees or would-be retirees.  If you have a topic, please raise your hands now.  We shall allocate you 5 minutes.  Write your idea on a piece of paper.  It helps when you come up to speak during the evening.

This session is NOT for discussions on financial investments, retirement savings, online trading on stocks, commodities or forex, retirement village, travel or short-term living overseas, insurance, MLM and jobs.

Get to meet other SilverHairs.  Come share your ideas.  What can the SilverHairsClub do together as a group; to keep our minds active, body fit and ATM working? 

Please observe strictly the rules on popolitics, religion, race, sex, direct selling or MLM.

Registered to come:

  1. Gingko Tay – like to meet more members
  2. Susan Chan
  3. Molly Chua
  4. Andrew Yeung
  5. Oi Cheng (Registration)
  6. KT Wong – Moonmask, how to commercialize an outrageous invention.
  7. Terence Seah
  8. Rene Leong
  9. Peggy Ho
  10. Benson Koh
  11. Lee Ah Nee
  12. Ann To
  13. Clara Chay
  14. Kenneth Tan
  15. Tim Liu S B Khoo
  16. Mary Tan
  17. Shirley Wong – Event organiser
  18. Catherine Ho – fingers crossed, hoping to come.
  19. Alice Teo
  20. Caroline Gee
  21. Thomas Kwan
  22. Patrick Yeo
  23. Chin Kim Sen
  24. Michelle Siew
  25. Mike Seah
  26. C J Ang
  27. Dennis Wee
  28. Maria Tan
  29. Edwin Ong
  30. LH Jie – (Registration)
  31. Daisy Leng
  32. Brian Lau
  33. Caroline Gee K F Soong
  34. Christina Chan
  35. Bernard Lau
  36. Alfred Ang
  37. Leo Sim
  38. Pauline Tan
  39. Alfred Mak
  40. Joe Khoo
  41. Richard Lim
  42. Eileen Ang
  43. Cindy Low
  44. Catherine Yeo
  45. Linda Chang
  46. Chris Sew
  47. Mani Palanisamy
  48. Thomas Goh
  49. Hasimah Hashim
  50. Clarice Ng
  51. Dolly Lim
  52. Benson Sim
  53. Richard Baey
  54. James Chan
  55. Victor Tng
  56. Eyvonne Chew
  57. Prema Lata
  58. Grace Wong
  59. Joe Kang
  60. April Tan
  61. Patrick Lim
  62. Gary Loke – Education and training in China
  63. Jo Tay
  64. Rosalind Koh
  65. Sophia Lim
  66. Jeffrey Chan
  67. Peter Goh
  68. Louis Kong
  69. Huang Choon Swee
  70. Cheryl Ho
  71. Loh Yew Kwong
  72. Patrick Koh
  73. Winnie Lim
  74. Geoffrey Lim
  75. Aaron How
  76. Jessica Chua
  77. Veronica Ng
  78. Laura Wee
  79. Edwin Fong
  80. Daniel Kang
  81. C Y Lee
  82. Charles Wee
  83. James Seah – Project YoungOnce
  84. Mike Koh
  85. Rene Leong Catherine Chong
  86. Thomas Ong
  87. Janet Ng
  88. Christopher Lim
  89. Teresa Chuah
  90. Jocelyn Giam
  91. Francis Sim
  92. Wong Li Li
  93. Norlinda
  94. Strictly for SilverHairsClub Members. Registration closed.  New registers will be placed on waiting list.  The speaking list is limited.  Don’t be shy.  If you have an idea, please raise your hand.  "What can SilverHairs do in small groups?"  Waiting list below.
  95. Agnes Tan

Shirley Wong/Terence Seah

Report – SHC Overnight Gathering @ Batam Sijori 07.o7.07

Here’s the report on our 1st overnight gathering :   emoticon

On 07.07.07 – forty SHC members met early at HarbourFront for the first SHC overnight gathering in Batam.  Despite heavy rain that morning, most were there on time except for one who almost missed departing with us.   emoticon  

On arrival at Batam, we boarded an aircon coach and together with the local guide as well as the Singapore guide, we set out for the sight-seeing tour.  As the local guide only spoke Chinese, there were complaints from a SHC member.  The matter was resolved after Lily told the Singaporean guide to take over.

Due to the rain, the first stop at Waterfront, an amusement park with water activities such as water-skiing, para-sailing, etc., was changed to a ‘drive-through’ only.  The rest of the sight-seeing followed as according to the programme which included a delicious seafood lunch at a kelong style restaurant.

At our last shopping stop, Batam’s biggest and latest shopping mall, some 18 SHC members opted to go for massage instead.  So, the group split up and at the appointed time and place, we met up again for the final journey to Sijori Hotel.  From the comments by some SHC members, the massage experience was a lousy one.  One lady member even came out bruised.

At Sijori Hotel, we had a simple dinner after check-in.  Members had a chance to freshen up before meeting up again at the KTV lounge for karaoke session and some dancing.   There were complaints about the food, the small portion of it, and the small size of their ‘villa’.  (It was the same person who complained about the Chinese speaking guide.)

When the singing and dancing session was over, the organiser led some members to a midnight swim.  Only the men were swimming.  The women hung around the poolside talking and taking pictures of the ‘hunks’.  Their excuses….?….  "Don’t want to get my hair wet lah, make-up ruin, blah blah blah……."   emoticon

Later in the night …..uhmm….. I mean, in the morning ….., we had our ‘open-house casino’ at the ‘boys’ villa.  Mahjong and black-jack sessions were on at the same time until members dropped off to sleep 1-by-1.  After breakfast, our ‘casino’ resumed, with more players, till check-out time.  We arrived back in Singapore at 4.30pm.

The event organisers hope that everyone have at least enjoyed the trip a little, and apologise to those, whose expectations we did not meet.  We also take this opportunity to thank eveyone for their co-operation and spontaneity in making this event a fun one.    emoticon

Thank you everyone,

and thanks to Yew Kwong and Terence, here are photos for your viewing :

Event Organisers (Terence & Lily)

Online Fleamart relaunched

The SHC website is not designed conveniently for members to sell their new or unwanted items, services, food items, rent their premises or sell their cars.  We have heard your feedback for some months; and the website is now relaunched.

Please feel free to advertise any product or services.  For example:

  1. Renting out your car on a daily or weekly basis.
  2. Offering home made food, bread or pastries.
  3. Conducting courses in finger massage, using the internet or learning Indonesia or how to bowl?
  4. Undersized dresses or clothes, which you no longer use.
  5. Toys, sofas, television, walking sticks, unwanted PCs, bags
  6. Renting or selling your 5-room apartment.
  7. Conducting hobbies classes, swimming, Chinese chess, etc.
  8. Anything.

This is open to the public, and not limited to SilverHairs.  So, please look into your store, or sell your skills and services.  Have fun!.

Terence Seah

Appointment of SHC Match makers

Some of the 2005 members may remember that in 2005, we were looking for Match makers for the SilverHairsClub.   Unlike the typical roles of Match makers, the SHC Match Makers do not play the role of matching singles or male/female pairs.

Many of us join the SilverHairsClub to meet friends, and share our interests with other SilverHairs.  However, some of us are shy, or may not feel comfortable to share our interests with others.  This is where the role of SHC Match Makers come in.

A SHC Match Maker would usually know between 100 and 300 members.   Definitely someone who regularly participates on the website forum or during the monthly gatherings.  A key task would be to know each and everybody’s interest.

For example if you are in one of the groups, and would like to know there is someone who loves oil painting, the Match Maker may be able to help you.  If you are a fan of Korean movies, the Match Maker may be able to introduce you to another member who watches Korean movies from 8am to 8pm.

In August, some of you will be introduced to the Match Maker in your group.  We hope you will get to know him/her better, and that you will be able to find new friends with common interests.

Do continue to share your interests on this website.  You have to open up, so that others will know you.  The Match Makers can help you to some extent, but you have to make the first move.  Dont be shy.  

Terence Seah

Dennis Wee – Profile

I happened to come across this website through the eNN newsletter. Being ‘kaypoh’ I opened the website. I was surprised to see the amount of activities going on in the Silverhairs Club. I showed my wife the website. She too was thrilled.

We immediately applied to be members of the club and was accepted, beginning of this month (June).

My name is Dennis, age, 61 yrs old, semi-retired. My interests are listening to music, watching movies and sports channels, eating, travelling and of course meeting people.

I hope we can meet in the near future, probably in the next get-togther meeting.

All the best



Walk of the Month – July 2007

Dear SHC members, 

Let’s take a leisurely stroll back in time, to the era of the five kings and the golden age of 14th century Singapore

The Malay locals when they received Raffles pointed him to a hill called Bukit Larangan (Forbidden Hill).  Around 1860, the colonial government turned this hill into a fort.  From that time until the 1970s, Fort Canning was used as a military base – first by the British, the the Japanese and lastly by the Republic’s armed forces.

Fort Canning Park – I am sure many would know where it is but perhaps just like me, had visited it only to attend wedding receptions, events and concerts. 

For those who tarry to enjoy the peace and tranquility of the park, there is a lot to discover and much to behold.  There were many marvelous looking trees and interesting fauna. Majestic trees, a ‘heritage tree’ truly gnarled with age!  It is said that the park is not only a gathering place for birds but also a home and hunting ground to populations of squirrels, bats and lizards.

The Park has several main entrances/exits.  We shall attempt to cover the entire Park in about about 2 hours.

Date: 14th July 2007 (Saturday)


Place: Fort Canning Park


Start Time:  we start the walk at 4.30pm


Meeting point: Penang Road, Park Mall (near the Lift Lobby)

Getting there:  Best mode of transport is by MRT – Dhoby Ghaut Station. 

By bus – bus-stop opposite Park Mall (Penang Road is a 1-way traffic) 124, 162, 167, 171, 174, 175, 190, 502, 7, 14, 16, 36, 65, 77, 106, 111.  


My email:

Rain or shine, see you guys there.


Stay cool, Be cool! emoticon 


Concert at Zouk on 28 Jul 07

Hi Party Animals Lily & Susan

As part of the Singapore Heritage Festival 2007, there is a Concert at Zouk on 28 Jul 07, Sat, 8pm to 11pm. It is $12 a person, inclusive of GST and comes with one free drink. Tickets are available at various places. Check website for details.

Music industry veterans like Jive Talkin’, Max Surin, Vernon Cornelius and Matthew & The Mandarins will perform yesteryear’s music. It is hosted by Brian Richmond.

If you are organising or going, I would like to come along as I have not been to Zouk and the performers sound interesting.

Sorry if I sound imposing, but I think you are more familiar with this scene.  Thanks much!

Coming :-

1) Joy 2) Clara 3) Robert Quek 4) Kristy Quek 5) Ron Lai 6) Alice Lai 7) Jeffrey Fong 8] Maureen Tay 9) LH Jie 10) Tim Liu 11) Julie Guan 12) Nora Chia 13) Vincent 14) Steven Chan 15) Lin Tan 16) Eyvonne Chew 17) Josephine 18) Maria 19) Janet 20) Sam 21) Alice 22) Grace Kok 23) John Seah 24) Philip Ong 25) Anne Ng 26) Ann Lim 27) Kalah 28) Agnes Tan 29) Eleanor Chan and friends

Finding ways to take advantage of the internet

In the past, we rely on letters, postcards, meetings.  Today, we have the internet.  SHC promotes the use of the internet and email.  More than 99% of our members have email addresses.  But, many are not comfortable with using the internet for other purposes.  SHC has tried online webchats; but this has not been successful.  Well, let’s try again.

The benefits of SHC webchats:

  1. A great e-learning activity.
  2. Enables you to contact members from other parts of the world.
  3. Enables you to give small seminars to the SilverHairs, from your home.
  4. Enables you to teach your favourite subject, to the world.

I have just enabled the star-conference software, and if you have successfully downloaded this program on your computer, you will hear a radio program.  Successful users will be invited to participate in SHC webchats, participate in seminars and give talks and presentations.

Successful users, please let us know here.  Click here to start.

Terence Seah

Vacancy for an Operations Manager – Suzhou, China


A manufacturing company with plants in Seremban (Malaysia) and Suzhou (China) is looking for an experienced Operations Manager to manage their Suzhou operation.

The candidate must have at least 10 years experience as an Operations Manager in a senior position.  Related experience in their field will be an asset, but critical criterial will be Leadership and Managerial attributes.

Requirements  :

  • A background in Engineering (polymer, mechanical) or in the Sciences (chemistry, physics) will be required.
  • Bi-lingua (English & Mandarin) is a must.

The job covers a wide scope of :

  • Production
  • Planning
  • Engineering (product design and process)
  • Quality assurance
  • Facility maintenance
  • Warehousing
  • Logistics
  • Customer service
  • Cost management

Related technologies are  :

  • Forming of plastic sheet
  • Injection molding
  • Vacuum forming
  • Metal stamping

Scope of Manufacturing  :

  • They are thermally forming non-conductive and conductive tapes using various forming processes. 
  • The end product is a tape with pockets wound onto reels. 
  • The end users are customers in the semi-conductor, passive, discrete, crystal component business as well as manufacturers of metal stampings, precision injected moldings, zinc castings, connectors, and other metal, plastic and composite components.

If your qualification meets with the above requirements, please submit your full CV & resume directly to  :

Mr. Ronald Ho 


mobile:  +65-9759 6979

Skype ID:  ronho883

SHC Fishing kakis registration

This is just the beginning.  Nobody has step forward to say he/she is going fishing.  But, never mind,  let’s have a show of hands.  How many of you are interested in going fishing?  I mean catching fish in a pond, near the shore or deep sea.

Please raise your hands.  We should compile a list first.  Leaders or diehard fisherman, watch this list, and do volunteer to organise something for the group. 

Daniel Kang (Event Organiser)

“Setting up a cafe” meeting, 5 July 2007

I guess we can now take the next active approach towards setting up a cafe or a F&B joint.  To read what other SilverHairs had discussed, read about earlier discussion here.  If, after reading the discussion, and you have a strong interest in setting up a F&B joint, you can join the discussion.

Two SilverHairs Shirley Wong and Daniel Kang have positively indicated tremendous interest.  At the same time, we have Lily Ho, Margaret Cheo, and Andrew Yeung, with previous experience in F&B.  Rene, SB Khoo, Ronald Wi and June have expressed interests to participate.

  • Date:  Thur 5 July 2007.
  • Time:  1900 – 2100 hrs
  • Place:  Raffles MRT (exact place will be informed to participants).

Please note this meeting is not a discussion on the pros and cons of setting up a F&B joint.  The purpose of the meeting is to turn the ideas into fruit.

Terence Seah

SHC Website Membership Administrator

We have seen keen interests in SilverHairs participating in the SilverHairsClub website forum.   At the same time, the SilverHairsClub membership is expanding.  To participate in discussion on this website, SHC members need to register separately on the website.

We are looking for 2 SHC Website Membership Administrators, with the following loves.

  • Loves meeting new SilverHairs via email and in person at gatherings.
  • Has at least 30 minutes to spare each day on the SHC website.
  • Friendly, and can show a smile in an email, even though you may wish to knock that someone on the head with your shoe.
  • Has attended at least 2 monthly club gatherings.
  • Currently, not holding any SilverHairsClub positions.
  • Ensure confidentiality of database.
  • Two persons to manage Last name A-M and the other N-Z.
  • Term:  till end 2008.

The tasks:

  • To welcome newly registered members to the website forum.
  • To ensure that new members fill in the first and last name and a proper nickname.  This proper nickname appears on all Posts and Comments.
  • To manage passwords, for members who have lost their passwords.
  • To promote authority levels, as members meet the club’s discussion criteria.

Task excluded:

  • No responsibility for forum content in SHC website.

If you love to to volunteer for these two positions, please raise your hand.

** Update:  Both Oi Cheng and LH Jie are now SHC website membership administrators.  Register now, and they will be there to welcome you via your registered email.

Terence Seah

SHC logo

Reading keeps us uptodate. Books to share and exchange

All of us have books at home.  We have read them, and they are nicely left on the shelf.  It would be nice if we can borrow some of these books; equally nice, if we can lend others these books.

Books helps us to stay alive.  It refreshes the minds.

All SilverHairsClub members meet regularly, at monthly gatherings, walks, cycling, chats or parties.  We can exchange these books.  Remember to return though.  If you have a book that you like to lend someone, share the name of your book here.

Lending and borrowing books are also excellent ways to get to know one another better.

Terence Seah

Sing-along session (Sun, 24 June 2007). Changi Beach Club “Beach Lodge”

"Music moves the world …… the psychological properties of music like sound, vibrations and rythmn activate the body, mind and emotions…. it aids in the healing process too…. singing is fun, singing makes you feel younger and more free …."    

The polling day for the songs is closed. Now…. we are counting down the days to our sing-along session. Date :  24/06/07   Time : 1500 – 1900 hrsThank you for your enthusiam  shown and support to this event. It is an opportunity for us to relive the good old days! A note for those who have not sign up yet, stop hesitating !! Don’t miss the fun, joy and laughter ……. see u soon emoticon 

* Guitarist will be performing on the day. Do print a set of the song sheets and bring it on the day for ur own reference if needed  (with reference to my email ). 

* Please bring along your name tag … Participants without tag are requested to write their name on the sticker provided on the day. Upon arrival, kindly pay up your $7 to our member Bernadette (cashier) . (preference small notes) .  

* For participants with whatever reasons and wish to withdraw or couldn’t make it for the session, pls. drop me a note asap as i am making a headcount.

* Do click on (contact us) for further details on direction/tpt guide.

Your attention and co-operation is much needed and appreciated. Thanks.

          Fee    :  $7/pax

          F&B   :   Tea/Coffee

< Thank you for your participation /support !! >

<  You have made this a successful, wonderful, enjoyable, lovely sunday afternoon event  > :) cheers*

            ATTENDEES NAME LIST (49 PAX)

  •   Andrew Yeung –  (guitarist)
  •   Ann
  •   Annie loh 
  •   Anthony Lee
  •   Ann Lim 
  •   Alice Teo 
  •   Alice Goh
  •   Bernadette 
  •   Bessie Lam
  •   Chin Kim Sen / Michelle
  •   Eyvonne Chew 
  •   Eliza Chua 
  •   Gingko Tay 
  •   Gwyneth Lee
  •   Catherine Ho S C
  •   Ivy Low 
  •   Julie Guan 
  •   Janet
  •   Julie Tay 
  •   Jenny Lim 
  •   KC Lau 
  •   Kathy 
  •   Linda Chang 
  •   Lee Ah Nee
  •   Liu P H 
  •   Lynn Chua 
  •   LH Jie 
  •   Mary Tan
  •   Maria
  •   Mildred Tay
  •   Mania
  •   Nina Gan 
  •   Nora Chia / Vincent Yong (guitarist)
  •   Norlinda
  •   Oi Cheng 
  •   Peggy Ho
  •   Ronald Wi (guitarist)
  •   Robert / Kristy 
  •   Ron / Alice
  •   Steven Chan
  •   Joe Shenton 
  •   Sam Goh 
  •   Tim Liu
  •   Terence Seah
  •   Zariah
  •   < clara >

SHC Calendar of Events is up, at the top of website

Two months ago, Christina Chan suggested the issue of a diary of SilverHairsClub activities.  As more posts come up, events are pushed lower the forum listing.  This makes it difficult to find the events.

Dolly Lim and Yew Kwong have both volunteered to be SHC Calendar of Events managers.  If you are organising an activity for SilverHairsClub members, you may inform Dolly or Yew Kwong.  They will insert your activity into the Calendar of Events.   Thank you both for volunteering.

Note:  Non-SHC members, external organisations, external events, advertising or promotions not allowed.

Terence Seah

Blue Helmet – Business with a Heart

An opportunity appears on the horizon to be operated as a business with links to SHC and her members.

We are looking for people having managerial traits with skills and knowledge in finance, administration and computers to automate as many repetitive processes as possible.  Collectively, interested parties will work together as one Biz Unit – SOHO Team that will work out the business model.  Amongst yourselves, please appoint your business officers and be prepared to stand before the Select Committee to make the marketing pitch to clinch the deal.  We encourage as many teams as possible to come forward.  There is enough business for everyone.

Typical business model will be to run automated finance & administration services to customers who are resident with us in the same office or externally.  There are more that one can do for Company, which wants to outsource their backroom work to reliable third parties like SOHO.

The Biz Unit – SOHO Team will think through the service product, it’s pricing and the operational flow and control needed.

If you do need help, just let KT Wong or Edwin Ong know, and arrangements will be made to have that support provided.  Just post your request here.

* SOHO = Small Office / Home Office

for & on behalf of  :

Edwin Ong

Protem Team Leader

Fit to Die?

A Defence Executive Officer working in the SAF fainted and died after completing a run on a treadmill. Relatively fit and health concious people have been known to die during workouts.

Sad and frustrating especially if you exercise regularly. What’s gone wrong? What can we do to prevent it from happening.

Computer Data Back-up

Hi good people,

A gentle reminder …… remember to back-up …..all your data, passwords, email addresses etc etc.

I was lax in doing this, and boy was it frustrating, to say the least, for a computer illiterate like me.

Maybe Yew Kong or some computer buff SHCian could set up a help desk on this for people like me, who at our age, learnt what little we know thru’ trial and error. I had to start everything from scratch, even my Email address. Please take note.

Sure is hard trying to catch up with whats going on in SHC. ………….Regards………Jie

Kala Vathi – Profile

I am Kala and I am an Indian lady. I would love to join the silverclub and waiting to meet my new friends out there! My hobbies are making handicrafts (e.g. Chains & Earrings & Bracelets) out of Crystals and Beads. I am working in the Singapore Airforce for about 27 years. I love Japanese Food and love dancing alot.

Currently I am learning dancing at the Community Centres and enjoyed very much. I also love to keep fit and healthy.

Thats all about me for now.

Perth Wildflowers


Is anyone keen to join me on a tour to see wildflowers down in Western Australia? I’m particularly interested in a).

These wildflower tours can range from:a) a day tour on 18 Sep that costs AUD 55 per person b) 3D/2N from 7 – 9 Sep for AUD 588 pp or c) 4D/3N from 13-16 Sep for AUD 786. These are conducted by a local tour agency. I have joined a day crayfish tour a few months back and thoroughly enjoyed it and felt that it was good value for money.

You can also opt to do other things while you are in Perth either, free and easy on your own or with some help from me to arrange some activities for you. For those who think the b) and c) I’m also thinking of arranging one self-drive tour to save some costs. Let me know directly if you wish to join in.


SHC Concerts

Dear SHC Members,

I feel honored to be given this task of organizing SHC the concert. All this while, I have been toying with the idea of a big bang showcase of talents from within SHC and also the hiring of a large auditorium etc. It was just awhile ago that a little “tweety bird” flew by and whispered that we could start off first with mini concerts at old folk Homes. Thanks, little birdie!! The task suddenly became easier to fulfill!!

With this in mind, I am redressing my outlook and am now embarking on looking for artiste/s within our midst who would like to volunteer their time and services to come and start the ball rolling.

For ease of stage presentation, I would like to name this sub-group as… SHC Music & Dance Troupe. Sounds a little old, never mind lets just move along and see what happens next. Right now, the priority is to round up as many interested members as possible and we shall see how we could program an exciting showcase with whatever we have….mini bang!!

1. Dancers. I need all types, give me your names. Tell me what steps you know. E.g. Tango, Rhumba, Cha Cha, Fox etc. Do you have a partner for serious ball room dancing demonstrations or do you Line Dancing only…if so, can you do simple choreography? Square Dance/Country Style? Hawaiian Hula? Tell me more.

I need all types, give me your names. Tell me what steps you know. E.g. Tango, Rhumba, Cha Cha, Fox etc. Do you have a partner for serious ball room dancing demonstrations or do you Line Dancing only…if so, can you do simple choreography? Square Dance/Country Style? Hawaiian Hula? Tell me more.

2. Guitarists. Play solo/accompanist? What style? Pops, Classical, Jazz etc. Do you strum only, pluck? Solo on lead electric guitar? Comfortable on accoustics or electric guitar? Can you play the electric bass guitar or accoustic double bass? Familiar with Amps. Gadgets? Tell me more.

Play solo/accompanist? What style? Pops, Classical, Jazz etc. Do you strum only, pluck? Solo on lead electric guitar? Comfortable on accoustics or electric guitar? Can you play the electric bass guitar or accoustic double bass? Familiar with Amps. Gadgets? Tell me more.

3. Pianists. What style? Blues/Rock/Jazz or all Contemporary stuff or classical? Comfortable with electric piano? Familiar with Amps? Tell me more.

What style? Blues/Rock/Jazz or all Contemporary stuff or classical? Comfortable with electric piano? Familiar with Amps? Tell me more.

4.Keyboardists. Accompanying strictly on strings only or on full board gadgetry? Familiar with Amps?

Accompanying strictly on strings only or on full board gadgetry? Familiar with Amps?

Tell me more.

5. Drummers/ Persussionists. Playing full jazz set or congas, bongoes, timbali etc. electronic /drums pads? Others

Playing full jazz set or congas, bongoes, timbali etc. electronic /drums pads? Others

6. Singers. Languages? Mandarin/English/Malay? Dialects Hokkien/Cantonese?? Others. Comfortable with live music accompaniment? Tell me more.

Languages? Mandarin/English/Malay? Dialects Hokkien/Cantonese?? Others. Comfortable with live music accompaniment? Tell me more.

7. PA Technicians. Familiar with modern roadie works. Set-up mobile sound systems and disengaging.

Familiar with modern roadie works. Set-up mobile sound systems and disengaging.

8. MCs /Comperes. Road Show experience? Languages? Knowledge of Microphones? Tell me more.

Road Show experience? Languages? Knowledge of Microphones? Tell me more.

9. Transport / Co-Ordinators Some relevant experience in road shows.

Some relevant experience in road shows.

10. Others

For the interim, I would like to have Ron(Allrounder) and Clara as my firm left and right hand front line buddies for this entire exercise. However, should they decide to abandon me, for some reasons or other. I will bear no grudges but will not accept it till a blue moon appears!

So let’s go, drop me a note on this thread, I will be happy to hear from you, Cheers!

Regards, God Bless,

Edwin Chen

You can change the photo at the top of this website

Have a look at the photo at the top of the SilverHairsClub website.  Don’t you think it needs a change?  Instead of me taking the photograph, how about you making use of your telephone camera, and emailing me the digital photo.  If we receive more than one photo, we shall have a vote.

Let your fingers follow your heart.

Terence Seah

When do most SilverHairs visit the SHC website?

Here are some statistics.  Most members start to visit the SHC website at 0800 hrs and 2300 hrs each day.  Usually, the lowest peak period is 1700 hrs.  Maybe, this is because many SilverHairs are still working.  See the trends here.

You are encouraged to share your interests with other SilverHairs.  We want to hear from you.  I see there are interests to discuss investments, health and business issues.  These topics are encouraged.  If your Posts or Comments are not published or deleted, you may email the administrator to enquire.  We will get you a reply within 48 hours.

Here are some reasons why your Posts or Comments may not be published.

  • Some key words are objectional.  Note the club’s taboos.
  • Any reference to external websites, names, addresses or telephone numbers.  Promoting any external organisation without administrator’s approval.
  • Automatic Posting authority may be granted to those who have posted at least 3 Posts.
  • Comments authority is granted to all members.
  • For jokes, and information only articles, please  use Non-SHC stories, jokes, info   under Pages.
  • And, if you write a Post, without a category, chances are your Posts will be held back.
  • Other than SHC activities, any Post over 15 lines may be delayed.  Please keep within the 15  line text box.  No limit on comments

As a new feature, we have added "Latest Posts" and "Latest Comments" for your convenience.  This is at the very top of the website.

Have fun.

SHC logo

Property Investment for financial freedom

Anybody like to group to invest in properties on a TIC basis? (Tenant-in-Common). You can also share your traumatic experience if you have a recent en-bloc. Like what to do with too much money.

One enbloc can set you free. Put back $300 to 400 K in a beautiful spacious HDB flat say in Punggol and the remaining million plus into annnuity for $60Kpa will set you free for life. Your only problem left is how to live beyond 85 and beat the house odds.

We call this "HomeRun". The final stretch. Hee-hee.

Financial planning for a life of leisure

I am revamping this thread.

Many people are not even aware of the basic options out there. How can they creatively structure their finances?

Let’s scan the opportunities together. If you find some interesting program, post it here and share. Keep it short and in summary. Provide links to details. Declare if you are a vendor or have commercial interest. We can still learn from you but we would like to know where you are coming from.

(Disclaimer : Unless otherwise declared, I have no commercial interest in things discussed in this thread. )